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; ·~Ac . ·
1450RPM, inn er and
F pump delive
outer dia t
rs 1800 I agarns
• ·
t a total head of 20m. Its speed is
. . n & d 1· .me .ers of the im pe11 er are 120 mm & 240 mm respectively &
angles~ & ~
diameter 0f suctio
both 1~ mm .Determine the blade
ifthewaterentersradiall e :e1yp1pde are 1 2
e the pump.
~ . · . y. so fiu tl~e powerrequirecl to driv
[94,KA.Uni.,Mar. 99,KUJ
= ~ ~ \io o ~h 1 .s j
~ -=- t~ooy1~ m ~ 0. 03 irJ,/.5 Di-::: /?-<>mm:: c,, {!l ~
- -- Do:= ;Llf-Ornm =- O· J1 /~
t{ : ~Ol 'Y) e,ls-;- , ~ rn >r> ~ c, • 1.2. In
N' .-= !4 5'o RPM 0

'b ~ WeA~ ~ a ), ~ ~- ::- ~o

~,{ ~ 1 Vu,-::- o

() .1-?"V I

U,-=- TT.Di N _ 1T Co •1'-) r r t.ts-o

60 60 -=<::9-::::
tr~ 5

(t>·;..0 K /e&
cJJ:::: TI~N = IT -; ;- -~
. . 0 v -- -- Cv
I u :J
~ I

~ c5( ' 65
IPo~ r~ ?~0 11
.AM~ <4 C\M.r I ;- V'+1 -::- l~X '0'0 3fq •~l ~i:
u;- 1•1-1

::- ~-8'i' PW
~ l 6~~1 0 (

I •• _
* _g
I •
u- ,u
E dicimctcr 30 cm & a constant area of
xample 8.3 : A centrifugal pump Jrns its impeller
delivers 90 LPS against a head of2 5 m. If
flow 210 cm • The pump runs at 1440 RPM &
in pressure bead across the impeller and
there is no whirl velocity at entry, com pule the rise
re bent back at22° w.r.ttangential speed.
hydraulic efficiency of pump. The vanes at exitn
I DoJ-o. '. D::: 30C M ,0· 3m ,1 A..f ~J10GtN19- ~2.),_ ~ N'~ lt.rlfo¥foYJ
~ 8).10 K'U_O 9-, • ~~ 90 Lt+~3
-- 1
q o X(b ~l s
-= cQ{O ?('( D'-f rn
. ,;::
t--1:: J.-.S~ ~

. 8~ A-f \f-t 'y

~, qot r,i;3 =J( O'( (~ r:-W
V{ == Jt· ~g _m[~ .
'1r1 ~ ~~i

x~ (o·S'r hil s.

" Yu,. :=. J:2, CJ - (o, f>9

1H e- ~ ~ ; ;; :.J
11 W c ~
CJ o · I , / .

~ iV\, a~ ~ o r 'l LI h: E "' U2. v..,.,__ •

A ir ~ Ar=- f{ u,_Vu.._)
1!£P~f · h] JJ. ::: low
c~~. 61 y lJ· °J)

~ Ah =f = -;. ~--;f frtt/1~

4 P. ~ J~ 1-f baq
VI..A l tJ \ ' 1_i.--- \

~\~mp\e12 •4-:l A CF pump has an impeller di a.meter of25crn and width of7.5cm at exit. It
e ivers 0 ht/s of water against a head of24 111 at 1440 RPM. Assuming the vane blocks

I theareaof.ilowbyS¾andahydrau\icefficiency of 0.85,cstimate the vane angle at exit.

Also calculate the·forque exerted on the driving shan if · the 1nechanical efficiency is
\ 95%.

D •es =
lg. & y Vu'J-..
I ~ 14<1-ol , ,.
\ rt/..,__ - -=---:::-- n, L.::)

+aM /°>- = ;>-

~~ '=- ~1-!e O'

Ot. I
~ pcq (0iYt),J_) 1-e"\J ~
Lm Sp I ~Q ;)'~
6 -~5 -;_
l ITTfO X'flo rt~ (_{ ~·~9 r I~, 1'0})
sp ~3> '--½
0 •XS-yo, qS- =- I t5l1> ~ l !2..-0 rt o y 9 •g I .x-
. Sf
Sf';: 24,Cf.'i¥l~""~n-
-= s.,.__
Sp -;:_ 2>~ •q~~ Widi
✓ . rges 0. l 5 m3/s of
Example 8.7 : A CF \mmp _d1scha .
water against a head of 12.5 m, the
speed of the impeller being 600 RPM. The ot1ter and inner diameter of the impeller are
cmand20 cm respectively and.the vanes.are bent back at 35° to the tangential at the exit.
thearea.offtowremains 0.97 m2 fi~m inletto outlet, calcula·~e (I) Manometric efficien~~
the -pump (ii) Vane angle at inlet & (iii) Loss of head :it inlet to the impeller when
discha!ge is reduc.ed by 40% without changing the speed. [Aug. 93, MYS]

, V<fJ
_..__.__ v ~ ·:i O
u, ~ rrPr: ~ u., ~:
-= 6- .'.2.$t"YJ 1~
u,._,:; t~N - _ l5•:f ml.5

s~cAf-tr. [ c=1
~HS: : 1.~or~'F '£(
Vt :. ~. It/ rnlS --::\l..f,;:_V4'2-

(J ) 'l'\...,.; ~-U c: ju: V¼.-

txam~\e 8.9
~- 'The-"10llowing
· datarefers ·to aCF pump:-
-~umpbcing smgle stage radial bladed. · .·
~~-pe\ler :diameter =120 1n1n (ii) Discharge gauge reading =t5 bar (iii)Suction gauge
te~d1n.g= 150mm ofHg below atmosphere (iv) RPM= 1440· (v) Flow rate= 240 lit/min,
~v1Wowerreq_uired = l kvV (vii)Impelle.E_:vicllb at tip= 1Omm. ·
rmo.tb.e·overaltefficiency and specific speed. [Aug. 89, Mar.1994, KU]
- - -n - ~ •-

5 { 9-
l · 5;eco N M

Ht<) ~ r&- r''

- l5 -JC/ - (- a),oi)
-;:. r"-4· 2] m

f6lc] t;rn ;; _l_6lrD_K'_CC-f_,_~_; , g_J_1_1-:J_·_2 3_+-RWtr

___ -~---r:__~.
- 6i -r
~v -

- y
tJtp ~ -
,~lf() V4tt~ 3
H~/4 IO· ';J ;2._
U'J ·33)~1<., ::,
=<2 ⇒.
~ .. ~ .
Example 8.12:.:: A _CF pump having outer diameter equal to 2 ti1~es the i1mer diameter
ano. running at 1000 RPM, w.orking under a head of30 m. The velocity of flow through
the impeller is constant and equal to 2.5 mis. The vanes are set back at an angle of 40° at the
. outlet. If the outer diameter = SO cm and width at outlet= 5 cm, calculate: (i) Vane angle
attbe inlet (ii) Work done by the impeller on water/second and (iii) Manometric efficiency.
[Sept 88, MYS)
.!)3_,: ~.
N-== l0-0-0 P-f h) CD t,~---?
h)-::-- -~
H,-;;::: ~o 4)
\J,.f=J •DD"l l( ~ V-f/i '4- ~
p~-;. Lp,o
D~ ::-5DCM ~ 0 ·5°t']f)
~i r;.-§C.. IVl :::. 0-0'.l;l'Y,}

l3· 091() 1.5

&6- r-im<.s
s;;; =.

Cf) P, ==- fo•<zs !. 1f.O

® , t ' ~ Ah,,_ E:> tv " ~ ,__ :£ 4 f"'-1
" ~ '=- 0 9- r-)('
'f' :=- ~. CJi- :f\ l>
Vta_:::: u.._. . )(' r.= ~3~mls.
fv ~ u.,_v~ r- Go~3~1f~
1M~ 8f1-
4 ~-c., ~ +
, \ I ' \ I .,
• \' J ,\ \ • \

~}}'·Example 8.16:t.. A CFPurnphandlingwaterhasback.wardcur~edvanes. TJieimpeJ!er!J2_ •

1/ diameter is 0.5 n;t. The tip·ailgle is 45°. If the radial vclo6ity of flow at\ he exit is 15 mis, the
flow at inlet is radial and the total-to-total efficiency of the impeller is 0. 7 when the liead' the hnpeller is 68 m. Find (i) The speed of the rotQT in RPM. (ii) The '.
manometric head assuming that 50% ofK.E. at the impeller exit is wasted and loss ofhead
in the impeller fa 5m arid (iii) The lowest speed to stnrt the pump, ·ifU1=½U • 1

UJc rt~
~~ E~ J--fM. ~~ ]q-l1 - IS-

€l> t !±f'rid r ~ ~4,t 3.;/-

--- >
A. l$
t~ m--;_ ~ •

~~~ f-s-; + s-::J


I ' \

01 ~ ¼u;...

l!d' ~t ~ ~ ✓
~ r2- -=-.t;o
.1),;: ~
~, )·S'
j)( ~ <!
"2 () . lb- h-)

Example 8.17 :- A 3 stage pump has imp~l-1~~40 cm in diameter and 2 cm width at outlet;
The vanes are curved back at ai10le of 45° with tangential direction and reduced th~w
circumferential area by 10%. The n~anometric efficiency is 90°/c) and the overall efficiency..
is 80%. Find the head generated by the pump when running at 1000 RPM and •delivering~·
50 lit/s. What should be the shaft power? . ·:

/ov~ ~
l 61f')Y~ --,cto 'f9 )t /
~ ~3::: ,c{~

__. Sf
5'f -€€• ~ t ~~,_

I l--1 M ~ -,21; . ~
'{(-kt W ~ 3£et".:f
' w ith a im pe ller di am eJer of. JQ cm rotales !
n gt; stage centrifugal pump ,
Exa m ple 8.18:- Asi
oD O m w ith a rn an om etnc efficiency of75%l .
/s water to a height . ·
at2000rpmand11fts 3 m. ~tage pump t~ l!ft 5mIs
ch im pe lle r of a m
and diameter of ea [Aug.94;KU] .
Finci the number of stages whenrotatingat-1500rpm. · '.,,, · •
ofwatertoa heightof20 .
Mr<lfi 1.S ~"5 <-
en -;_ ~
J):: 1
Q:: Stif ~

5 -
- 3

o· 3 'J 10 rn

:l I T T J O ~

I I'
.., --

~ .:- An axial fl ow pu ']JP is reqt1 ired to discharge _l.25 m'/s of water while
at 500 RPM";' the IotaI head is 3.9 m. If the speed ratio is 2.3, flow ratio " 0.51,
h~<lian\ic efficiency" 0.87 and the overi\l pump efficiency is 0.82, find (i) The power
·. delivered\o the water and the power input, (ii) The impeI\er hub diameter and tip diameter
(iii)theinlet and outletblade angles for Ilic rotor and Ihe diffuserinlet blade angle.

I ur' · . .
DJ." CJp_
. .
l---7 ~r.J {~ aj
[Aug. 93, MYS, May 96, KU]

S" I,,19,,s /.s HJ

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