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Assignment for Philosophy of Science and Ethics

NB: This is a group assignment and the group should not have more than 5 members.

Word Limit: 800-1000 words(for each question)

1. Discuss Karl Popper's view on deduction, falsificationism, and the demarcation problem in the
philosophy of science. How does Popper propose that science distinguishes itself from non-
science and pseudo-science? Provide examples to illustrate your arguments.
2. Explain David Hume's view on the problem of induction and its implications for our
understanding of scientific reasoning. How does Hume challenge the reliability of inductive
reasoning and the assumption of the uniformity of nature? Discuss the significance of Hume's
argument and its impact on the philosophy of science. Provide examples to support your
arguments and critically evaluate Hume's position.
3. Discuss Thomas Kuhn's view on the scientific revolution and its implications for our
understanding of scientific progress. How does Kuhn challenge the traditional notion of scientific
progress as a linear accumulation of knowledge? Explain the concept of paradigm shifts and
their role in scientific revolutions according to Kuhn. Provide examples to support your
arguments and critically evaluate Kuhn's perspective on scientific revolutions.

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