200level Security Assignment

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MATRIC NO: 19/0019





1. Business policy and goals: Business policies are an important tool to ensure that the
business operates at maximum efficiency. Written in these policies is the blueprint for the
whole organization's expected behaviour, role, and reporting. Properly defined and explained
business policies can result in smoother operations, because everyone understands their
own responsibilities and how to deal with the many problems and issues that occur in a
workday. Poorly defined business policy, on the other hand, can result in confusion and
productivity losses.

2. Organizational structures: The structure of an organization sets the hierarchy for

responsibility and creates the various levels of communication within an organization. The
manner in which a organizational structure is set up and administered can have a direct
effect on company productivity. If your organizational structure is not set up properly,
information is not able to travel where it is needed. If the middle management team does not
have effective channels of communication with the executive team, important company
information could take days before it reaches the entire staff.

3. Decision making: Decision making makes a huge impact on an organization. It can either
propel it forward and into success. Or it can destroy the company's value. The worst thing
that a leader can do is to not make a decision.

4. Nature of activities and Technology: Modern environmental technology has enabled us

to capture this naturally occurring energy and convert it into electricity or useful heat through
devices such as solar panels, wind and water turbines, which reflects a highly positive impact
of technology on the environment.

5. Resources: Raw material extraction and processing always impact on the environment,
resulting as they do in soil degradation, water shortages, biodiversity loss, damage to
ecosystem functions and global warming exacerbation. Natural resources, both renewable
and non-renewable, and ecosystem services are a part of the real wealth of nations. They
are the natural capital out of which other forms of capital are made. They contribute towards
fiscal revenue, income, and poverty reduction.

6. Organizational History: Management & Organizational History is a quarterly, peer-

reviewed journal which aims to publish high quality, original, academic research concerning
historical approaches to the study of management, organizations and organizing. The journal
addresses issues from all areas of management, organization studies, and related fields.

7. Power relations and politics: Organizations provide a power base for individuals. From a
purely economic standpoint, organizations exist to create a surplus of income over costs by
meeting needs in the marketplace. But organizations also are political structures which
provide opportunities for people to develop careers and therefore provide platforms for the
expression of individual interests and motives.

8. Risk perception: Risk perception is an essential factor affecting how individuals evaluate
risk, make decisions and behave.

9. Motivation and meaning of success: Motivation builds determination to achieve

something, like losing weight or securing a new job, and when you succeed, you feel happy
with your results. So, if you continue to motivate yourself and set and achieve new goals,
you'll generally feel happier than you did before.

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