Ce2 - Uhvm - 05-20-029 - Utpal Ojha

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CE - 2

Case Studies of UHVM

Submitted by

Name Enrol No
Utpal Ojha 05-20-029

Submitted to: Dr. Prashant Parekh

Batch 2020 – 22
Case study 1

A manufacturing company provides jobs for many people in a small town where
employment is not easy to find. The company has stayed in the town even though it
could find cheaper workers elsewhere, because workers are loyal to the company due to
the jobs it provides. Over the years, the company has developed a reputation in the
town for taking care of its employees and being a responsible corporate citizen. The
manufacturing process used by the company produces a by-product that for years has
flown into the town river. The by-product has been considered harmless but some
people who live near the river have reported illnesses. The by-product does not
currently violate any anti-pollution laws. What are the issues of integrity, ethics and law
posed in the case study? What options does the company have, and what should it do
and why?

Ans1. Since the company did not commit any illegal acts and violated any law, this matter is
not legally binding. Although the company provides services in small towns where it is
difficult to find employment where the loyalty of employees is due to a lack of employment,
which has caused the company’s good reputation and has become a concern for its integrity.
The company has no right to pollute the environment with the city river, even the company
has not done anything illegal and has not violated the law because the product produced was
freely released from the river as it was considered safe, its production is very harmful. The
lives of city dwellers in particular, those living near the river. According to environmental
law, it is a serious crime to dump contaminated fish into the river, as few people living near
the river have ever reported that the disease could be serious to humans and aquatic animals
which could lead to pollution. So to maintain this, the company must first inform all people
living near the river about the product they produce in the safe river and then transport the
people along the river. After that, they have to find another way to dispose of their freshly
made product.

Case Study 2
A woman died recently, after a short, unhappy life. She wanted her ashes to be
scattered in the ocean near a place she lived during one of the brief happy times of her
adult life. Her parents and immediate family had already passed away, so she discussed
her wishes with her mother-in-law, who said she would comply with her daughter-in-
law's wishes. In her will, the woman gave control of her estate to the mother-in-law. The
will stated that the woman's ashes should be scattered in the ocean, as described above.
Instead, her mother-in-law buried the ashes in a family plot near her home, because she
wanted to keep the ashes close to her because of her own grief.
Assume that the mother-in-law is legally required to follow the wishes stated in the will,
but that no one will check and it is very unlikely that the mother-in-law will have any
problem with the law. What are the issues of integrity, ethics and law posed in the case
study? What options does the mother-in-law have, and what should she do and why?

Ans2: In this study, we see that the mother-in-law's behaviour is not that of her late daughter-
in-law. This case indicates that the mother-in-law's character is lacking. That his late
daughter-in-law wanted to scatter the ashes in the sea, if she still has fond memories of her
life that is why she has faith in her mother-in-law that she will fulfil her last wish but her
mother-in-law. -law. He did not perform the ritual that the bride wanted as her last wish but
the mother-in-law did not have the character and feelings to fulfil her last wish for her
daughter-in-law. And by doing these things shows that in this case, the mother-in-law is
doing something that is not in line with the behaviour of the deceased bride.

Integrity based on trust and emotion is at stake. If the promise is not fulfilled, it is a breach of
trust between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law.

The deceased's will must be completed whether you are sympathetic to the person, or will be
sued in court for failure to comply with the will.

Here are some ways in which the mother-in-law is found: Fill the ashes with the family
structure: In this way, she felt that her daughter-in-law was close to her but in so doing, she
had broken her law against behaviour.

Scatter the ashes in the sea: If the mother-in-law makes this choice, legal and moral
significance will remain, but will she feel distant from her beloved daughter-in-law?

Save half of his ashes and scatter them in the sea: In this way, he keeps part of his daughter-
in-law from him and completes his part of the contract. He is no longer legally bound or
morally bound.

Case study 3
An undergraduate course required for graduation has a reputation for being extremely
hard to pass, much harder than similar courses. When posting materials to the class
website, the teacher accidentally posts a test with answers indicated at the end. The
teacher notices the error immediately and deletes the test, but before she does so a
student downloads the test. The website does not allow the teacher to see whether the
test was downloaded and because she deleted the test with the answers so quickly, the
teacher later uploaded the same test without the answers and required students to take
the test. The Student Code of Ethics prohibits students from taking a test when there is
a reason for them to believe they have confidential information regarding the answers
to a test they are not supposed to have. Violations of the Student Code of Ethics are
punishable. What are the issues of integrity, ethics, and law posed in the case study?
What options do the teacher and the student have, and what should they do and why?

Ans3: In the given case, the Student Code of Conduct is checked. It speaks of a student's
behaviour, where he is at a crossroads where he can break the law and cheat on a test,
violating the integrity of the student code, thus putting himself at risk of punishment. The
legal consequences are very simple. The broken code will lead to punishment and further
action against the student because the code of conduct is considered the most important thing.
The student may have chosen to be morally wrong, but in his case, he did his best to pass the
tests successfully. Currently, the teacher can cancel every student's test or report the error to
the authorities. This may result in disciplinary action being taken against the teacher, but
cheating will be removed from the student's hands. Even a teacher can be silent, watching
what is happening. The decision will always be in the student's hands and he will face the
consequences of his actions. This will test the learner's character but the identity of the
teacher will be questioned. As qualified teachers, they should lead their students in the right
direction. On the other hand, a student may choose to cheat on a test to get the best out of his
or her exam and to pass the test successfully on time, even if that means breaking the moral
code, or a student may have rational, logical reasoning so as not to duplicate the answers
included in the test tests. The reason may be that they may act out of fear of losing their
integrity or of their conscience.

Case study 4
A woman is sexually harassed by a top-level senior executive in a large company. She
sues the company, and during settlement discussions, she is offered an extremely large
monetary settlement. In the agreement, the woman is required to confirm that the
executive did nothing wrong, and after the agreement is signed the woman is prohibited
from discussing anything about the incident publicly. Before the date scheduled to sign
the settlement agreement, the woman' s lawyer mentions that she has heard the
executive has done this before, and the settlement amount is very large because the
company probably had a legal obligation to dismiss the executive previously. The
company however wants to keep the executive because he is a big money maker for the
company. What are the issues of integrity, ethics, and law posed in the case study?
What options does the woman have, and what should she do and why?

Ans4: A matter of integrity as we see that the chief executive used his position to harass one
of his junior students. This is an abuse of position and authority given to him by a company.
And the company pays a woman to buy her peace which is an illegal practice itself. And
lastly, the abuse is enough to justify the imprisonment of a senior official. Women can be
silent and take financial compensation for their emotional and physical grievances. But as this
will lead to the Supreme Court harassing other women in the future, this poses a serious
question to a woman's moral integrity. As a woman and a victim, it is her moral responsibility
to prevent crimes that have been committed from happening again. So one way is to refuse
compensation and continue the case and send the chief officer to prison.

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