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2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012090 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012090

Analysis of household food security based on the share of food

expenditure in central Sulawesi Indonesia

Y Kalaba1, Wildani Pingkan S H1, Erny 1, L Damayanti1, A Akrab1, R Yusuf1, M F

Nurdin1 and J Y Walalangi2
Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia
Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries, Tadulako University, Central Sulawesi,


Abstract. The share of food expenditure describes how the level of household welfare in meeting
food needs. The study aims to determine household food security in the province of Central Sulawesi,
Indonesia. This research was carried out in Banggai Laut Regency, Sulawesi Province by focusing
on two regional conditions, namely in the mainland area with the sample area in Banggai Tengah
District as the point of the mainland area and the island area, where Bangkurung District as the point
of the archipelago. The sample of this research is the population who live in Bangkurung sub-district
totaling 44 respondents and 44 respondents residing in the Banggai Tengah sub-district, which is
carried out using a purposive sampling approach. To answer the research objectives, an analytical
survey method was used, using a cross sectional study design. Food Expenditure Share Analysis
shows that respondents in Banggai Laut Regency belong to the category of food insecurity

1. Introduction
Measuring food security is used by many indicators, one of which is the share of food expenditure which
describes the welfare of households in meeting the food needs of Ilham and Sinaga (2007) [1]. With this
approach, one of the indicators of the share of food expenditure is measured using relatively easy figures to
obtain and interpret, objectivity and response to changes caused by changes in policy conditions,
development programs and the economy. Furthermore, Praza and Shamadiya (2020) [2], stated that the
portion of food expenditure share and household food security has a relationship even though the
relationship or influence that occurs is inversely related to food security. This means that the greater the
value of the share of food expenditure, the lower the value of the resilience of the household concerned. The
purpose of this study is to determine the food security of households in Bangai Laut Regency.
Measuring food security is used by many indicators, one of which is the share of food expenditure which
describes the welfare of households in meeting the food needs of Ilham and Sinaga (2007) [1]. With this

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2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012090 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012090

approach, one of the indicators of the share of food expenditure is measured using relatively easy figures to
obtain and interpret, objectivity and response to changes caused by changes in policy conditions,
development programs and the economy. Furthermore, Praza and Shamadiya (2020) [2], stated that the
portion of food expenditure share and household food security has a relationship even though the
relationship or influence that occurs is inversely related to food security. This means that the greater the
value of the share of food expenditure, the lower the value of the resilience of the household concerned. The
purpose of this study is to determine the food security of households in Bangai Laut Regency.

2. Research methodology
The descriptive approach used in this study is to provide a picture of reality according to what it is, with the
intention of knowing the relationship about food security available in their respective households in Banggai
Laut Regency, Central Sulawesi.
The research samples were taken from two areas that representatively represented Bangan Laut
Regency, namely, District Bangkurung as a sample of island sample points with as many as 44 respondents
and Banggai Tengah District as a land sample point with as many as 44 respondents.
Answering the objectives of the study to measure the level of household food security, the Food
Expenditure Share (PPP) approach proposed by Ilham and Sinaga (2007) [1] and the food security index
were used as follows:


= share of food expenditure (%)
= expenditure on food shopping (Rp/year)
= total household expenses (Rp / year)

The criteria for food-safe households is when the value of the share of food expenditure is less than
60%. On the other hand, if the value of the share of food distribution is more than or equal to 60%, then the
farmer household is included in the food security group.

3. Results and discussions

3.1. Characteristic respondents

3.1.1. Age. One of them is influenced by age. The more a person ages, the more productivity of a person
will also increase until the condition, of course the age of age will actually reduce one's productivity.
According to BPS 2010 [3] the life of productivity ranges from 15 to 65 years.

Table 1. Average age of family members in households respondents in Banggai laut regency at two
sample locations the year 2018.
No Description Average (year)
1 Husband 35
2 Wife 29
3 Son 16
4 Daughter 8
Source: Primary Data Processing, 2018.

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012090 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012090

Table 1 shows that the average age of respondents classified as productive ranges from 15-65 years.
The head of the household is the main key in a household. If the head of the household has a productive age
will greatly affect the productivity in the household to produce something, this can be seen from the head
of the family generate income to meet the needs of his household.
3.1.2. Respondent's education level. The level of educators can be used as one of the indicators to determine
the welfare of the population, where a high level of education can form skilled and productive humans so
as to accelerate the improvement of population welfare. Based on the results of the study, it is known that
the average level of education of housewives is the end of an elementary school in the archipelago area,
which is as much as 65.1%, while the rest of the junior high school graduation in the mainland area is 34.9%.
This greatly affects the level of household consumption and has an effect on the decision-making of food
consumption in terms of serving foodstuffs and regulating food patterns in households. The higher the
education of a housewife, the higher the ability of housewives to process foodstuffs to meet household
consumption needs.

3.1.3. Number of household members. The number of dependents of household members is a characteristic
related to increasing income, including household food expenditure and consumption, the more household
members, the greater the expenditure [4]. Based on the results of research in Banggai Laut Regency
conducted at two points can be seen in table 2 as follows :

Table 2. A number of House Members in Banggai Laut Regency at two points of sample location, the
year 2018.
No Household Sum Percentage (%)
1 1-2 7 8.00
2 3-4 70 79.5
3 5-6 11 12.5
Total 88 100
Source: Primary Data Processing, 2018.
Table 2 explains that the number of household members ranges from 3-4 people, namely (79.5%), while
the rest ranges from 5-6 people (12.5%) and 1-2 people (8%). The more household members, the greater
the household's expenditure on energy needs and the share of food expenditure.

3.1.4. Household income. Household income is the income obtained from all household members who
work, both the head of the household, wife, children and other families who live in one house accumulated
in one month. Here is a table of the average income of respondents in Banggai Laut Regency at two sample
location points, the year 2018.

Table 3. Average household income of respondents in Banggai Regency at two sample points, 2018.
No Source of Income Income Percentage (%)
1 Farming 3,750,000,- 95.6
Garden 1,000,000,-
Yards 250,000,-
Fisherman 2,500,000-
2 Non-Farm 175,000,- 4.4
Total 3,925,000,- 100
Source: Primary Data Processing, 2018.

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012090 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012090

Table 3 shows that 95.6% of household income comes from gardens (coconuts), yards (vegetables) and
fishermen (sea fish), which amounts to Rp.3,925,000-/month. At the land sample point, the average income
gain comes from gardens, yards and non-farm crops (kiosks), while for the island sample point, the average
income gain comes from going to sea, namely as a fisherman with an average income of Rp. 2,500,000, -
/mo. This acquisition is obtained from the results as a fishing fish catch with a per day gain of about 10
cucuk equivalents to 1kg of fresh fish at a price of Rp. 20,000,-/cucuk (1kg) x 10 grandchildren so that the
receipt obtained is Rp. 4,000,000,-/cucuk, if it costs sea of Rp.1,500,000/month, then the income earned is
Rp. 2,500,000/mo (for 20 days). This income gain is still relatively low because with an income of Rp.
3,925,000,-/month, if divided per day, it will be earned income per day of Rp. 130,833,-/day.
Low income will greatly affect the level of consumption of both food and non-household food. But high
income is not a guarantee that the household gets high nutrition obtained from the level of energy
consumption obtained from foodstuffs. Basically, high income causes households to tend to spend on non-
food consumption such as health costs, electricity, telephone pulses and education costs. This causes
households to reduce spending on household food consumption.

3.1.5. Household expenditures. Household expenditures in the research area issued are divided into two,
namely food expenditure and non-food expenditure. Food expenditures incurred by households at the two
sample points consisted of rice, corn, vegetables, fish, coffee, tea and cigarettes, where food expenditures
were calculated in average expenditures per month, while non-food expenditures consisted of electricity,
gasoline, telephone pulses, health costs and education costs where the average non-food spending was
calculated in the average expenditure per month. Total food consumption expenditure of Rp. 1,429,000,-
/month or with a proportion of expenditure of 60% per month of household expenditure is allocated to buy
food while the remaining Rp. 920,000,-/month is used for non-food expenditures or with a proportion of
40% per month as follows.

Table 4. Household expenditure and proportion of household expenditure in Banggai Laut Regency on
two point Sample, 2018
No Types of Expenses Rp/Moon Proportion (%) Category
1 Food Consumption 1,429,000,- 60 Tall
Rice 480,000,-
Fish 300,000,-
Vegetable mayur 40,000,-
Yam 20,000,-
Egg 30,000,-
Cigarette 510,000,-
Cooking oil 29,000,-
Kitchen Spices 10,000,-
Coffee 5,000,-
Tea 5,000,-
2 Non-Food 920,000,- 40 Low
Electricity Costs 50,000,-
Phone/Credit Fee 50,000,-
Cost of Education 500,000,-
Kerosene 60,000,-
Health 100,000,-
Petrol 160,000,-
Source: Processed Primary Data, 2018.

Table 4 shows that the proportion of food expenditure is higher than non-food expenditure than total
food expenditure. The large proportion of food expenditure shows that the level of welfare of the people in

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012090 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012090

the research area is relatively unsustainable. The welfare of the population greatly affects the access of the
household economy to food so it also affects the quantity and quality of food consumed.
3.2. Household food security based on share of food expenditure
The share of food expenditure is one of the indicators of food security, the greater the share of food
distribution for food means that food security is reduced. The higher the welfare of the people of a country
the share of food expenditure of the population is smaller, and vice versa. Low family income will have an
impact on the reduced opportunity to get food of good quality. The high income of a household means that
the greater the level of accessibility in getting good food. Low income will result in poor food conditions in
households. If there are poor households, food expenditure will be greater than non-food expenditure so
this will affect the fulfillment of nutrition in determining household food security.
The results of the analysis of 44 household samples in the study in Bangkurung Subdistrict which is an
archipelago area with a total of 3 (three) selected villages consisting of Lantibung, Kanari and Lalong
villages, are known to be the number of expenditure share obtained as many as 24 (twenty-four) household
samples by having an expenditure share level above >60%, with details of Lantibung Village from 15
selected household samples known to have 14 (fourteen) household samples. Which has a high share of
expenditures against food resistance. Kanari Village from 14 selected household samples, is known to have
8 (eight) households that have a high production share of food-resistant teaadap. Lalong Village from 15
selected household samples is known to have 2 (two) households that have a high share of expenditure on
food resistance.
The results of the analysis of the mainland sample, namely Banggai Tengah District, selected sample
numbers as many as 44 household samples with a number of villages as many as 3 (three) selected villages
consisting of Adean, Badumpayan, and Tintingo villages. Based on figures 4, 5, and 6 known Adean villages
from the number of selected household samples, there are known to be 3 (three) households that have food
security, Badumpayan Village from the number of selected household samples is known to be 8 (eight)
households. Who has food resistance, Tintingo Village from the number of selected household samples, is
known to have 10 (ten) households that have food resistance.
The level of food security is known from the results of research for mainland areas, namely Banggai
Tengah District, the number of food security is lower found, while for island areas in Bangkurung
Subdistrict, the food security figures are found to be higher. Households in Bangga Laut Regency have a
share of food expenditures that tend to be high. The share of food expenditure of the archipelago sample
point has a higher proportion of expenditure to meet food needs (55%) compared to the allocation of non-
food expenditures (45%). This shows that the share of respondents' food expenditure belongs to the category
of non-food resistance. The share of food expenditure at the mainland sample point has a lower proportion
of expenditure to adequate food (52%) compared to allocating non-food expenditures (48%), indicating that
the share of respondents' food expenditures includes food insecurity.

Table 5. Distribution household by Expenditure Share Food in Banggai Laut

Regency at Two Sample Points, 2018
No Food Expenditure Share Categories JAR
1 Archipelago 44 100
Low (< 60% Total Expenses) 20 45
Tall Total Expenses) 24 55
2 Land 44 100
Low (< 60% Total Expenses) 23 52
Tall Total Expenses) 21 48
Source: Processed Primary Data, 2018.

2nd International Conference on Environmental Ecology of Food Security IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1107 (2022) 012090 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1107/1/012090

4. Conclusion
Based on the results of research from the equal share of expenditure obtained percentage of household food
security in Bangai Laut Regency at two points of research samples showed that respondents belonged to the
category of food insecurity.

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[2] Praza R and Shamadiyah N 2020 Analisis Hubungan Pengeluran Dengan Ketahanan Pangan
Rumahtangga Petani Di Kabupaten Aceh Utara Agrifo: Jurnal Agribisnis Universitas Malikussaleh 5
[3] Badan Pusat Statistik 2013 Proyeksi penduduk Indonesia 2010-2035 (Jakarta: Badan Pusat Statistik)
[4] Arida A 2015 Analisis Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Berdasarkan Proporsi Pengeluaran Pangan
Dan Konsumsi Energi (Studi Kasus Pada Rumah Tangga Petani Peserta Program Desa Mandiri
Pangan Di Kecamatan Indrapuri Kabupaten Aceh Besar) Agrisep 16 15
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