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Lesson Plan

Name: Hanga Andreea-Diana

School: C.N. Ferdinand I

Date: The 19th of November 2015

Teacher: Franculescu Cristina

Class: 8th

Level: Intermediate

Lesson: Friendships/ Relationships

Type: Revision

Time of lesson: 50 minutes

Aims of the lesson: To reinforce previously taught material

To practice different skills ( reading, speaking )

a.) Cognitive:
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
-use the adjectives describing friendships/relationships properly
-identify the types of friends
-deduce the meaning of unfamiliar lexical items through contextual clues
-comment on a text related to the topic
-find out words having the same or a different meaning and to use them in
sentences of their own

b.) Affective:
-making the students confident in the ability of using the language
-the students will participate interactively during the lesson

-they will come in front of the class and will tell to the others what type of
friend they consider themselves to be and why

Types of skills developed:Speaking, Writing, Reading

Methods of teaching:- The Communicative Method
-Reading Comprehension

Teaching techniques: dialogue/conversation, individual work and pairwork

Teaching aids: The blackboard, textbook

The Film of the Lesson

1. Warm up: The teacher greets the students and checks attendance (1 minute)
2. Checking homework:
Teacher 's activity: Teacher asks the students to read their homework
Students' activity : Students read from their notebooks
Interaction: T-SS
Skills: Reading
Time: 8 minutes
Purpose: To check knowledge of the previously taught material and to establish
connection with the topic of the new lesson

3. Reading Comprehension

Aim: To teach the students about different types of friends

To encourage them to discriminate between the different types of friends
To introduce new vocabulary
To activate previous knowledge on the topic
Procedure: A text with different types of friends will be given to the students.
They will have to identify the unknown words, the groups of synonyms/
antonyms and the characteristics of each type of friend (e.g The workmate
type is the one who helps you with your schoolwork or your career ; it is
the one who pushes you, supports and encourages you to do your best )
Interaction:T-Ss, SS
Materials:the coursebook
Time: 15 minutes
4. Post-reading
Aim: To check the comprehension of the text
Procedure: The teacher will ask questions related to the text, and the students will
have to answer
Time: 5 minutes

5. Vocabulary Practice :Exercises

Aim: To make the students understand better the concept of friendship
Procedure: A list of characteristics will be given to the students. They will have
to match each of the characteristic with the type of friend it belongs to
Interaction:T-Ss, SS
Materials: Coursebook
Time: 5 minutes

Aim: To make the students more able to express themselves, when talking about
friendship and types of friends.
To give students the opportunity of self-analysis.
Procedure:The students will have to think about which type of friend they think they are.
Then, each of them will come in front of the class, will tell the others their type and
the reasons for which they have chosen that type.
Time: 15 minutes

7..Homework: The teacher asks the students to do exercise 4, page 25 and exercise
4, page 29

8..The teacher congratulates the students using encouranging words and says
Time: 1 minute

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