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Group 3: Apostol, Palomo, Constantino, Odejar, Peñales

a word that replaces a noun in a sentence.
It is a very useful part of speech because
pronouns are used to avoid having
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same nouns being used Praesent
repeatedlyrutrum maximus
paragraph. The noun thatlacinia thenisipronoun
mauris sed sodales. Ut rhoncus
eu tempus.
replaces is called the antecedent.

refer to a particular noun with a

definite gender, number, person,
and case.
Number - This is whether the subject is singular or plural.
Person - This refers to the person speaking (first person), the
person spoken to (second person), or the person, place, or
thing spoken about (third person).
Gender - A subject can be masculine, feminine, or neuter. nerf
Case - The case of a pronoun varies according to its purpose
to replace the subject (subjective pronoun), to replace the
recipient of the action (objective pronoun), or to show
possession (possessive pronoun).
I went to the mall yesterday to meet with some friends.
This statement utilizes a singular pronoun because it
contains the words "I" and "my"

Last week,we went hiking on Mount Pico de Loro.

This statement demonstrates a plural pronoun since it
contains the term We.
Demonstrative pronouns
A Demonstrative pronouns refers to a specific noun within a sentence. This
type of pronoun generally appears in the beginning of a sentence, with its
antecedent appearing later, either in the same sentence or in a previous one.
Proximity in time and space also plays an important factor in the usage of
demonstrative pronoun

Example: I am currently eating a cheeseburger. This is my favorite fastfood

item in the menu

The pronoun this refers to the noun cheeseburger because:

* it is singular in number; and
*its proximity to the speaker is near because of the phrase currently eating
Demonstrative pronouns

B I have always enjoyed studying chemistry. That has always been my favorite

The pronoun that refers to the noun chemistry becaue:

* it is singular in number: and
*the phrase *have always enjoyed* is in the past tense which implies a distant timr

Jenna is wearing her diamond earrings for she believes those have always brought
her luck

The pronoun those refers to the noun * diamond earrings becaue:

* they are plural in number; and
Demonstrative pronouns

examples of uses of demonstrative pronoun

that cat is cute
those cows are owned by her
these pens are better

these are her things

those are strong lions
Indefinite pronouns

Unlike personal pronouns, an indefinite pronoun refers to a

person, place or thing that has an unspecified number or

Example: You want to refer to people in a certain group, but you

can't just pick only one person as you want to refer to a group.

"Few of those people have seen the accident first hand"


what are the 3 types of pronouns

give 5 examples of pronouns

PO! :)

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