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In 1958, the general assembly of the united nations created with the
resolution 1348 a Committee on the peaceful uses of outer space
(COPUOS). In 1959, this committee became a permanent body with
24 members who were the states.
Today, it’s one of the largest committees in the United Nations with
102 members. This organization promotes international cooperation
about space and peaceful exploration.

 The principle of Non Appropriation means than a state can’t
claim his sovereignty in the space or on the moon or other
celestial bodies because they belongs to all humanity. Every
state can explore space and can’t occupied exclusively a part of

 The principle of peaceful use prohibits militarization of space by

states who can use weapons or install military base on the moon
for example. This principle is explained by the Cold War
context when the US and The sovietic Union was in conflict and
the objective was to avoid aggravating conflict.

 The principle of responsibility obliges the states to take

international responsibility for every damages caused by their
space objects launch by them.

In 1967, the general assembly adopted different resolutions but the
resolutions not binding states and the principles of the international
law should be respect by states to avoid more conflict between states
during the Cold War. So The customary law was incorporated into
treaties and conventions starting 1967. Before that , the general
assembly adopted different resolutionsThe first is the treaty on
principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and use
of outer space. And entered into force on october 10, 1967. It was
proposed by Russian Federation, United States, UK, and Northern
This treaty is ratify by one hundred states and binding this states.
This treaties of space represent the Constitution of the international
law of space.
The treaty adopts the principles of non appropriation by the states and
exploration must benefit all states in the interest of all mankind and
the treaty prohibited the use of weapons in space.
The second Convention is about rescue of astronauts, the return of
astronauts and return of objects launch into outer space who entered
into force on december 3, 1968.
Another convention about international liability for damage caused by
space object who entered into force on september 1, 1972.
Moreover, entered into force on September 15, 1976 the Convention
on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space.
Finally, Agreement Governing the Activities of States on the Moon
and Other Celestial Bodies entered into force on July 11, 1984.


With the increase of space projects and sattellites new risks appeared
about space debris because satellites are limited in time and debris
from sattellites can fall on earth and create damages. Even if the state
are responsible for damages, this type of accident have negative
environmental impact irreversible. Moreover, the question arise about
regulation of space program or sattellite. The states are not binding by
the international law of space to limit their space program.
In the European Union, The European Union Parlement adopted in
2022 a resolution about space traffic management but this resolution
concern only state from European Union and resolutions not binding
Maybe this resolution could have an influence to create a legislation
to limited space accident and space debris.
Moreover, Every year, States and organizations exchange information
on their space debris research at the Committee.


Until now, states had a monopole on space activities, but private

actors appeared in the 90s and participate with the state on space
program, creating the period of New Space, with companies like
SpaceX by Elon Musk or Blue Origin created by Jeff Bezos in the
United States for example. These space projects have commercial
objectives and no longer have the objective of cooperation between
state or in the interests on all mankind even if they worked with the
autorisation of their States. These private actors must respect strict
regulations to avoid accidents and are also subject to the rules of the
space treaty and the principles of space law but the company would
like to claim space ressources like minerals to generate profit contrary
to the principles of non appropriation.

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