Heco Prelim Requirements

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College of Health Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness



A Prelim Requirement
Submitted in Partial Fulfillment
of the Course

Second Semester, S.Y. 2023-2024

Submitted by:
Angelica P. Liguan
John Albert H. Santig
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness


Barangay Andres Bonifacio, located in the heart of Diffun, Quirino, faces

various health challenges common to many rural communities in the

Philippines. In response, the barangay has implemented several health programs

aimed at improving the well-being of its residents. This narrative report explores

three key health programs, discussing their objectives, implementation

strategies, challenges faced, and outcomes achieved.

Program 1: Immunization Outreach Program

Objective: The Immunization Outreach Program aims to increase immunization

coverage among children and adults in Barangay Andres Bonifacio to prevent

vaccine-preventable diseases.

Societal Problem Addressed: Low immunization coverage leading to outbreaks of

preventable diseases and increased morbidity and mortality rates among

children and adults.

Budget: The program receives an annual budget of Php 100,000 allocated for

vaccines, logistics, and personnel expenses.

Project Duration: The program runs throughout the year with monthly outreach

sessions conducted in different barangay zones.

Implementation: Mobile immunization clinics are set up in various locations

within the barangay, targeting areas with low immunization coverage. Health
College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness
workers conduct door-to-door visits to educate residents about the importance

of immunization and provide vaccination services.

Barriers: Vaccine hesitancy and misinformation among some residents pose

challenges to achieving optimal immunization coverage. Additionally, logistical

constraints such as transportation and storage of vaccines in remote areas

hinder the smooth implementation of the program.

Results and Impacts: Since the inception of the program, immunization coverage

rates have steadily increased, leading to a significant decline in vaccine-

preventable diseases such as measles and polio. The community now

demonstrates greater awareness and acceptance of immunization, resulting in

improved overall health outcomes.

Program 2: Maternal and Child Health Services

Objective: The Maternal and Child Health Services program aims to reduce

maternal and infant mortality rates and improve access to quality prenatal and

postnatal care services.

Societal Problem Addressed: High maternal and infant mortality rates due to

inadequate prenatal and postnatal care, limited access to skilled birth

attendants, and poor health-seeking behaviors.

Budget: The program is allocated an annual budget of Php 150,000 for personnel

salaries, medical supplies, and equipment maintenance.

College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness
Project Duration: The program operates year-round, offering continuous maternal

and child health services to residents.

Implementation: Barangay health workers conduct regular prenatal check-ups,

provide essential maternal and child health education, and facilitate access to

skilled birth attendants and emergency obstetric care. Community-based health

promotion activities, including breastfeeding support groups and nutrition

counseling, are also organized.

Barriers: Limited access to healthcare facilities, particularly for residents in

remote areas, poses a significant barrier to timely maternal and child health

services utilization. Cultural beliefs and practices surrounding childbirth and

traditional birth attendants also influence health-seeking behaviors.

Results and Impacts: The program has led to a substantial decrease in maternal

and infant mortality rates, with more women receiving timely prenatal care and

skilled attendance during childbirth. Additionally, improved postnatal care

practices have contributed to better infant health outcomes and increased

breastfeeding rates.

Program 3: Community-Based Nutrition Program

Objective: The Community-Based Nutrition Program aims to address

malnutrition among children and pregnant women through targeted

interventions and community engagement.

College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness
Societal Problem Addressed: High prevalence of malnutrition, including stunting,

wasting, and micronutrient deficiencies, among children under five and pregnant


Budget: The program receives an annual budget of Php 80,000 for the

procurement of nutritious food items, nutritional supplements, and personnel


Project Duration: The program operates year-round, with ongoing nutrition

education sessions and supplementary feeding activities conducted regularly.

Implementation: Barangay health workers collaborate with local nutritionists to

conduct growth monitoring and nutrition assessments among children and

pregnant women. Supplementary feeding programs are organized, providing

nutritious meals and micronutrient supplements to target beneficiaries.

Nutrition education sessions are also held to raise awareness about healthy

eating practices and optimal infant and young child feeding.

Barriers: Limited financial resources and infrastructure constraints affect the

sustainability and scalability of the program. Additionally, cultural dietary

practices and food preferences pose challenges to promoting dietary diversity

and acceptance of supplementary feeding interventions.

Results and Impacts: The program has shown significant improvements in the

nutritional status of children and pregnant women, with a noticeable reduction

in the prevalence of malnutrition indicators such as stunting and micronutrient

deficiencies. Increased community awareness about nutrition and dietary

College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness
practices has contributed to better health outcomes and improved overall well-



Overall, the health programs implemented in Barangay Andres Bonifacio,

Diffun, Quirino, have played a vital role in addressing various health challenges

faced by the community. Through targeted interventions, community

engagement, and sustained efforts, these programs have yielded positive results

and made significant impacts on the health and well-being of residents. Moving

forward, continued support and investment in these programs are essential to

ensure their sustainability and further improve health outcomes in the


This narrative report provides an in-depth overview of three health

programs implemented in Barangay Andres Bonifacio, Diffun, Quirino, focusing

on their objectives, implementation strategies, challenges, and outcomes. It

demonstrates the barangay's commitment to promoting community health and

highlights the importance of targeted interventions in addressing local health

College of Health Sciences
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
…fostering wellness


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