Trash To Treasure

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Promoting our science inquiry

From Trash to
Treasure: Battling
Plastic Pollution,
Alleviating Poverty
through Recycling and

Plastic pollution is a pressing global issue, causing severe
environmental damage and impacting human health.
This topic supports Recycling, Plastic pollution,
Donation to the poor and Poverty. Simultaneously,
poverty remains a widespread concern, affecting millions
worldwide. This proposal aims to integrate science,
technology, and social initiatives to address both problems
through sustainable recycling programs and donations to
impoverished communities.

Why did we choose this topic?

Because this issue is being discussed and handled in Qatar,
we picked this topic. In LULU Meshaf, there is a machine
that accepts plastic and, after receiving a set quantity,
provides the plastic to the needy. Due to the fact that both
students and instructors will be able to participate in the
recycling activity and learn about the current global
issues, this is we selected this topic.

Plastic Recycling Innovation:

Develop and implement innovative plastic recycling
technologies to reduce plastic waste and promote
environmental sustainability.

Community Engagement:
Engage local communities, especially those in poverty, in
recycling activities to generate income and improve their

Donations and Poverty Alleviation:

Collect funds and resources from recycling efforts to
provide essential support to impoverished individuals and
Layout Plan:

1. Research and Development Phase:

a. Plastic Recycling Technology: Collaborate with

scientists and engineers to develop cost-effective and
environmentally friendly plastic recycling technologies,
such as pyrolysis, chemical recycling, or efficient
mechanical recycling processes.

b. Market Analysis: Identify potential markets and

industries for recycled plastics, ensuring sustainable
demand for the recycled materials.

2. Community Engagement Phase:

a. Recycling Centres: Establish community-based

recycling centres in poverty-stricken areas, providing
training and employment opportunities for local residents.

b. Education and Awareness: Conduct educational

programs and awareness campaigns on the importance of
recycling, plastic pollution, and environmental
conservation within these communities.

c. Materials Collection: Implement a system for collecting

plastic waste from households, businesses, and public
spaces, creating a steady supply of materials for recycling.

3. Plastic Recycling Facilities:

a. Recycling Plant Setup: Build and equip recycling
facilities that use the developed recycling technologies to
process collected plastic waste.

b. Quality Control: Ensure strict quality control measures

to produce high-quality recycled plastic products.

4. Poverty Alleviation:

a. Job Creation: Provide stable employment opportunities

to individuals living in poverty through recycling centres
and plant operations.

5. Donation and Poverty Alleviation Phase:

a. Fund Allocation: Use a portion of the income generated

from recycled plastics sales to fund initiatives aimed at
poverty alleviation.

b. Donations: Distribute resources, such as food, clean

water, clothing, and educational supplies, to impoverished
communities, improving their quality of life.

6. Monitoring and Evaluation:

a. Environmental Impact Assessment: Continuously
monitor the environmental impact of recycling processes
and adjust strategies as needed to minimize any negative

7. Sustainability and Expansion:

a. Continuous Innovation: Encourage ongoing research

to enhance recycling technologies and explore new
markets for recycled plastics.

b. Scaling Up: Expand the initiative to more poverty-

stricken regions, creating a sustainable model that can be
replicated globally.

This proposal outlines a comprehensive plan to address
plastic pollution through innovative recycling methods
while simultaneously making a positive impact on poverty-
stricken communities through job creation and donations.
By integrating science, technology, and social initiatives,
we can create a sustainable solution that benefits both the
environment and those in need.

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