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A Thesis Proposal Presented to the

School of Professional and Graduate Studies

PHINMA – University of Pangasinan

Dagupan City

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for the Degree







Chapter 1


The Rationale of the Study

There is a link between the environment, our economic

well-being, and our children’s future. Our actions are

breaking this link. In nature, everything is connected. This

is equally true of a healthy environment and a healthy

economy. Wendell Berry (2020) once said, “To damage our

earth is to damage our children. We cannot sustain life

without taking care of nature. While plastic has numerous

beneficial applications, our dependence on disposable

plastic products has led to significant negative impacts on

the environment, society, economy, and health. Shockingly,

every minute, one million plastic bottles are bought

globally, and up to five trillion plastic bags are utilized

annually. It's alarming to note that half of all plastic

produced is intended for single-use purposes, meaning it's

discarded after just one use.


Plastic pollution has become a major problem for our

environment, causing serious damage to the ecosystem. The

excessive production and improper disposal of plastic

materials have resulted in a huge amount of plastic waste


that remains in the environment due to its non-biodegradable

nature. It has been reported that the amount of solid waste

produced daily by Filipinos has increased by 275 percent,

reaching 60,000 metric tons this year. This amount is

equivalent to filling up approximately 24 Olympic-size

swimming pools, in comparison to 16,000 MT in 2016.

According to Environment Undersecretary Jonas Leones' report

on World Environment Day, plastic makes up 30 percent to 40

percent of the total solid waste. The Department of

Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) is taking measures

to tackle this issue and is prioritizing programs for fast-

moving consumer goods companies, which are major

contributors to plastic waste. Additionally, the DENR has

approved 10-year Solid Waste Management Plans (SWMPs)

submitted by 54 cities and municipalities, as part of their

efforts to improve the country's waste management program.

A study was conducted in 2017 to evaluate the

management of solid waste in the town of Lingayen. Two

ordinances were enacted as governing policies to reinforce

the RA 9003 Act on Ecological Solid Waste Management. These

ordinances are Ordinance No. 53, s-1996 or the Lingayen

Comprehensive Solid Waste Management, and Ordinance No. 2,

s-2011, which prohibits the use of plastic bags on dry goods

and regulates its utilization on wet goods, and prohibits

the sale and use of styrofoam in the municipality of


Lingayen, prescribing the penalties thereof. The policy aims

to provide a solution to the growing concern of solid waste

management in the town, particularly the need to regulate

the use of plastic bags to prevent serious ecological

degradation. However, the study found that a significant

majority (74.86%) of the 854 households surveyed practiced

poor solid waste management, with dumping being the most

common practice. Other significant waste disposal practices

mentioned were selling (53.78%), burying (42.7%), and

burning (20.27%), and only 29.73% of waste was collected by


The problem of plastic production and waste has become

increasingly urgent, prompting scientists and researchers to

seek out sustainable and innovative solutions to recycle and

reuse plastic waste. One promising avenue is the use of

waste plastic in various sectors such as construction

material, fuel production, household goods, fabric, and

clothing. Among these options, the use of plastic waste in

construction materials has drawn significant attention. By

modifying construction material with plastic waste, two

goals are achieved: first, it reduces the amount of plastic

waste that ends up in landfills or as litter, and second, it

lessens the need for mined construction materials, which

helps mitigate the negative impact of the construction

industry on the environment.


The dynamic landscape of construction materials has

witnessed a paradigm shift towards sustainable and

environmentally conscious practices. In this context, the

proposed thesis, titled "Environmental Impacts of the

Proposed Eco-Hollow Blocks in Lingayen, Pangasinan,"

endeavors to explore the multifaceted dimensions surrounding

the introduction of Eco-Hollow Blocks as an alternative

construction material. Lingayen, a province brimming with

cultural richness in Pangasinan, becomes the focal point for

this comprehensive investigation.

As communities seek eco-friendly alternatives to

traditional building materials, the introduction of Eco-

Hollow Blocks raises intriguing questions about their

environmental impacts. This research embarks on a journey to

unravel the intricate web of perceptions, evaluations, and

implications associated with the adoption of this innovative

construction technology.

The objective of the proposed thesis is to

comprehensively investigate and address key issues related

to the introduction of Eco-Hollow Blocks as an alternative

construction material. The research aims to achieve the


1. Assessment of Environmental Perception:

 Determine the extent to which government agencies and


stakeholders in Lingayen, Pangasinan, perceive and

comprehend the potential environmental impacts

associated with the production and utilization of

Eco-Hollow Blocks.

2. Evaluation of Eco-Hollow Block Technology:

 Identify potential advantages and disadvantages of

adopting Eco-Hollow Blocks in the local context.

 Assess the effectiveness and sustainability of the

Eco-Hollow Block technology.

3. Awareness and Acceptance:

 Investigate acceptance to adopt this eco-friendly

construction material by government agencies and


Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the research pursued to answer the

following questions:

1. To what extent do the government agencies and

stakeholders in Lingayen, Pangasinan, perceive

and understand the potential environmental

impacts associated with the production and use of

Eco-Hollow Blocks?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Eco-

hollow blocks as by the government agencies and


3. What is the perception of government agencies and

stakeholders regarding the familiarity of

methodology and acceptance of Eco-Hollow blocks

as replacement to the conventional hollow blocks?

4. What regulatory frameworks and policies can be

recommended based on the data gathered?

By addressing these questions, the research endeavors

to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

environmental impacts associated with the proposed Eco-

Hollow Blocks in Lingayen, Pangasinan, facilitating

informed decision-making.

Basic Assumptions

The following assumptions were made in this research:

1. There is a reasonably effective system of

communication in place within Lingayen,

Pangasinan, ensuring that information about Eco-

Hollow Blocks, their production, and environmental

impacts is accessible to residents and


2. The community is open to embracing new

technologies, and there is a readiness to consider

and adopt Eco-Hollow Blocks if they are as

effective and sustainable in mitigating

environmental concerns.

3. Regulatory frameworks related to alternative

construction materials are consistently

implemented, providing a reliable and stable

environment for the study of regulatory and policy


4. Government agencies and stakeholders are willing

to actively participate in surveys, interviews,

and other data collection methods, providing

valuable insights into their awareness,

perceptions, and willingness to adopt Eco-Hollow


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

1. Geographical Scope:

 The study will be conducted exclusively in Lingayen,

Pangasinan specifically in Government agencies that is

related to construction such as Department of Public

Works and highways, Provincial Engineering Office and

Municipal Engineering office of Lingayen. And also to

stakeholders such as 1 plus 4 Construction Supply, MKB

Construction Supply, and Georavin trading &

Construction Supply and other Construction Supply.

2. Participants:

 The primary participants in the study includes

technical personnel and stakeholders in Lingayen,


Pangasinan. Stakeholders encompass individuals,

organizations, and entities directly or indirectly

associated with the construction and environmental

sectors within the local context.

3. Environmental Perception:

 The study will focus on assessing the extent to which

government agencies and stakeholders in Lingayen and

comprehend the potential environmental impacts

associated with the production and utilization of Eco-

Hollow Blocks.

4. Eco-Hollow Block Technology Evaluation:

 The research will assess the effectiveness and

sustainability of Eco-Hollow Block technology in

mitigating environmental concerns, particularly in

comparison to traditional building materials. It seeks

to identify specific advantages and disadvantages

within the local context of Lingayen, Pangasinan.

5. Awareness and Acceptance:

 The research will investigate the acceptance to adopt

this eco-friendly construction material by government

agencies and stakeholders.

6. Regulatory and Policy Analysis:

 The research will explore existing regulatory

frameworks and policies related to eco-hollow blocks


methodology as construction material in Lingayen,

Pangasinan. The analysis will aim to understand how

these frameworks can influence the adoption and

integration of Eco-Hollow Blocks into local building


7. Practical Application:

 The findings of the study aspire to provide a

comprehensive understanding of the perceived

environmental impacts associated with Eco-Hollow Blocks

in Lingayen, Pangasinan. The insights gained aim to

contribute to informed decision-making by both local

residents and policymakers, facilitating the

sustainable integration of this eco-friendly

construction material into the local building practices

of the region.

8. Limitations:

 The study recognizes the dynamic nature of

environmental perceptions and regulatory frameworks,

and as such, its findings may be specific to the time

and context of the research. Additionally, external

factors beyond the geographic scope may impact the

broader applicability of the study's recommendations.

Importance of the Study


The Philippines is considered the 3rd largest

contributor in the world to marine plastic pollution. Left

unattended, these wastes will continue to pile up and choke

our soil, waterways, and seas, and will result in the

degradation of our ecosystem and the increase of public

health issues, in turn affecting the production potential of

resources upon which millions of Filipino households depend.

To address this seemingly impossible challenge, one

solution is to use waste plastic as an alternative additive

in a widely used construction material such as eco-hollow

block. This study is important for the reference of the

Local Government Unit of the Municipality of Lingayen,

Pangasinan, and the National Agency. The research endeavors

to provide a comprehensive understanding of the

environmental impacts associated with the proposed Eco-

Hollow Blocks in Lingayen, Pangasinan, facilitating informed

decision-making for both local residents and policymakers."

Definition of Terms

The following terms have been defined operationally for

this study.

Plastic – A material consisting of a wide range of

synthetic or semi-synthetic organic compounds that are

malleable and, therefore, can be molded into solid objects.

Plasticity is the general property of all materials that


involves permanent deformation without breaking.

Plastic Waste, or Plastic Pollution – The accumulation

of plastic objects and particles in the Earth's environment

that adversely affects humans, wildlife, and their habitat.

It also refers to the significant amount of plastic that

isn't recycled and ends up in landfills or, in the

developing world, thrown into unregulated dump sites.

Concrete Hollow Block (CHB) – A concrete hollow block

with hollow spaces between its walls is used as a building

material in the construction of walls and partitions of a

building. They are lighter, so they do not add to the total

weight of the structure too much. Usually, these hollow

blocks are produced in a way to interlock each other. Hollow

blocks are made using molds and a mixed proportion of sand,

Portland cement, and water as ingredients.

Eco-Hollow Block – A type of concrete block that is

reinforced with recycled plastic. They are made by mixing

cement, sand, and water with shredded plastic waste. The

plastic waste is added to the mix in place of some of the

sand or aggregate, reducing the amount of cement needed to

make the block. This results in a lighter block that is

easier to handle and transport than traditional concrete


Environmental Impacts - emphasizes the importance of


understanding how the community subjectively views and

comprehends the potential ecological consequences of

adopting Eco-Hollow Blocks in their local construction


Chapter 2


This chapter presents the related literature and

studies relevant to the research conducted which were taken

from various materials such as books, research journals, the

internet, and other relevant sources that can help to

conceptualize the study.

Review of Professional Literature

This chapter presents the literature review conducted

to support the research objectives of this study. The review

of related literature is divided into three main sections.

The first section discusses the environmental impact of

plastic waste, particularly in the Philippines. The second

section focuses on the use of plastic waste in construction

materials, specifically in hollow concrete blocks. Finally,

the third section discusses the benefits of using eco-hollow

blocks as an alternative construction material.

Environmental Impact of Plastic Waste

Plastic waste has become a major environmental concern

worldwide due to its non-biodegradable nature. In the

Philippines, the problem of plastic waste has reached

alarming levels. According to a report by the World Wildlife

Fund (WWF), the Philippines is the third-largest contributor

of plastic waste in the world's oceans, after China and


Indonesia. The excessive production and improper disposal of

plastic materials have resulted in a huge amount of plastic

waste that remains in the environment. Plastic waste poses a

serious threat to marine life and the ecosystem as a whole.

It has been reported that approximately 1.5 million metric

tons of plastic waste are generated in the Philippines every

year. This amount is equivalent to dumping one garbage truck

full of plastic waste into the ocean every minute. The use

of plastic bags and other single-use plastic products has

been identified as a major contributor to the plastic waste

problem. To address this issue, the Philippines government

has enacted several policies and regulations. In 2003,

Republic Act No. 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act was passed. The law aims to promote a

comprehensive and integrated solid waste management program

that includes waste reduction, segregation, composting, and


Use of Plastic Waste in Construction Materials

Hollow concrete blocks are a commonly used building

material in many developing countries due to their low

thermal conductivity and cost-effective material usage. The

use of plastic waste in the production of hollow concrete

blocks is becoming more common in the industry. A study by

Tchakouté et al. (2010) found that the addition of plastic

waste to concrete blocks improved the material's thermal


insulation properties. The study also found that the use of

plastic waste in concrete blocks can reduce the need for

sand and gravel, which are commonly mined materials. To

further improve sustainability, researchers are developing

techniques to replace some of the block's constituents, like

cement or aggregates, with alternative materials like

plastic or rubber. Studies such as "Evaluation of crumb

rubber as aggregate for automated manufacturing of

rubberized long hollow blocks and bricks" (E. Sodupe-Ortega

et al., 2016) and "Development of sustainable concrete using

recycled high-density polyethylene and crumb tires:

mechanical and thermal properties" (M.A. Al-Osta et al.,

2022) have been conducted to create eco-friendly hollow

concrete masonry blocks with sustainable compressive

strength that incorporate waste materials into their mixes,

reducing production costs and environmental pollution.

In the Philippines, the current study “A Non-Disruptive

Ecological Innovation on Concrete Block Manufacturing: A

Product Viability Study for the Philippine Construction

Industry” (Joya, E. R et al. 2021) has shown that a mixture

of CHB consisting of 3% rubber waste, in terms of its

overall volume, yields the best results, both in terms of

its specification and its costs.

According to Dolores, A. J. S et al. (2020), LDPE

pellets can be used as a substitute for sand in non-load-


bearing concrete hollow blocks (CHB) in the Philippines. The

study shows that adding LDPE to CHB in small amounts can

enhance its strength and make it lighter. Additionally, this

use of LDPE pellets in CHB can have environmental benefits

such as providing a solution to plastic waste accumulation

and reducing the need for mining aggregate materials.

Benefits of Eco-Hollow Blocks

The use of plastic waste in the production of eco-

hollow blocks is a promising solution that addresses two

pressing environmental concerns: plastic waste reduction and

sustainable building materials. This section provides a

comprehensive review of the benefits of eco-hollow blocks

and their potential impact on the environment.

1. Plastic Waste Reduction

One of the most significant environmental benefits of

eco-hollow blocks is their ability to reduce the amount of

plastic waste in the environment. By using plastic waste as

a raw material, eco-hollow blocks provide a sustainable and

innovative solution to the problem of plastic waste.

According to a study by A. Al-Manaseer et al. (2018), the

use of recycled plastic in concrete blocks can reduce the

amount of plastic waste in the environment by up to 15%.

Furthermore, the use of recycled plastic waste in the

production of eco-hollow blocks helps to reduce the amount

of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and the


environment. According to a study by Kamaruddin et al.

(2017), the use of plastic waste in the production of eco-

hollow blocks can help to reduce the amount of plastic waste

in the environment and provide a sustainable solution for

plastic waste management.

2. Carbon Emissions Reduction

Eco-hollow blocks have a lower carbon footprint than

traditional concrete blocks. This is due to their reduced

weight and the use of recycled plastic. According to a study

by Ganesan et al. (2018), eco-hollow blocks produced using

plastic waste had a lower carbon footprint compared to

traditional blocks. Furthermore, according to a study by S.

S. Raj et al. (2017), the use of eco-hollow blocks can

reduce carbon emissions by up to 10% compared to traditional

concrete blocks. This is because the production process for

eco-hollow blocks requires less energy and emits less carbon

dioxide than the production process for traditional concrete


3. Energy Conservation

The use of eco-hollow blocks can also contribute to

energy conservation. According to a study by H. A. Al-Nageim

et al. (2018), the use of eco-hollow blocks can reduce

energy consumption during the production process by up to

20%. This is because the production process for eco-hollow

blocks requires less energy than the production process for


traditional concrete blocks.

Additionally, eco-hollow blocks are known for their

thermal insulation properties, which help to regulate

internal building temperatures and reduce the need for

energy consumption. According to a study by Singh et al.

(2019), the thermal conductivity of eco-hollow blocks was

significantly lower compared to traditional blocks,

indicating their potential for improving energy efficiency

in buildings.

4. Cost-Effectiveness

Another benefit of eco-hollow blocks is their cost-

effectiveness. The use of plastic waste in the production

process results in a lower cost of materials, making eco-

hollow blocks a more affordable option for construction

projects. Additionally, the thermal insulation properties of

eco-hollow blocks reduce energy consumption, resulting in

lower energy bills and cost savings over time. According to

a study by Mageswari et al. (2019), eco-hollow blocks

produced using plastic waste were found to be a cost-

effective alternative to traditional blocks.

5. Durability and Strength

One of the key advantages of eco-hollow blocks is their

durability and strength. By incorporating plastic waste into

the production process, the blocks become more resistant to

weathering and cracking, resulting in longer-lasting


structures. According to a study by Alengaram et al. (2015),

the use of plastic waste in hollow concrete blocks resulted

in blocks that were more durable and had higher compressive

strength compared to traditional blocks.

In summary, eco-hollow blocks offer a range of benefits

that make them a promising solution for sustainable building

materials. From their durability and thermal insulation

properties to their low carbon footprint and cost-

effectiveness, eco-hollow blocks provide a viable

alternative to traditional building materials.


The literature review conducted in this chapter

provides a background on the environmental impact of plastic

waste, the use of plastic waste in construction materials,

and the benefits of eco-hollow blocks. The review highlights

the importance of finding sustainable and innovative

solutions to recycle and reuse plastic waste, particularly

in the construction industry.

Review of Related Studies

This section of Chapter 2 presents the review of

reviewed related studies, both foreign studies and local


Foreign Studies

Composition and Properties of Eco-Hollow Blocks

The article "Concrete Hollow Blocks with Waste Materials

Replacing the Natural Aggregates" was published in the

Romanian Journal of Materials in 2022. This study appears to

focus on the experimental and numerical investigation of

hollow concrete blocks made using waste materials as

substitutes for natural aggregates. The key findings and

methods used in the study include:

1. Waste Materials Used

The study utilized two types of waste materials: shredded

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles and sawdust. These

materials were used to replace sand in the concrete mix,

accounting for 40% of the sand content. Additionally, fly ash

was employed to substitute 10% of the cement typically found

in regular concrete mixes.

2. Compression Testing

The study involved compression testing of the concrete hollow

blocks. The results indicate that the failure during

compression testing was a progressive, stepwise type, with

crack patterns matching areas where tensile stresses exceeded

the strength of the materials used in the blocks.

3. Correlation Between Numerical and Experimental Data

The study demonstrated a good correlation between the

numerical simulations and the experimental data. This suggests


that the numerical modeling approach used in the research was

effective in predicting the behavior of the concrete blocks

with waste material replacements.

The use of waste materials in concrete production is a

sustainable and environmentally friendly approach that can

help reduce the environmental impact of construction. By

replacing natural aggregates with waste materials and using

fly ash to partially replace cement, this study highlights

the potential for creating more eco-friendly building


The study titled "Experimental Study on Hollow Blocks

with Wastes" outlines the use of various waste materials in

concrete production and their impact on the mechanical

properties of the resulting concrete blocks. Here are the key

findings and details from the study:

1. Waste Materials Used

The study incorporated several waste materials into the

concrete mix, including fly ash, chopped plastic bottles

(PET), waste wood, and waste polyester fibers. Fly ash

replaced 10% of the cement, while the other waste materials

replaced the 0-4mm aggregate in varying dosages.

2. Mechanical Properties Analysis

The research evaluated the compressive strength, tensile

strength, and split tensile strength of the concrete specimens


containing different types and dosages of waste materials. The

study observed that the type and dosage of waste significantly

influenced the mechanical properties of the concrete.

3. Effects on Mechanical Strengths

The results indicated that the compressive strength of the

concrete mixes with waste materials was generally lower

compared to the control mix without waste. However, the

incorporation of polyester fibers led to higher flexural and

split tensile strength compared to other mixes. On the other

hand, the lowest mechanical strength values were observed in

concrete mixes containing sawdust.

4. Performance of Hollow Blocks

The study found that the hollow blocks exhibited comparable

compressive and tensile strength values to other types of

blocks when tested. This suggests that these blocks could be

recommended for use in constructing walls.

A study titled "Compressive Strength and Bulk Density of

Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) with Polypropylene (PP) Pellets

as Partial Replacement for Sand." Published in 2017 in the

Civil Engineering Journal, the study focused on assessing the

feasibility of incorporating Polypropylene (PP) pellets as a

partial replacement for sand in concrete hollow blocks. Here

are the key highlights of the study:

1. Experimental Setup

The study involved molding and curing five batches of concrete

hollow block specimens. Each batch contained varying

proportions of PP pellets as partial replacements for sand,

including 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% PP replacement by volume.

2. Assessment of Compressive Strength and Bulk Density

The study determined and compared the compressive strength and

bulk density of the specimens from the different batches after

a 28-day curing period. The focus was on understanding how the

addition of PP pellets impacted these key mechanical and

physical properties of the concrete hollow blocks.

3. Impact on Compressive Strength and Bulk Density

The results indicated a general trend where both compressive

strength and bulk density decreased as the percentage of PP

replacement increased. However, it was observed that the

specimens from the batch with 10% PP replacement exhibited

higher compressive strength compared to those from the batches

with 0% PP replacement.

By exploring the use of PP pellets as a partial replacement

for sand in concrete hollow blocks, this study aimed to

contribute to the growing body of research on sustainable and

environmentally friendly construction materials.

Local Studies

1. The research conducted by Dolores, A. J. S., Lasco,

J. D., Bertiz, T. M., & Lamar, K. M. in their article


"Compressive strength and bulk density of concrete hollow

blocks (CHB) infused with low-density polyethylene (LDPE)

pellets" published in the Civil Engineering Journal in 2020

focuses on the effects of incorporating low-density

polyethylene (LDPE) into concrete hollow blocks (CHB). The

study investigates the influence of LDPE on the compressive

strength and bulk density of the CHB.

According to their findings, incorporating LDPE into CHB

resulted in a general decrease in compressive strength and

bulk density as the percentage of LDPE increased. However,

they noted that the compressive strength of the CHB increased

when 10% LDPE was used as a replacement, a trend that aligns

with a previous study. This finding suggests that the

strength of the plastic material, specifically at low

percentages of aggregate replacement, may contribute directly

to the compressive strength of the CHB.

Their statistical analysis revealed that the mix with

10% LDPE pellets as a replacement for sand yielded the best

results among the samples tested. The study also indicated

that CHB infused with LDPE pellets exhibited higher

compressive strength compared to conventional CHB used in the


Based on the results of compressive strength and bulk

density, the researchers concluded that LDPE pellets are a


viable material for partial replacement of sand in non-load-

bearing CHB. This conclusion implies the potential for the

use of LDPE pellets as an alternative material in the

production of CHB, highlighting its benefits in improving the

strength characteristics of the blocks.

2. In the study conducted by Lasco, J. D., Madlangbayan,

M., & Sundo, M. B. and published in the Civil Engineering

Journal in 2017, the focus was on assessing the potential of

utilizing polypropylene (PP) pellets as a partial replacement

for sand in concrete hollow blocks (CHB). PP, a type of

plastic, was pelletized and integrated into CHB to evaluate

its effect on compressive strength and bulk density.

The researchers molded and cured five batches of

specimens, each with varying percentages of PP replacement

(0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% by volume) in place of sand.

After a 28-day curing period, they determined and compared

the compressive strength and bulk density of the specimens

from these different batches.

The results revealed a general trend of decreasing

compressive strength and bulk density as the percentage of PP

replacement increased. Interestingly, they found that the

compressive strength of the specimens from the batch with 10%

PP replacement was higher compared to the batches with 0% PP

replacement, suggesting a positive effect on strength at this


level of replacement.

These findings indicate that incorporating PP pellets as

a partial replacement for sand in CHB could potentially lead

to improved compressive strength, at least up to a certain

threshold. This outcome suggests the viability of using PP

pellets as a substitute material in the production of

concrete hollow blocks, highlighting its positive influence

on the strength characteristics of the blocks.

3. The research conducted by Rodriguez Jr, R. L., &

Ching, J. A. focused on optimizing concrete hollow blocks

(CHBs) by incorporating pelletized aggregates of polystyrene

(PS). The study aimed to characterize the physical properties

of PS pellets and evaluate the workability and compressive

strength of PS-blended CHBs, following the standards of ASTM

C143 and C140, respectively.

The characterization of the PS pellets was conducted,

and these pellets were then integrated as replacements for

sand at varying percentages (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%) in the

production of CHBs. These batches were cured for 28 days to

assess their workability and compressive strength.

The study revealed that the workability values of the

PS-blended CHBs indicated their potential for use in the

construction of dams, bridge piers, and canal locks,

suggesting their versatility in various construction


applications. Additionally, the compressive strength values

of the PS-blended CHBs were found to be statistically

comparable to those of commercially produced CHBs.

Notably, the batch with 30% PS pellets exhibited the

strongest compressive strength, surpassing the minimum

acceptable value among the experimental groups. This outcome

suggests that the incorporation of PS pellets presents a

promising solution to the issue of plastic waste while also

meeting the demand for stronger CHBs. Therefore, the

utilization of PS pellets can be seen as a beneficial and

sustainable approach in the production of high-strength

concrete hollow blocks.

4. The study conducted by Billones, D. L. in 2015

focuses on the reinforcement of lightweight three-core

stretcher concrete masonry units (CMUs) using shredded

recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles as

additives. With the increasing number of post-consumer and

post-industrial PET bottles in the Philippines, the

environmental concerns associated with these materials have

become a pressing issue. However, due to their recyclable

nature and their potential to enhance the engineering

properties of construction materials like concrete masonry

units, these discarded PET bottles can be repurposed as


The research investigates the capability of PET bottles

to enhance the compressive strength of concrete masonry units

by reducing them into 50 mm x 5 mm strips and substituting

them for coarse aggregates in the production of concrete

masonry units with a 30:70 PET-cement ratio. A total of

eighteen (18) concrete masonry unit samples were manufactured

and subjected to compressive testing. These samples were

categorized as plain and PET-reinforced concrete masonry

units, with each category consisting of nine (9) samples

divided into 7, 21, and 28-day-old specimens, each containing

three (3) samples.

The results, particularly at the 28-day test,

demonstrate that the PET-reinforced concrete masonry units

outperformed the plain concrete masonry units, with the

former exhibiting an average net compressive strength of

4.512 MPa, while the latter had 2.733 MPa. Supplementary

analysis using a student’s t-test (two-tailed) indicated a

significant difference between the compressive strengths of

the samples for each testing period, leading to the

conclusion that utilizing PET bottles as an ingredient for

the production of concrete masonry units is indeed feasible.

This finding underscores the potential for utilizing PET

waste as a sustainable and effective solution for enhancing

the strength properties of concrete masonry units.


The Present Study Compared with

Review of Related Studies

This section of the study tackles the similarities and

differences between the present study to the reviewed

foreign and local studies.

These studies highlight the use of different waste

materials such as plastic, sawdust, and fly ash as

substitutes for traditional aggregates in concrete

production. Additionally, the studies assess the effects of

these waste materials on the mechanical properties of

concrete hollow blocks, including compressive strength,

tensile strength, and bulk density.

The findings from these studies collectively suggest

the potential for using waste materials as viable

alternatives in concrete hollow block production, offering

benefits such as improved strength characteristics and

reduced environmental impact. By incorporating waste

materials into construction practices, these studies

contribute to the growing body of research on sustainable

and environmentally friendly building materials, furthering

the development of more eco-friendly construction


The quantity of waste plastics used in the production

of Eco-Hollow Blocks can differ depending on various


factors, including the type of plastic, desired block

properties, and manufacturing procedures. In certain

instances, waste plastics are integrated as a partial

substitute for traditional aggregates or as an additive to

enhance specific block characteristics. Research has

revealed that the proportion of waste plastics in Eco-Hollow

Blocks typically falls within the 5% to 20% range of the

total material weight. This range enables the enhancement of

structural robustness, thermal attributes, and overall

sustainability of the blocks while effectively repurposing

plastic waste. However, the specific amount of waste

plastics utilized in the Eco-Hollow Blocks may fluctuate

depending on the specific requirements of the construction

project and the desired block performance across various

applications. Thorough testing and analysis are imperative

to determine the suitable quantity of waste plastics for

integration into the Eco-Hollow Blocks, ensuring a

harmonious balance between sustainability and structural


In contrast, the primary focus of the current study,

unlike the related local and foreign studies, lies in

exploring the environmental benefits of Eco-Hollow Blocks in

the Municipality of Lingayen, Pangasinan.


Chapter 3



This chapter outlines the detailed methodology

pertaining to research designs, sampling techniques,

utilized instruments, data collection procedures, and


Research Design

In evaluating the environmental benefits of Eco-Hollow

Blocks in the Municipality of Lingayen, Pangasinan, a

descriptive research design and mixed methods approach will

be employed. This combination of methodologies aims to

comprehensively assess the specific ecological advantages of

these building materials within the local context.

The descriptive research design involves systematically

collecting data through surveys, and interviews with key

respondents such as municipal authorities, construction

supplies, and technical personnel of the government

agencies. This approach allows for a detailed understanding

of the impact of Eco-Hollow Blocks on environmental

sustainability, focusing on metrics waste management.

Furthermore, the mixed methods approach integrates both

qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis

techniques. It enables a more comprehensive exploration of


the complex aspects of the environmental benefits, providing

a refined perspective that accounts for both statistical

trends and qualitative insights from respondents. By

employing this combined approach, the study aims to offer a

holistic and in-depth understanding of the implications of

incorporating Eco-Hollow Blocks in construction practices in

Lingayen, Pangasinan. The insights gained from this research

will provide valuable guidance for policymakers, urban

planners, and construction industry professionals, fostering

informed decision-making and the promotion of sustainable

construction practices for the benefit of the local


Sources of Data

The study will involve survey questionnaire and

supplemented interviews with a specific group of

participants, that includes 10 Department of Public Works

and Highways’ Technical Personnel, 10 Provincial Engineering

Office’s Technical Personnel, 10 Municipal authorities, 10

Municipal Environment and Natural Resources Personnel, 10

Municipal authorities, 10 Provincial Environment and Natural

Resources Personnel, and 10 personnel from stakeholders in

Lingayen, Pangasinan that are all selected randomly.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researcher used a survey questionnaire as the data


gathering instrument to determine the perception of the

respondents that consists of the following topics:

 Assessment of Environmental Perception

 Evaluation of Eco-Hollow Blocks Technology

 Awareness and Acceptance

The researcher executed a supplemented direct

interview with the respondents after the approval of the

survey letter.

The accomplished questionnaire forms by all of the

participating respondents were then retrieved by the

researcher and immediately proceeded to collate and

tabulate the data.

Tools for Data Analysis

Following the completion of data collection, including

accomplished survey forms and answered questionnaires, the

researcher proceeded to tabulate and conduct statistical

analysis. Statistical treatments employed by the researcher

included frequency counts, percentage analysis, and weighted

mean calculations for the gathered data. Additionally,

percentage analysis was utilized by the researcher to

identify and compare the prevalence of specific economic and

social impacts.

where: 𝑓

𝑥 100%

P = the percentage

f = frequency or number of subjects

with the specified characteristics

N = total number of subjects

Frequency and percentage are used to show simple

summaries of the sample.

Weighted mean is calculated by multiplying the weight

or probability of an outcome by its quantitative result and

summing all the products. It is useful when each outcome has

a different probability of occurring, which distinguishes it

from the arithmetic mean.

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