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(Studi pada PT. Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta)

Article Info Abstract

Purpose – The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of
Keywords: Hard Skill ,Soft Skill and Training Employee Performance at PT.
Hard Skill, Soft Skill, Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta.
Employee Performance, Soft Methodology – This study uses a saturated sample of 236 employees.
Skill. Quantitative analysis used the questionnaire collection method, using
the Smart–PLS Structural Equation Model analysis method.
JEL Classification: Findings – Hard Skill and Soft Skill have a positive effect on
D83 L11 M54 Employee Performance, Training has a positive effect on Employee
DOIs : Authenticity – This research examined Employee Performance,
10.33830/ jom. which has a broad and significant impact on company performance. It also provides better comprehension concerning the relationship of
spiritual leadership, self-efficacy, locus of control, and .on this

1. Introduction

The property sales market index continues to increase from 2018 to 2021. This encourages
housing (property) developers to continue building housing and apartments in various areas.
Property companies implement their respective strategies to improve company development and
However, it is different from what was experienced by PT. Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta
(DILD). In 2021, PT. Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta experienced a decrease in net profit
compared to the previous year. DILD's net profit fell by around 84%, where in 2020 it had a net
profit of 76.8 billion, then fell to 12.2 billion in 2021. (Source: PT. Intiland
Development Tbk Jakarta is one of the leading property companies in Indonesia which focuses
its efforts on developing, managing and investing in the property business. The Company has a
project portfolio that includes the development of residential areas for the middle to upper
market segment, integrated city scale, multifunctional and high-rise development, as well as
industrial areas. Current activities of PT. Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta as the head office in
Jakarta is tasked with handling all projects spread across several locations, not only Jakarta and
Surabaya but also in several other areas.
Various methods and efforts are made by companies to continue to be able to compete in order
to survive and continue to grow. The company implements various strategies to improve
company performance. The company's success in improving company performance is
influenced by several factors. One important factor is human resources, because human
resources are actors from all levels of planning to evaluation who are able to utilize other
resources owned by the organization or company. According to Sulistyowati (2021) HR are
humans who are employed in an agency as movers, thinkers and planners to achieve
organizational goals. Wibowo (2017) states that human resources are a plan for organizing,
coordinating, implementing and separating the workforce in order to achieve organizational
goals. The human resources in the company must be utilized and managed as well as possible so
that they are able to provide optimal contributions. Every organization or company will always
try to improve employee performance, with the hope that the company's goals will be achieved.
The large number of resources required and spread across several regions means that companies
must pay attention to all of their employees' performance. Company performance is largely
determined by one element in human resources, namely employees. Competent employees can
improve a company's performance and productivity, but less competent employees can cause a
company that is already developing to be less than optimal in achieving its goals. According to
Farisi et al., (2020) employee performance is the result of work that employees see the
contribution they have made, in the form of results of work that has been completed. According
to Silaen et al., (2021) employee performance is the result of the work that has been carried out
by employees. Thus, employee performance also determines the creation of a goal expected by a
Good employee performance with a high work ethic will help the company to fulfill the
company's goals and help the company gain profits, whereas if employee performance declines
and is bad it will be detrimental to the company. Whether an employee's performance is good or
not depends on the factors that influence it. According to Widayanti's (2013) research on the
influence of hard skills and soft skills on employee performance (Study at PT. Telkom Kandatel
Malang). The results show that hard skills and soft skills have a significant effect on employee
performance. By using data analysis techniques, classical assumption testing, hypothesis testing,
multiple regression analysis, correlation coefficient, and coefficient of determination.
According to Perdana (2017) who has conducted research on employee performance, namely
the Effect of Training on Employee Performance Through Work Motivation (Study on
employees of PT Gudang Garam, TBK Sidoarjo City Graphics Directorate). The research
results show that training has a significant direct effect on employee performance and training
has an indirect positive effect on employee performance through work motivation.
In research by Widyaningsih et al., (2023), entitled The Effect of Soft Skill and Hard Skill
Training on Employee Performance at the Bali Beach Glamping Resort. The results show that
the higher the soft skill and hard skill training, the more employee performance will increase.
The conclusion of this research is that soft skills and hard skills training have a significant effect
on employee performance at Bali Beach Glamping Resort.

1.1. The Effect of Hard Skill on Employee Performance

Research conducted by Deloza et al., (2021) shows that hard skills have a significant
effect on performance.
H1: Hard Skill has a positive effect on Employee Performance at PT. Intiland
Development Tbk Jakarta

1.2. The Effect of Soft Skill on Employee Performance

Nugraha et al., (2021) Soft Skills have a positive effect on employee performance .
H2: Soft Skill has a positive effect on Employee Performance at PT. Intiland Development
Tbk Jakarta

1.3. The Effect of Training on Employee Performance

Wardhana & Muslichah, (2021) show that training has a significant direct positive effect
on employee performance.
H3: Training has a positive effect on Employee Performance at PT. Intiland Development
Tbk Jakarta

2. Research methods
This research was conducted at PT. Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta. This process
requires research time from October 2022 to November 2023. The research was carried out in
stages according to the author's needs starting from preparation for research, distributing pre-
survey questionnaires, collecting primary data, collecting secondary data, writing reports and
preparing research methods. Research design is a framework of research methods and
techniques that will be used as a guide for carrying out the research process. In the research
design, the author uses a quantitative research method approach. According to Sugiyono (2017).
Quantitative methods can be interpreted as methods that are based on the philosophy of
positivism, and are used to research certain populations or samples. In collecting data, research
instruments are used whose data analysis is quantitative or statistical in nature, the aim of which
is to test predetermined hypotheses The sampling technique for this research uses a saturated
sampling technique. Because the population in this study is 236 people, the researcher took the
entire population to be used as a sample. And the sampling method used is the saturated
sampling method or census. The main data collection technique in this research is through the
survey method to obtain individual opinions using research instruments in the form of
questionnaires. The technique used by researchers in collecting data was using Google forms.
The questionnaire used in this research was distributed to employees of PT. Intiland
Development Tbk Jakarta
This study uses primary and secondary data collected through a questionnaire with a
Likert scale. Understanding the Likert scale is used to measure attitudes, opinions, perceptions
of a person or group of people about social phenomena. In research, this social phenomenon has
been specifically defined by researchers, which are hereinafter referred to as research variables
(Sugiyono, 2016). With a Likert scale, the variables to be measured are translated into variable
dimensions and indicators. Then these indicators are used as a starting point for compiling
instrument items which can be in the form of statements or questions. Meanwhile, this study
measures Hard Skill as measured by indicators of equtable compensation, save environment,
career development, employee participation, pride, wellness, conflict resolution,
communication. Knowledge Sharingis measured by indicators of personal knowledge, work
procedures, technology. Employee Performance is measured by indicators of altruism,
conscientiousness, sportsmanship, courtesy, civic virtue. .is measured by indicators of
achievement of work results, awards, responsibilities, the work itself, development.
This research method uses data analysis methods using SmartPLS 3.0. PLS is a variant-
based SEM statistical method designed to solve multiple regression when specific data problems
occur. PLS (Partial Least Square) is a powerful Factor indeterminacy analysis method, therefore
it does not assume the data must be of a certain scale of measurement, the number of samples is
small. PLS can also be used for theory confirmation. Compared to convariance based SEM
(which is represented by LISRELEQS, or AMOS) the component base PLS is able to avoid two
major problems faced by convariance based (CBSEM), namely inadmissible solutions. For
prediction purposes, the PLS approach is more suitable because with the PLS approach it is
assumed that all variance measures are useful variances to explain. PLS provides a general
model that includes canonical correlation techniques, redundancy, multiple regression,
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and principle component analysis (Ghozali,
The purpose of PLS is to help researchers to get latent variable values for prediction
purposes. The model formula originally defines the latent variable as a linear aggregate of the
indicators. The analysis was performed using inferential statistical analysis . Inferential statistics
are statistical techniques used to analyze sample data and the results are applied to the
This statistic will be suitable for use if the sample is taken from a clear population, and the
sampling technique from that population is carried out randomly (Sugiyono, 2014). In
accordance with the hypothesis that has been formulated, in this study statistical data analysis
was measured using SmartPLS software starting from model measurement (outer model), model
structure ( inner model ) and hypothesis testing. PLS (Partial Least Square) uses the principle
component analysis method in the measurement model, namely the variant extraction block to
see the relationship between indicators and their latent constructs by calculating the total
variance which consists of common variance, specific variance and error variance so that the
total variance becomes high.

3. Results and Discussion

Results: Based on the results of data processing in the table, it shows that of the 32
respondents there were 15 (46.9%) male respondents and 17 (53.1%) female respondents. The
highest number of respondents were aged between 27-33 years, namely 12 (37.5%) respondents
and the lowest were respondents aged >40 years, namely 4 (12.5%) respondents. Meanwhile,
the highest level of education was Bachelor's degree for 18 (56.3%) respondents and the lowest
level of education was Others for 2 (6.3%) respondents. Meanwhile, employees with the longest
service period of 6-10 years were 15 (46.9%) respondents, for the lowest service period <2 years
were 3 (9.4%) respondents.
Table 1. Characteristics of Respondents
No. Gender Age Level of education Years of service

1. Male = 15 (46,9%) 19-26 = 7 (21,9%) SMA/K = 5 (15,6%) < 2 years = 3 (9,4%)

2. Female = 17 (53,1%) 27-33 = 12 (37,5%) Diploma = 7 (21,9%) 2-5 years = 6 (18,8%)
3. 34-40 = 9 (28,1%) S1 = 18 (56,3%) 6-10 years = 15 (46,9%)
4. >40 tahun = 4 (12,5%) Others = 2 (6,3%) > 10 years = 8 (25,0%)

Source: Process Data 2023

Based on (R2 ) tested R-Square (Goodness of Fit / GoF ). To assess this model using
PLS, one starts observing R2 for any assigned latent variable. According to Ghozali (2014), an
R2 value of 0.75 indicates strong, 0.236 indicates moderate and 0.25 indicates weak. The
relevance of the predicted value (Q-squared) is 0.02 which means small, 0.35 means medium
and 0.35 means large. Testing the GOF/Goodness of Fit model uses Predictive Relevance (Q 2)
on the inner model. The value (Q2 /Q-square) must be greater than zero (0) which indicates the
model has predictive relevance.
Table 2. Model of Goodness of Fit
Composite Alpha
Variable AVE R- Square
Reliability Cronbach
Hard Skill 0,606 0,932 0,918
Kinerja Karyawan 0,545 0,892 0,857 0,874
Pelatihan 0,622 0,947 0,939
Soft Skill 0,623 0,908 0,878

Source: PLS Output, 2022

The estimated values for the path relationships in the structural model must be
significant. The significance value of this hypothesis can be obtained by the boostrapping
procedure. See the significance of the hypothesis by looking at the parameter coefficient values
and the significance value of the T-statistic on the boostrapping report algorithm. To find out
whether it is significant or not can be seen from the T-table at alpha 0.05 (5%) = 1.96, then the
T-table is compared with the T-count (T-statistics). The following table shows that hypothesis
testing shows that: Hard Skill does not have a significant effect on Employee Performance, Soft
Skill has a significant positive effect on Employee Performance, Hard Skill has a significant
positive effect on Training, Soft Skill has a significant positive effect on Training, .has a
significant positive effect on Employee Performance, Hard Skillhas a significant positive effect
on Employee Performance through Training, and Soft Skill has a significant positive effect on
Employee Performance through Training.

Table 3. Hypothesis Testing Results

Origina Standard T-
l Deviatio Statistic Keterangan
Sample n s

Hard Skill ->

Positif -
Kinerja 0,537 0,155 3,471 0,000

Soft Skill ->

Positif -
Kinerja 0,206 0,096 2,150 0,020
Pelatihan ->
Positif -
Kinerja 0,222 0,074 2,997 0,014
Source: Process Data
Figure 1. Bootstrap Test Results

Measurement is an analysis model to test the reliability and validity of each dimension
and the indicators used to measure each variable that were built previously. The dimensional
analysis of the model can be defined by explaining the discriminant validity value by assessing
the square root value of AVE (Average Variance Extracted) with a boost value of more than 0.5
and a loading factor of more than 0.5, construct validity, and Cronbach Alpha because the
composite reliability must be higher from 0.70.
R 2 (R-square) indicates a strong creation. So, the proposed model is supported by
empirical research identified as the correct model. Likewise, the AVE value > 0.5 indicates that
each variable in the model meets the standard of discriminant validity. Composite reliability and
Cronbach Alpha value for each variable is greater than 0.7 (> 0.70), meaning that each variable
is considered reliable. The measurement results based on fact analysis processing on dimensional
model-based indicators show that each indicator processed in Table 2 above is categorized as
invalid where most of the loading issue values are more than > 0.236 (more than 0.236).

1. The Effect of Hard Skill on Employee Performance
Based on hypothesis testing in this research, the T-statistic value was 3.471, the original
sample value was 0.537, and the P value was 0.000. The T-statistic value is greater than the T-
table value of 1.96, the original sample value shows a positive value, and the P Values show less
than 0.05, this result shows that hard skills have a positive and significant effect on employee
This is because employees are able to identify problems logically and are able to imagine
an object if its position is to be changed, so that employees are able to complete the
responsibilities given by the company both individually and working together as a team.
This is supported by research conducted by Deloza et al., (2021), and Nugraha et al.,
(2021) which shows that hard skills have a positive and significant effect on performance.
2. The Effect of Soft Skillon Employee Performance
Based on the hypothesis test in this research, the T-statistic value was 2.150, the original
sample value was 0.206, and the P value was 0.020. The T-statistic value is greater than the T-
table value of 1.96, the original sample value shows a positive value, and the P Values show less
than 0.05, this result shows that soft skills have a positive and significant effect on employee
This is because employees have self-confidence in solving problems and are able to
foster good socialization between employees. This can improve employee performance, such as
establishing good cooperation between colleagues and working to achieve or exceed targets.
This is supported by research conducted by Hikmah et al., (2023), and Nugraha et al.,
(2021) which shows that Soft Skills have a positive effect on employee performance.

3. The Effect of Hard Skill on Training

Based on the hypothesis test in this research, the T-statistic value was 2.997, the original
sample value was 0.222, and the P value was 0.014. The T-statistic value is greater than the T-
table value of 1.96, the original sample value shows a positive value, and the P value shows less
than 0.05, this result shows that training has a positive and significant effect on employee
This is because employees receive the need for feedback from the training, and have a
great desire to pay attention to the speaker during the training. This supports increased employee
performance, as seen by their great desire to pay attention to the speaker during training.
This is reinforced by research conducted by Wardhana & Muslichah (2021), and Abbas et
al., (2020) which shows that training has a significant, direct positive effect on employee

4. Conclusion
Suggestions for PT companies. Intiland Development Tbk Jakarta :
a. Based on the Bootstrapping results, it shows that the hard skill variable has the lowest value
for the statement "I have a high memory in any storage capacity". Companies should improve
employees' memory, such as providing brain refreshing by doing gymnastics or refreshments in
the morning before work.
b. Based on Bootstrapping results, it shows that the soft skill variable has the lowest value in the
statement "I am responsible for the work given by the company." Companies should give full
responsibility to employees for honing employee soft skills, such as giving sanctions to
employees who do not take full responsibility for their work. .
c. Based on the Bootstrapping results, it shows that the training variable has the lowest value for
the statement "Instructors improve the skills of trainees at work." Companies should look for
instructors who are able to improve employee skills, such as selecting instructors and looking for
those who have the best expertise certificates..
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