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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Binalonan, Pangasinan



 Understanding on the importance of good citizenship and promoting
responsible and productive citizenry for community development


This Lesson will help you to understand the Good Citizenship and Good
Citizenship Values which is the Pagkamaka - Diyos, Pagkamaka-Tao,
Pagkamaka-Bayan, Pagkamaka-Kalikasan.
Good Citizenship means to conduct oneself in accordance with the
rights, duties, and privileges of being an inhabitant of a geographical location by
means of birth or naturalization.
By living according to Good Citizenship Values which we can derive from
the Preamble of the Constitution – Faith in God, Unity, Patriotism, Work, Respect
for Life, Respect for Law and Government, Truth, Justice, Freedom, Love,
Equality, Peace, Promotion of the Common Goods, Concern for the Family and
Future Generations.


A. Constitution
1. Preamble
B. Good Citizenship Values
1. Pagkamaka – Diyos
2. Pagkamaka – Tao
3. Pagkamaka – Bayan
4. Pagkamaka – Kalikasan

III. What I Need to Know

In this lesson you are expected to:
 discuss the meaning and importance of good citizenship;
 relate how good citizenship contributes to the development of the
community; and
 demonstrate desirable attitudes and characteristics of a good Filipino
citizen who is Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao at Maka-Kalikasan.

IV. What’s New

Activity 1
Directions: Draw your own symbol inside the box reflecting Good
Citizenship Values and answer the statement below.

1. Pagkamaka – Diyos 2. Pagkamaka – Tao

3. Pagkamaka – Bayan 4. Pagkamaka – Kalikasan

Using the symbols you have drawn above, write your own
description of Good Citizenship Values.

V. What is it

Do you remember the Preamble of the Constitution and the characteristics

of good citizenship values based on the 1987 Philippine Constitution? It is a
written or unwritten instrument that serves as the fundamental or supreme law of
the land. Let us recall the Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution and The
Good Citizenship Values.


“We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in
order to build a just and humane society and establish a government that shall
embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and
develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves our posterity the blessing of
independence and democracy under the rule of law and regime of truth, justice,
freedom, love, equality, and peace do ordain and promulgate this Constitution”.


(Based on the 1987 Philippine Constitution)

1. Faith in the Almighty God
2. Respect for Life
3. Order
4. Work
5. Concern for the Family and Future Generation

1. Love
2. Freedom
3. Peace
4. Truth
5. Justice

1. Unity
2. Equality
3. Respect for the Law and Government
4. Patriotism
5. Promotion of the Common Good

1. Concern for the Environment

A. Pagkamaka – Diyos
1. Faith in the Almighty God – A good Filipino obeys God and lives
according to His teachings.
2. Respect for Life – A good Filipino recognizes the absolute value of human
life and the human dignity person including himself.
3. Order – “Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body, the peace
of the City, the security of the state. As the beams of the house, as the
bones of the body, so is order to all things.” (Southey)
4. Work – A good Filipino values diligence and excellence in everything
he/she does.
5. Concern for the Family and Future Generations – “When His parents
saw Him, they were astonished and his mother said to him, ‘Son, why have
you done this to us? Your Father and I have been looking for you with
great anxiety...” He went down with them to Nazareth and was obedient to
them; and His mother kept all these

B. Pagkamaka – Tao
1. Love – “Love is patient... It never fails, it is eternal... There are faith, hope
and love and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13)
2. Freedom – “Freedom consists not in doing what we like, but in having the
right to do what we ought.” – (Pope John Paul II)
3. Peace – “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to mean of
goodwill.” (Luke 2:14). A good Filipino lives and works in harmony with
his/her fellow human beings.

4. Truth – “The truth can be hidden for a time but it cannot be overcome.” –
(St. Agustine). A good Filipino stands up for the truth and avoids intrigue
and mudslinging and values integrity in his/her life, family, work and
5. Justice – “You Lord, are just ways, faithful in all your works.” –
“Treat others the way you want to have them treat you.” – (Matthew

C. Pagkamaka – Bayan
1. Unity – “Behold how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together
in unity.”
– (Psalm 133). “Let’s work together to attain the common good for our
community people... “ (SJ Lee, 2004)
2. Equality – “That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their
creator with inalienable right... “ (Thomas Jefferson)
3. Respect for Law and Government – “The law is not meant to curtail
freedom; it is meant to ensure that every citizen acts responsibly while
exercising his freedom.” (TIBI, 2004)
A good Filipino obeys the law of the land and supports government
4. Patriotism – “The Filipino is worth dying for.” – (Sen. Benigno Aquino, Jr.)
“Patriotism is not a short outburst of emotions, but a lifetime of
dedication.” (AR Stevenson)
5. Promotion of the Common Good – “A substantial and extremely fertile
estate, no crowding or diminishment as it is shared with other.” – (St.

D. Pagkamaka – Kalikasan
1. Concern for the Environment “For 200 years we’ve been conquering
nature, now we’re beating it to death.” (McMillan)
“And now, we have to do something... to save our only Planet Earth...
before it’s too late.” – (Serge J. Lee, 2004)


Activity 2: My Personal Faith, Evaluation and Resolution

Directions: Read the statements about Pagkamaka - Diyos, put check if

yes or no and write your resolution.


1. I believe in the power of the Faith and

2. My faith in God in one of my greatest
strengths and priorities.
3. I maintain a strong personal prayer
4. My family maintains a strong prayer
5. By my example, others are inspired
to live a life of faith and prayer.
6. I encourage others to be faithful and
turn to prayer in times of personal
setbacks and when faced with moral
7. I continually seek for ways to
strengthen my own faith.
8. My choices and decisions are faith of
prayerful reflections and discernment
9. I believe that my blessings are
brought about by God’s providence
and not merely by my own works.
10. I live out my faith everyday

Write your short prayer


Activity No. 3

Directions: Objectively go to over the statements indicated below. If you agree

with a particular statement, mark with an X the box in the column marked Agree.
Otherwise, mark with an X the box in the column marked Disagree. For every
issue, kindly give a brief insight of your answer on the spaces provided.

Issue Agree Disagree

1. Death Penalty/Capital
Punishment is a good
deterrent against crimes.
Thus, it should be
regarded as an acceptable
2. Abortion should be a
choice accorded to
every women
3. Drugs are threats to
4. Military and rebel
offensives in Mindanao
are justified by the
goals and aspirations
of both groups.
5. Parents should inflict
physical harm on their
children to properly
discipline them.

Activity No. 4: The Million – Peso Question: “Where will I put my Million?”

Directions: If you given a MILLION PESOS, how will you go about dividing your
million on all these things. On the space provide, write the amount you wish to
allocate for the items you consider most important to you.

__________ 1. Life Insurance Plan ______________6. Time Deposit

__________ 2. House and Lot ______________7. Business Deposit

__________ 3. Educational Plan ______________8. Health Insurance

__________ 4. Travel ______________9. Charity work

__________ 5. Shopping ______________10. Others (Specify)

Activity No 5: The Family Angle: Reflection of Modern-Day Family Realities

Instructions: For each situation, imagine yourself as the actual person involved.
Cite some effects and implications of every situation and scenarios that you think
may arise from each issue.

1. You are the family breadwinner and you decide to work abroad so you can
earn more for your family.

2. You are a child whose parents decide to separate.


3. You and your spouse decide to separate.


4. Your parents are separated.


5. You decide to put your aging parents in a nursing home/home for the


During quarantine due to COVID-19 Pandemic, apply in your home
what you have learned in the Good Citizenship Values.

Activity No. 6: Reflection

Instructions: During Enhanced Community Quarantine, what have you

done in your home in relation to Good Citizenship Values (Pagkamaka –
Diyos, Pagkamaka – Bayan, Pagkamaka – Tao and Pagkamaka –
Kalikasan)? Write your answer on the blank provided for.

A. Pagkamaka – Diyos

B. Pagkamaka – Bayan
C. Pagkamaka – Tao

D. Pagkamaka – Kalikasan


A. Multiple Choice

Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Constitution of Preamble
a. 1987 Philippine Constitution
b. 1897 Philippine Constitution
c. 1978 Nation Constitution
d. None of the above
2. We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of _________________
a. Government c. Almighty God
b. Constitution d. Nation
3. Which of the following are the good citizenship values?
a. Pagkamaka –Tao and Pagkamaka – Bayan
b. Pagkamaka – Diyos
c. Pagkamaka – Kalikasan
d. All of the above
4. Pagkamaka-Diyos: Order; Pagkamaka-tao: Love; _____________:
a. Pagkamaka-kalikasan: Concern for the Environment
b. Pagkamaka-tao: Unity
c. Pagkamaka-bayan: Freedom
d. Pagkamaka-kalikasan: Justice
5. A good Filipino recognizes the absolute value of human life and the
human dignity person including himself.
a. Patriotism
b. Faith in the Almighty God
c. Justice
d. Respect for Life

6. A good Filipino lives and works in harmony with his/her fellow human
a. Freedom b. Justice c. Peace d. Equality
7. Pagkamaka-bayan
a. Equality
b. Patriotism
c. Unity
d. All of the above
8. A good Filipino works with and cooperates with others.
a. Love c. Unity
b. Peace d. Equality
9. A good Filipino conserves such as water, land and air.
a. Promotion of the common good c. Concern for the
b. Respect for the law and government d. Justice
10. Follow the curfew hour.
a. Pagkamaka-tao c. Pagkamaka-Diyos
b. Pagkamaka-bayan d. Pagkamaka-kalikasan

B. Fill in the Blanks

Instruction: Fill each blank with the correct answer. Choose your answer inside
the box below and write your answer on the blank provided.

Freedom Government
Future Generation Patriotism Truth

1. Establish a ______________ that shall embody our ideals and

aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our
2. Concern for the Family and ________________ is good looks after the
welfare of his/her family and future generation.
3. A good Filipino asserts his/her right especially if it means being able to do
the right thing is called _____________.
4. _______________ is a good Filipino places high regard for his/her country.
5. Truth is a good Filipino stands up for the ____________ and avoids
intrigue and mudslinging and values integrity in his/her life, family, work
and country.
C. Essay: Processing Feedback

Let us process the information discussed by answering the following questions.

1. What did you learn from the Good Citizenship Values? Explain?

2. How can you show your respect for life?


3. How can you help your community during the COVID-19 Pandemic?


4. Have you ever been in love? Do you feel you are loved?

5. What is the importance of environment in the development of our society?

Why do you say so?



Fernandez, MSA

Key Answer


Multiple Choice Identification

1. A 1. Government

2. C 2. Future Generation

3. D 3. Freedom

4. A 4. Patriotism

5. D 5. Truth

6. C
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. B


Activity 5 4 3 2 1
All questions All and nearly Nearly all Almost all Not
Processing were all were were questions submitted
Feedback answered answered answered. were not module
clearly; all clearly; some Acceptable answered.
are were grammatic
justifiable/ justifiable/ ally and
correct. correct. mechanical
Grammar Grammar and errors.
and mechanics
mechanics found to have
were minimal
observed errors.


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