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These documents might appear in trials or be
used to obtain warrants, making accuracy and
clarity absolutely essential.
CDI 7 - TECHNICAL ENGLISH 1 (LEGAL FORMS) Well-written reports provide a clear picture of an
event and the circumstances surrounding it as
TECHNICAL WRITING well as providing an excellent reference source
Is a type of writing where the author is writing about a when testifying in court or creating intelligence
particular subject that requires direction, instruction or briefs.
It is a professional communication and a specialized form TYPES OF WRITTEN COMMUNICATION IN
of exposition: that is, written communication done on the CRIMINAL JUSTICE
job, especially in fields with specialized vocabularies,
such as science, engineering, technology, and health 1. NARRATIVES AND REPORTS
sciences. Police narrative construction is a formal story-
telling process necessary to focus investigative
CHARACTERISTICS OF TECHNICAL WRITING strategy and to form the basis if a prosecution
The characteristics of Technical writing are as follows: case file.
1.SIMPLICITY AND CONCISENESS The narrative tells the story if the crime; what
Writing short and using short words or sentences to make happened and why it happened.
documents easier to read. It also utilizes active voice,
rather than passive and avoids the use of jargon. 2. LEGAL PLEADINGS AND CITATIONS
Legal pleadings are formal pieces of writing
2. ACCURACY submitted to the court, such as motions for
There is no room for ambiguity or errors in a technical summary judgement and complaints for
document damages.
The court may also evaluate formal legal
3. AUDIENCE FOCUSED citations, such as tickets written by police
A document written for experts will be very different from officers.
one written for the general public. These documents provide the court with
information it
Technical writing is not emotive in style. It uses a very A judicial order is a document written by a judge
objective, based approach, because it aims to convey that renders a decision about a case. It outlines
information. the legal rationale for the judge’s decision, and
may also outline the basic facts of the case.
Technical writers often have to do more than simply write. 4. STUDIES AND RESEACH
They also have to consider the design of their document Studies on sentencing, the causes of criminal
to make it easier to read. It includes the layout on the behavior, proper police protocol and the
page and the use of headings, subheadings, bullet points demographics of those involved in the criminal
and numbered lists to break up the document. justice system are all common.
Most studies are highly formal and academic,
CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM and are typically overseen by academics or by
Is the system or process in the community by which criminal justice experts with years of experience
crimes are investigated, and the persons suspected in the field.
thereof are taken into custody, prosecuted in court and
punished, if found guilty, provisions being made for their LEGAL FORMS
correction and rehabilitated.
Legal forms are means for binding written
LAW ENFORCEMENT documents that serve as putting into effect legal
PROSECUTION proceedings, court orders and notices.
CORRECTIONS These could be in the forms of
COMMUNITY Acknowledgement and Jurat, Affidavits, Sales of
Realty, Sales of Personal Property, Mortgages,
WHAT IS TECHNICAL WRITING IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Powers of Attorney, Special Contracts and
Effective communication is vital in criminal justice. Law Agreement, Gratuitous Contracts and
enforcement officers do far more writing than many dispositions, Partnership and Corporation, and
people think. Complaints in criminal cases. Official notices
Criminal Justice report writing plays a central role in the may be considered as legal forms as Summons,
field. Appearance notice, subpoena, Warrant of
Police write arrest, crime, incident, and evidence reports, Arrest, and Search Warrant.
and they compose social media posts, community
outreach posters, and internal memos. IMPORTANCE OF LEGAL FORMS
Due to authoritative nature of police work, law
enforcement communications must use clear, concise, • To avoid disagreement common to parties of a
and articulate language.

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• To have a clear guide and evidence of the terms that Practice of 2004)
both parties agreed upon Notary is a public official whose duty is to attest
• The law requires that a contract be in some form in order the genuineness of any deed or writing in order
that it may be valid or enforceable, or that a contract be to render them available as evidence of the
proved in a certain way, that requirement is absolute and facts that contains.
• Judicial proceedings make use of forms as documentary POWER OF NOTARY PUBLIC
requirements and evidence for these proceedings, According to the Rule IV, section 1 of the Rules
containing therein legally binding information on Notarial Practice of 2004, the power of
notary public are the following:
1.A notary public is empowered to perform the
1. BUSINESS FORMS following notarial acts:
-the forms used in conveyancing, or of the forms of deeds, • Acknowledgement
instruments or documents creating, transferring, • Oath and affirmations
modifying or limiting rights to real as well as personal • Jurats
properties, and other forms related to business contracts • Signature witnessing
or transactions. • Copy certifications
• Any other act authorized by the Rules on
2. JUDICIAL FORMS Notarial Practice of 2004
-the forms which pertains to different kinds of pleadings,
applications, petitions, affidavits, motions and the like. 2.A notary public is authorized to certify the
affixing of a signature by thumb or other mark
WHAT IS CONTRACT? on an instrument or document presented for
Contract is a meeting of minds between two persons notarization if:
whereby one binds himself, with respect to the other, to • The thumb mark or other mark is affixed in the
give something or to render some service (New Civil presence of the notary public and of 2
Code, Article 1305). disinterested and unaffected witnesses to the
The contracting parties establish such stipulations, instrument or document
clauses, terms and conditions as they may deem • Both witnesses sign their own names on
convenient, provided they are not contrary to law, morals, addition to the thumb or other mark
good customs, public order, or public policy (New Civil • The notary public writes below the thumb or
Code, Article 1306) other mark: “Thumb or other mark affixed by
(name of signatory by mark) in the presence of
3 ELEMENTS OF A VALID CONTRACT (names and addresses of witnesses) and
According to the New Civil Code, there is no contract undersigned notary public
unless the following requisites concur (New Civil Code, • The notary public notarizes the signature by
Article 1318). thumb or other mark through an
acknowledgement, jurat, or signature witnessing.
Consent is manifested by the meeting of the offer and the 3.A notary public is authorized to sign-on behalf
acceptance upon the thing and the cause which are to of a person who is physically unable to sign or
constitute the contract. make a mark on an instrument or document if:
The following cannot give consent to a contract (New Civil • The notary public is directed by the person
Code, Article 1327) unable to sign or make a mark to sign on his
-Unemancipated minors behalf
- Insane or demented persons, and deaf-mutes who do • The signature of the notary public is affixed on
not know how to write. the presence of two disinterested and
unaffected witnesses to the instrument or
MATTER OF THE CONTRACT • Both witnesses sign their own names
Object of a contract are the following (New Civil Code, • The notary public writes below his signature:
Article 1347) “Signature affixed by notary in presence of
-All things which are not outside the commerce of men (names and addresses of person and two
(legal objects), including future things witnesses)
-All rights which are not intransmissible; • The notary public notarizes his signature by
-All services which are not contrary to law acknowledgement or jurat
morals, good custom, public order or public policy.
ESTABLISHED The effect of the notarization of a private
Cause of consideration is the essential reason which document is to convert the said document into a
moves the parties to enter the contract. This is the “why of public one and render it admissible in evidence
the contract” which dictates the nature of the contract. in court without further proof of its authenticity
and due executions.
Notarization or Notarial acts refer to any act that a notary REFORMATION OF INSTRUMENTS
public is empowered to perform (Rules on Notarial When there having been a meeting of the minds

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of the parties to a contract, their true intention is not RULE 6: Names of parties should be repeated.
expressed in the instrument, purporting to embody the The use of PRONOUNS would give rise to
agreement, by reason of mistake, fraud, inequitable AMBIGUITY
conduct or accident, one of the parties may ask for the
reformation of the instrument to the end that such true RULE 7: The document must be NEAT, FREE
intention may be expressed. FROM ERASURES, INTERLINEATIONS, OR
• There is a meeting of the minds of the parties to contract; RULE 8: A clause may be
• The written instrument does not express the true inserted at the end of
agreement or intention of the parties; an agreement that”
• The failure to express the true intention is due to a “This contract shall extend and be binding upon
mistake, fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident the parties thereto, their executors,
• The facts upon which relief by way of reformation of administrators and assigns
the instrument is sought are put in issue by the pleadings;
• There is clear and convincing evidence of the mistake, RULE 9: The place and date of execution of the
fraud, inequitable conduct, or accident. document usually come LAST, and may be
stated thus:
BUSINESS FORMS “Signed in the City of Manila, Philippines, this
Business forms are written forms used in conveyancing or day of
of the forms of deeds, instruments or documents creating,
transferring, modifying or limiting rights to real as well as WHAT IS A WILL?
personal properties, and other forms related to business A will is a legal document which is prepared with
contracts or transactions. certain formalities, and under which a person
directs what will happen to his/her property after
CONVEYANCE his/her death.
Is the transfer and assignment of any property right or This will is effective only upon the person’s
interest from one individual or entity (the conveyor) to death and it can be modified or revoked by the
another (the conveyee) person at any time during his/her life.
This is usually accomplished through a written instrument
– most often a deed- that transfers title to, or creates a DISTINCTION BETWEEN A DEED AND A
lien on property. WILL
A conveyance refers to a contract, meaning that the
While wills and deeds are completely different
Supposing either party doesn’t do so, the other party is documents, both of them have the effect of
capable of suing the defaulting party in court to either transferring ownership of property, and both can
claim damages or enforce the contract. be used in disposing of such property in the
context of estate planning. A will disposes of
DEED one’s estate upon death and a deed passes an
Is a written instrument under seal containing a contract or interest in land or other real property.
agreement which has been delivered by the parties to be
bound and accepted by the oblige or covenantee. JURAT
It is a legal document that grants its holder ownership of a Is that part of an affidavit in which the officer
piece of real estate or other assets, such as an certifies that the instrument was sworn to before
automobile. him.
It is used in affidavits, certifications, verifications,
or whenever the person executing a document
CARDINAL RULES IN DRAFTING CONTRACTS/DEED or instrument makes a statement of facts or
AS LEGAL DOCUMENTS attests to the truth of an occurrence of an event
RULE 1: The usual commencement of a contract should under oath.
be: A jurat should only be used in affidavits, sworn
“This Agreement” or “An Agreement” or “Articles of statements, certifications, verifications and the
Agreement” like, but never in Contracts.

RULE 2: The FULLNAMES of the parties, their capacity, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

civil status, and their residences, should come next. The Is the act of one who has executed a deed, in
logical order in which the parties are to be named in the going before some competent officer or court
document must be observed. and declaring it to be his act or deed.
An acknowledgement is to authenticate an
RULE 3: The principal or operational clauses of the agreement between two or more persons, or
document should be stated in separate, numbered where the document contains a disposition of
paragraphs property.

RULE 4: Verbosity (wordiness) should be avoided INSTRUMENTS REQUIRED TO BE

RULE 5: Specific or technical terms, which have special The act of acknowledging instruments is
meanings in the document, should be especially defined statutory and only those instruments that are
acknowledged shall be

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An instrument can not be acknowledged by a person EXECUTING AN AFFIDAVIT
other than who executed In executing an affidavit, the affiant’s primary
it. qualification is that he has knowledge of facts
The instruments that must be acknowledged are: which he states, and the truth of which he
DEED affirms.
CONVEYANCES It will be used to prove the truthfulness of a
MORTGAGES certain statement in court.
LEASES RELEASES It is either the personal knowledge of the affiant
DISCHARGE AFFECTING LANDS or his/her information and belief or although not
based on their personal perspective, the affiant
SWORN STATEMENTS states only what he/she feels they can state as
A sworn statement is a document that contains facts that true.
are relevant to a legal proceeding. Sworn statements are An affidavit is only valid when made voluntarily
similar to affidavits, however, unlike affidavits, they are and without coercion.
not required to be signed, witnessed, or sealed by a
notary public. Instead, the person making the statement LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY OF MAKING OR
signs a paragraph at the end of the document EXECUTING AFFIDAVITS
acknowledging that the facts within the statement are true An affidavit is a legal document that is vey
to his knowledge, and being made under penalty of similar to a witness’s sworn testimony in a court
perjury. of law.
Prior to giving testimony, a witness in a trial
In taking sworn statement, the police should comply must swear that what they are about so say is
Sec.12, Art.3 of the 1987 Constitution by reminding the true and correct under the penalty of perjury. An
accused of his constitutional rights. affidavit carries the same penalty of perjury,
only it is used to attest to things outside of the
ARTICLE III courtroom.
Bill of Rights The crime of perjury is committed by any person
SECTION 12. (1) Any person under investigation for the who shall knowingly make untruthful statements
commission of an offense shall have the right to be or make an affidavit, upon any material matter
informed of his right to remain silent and to have and required by law.
competent and independent counsel preferably of his own
choice. If the person cannot afford the services of counsel, ARTICLE 183. FALSE TESTIMONY IN OTHER
he must be provided with one. These rights cannot be CASES AND PERJURY IN SOLEMN
waived except in writing and in the presence of counsel. AFFIRMATION
(2) No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation, or any
other means which vitiate the free will shall be used ELEMENTS:
against him. Secret detention places, solitary, 1. That an accused made a statement under
incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention are oath or made an affidavit
prohibited. upon a material matter;
(3) Any confession or admission obtained in violation of 2. That the statement or affidavit was made
this or Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence before a competent officer, authorized to
against him. receive and administer oath;
(4) The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for 3. That in that statement or affidavit, the accused
violations of this section as well as compensation to and made a willful and deliberate assertion of a
rehabilitation of victims of torture or similar practices, and falsehood; and
their families 4. That the sworn statement or affidavit
containing the falsity is required by law.

Affidavit is a voluntary sworn declaration of written facts. Two (2) Ways Of Committing
It is sworn before a notary or other officers entitled to Perjury:
administer an oath or take acknowledgement. falsely testifying under oath
The document needs to be authorized either by oath making a false statement
commissioner or any Notary public so that the authenticity
of affiant’s signature can be proved. PARTS OF AN AFFIDAVIT
Both the author and witness need to sign it, if the affidavit
is needed for conducting court proceedings therefore it The parts of an affidavit are:
needs to be created in proper manner by any legal 1. VENUE: the place where the affidavit was
profession. taken. This will show whatever the official
administering the oath of affirmation has acted
The person making the sworn statement is referred to as within this jurisdiction
the AFFIANT. 2. BODY: The facts stated in the body of an
In signing an affidavit, the affiant is asserting that affidavit must be stated positively, and not
the the facts contained in the affidavit. merely a matter if belief, by one who has actual
knowledge of the fact and its allegations should
They are also stating that they are competent to testify be full, certain and exact.
provided if called into court. 3. SIGNATURE OF THE AFFIANT AND THE

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JURAT: The proper following:
place the signature is below the body of the affidavit. • The name, age, residence or business address,
JURAT is that part of an affidavit in which the officer and occupation of the witness;
certifies that the instrument was sworn to before him. • The name and address of the lawyer who
conducts or supervises the examination of the
SCILICET/SUBSCIPSI (SS) witness and the place where the examination is
Is used to particularize a general statement. “SS” literally being held;
means “more particularly” • A statement that the witness is answering the
questions asked of him, fully conscious that he
Example: does so under oath, and that he may face
Republic of the Philippines, SS, City of Pasig means: criminal liability for false testimony or perjury;
In the Republic of the Philippines, more particularly in the
City of Pasig. • Questions asked of the witness and his
corresponding answers, consecutively
AFFIDAVIT OF LOSS (1) Show the circumstances under which the
Is a document declaring the loss of a security usually witness acquired the facts upon which he
through theft or destruction. The affiant contains all the testifies;
details regarding the loss, such as the owner’s name and (2) Elicit from him those facts which are relevant
any information pertaining to the security. to the issues that the case presents; and
(3)Identify the attached documentary and object
AFFIDAVIT OF BIRTH evidence and establish their authenticity in
Is a legal document that can be used to verify the facts accordance with the Rules of Court;
surrounding an individual’s birth, including birth date, • The signature of the witness over his printed
location and the name of each parent. name; and
It is a document that acts as a written solemn oath that a • A jurat with the signature of the notary public
birth occurred. It may be completed by a medical who administers the oath or an officer who is
professional who witnesses a birth in the event that a birth authorized by law to administer the same.
certificate is lost.
Once notarized, this form may help someone prove or Section 4. Sworn attestation of the lawyer.
even apply for a new birth certificate. (a)The judicial affidavit shall contain a sworn
A parent may also complete an Affidavit of Birth for their attestation at the end, executed by the lawyer
child. who conducted or supervised the examination
of the witness, to the effect that:
AFFIDAVIT OF DEATH (1) He faithfully recorded or caused to be
Is a sworn legal document used to recorded the questions he asked and the
corresponding answers that the witness gave;
Affidavit of Death forms can only be written and signed by and
someone who has first-hand knowledge of the person’s 2) Neither he nor any other person then present
death and is typically accompanied by a certified copy of or assisting him coached the witness regarding
a death certificate. the latter's answers.
An Affidavit of Death is often created with a specific
purpose, such as informing insurance companies, (b)A false attestation shall subject the lawyer
banks, mentioned to disciplinary action, including
Is an affidavit filed to AFFIDAVIT OF DESISTANCE
An affidavit of desistance is a written statement
It is also part of the chattel mortgage contract wherein it is under oath by the complainant stating that
stated that the chattel mortgage has been constituted to he/she is no longer interested in pursuing the
secure a principal obligation and is not mean for fraud or complain or criminal case against another
any ill purpose. person.
It is filed before the office or court where the
JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT complaint is pending or being investigated.
Is written, out-of-court statement taken before a notary However, merely filing the Affidavit of
public or any person authorized to administer an oath Desistance does not automatically dismiss the
(affidavit), is in a question and answer form (Sec.8, Rule 2, complaint or criminal case. The decision to
AM No. 01-2-04 SC) and serves as witness’ direct dismiss the complaint or criminal case ultimately
testimonies, subject to cross-examination in accordance lies with the investigating officer or the judge.
with existing rules on evidence.
A complainant may wish to desist from the
CONTENTS OF JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT complaint or criminal case for a variety of
According to the Judicial Affidavit Rule (AM No. 12-8-8- reasons, such as:
SC) • He/she have already amicably
Section 3. Contents of judicial Affidavit.A judicial affidavit settled with the other persons
shall be prepared in the language known to the witness • He/she is no longer willing to spend either time
and, if not in English or Filipino, accompanied by a or effort in prosecuting the other person;
translation in English or Filipino, and shall contain the • He/she realized that he/she filed a complaint or

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criminal case against the wrong person situation or incident. In court cases, witnesses
can help parties prove elements of their cases
REPLY/ANSWER AFFIDAVIT through live testimony, deposition testimony or
Reply Affidavit or Affidavit in reply can be defined as an affidavits.
affidavit served in court proceedings in which a deponent The witness writes out the facts about which
responds to another party’s evidence where that party’s she has knowledge that are relevant to the case,
evidence was itself in response to evidence served by the signing the document and swearing under
party serving the reply affidavit. penalty of perjury that it is true.
The purpose of an affidavit in reply is simply to rebut or In most cases, the witness must sign the
answer matters raised for the first time on the affidavits to affidavit before a notary or officer of the court.
which the replies are made.

Is an affidavit filed by the respondent in reply to a petition. APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT
It is an affidavit responding to and contradicting the A search warrant is an order in writing issued in
affidavit produced by an adversary. the name of the People of the Philippines,
It is an affidavit made in opposition to one already made. signed by the judge and directed to a peace
officer, commanding him to search for personal
AFFIDAVIT OF UNDERTAKING property described therein and bring it before
the court.
This affidavit is voluntarily executed in order to attest to
the truthfulness of the foregoing narration of facts and All application for search warrant shall be
undertaking under administrative, criminal, and civil approved for filing by the Chief of Office. The
liabilities and for whatever legal purpose it may serve. application shall indicate the following data
(Revised PNP Operational Procedure, 2021):
AFFIDAVIT OF DISINTERESTED PERSONS • Office applying for the Search warrant
The affidavit contains the sworn statements of two • Name of officer-applicant
disinterested persons clarifying discrepancies in a • Name of the subject, if known
person’s name. The two persons who will sign the • Exact address/places to be searched
affidavit should: • Specific statement of things/articles to be
• Be disinterested persons or have no seized;
interest in the subject-matter of the • Sketch and/or Picture, if available, of the place
affidavit to be searched
• Not be related to the person subject of the affidavit (e.g.
not a parent, child)d WARRANT OF ARREST
• Have personal knowledge of the facts
subjectof the affidavit. It is issued by the court to use in arresting
suspect/s. Arrest is the taking of person into
OTHER AFFIDAVITES AND FORMS USED BY LAW custody in order that he may bound to answer
ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES for the commission of an offense. It is made by
an actual restraint of a person to be arrested. Or
AFFIDAVITS OF ARRESTING OFFICER by his submission to the custody of the person
ARREST is the taking of person into custody in order that making an arrest.
he may be bound to answer for the commission of an The person of office that cannot that cannot
offense. execute warrant :
✓ Clerk of court
An AFFIDAVIT OF ARREST is generally filled out by the ✓ Public Prosecutor
arresting officer and states the facts and circumstances ✓ Mayor
surrounding an arrest.
The affidavit may state such facts as the information INQUEST
which led to the arrest and the observations made before It is an informal and summary investigation
and after the arrest occurred. conducted by the Prosecutor in criminal case
It is a statement given under oath and penalty of perjury. issued by the court for the purpose of
It may also be referred to as an arrest report. determining whether or not he should remain
under custody and be charge in court
Is a sworn statement prepared by someone who wishes DURING INQUEST PROCEEDINGS THIS
to file a legal complaint. It becomes the basis for the case, REPORT/DOCUMENT SHALL BE INCLUDED:
providing basic information about the facts of the matter ✓ AFFIDAVIT OF ARREST
and outlining the nature of the case. ✓ INVESTIGATION REPORT
Is a statement alleging that a person has committed an ✓ STATEMENT OF THE COMPLAINANT AND
offense in writing subscribed and sworn to before any WITNESS
prosecutor or government official authorized to administer ✓ OTHER SUPPORTIVE EVIDENCE
oath, or, in their absence or unavailability, before a notary GATHERED
A witness is a person with personal knowledge of a

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✓ An official notice telling a person that she/he has to Provided, that such written order shall only be
appear in court at a specific time and place to answer the issued or granted upon written application and
criminal charge. the examination under oath or affirmation of the
✓ If a person fails to go, a warrant of arrest may be issued applicant and the witnesses he may produce
and a showing:
• Offenses of rebellion, conspiracy and proposal
2. SUBPOENA to commit rebellion, inciting to rebellion, sedition,
✓ An order in the court that requires someone to testify as conspiracy to commit sedition, and inciting to
a witness. ✓ It is a conditional threat of punishment if sedition, such authority shall be granted only
they will not appear. upon prior proof that a rebellion or acts of
sedition, as the case may be, have actually
TYPES OF SUBPOENA : been or are being committed;
1. Subpoena ad testificandum - Orders a person to testify • That there are reasonable grounds to believe
in the court. that evidence will be obtained essential to the
2. Subpoena ducestecum - Orders a person to bring conviction of any person for, or to the solution of,
physical evidence before the court. or to the prevention of, any of such crimes;
• That there are no other means readily available
DEPOSITION OF WITNESS for obtaining such evidence.
Is a witness’s sworn out-of-court testimony. It is used to The order granted or issued shall specify:
gather information as part of the discovery process and, • The identity of the person or persons whose
in limited circumstances, may be used at trial. The communications, conversations, discussions, or
witness being deposed is called the deponent. spoken words are to be overheard, intercepted,
or recorded and, in the case of telegraphic or
DOCUMENTS AFTER THE EXECUTION OF SEARCH telephonic communications, the telegraph line
WARRANT ISSUED or the telephone number involved and its
The police officer who confiscates property under the • The identity of the peace officer authorized to
warrant shall issue a detailed receipt of property seized to overhear, intercept, or record the
the lawful occupant of the premises. communications, conversations, discussions, or
In the absence of the occupant, the detailed receipt shall spoken words;
be left in the place in which he/she found the seized • The offense or offenses committed or sought to
property on the presence of at least 2 witnesses of be prevented
sufficient age and discretion residing in the same locality. • The period of the authorization. The
The receipt shall likewise include items seized under the authorization shall be effective for the period
Plain View Doctrine (Revised PNP Operational Procedure, specified in the order which shall not exceed
2021) sixty
(60) days from the date of issuance of the order,
CERTIFICATION OF ODERLY SEARCH unless extended or renewed by the court upon
It is a document certifying that the search was conducted being satisfied that such extension
in accordance with the law.


Affidavit of denial may be submitted to clear one’s name
when there are other records bearing the same name with
pending case or derogatory information.


Wiretapping is the surreptitious electronic monitoring of
telephone, telegraph, cellular, fax or internet-based
It is achieved either through the placement of a
monitoring device informally known as a bug on the wire
in question or through built-in mechanism in other
communication technologies.

According to the RA 4200 or the anti wiretapping act

It shall be unlawful for any person, not being authorized
by all the parties to any private communication or spoken
word, to tap any wire or cable, or by using any other
device or arrangement, to secretly overhear, intercept, or
record such communication or spoken word by using a
device commonly known as a dictaphone or dictagraph or
dictaphone or walkie-talkie or tape recorder, or however
otherwise described (Section 1)

Section 3 or RA 4200, states that it is NOT UNLAWFUL

or punishable for any peace officer, who is AUTHORIZED
by a written order of the court to perform wiretapping.

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