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The causes of school violence

2.1.1. Family Situation and Parenting Style
It has long been believed that a parent's parenting style has a significant impact on their child's
social conduct in school, particularly on more aggressive behaviors like bullying (Deoliveira
2020).Family histories of crime and violence, low or unattainable expectations from parents,
inadequate parental monitoring, parental involvement in substance abuse, and child abuse and
neglect can all contribute to the development of violent behavior in children.Children who
experience violent situations as a youngster may grow up to view violence as normal and then
replicate these behaviors in the classroom. Other study discovered that children who see parental
violence are more likely to be aggressive, impulsive, anxious, and have poor social skills (McIntosh
2003).Moreover there are many fathers and mothers who teach their children by scolding and
beating them harshly when they make mistakes, gradually forming a more aggressive character in
their children.

2.1.2. Media violence

Social media platforms have emerged as the primary means of communicating public opinions.
Students utilize the Internet's communication features, including rapid dissemination, wide reach,
and constant connectivity. They exploit the convenience of online communication to propagate
negative views on campus social networks and other social apps, potentially inciting campus
violence. This behavior could result in various incidents of campus violence and other unfavorable
outcomes. According to a nationally representative study of approximately 5,000 American
adolescents, 36.5% of the participants had experienced cyberbullying at some point in their lives,
and 17.4% had experienced it in the preceding 30 days. In terms of offense, 14.8% of respondents
said they have harassed somebody online at some point in their lives, and 6.3% said they had done
so during the previous 30 days ( Hinduja & Patchin 2021)

2.1.3.Prior history of violence

A history of violence can impact school violence through a variety of factors, including individual
psychology and conflict resolution skills (Brandi,Vincent,Hasselt & Vecchi 2011). Students who
have experienced or witnessed violence may suffer from trauma or mental health problems.
Untreated trauma and mental health disorders can increase the risk of aggressive behavior, including
violence toward others, especially in high-stress environments such as schools. People who have
experienced violence in the past may react by using violence for self-defense or to resolve
conflicts.Moreover ,they may lack effective conflict resolution skills. Instead of resolving conflicts
through peaceful means or dialogue, they may resort to violence as a means of asserting control or
resolving disputes. This can escalate tensions and lead to further violence within school settings.

2.2. The effects of school violence

2.2.1. Mental health concerns

School violence causes many serious mental consequences.(Bich Huyen 2020). Children experience
physical harm such as trauma, pain, and damage to their health; social and emotional problems that
affect learning. Many children who experience school violence suffer from mental disorders such as:
depression , anxiety and suicidal ideation.Children may experience symptoms such increasing
feelings of loneliness and boredom, changes in sleep patterns, insomnia, appetite loss, and
disinterest in previously enjoyed activities (Bich Huyen 2020).As a result, children may miss school
more frequently, receive lower marks, and perform less academically at school. Children frequently
use excuses to skip school, sometimes even asking to switch schools or courses, since they believe
they will be bullied there.Futhermore children experiencing school violence may have suicidal
ideation due to depression, anxiety, stress, and especially increased stress if they do not receive
support from parents, relatives, and friends.

2.2.2.Consequences to family

Parents will not be satisfied with violent activities committed by students in schools. Parents' most
common response when their child argues with a friend, gets in trouble at school, or gets spoken out
by the victim's parents is to chastise, point the finger, or even physically abuse their child ( Nguyen
Thị Minh Khai High School 2017). This implies that they cause disputes between parents and
children and inculcate greater rage in their kids. If parents continue to place blame on one another
for raising and disciplining their children, tensions within the family will increase. Husband and
wife fight with each other merely because of their kids since no one is willing to own up to their
mistakes. Furthermore, in the event that the student's aggressive behavior results in significant
bodily harm, the family will have to shell out a substantial amount of money to handle the fallout
(Tien Phong News 2023). Not to mention, there have been violent school occurrences recently that
have resulted in the terrible deaths of defenseless youngsters. Any family's suffering cannot be made
up for. The concern of parents grows as the school violence scenario gets worse. Concerned not just
about their academic performance but also for their future, their children's lives, and the protection
of their offspring.

2.2.3.Consequence to school

In addition to having a detrimental effect on the victim, violent crimes often heighten tension in the
school environment as fear and insecurity are constantly present (David & Susannah 2023). Until
these behaviors get to extremes, adults—both parents and teachers—should let the kids handle it on
their own. Sometimes they don't know about it, and other times they see it as a normal part of
puberty. ignorance of the fact that frequent acts of violence will injure the victim physically or
psychologically and have a detrimental effect on the learning environment as a whole since students
are not affected. inside your own school, safety. Many pupils have expressed their refusal to attend
class due to their fear of being picked on and physically assaulted by their peers (David & Susannah
2023). This demonstrates how unhealthy, unattractive, and frightening the school environment has
become for the pupils.Additionally, student acts of aggression in the classroom will have an impact
on the class's and the school's competitive results, as well as the school's and its teachers'
reputations. Not to be overlooked are the violent incidents involving instructors that cause the
school's instructional atmosphere to become abnormal, diminish the teacher's honor and status, and,
of course, prevent teaching effectiveness from occurring. was anticipated. In addition, pupils may
experience anxiety and fear when attending classes as a result of violent behaviors by teachers.

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