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Made by Lysia Borrego Fujita

What is bullying?

Bullying is aggression to exercise power over

another person. They are a series of repeated
hostile physical or verbal threats, distressing the
victim and establishing an imbalance of power
between her and her harasser.
7 out of 10
children in our
country suffer
Bullying victims

The age group where bullying seems to be more frequent is between 12 and 14 years of age,
with 384 complaints in 2017, followed by the age group that goes from 15 to 17 years according
to case statistics of bullying.
what to do in a case of bullying

can contact the telephone number

900 018 018
they receive help from specialists such as
psychologists or social workers and provide
service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every day
of the year.

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