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COMMUNICATION - act of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to



Verbal - language, sound, tone of voice

Non-Verbal - body language/ Facial expression
Written - journals, emails, blogs and text messages
Visual - signs, symbols, pictures, graphics, emojis


Audience Analysis - A skill that an effective in order to convey that he/she wanted to ready to
other people

Communication Barries - The hindrances to effectively with other people


Message - This is simply the information a person wants to communicate

Source - He/She must know why the communication is necessary, to whom the message is for,
and what results are expected
Sender - The speaker on the communication for
Encoding - This is the process of transferring the message into a format or a platform that is
expected to be decoded by the recipient of the information
Receiver - This is the target recipient of the message
Feedback - The mechanism of how successful the communication process is
Context - Refers to specific situation of both the communication set up and communicators


Clarity - The message should be clear by using appropriate language and communication
- pertains to both message and the purpose why the message has to be sent
Conciseness - The message should be as brief as may be required depending on one's
Completeness - Background information should be given to provide better context: facts and
observations may also be helpful
Organization - Effective communication is usually planned in order to message the systemic
falws of ideas and transitions from one point to another
Empathy - The speaker must always be conscious of the listener and adjust his/her
communication strategies accordingly
Flexibility - Know how to adapt to the varying needs and expectation of their audience and
modify the message is sent to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation
COMMUNICATION STYLE - Refers to the choices people make and the strategies or tools they
use in the process of communication

Language Varieties - Also called “lects”

Pidgin - refers to new language that develops into situations where speakers of different
languages need to communicate but di not share a common language
Creole - It is a pidgin that becomes the first language of the children or a mother tongue of a
certain community

CMC IS VERNACULAR - It means it uses language that is common to people regardless of

age, social class, gender or race

CMC IS DIOLOGICAL - It carries expectations of continuous exchange

CMC IS INTRAPERSONAL - It is relationship rather than oral communication


● Brief, Multimodal, Ideological
CMC IS SPONTANEOUS - Is usually unplanned, unstructured and sometimes impulsive

Regional Dialect - It is not a language that is not distinct from a national language, but rather a
variety of a language spoken in a particular area of a country

Minority Dialect - A variety used as a marker of identify, usually along side a standard variety, by
the members of a particular are of a country

Indigenized Varieties - These are spoken mainly a second languages in former edonies with
multilingual populations

LANGUAGE REGISTERS - It is characterized by the way a speaker uses language differently in

different social circumstances

Formal - These registers are used in professional, academic, or legal settings where
communication is expected to be respectful, uninterrupted/ restrained to specific rules

Casual - The registers are use a when acquaintances colleagues, and family members

Intimate - There registers are reserved for special occasions, usually between only two people
and often in private

Frozen - Refers to historic language that is intended to remain unchanged

Consultative - It is used in conversations when people are speaking with someone who has
specialized knowledge or is offering advice

New media - Refers to highly interactive digital technology

Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) - This type of discourse or computer mediated
communication can be described as iral communication skills

MULTIMODALITY - A text or output is considered multimodal is it uses two or more

communication modes to make a meaning

Examples of Multimodality
● Paper
● Digital
● Live
● Trans media

The following must be considered in creating a multimodal text:

Purpose -of the context must be clear on the message and the reasons why the message has to
be delivered
Audience - The norture, interests and sensitivities the target audience must be considered text
will not offensive and hurt peoples

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