Teaching Internship Learning Task

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Cite one (1) important How will you apply

Title of provision this in your


Cite one (1)
How will
you apply
this in
Title of Law/CHED policy/Department
I need to set my

. RA 10627 Act example and it is

my mandate to
teach and remind
all the students
about the effects of

Anti requiring
Bullying Act all
of 2013 elementary
. RA 10627 and
Anti secondary
Bullying Act school to
of 2013 adopt
1. RA 10627 Anti Bullying Act of 2013

policies to
address the
acts of
bullying in
school to
policies to
address the
acts of
bullying in
Act requiring all elementary and
secondary school to adopt
policies to prevent and address the
acts of bullying in their institutions.
Act to promote and improve the As a future teacher

2. RA 4670
social and economic status of
public-school teachers, their living
and working conditions, their terms
I’m grateful to
know this kind of
law for

The Magna of employment and career

/prospects in order that they may
compare favorably with existing
teachers. In return,
I will use it wisely

Carta for opportunities in other walks of life. and make sure that
teaching children
for their own

Public welfare is my
utmost priority.

2. RA 4670 The Magna Carta for Public
3. DepEd 40 s 2012 Child protection Promotes zero-tolerance policy for As a teacher, I will
policy any act of child abuse, exploitation, give an equal right
violence, discrimination, bullying to all of my
and other related offenses. students regardless
of their age, race,
sex, sexual
religion, social
religion, etc. to
avoid any act of
offense that can
harm the life and
welfare of the

Performance Task 3

From among the five phases of Teaching Internship, which seems to be difficult? Why?

Phase 3 of the Teaching Internship presents unique challenges, particularly for me. This phase revolves
around supporting my cooperating teacher in various teaching-related duties, including grading
assignments and completing administrative tasks such as school forms. However, I find this phase
daunting because some of the tasks, especially dealing with unfamiliar school forms, can be
overwhelming. Despite these challenges, I am fortunate to have a supportive cooperating teacher who
guides me patiently through these tasks, providing valuable coaching and assistance along the way.
While the phase may be challenging, I am committed to learning and growing through this experience,
knowing that it will ultimately contribute to my development as a teacher.


How can I enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest?

Embarking on my Teaching Internship is like stepping into a dream I've held onto since childhood. The
anticipation of finally stepping into the classroom as a teacher fills me with a sense of excitement and
purpose. To fully immerse myself in this experience and truly enjoy it, I am committed to embracing
every aspect of the journey.

One of the key elements of making my Teaching Internship enjoyable is to approach each task with an
open mind and a positive attitude. Whether it's assisting my cooperating teacher with administrative
duties or engaging with students in the classroom, I will tackle each responsibility with enthusiasm and a
willingness to learn. Understanding that challenges are part of the learning process, I will view them as
opportunities to develop new skills and grow as an educator.

Moreover, I recognize the importance of building strong connections with my students. Beyond just
delivering lessons, I aim to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where every student
feels valued and heard. By taking the time to listen to their stories, understand their backgrounds, and
appreciate their individual strengths, I can establish meaningful relationships that enhance both their
learning experience and my own.

Additionally, I am excited about the prospect of witnessing the growth and progress of my students
throughout the internship. Celebrating their achievements, no matter how small, and supporting them
through their challenges will be incredibly rewarding. By being present and actively engaged in their
educational journey, I can experience firsthand the profound impact that teaching can have on the lives
of students.

In essence, my Teaching Internship is not just a stepping stone towards my goal of becoming a
professional teacher; it is an opportunity to live out my passion and fulfill a lifelong dream. By embracing
each task with enthusiasm, connecting with my students on a personal level, and celebrating their
successes, I am determined to make the most of this experience and cherish every moment along the

Performance Task 1

Date Subject Grade Time Focus of Observation Insights

Level/Section Observation Notes
February M.A.P.E.H. Grade 10 -Lily 7:18-8:15 Use of The learners It is easy to
21, 2024 Language are easily teach
catchup on the learners
lesson because Mother
the teacher Tongue if
uses Tagalog in they are
explaining used to
some of the speak in
unfamiliar their
words with Mother
student. Tongue
February M.A.P.E.H. Grade 10 - 8:15-9:15 Student The learners If the lesson
21, 2024 Anthurium Engagement are actively seems quite
engaged in the easy for the
lesson because learners,
it’s quite easy they are
for them. actively
engaged in
the lesson.
February M.A.P.E.H. Grade 10 - 9:45-10:45 Teaching The teacher It is
22, 2024 Lotus Approaches, used different effective to
Methods teaching use
and strategies with different
Strategies different teaching
section that I strategies
observed. especially
that the
have diverse
kind of
February M.A.P.E.H. Grade 10 - 1:30-2:30 Personal The teacher It is an
22, 2024 Zinnia Qualities of has always a advantage
the Teacher jolly and very and attract
energy positive
whenever he energy if
enters the you are
classroom. happy in
what you
are doing.
February M.A.P.E.H. Grade 10 - 8:15-9:15 Instructional The teacher Instructional
23, 2024 Lily Materials prepares materials
(IM’s) instructional have big
Resources materials such contribution
as picture and in teaching
videos of a lesson.
performing a
dance routine
which is hip-
February M.A.P.E.H. Grade 10 - 9:45-10:45 The teacher Using a
23, 2024 Anthurium used a story board
storyboard and in
the learners storytelling
are very is very
interested in effective in
the story. catching the

Performance Task 2

Date (s) Notes on the Pre- Notes Post Observation Plans of

Observation Conference Conference Action/Action Taken
Know your evaluation In general, how did you I read and studied the
criteria. feel about the lesson? evaluation criteria.
What is the goal for your Did your learners My learners
learners and yourself? accomplish your planned accomplished my
goals? Evidence planned goals build
our relationship and
learn from each
other. After the
observations, I
assessed them and
we had a healthy
What do you expect learners What worked well? My planned goals
to be doing in class to reach What didn’t work well? both worked well
stated goals? because the learners
are open and always
willing to learn.
What will you do to achieve What would you now do We had a teacher-
these goals? What teaching differently? student talk, used
methods will you use? different teaching
strategies and
encourage them to
share their
experience during
our lesson.
How have learners been What were your teaching My learners prepared
prepared to achieve the strengths? Did you heir selves for
goal(s)? notice anything you learning something
improved on or any from me. My
personal goals you met? teaching strengths
are being passionate
and enthusiasm in my
chosen I think they
improved even more
Is there anything in particular What were your teaching I had a hard time
that you want the observer problems- areas that still making instructional
to focus on during the need improvement? materials because I
observation? didn't have enough
resources like a

Performance Task 3


I feel that one area where I've developed confidence is in lesson planning. With the ample time
available, I've been able to meticulously prepare my lessons, ensuring they are coherent and
appropriately paced. This thorough planning not only enhances clarity but also fosters
engagement and participation among my students. Additionally, it allows me to adapt and
tailor my teaching in response to my students' learning needs as I observe them in action.

However, I recognize that I still have room for improvement, particularly in the realm of
analysis. This aspect of the instructional cycle demands careful consideration and time
investment, which I sometimes find challenging. Yet, I am fully committed to enhancing my
analytical skills because I understand their crucial role in informing effective teaching practices.
By honing my ability to assess student progress, identify areas for improvement, and adjust
instructional strategies accordingly, I aim to further enrich the learning experiences of my
Learning Task 3

Performance Task 1

Observation Log

Cooperating Teacher: _______________________________ Date: ________________

Grade/ Year Level: ______________ Time: _____________ Subject: ______________
Topic: ______________________________________________________________

Cooperating School Activities/Strategies Notes/Points for

1. Beginning the Class Review of previous lesson. When reviewing a previous
Routines lesson, be direct and to the
point, taking into account
the points and keywords in
each topic.
2. Class Recitation To have an active and
Discussion/Participation participatory class
discussion, the teacher
should not focus on one
location or one student
during the conversation.
3. Ending the Class Giving assignment Have a topic-related task
Routines because assignments help
students focus on the
important information
rather than becoming
distracted by details.
Transparency about the
particular requirements of
work from the start of the
course is a great way to
help your students manage
their time,
Performance Task 2

The teacher may recommend to parents to support their children in completing their learning
activities within the student modules. This guidance is essential in ensuring that children receive
adequate assistance at home. Furthermore, it's important for parents to strike a balance in their
child's routine, allowing for both academic and recreational activities. Teachers can offer assistance
to parents in understanding and facilitating homework and other curriculum-related tasks by offering
valuable information and suggestions.

To promote reading habits at home, teachers can personalize reading lists based on the child's
interests, hobbies, and reading proficiency. This personalized approach encourages children to
engage with reading materials that resonate with them personally, fostering a love for reading
outside of the classroom setting.

Establishing clear homework policies is crucial in ensuring consistency and accountability. Teachers
should outline expectations for parental involvement and be open to making adjustments as the
child progresses academically. Encouraging parents to create a structured study plan and provide a
conducive environment for homework completion, free from distractions such as television,
computers, or phones, can significantly enhance a child's learning experience at home.

In addition to academic support, teachers can recommend enrichment activities to parents, providing
opportunities for children to explore interests and develop new skills beyond the classroom. These
activities not only enrich the child's learning experience but also offer parents valuable opportunities
for quality time and bonding with their children. By fostering a collaborative relationship between
teachers and parents, children can receive holistic support that nurtures their academic, social, and
emotional development.

Performance Task 3

Case No.1 Identifying Jacob's passion and integrating it

Jacob is a new student in your school. He into the classroom teaching approach can
does not seem to fit well with the other kids greatly enhance his learning experience and
who have already established friendships social development. When a child is engaged
with other kids. This results in Jacob being in activities they are passionate about, it
aloof and withdrawn. He does not becomes easier for them to appreciate the
participate in class discussion and seems interests of others. A crucial first step in
uncomfortable during group activities. You improving social skills is for Jacob to
know he is smart because his written works participate in activities aligned with his
are almost always done perfectly. How will interests, whether it's playing a favorite
you help Jacob? sport, learning to play an instrument, or
joining an organization that captures his
curiosity. Engaging in these activities not only
allows Jacob to pursue his passions but also
immerses him in a community of like-minded
peers, creating a supportive environment
where he feels comfortable and accepted.
Interacting with others who share his
interests provides Jacob with valuable
opportunities to develop social skills more
effectively, laying a strong foundation for
positive social interactions and relationships.
Case No. 2 To address Mia's situation, the teacher
Mia is a smart student but is very should initially refrain from categorizing her,
talkative. She is always talking out of turn as labeling a child as "chatty" might
and this results in disruptions during class. negatively impact her self-confidence.
She usually tells her seatmates stories which Instead, it's crucial to accept Mia for who she
are irrelevant from the topic being is and appreciate her openness to express
discussed. How will you help Mia? herself; this approach is far preferable to any
potential negative consequences. Following
this, it's essential to provide Mia with ample
opportunities to communicate. Allowing her
sufficient time each day to articulate her
thoughts is paramount. Engaging Mia in
conversations by making eye contact with
her is beneficial; it helps her understand that
vocalizing her thoughts is perfectly
acceptable. It's important not to restrict
Mia's communication, as doing so could lead
to complications later on.


Having effective classroom routines and a solid class structure is like building a strong
foundation for a house. It lays the groundwork for a positive and productive learning
environment where both teachers and students can thrive.
Firstly, routines provide a sense of stability and predictability. When students know
what to expect, they feel more comfortable and secure in their learning environment. This
reduces anxiety and uncertainty, allowing students to focus more on their studies and less on
what might happen next. Consistent routines also help establish a rhythm to the day, making
transitions between activities smoother and more efficient.
Moreover, clear class structure helps teachers manage their time effectively. By having a
well-defined schedule and set procedures for different activities, teachers can make the most of
every instructional minute. This ensures that learning objectives are met and essential content
is covered comprehensively. It also helps teachers allocate time for various tasks, such as
instruction, practice, feedback, and reflection, in a balanced manner.
Furthermore, classroom routines and structure contribute to a positive classroom
culture. When expectations are clear and consistently reinforced, students are more likely to
exhibit positive behaviors and respect classroom norms. This creates a conducive learning
environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported. Additionally, routines can
promote independence and responsibility among students as they learn to follow established
procedures and take ownership of their learning.
Overall, effective classroom routines and sound class structure are essential elements of
successful teaching and learning. They provide a framework that fosters a sense of order,
consistency, and engagement, ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience for both
teachers and students.
Learning task 4
Performance Task 1

Observation Log

Cooperating Teacher: _______________________________ Date: ________________

Grade/ Year Level: ______________ Time: _____________ Subject: ______________

Instructional Materials/ICT Tools Strengths and Weaknesses

Of the IM’s/ICT Tools
Day 1 Strengths - The PowerPoint
Health Trends, Issues
PowerPoint presentation allows the CT
to customize the

and Concerns (MDGs) appearance of her slides.
You can insert various
multimedia formats to make

video the lesson more engaging.

Printed modules allow
students to keep track of

presentation the current lesson and

review the material.

and Weaknesses - Some

modules include an answer
key, which students rely on
printed when they have an activity.

PowerPoint presentation, video
presentation and printed modules
Day 2 Video presentation, blackboard, In my experience,
Topic: chalk and printed modules employing video
Health Trends, Issues presentations in teaching
and Concerns (SDGs) Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) has been
invaluable. The dynamic
visuals and real-life
examples not only engage
my students but also
enhance their
understanding of complex
concepts. Additionally, the
accessibility of videos allows
learners to review content
at their own pace, catering
to diverse learning styles.
However, I've found that
technical requirements for
video creation can be
challenging, and some
students may passively
consume content without
actively engaging with the
Day 3 Video Presentation, Blackboard and Strengths - Because the
Topic: printed modules lesson is already pre-
Contemporary recorded, using a video
Philippine Music presentation and projector
in class saves time. It also
engages students because
they can hear and see
what is being discussed.
The blackboard also served
as supplementary
instructional materials,
assisting the teacher in
clarifying lesson concepts.

Weaknesses - I found no
flaws in the IMs or ICT tools
used in this lesson.
Day 4 PowerPoint presentation, video Strengths - The use of a
Topic: presentation, USB and printed laptop, USB, and printed
Philippine Traditional modules modules helped students
Composers (Music) understand the difference
between hard and soft
copies. The PowerPoint
presentation also
demonstrated how to
create a folder, a
subfolder, copy and paste
a file into a folder, and
delete a file.

Weaknesses - I can't think of

any flaws in the way these
IMs and ICT tools were
used in this lesson.
Day 5 PowerPoint presentation, video Strengths - The use of a
Topic: presentation, USB and printed PowerPoint presentation
Media-Based Arts and modules aided in the explanation of
Design in the the concept of Giving the
Philippines (Film) Subject to the Text and
the Meaning of the Word
Through the Formal
Definition of the Word. The
pictures and texts also aided
them in comprehending the
lesson. The module also
assisted students in tracking
and reviewing what they
had learned, as well as
providing activities for them
to complete.

Weaknesses - I don’t see any

flaws in how these IMs and
ICT tools were used in this

Performance Task 2

Topic: Grade/Year Level:

Contextualized Instructional Materials How These Will Be Used
Word Puzzle Incorporating word puzzles into your lesson
on health trends, issues, and concerns can
serve as engaging tools for reinforcing
vocabulary, promoting critical thinking, and
assessing comprehension. By beginning with
vocabulary review puzzles like crosswords or
word searches, students can actively recall
key terms related to health topics.
Encouraging students to solve puzzles that
require critical analysis of health trends
through exercises like word mazes or fill-in-
the-blank scenarios fosters deeper
understanding and application of concepts.
Additionally, using interactive puzzles in
review sessions and as homework
assignments provides opportunities for
students to practice independently while
assessing their grasp of the material. Overall,
integrating word puzzles effectively enhances
the learning experience by making it
interactive, enjoyable, and conducive to
retaining essential information about health
trends and issues.
Power Point Presentation PowerPoint presentations can be effectively
utilized in teaching about films by providing
visual aids to complement discussions on
various aspects such as plot, characters,
themes, and cinematography. Using slides to
showcase stills or clips from the film can help
students analyze specific scenes,
cinematographic techniques, and character
development, enhancing their understanding
and appreciation of the cinematic art form.
Organized content with clear headings and
bullet points allows for structured
discussions, while incorporating interactive
elements like quizzes or polls can further
engage students and promote active
participation. Additionally, PowerPoint
presentations can serve as valuable tools for
presenting background information about
the filmmaker, historical context, or critical
reception of the film, enriching students'
understanding of its significance within the
broader cultural and cinematic landscape.

Performance Task 3

Name of the Online Teaching Tool: Quizizz

Short Description: Quizziz is an online assessment tool that allows teachers and students
to create and use quizzes created by one another. It is primarily an online quiz tool that
functions similarly to a game show. That means a question-and-answer platform that is
compatible with web browsers and Chrome, as well as iPhone and Android devices, with
dedicated apps for both. Teachers can choose from pre-made quizzes or edit and create their

Advantages Disadvantages
 Quizzes can be taken privately,  It restricts the number of questions
allowing teachers to assign that can be included in your quiz or
personalized quizzes to each presentation.
student.  With the premium plan, you can
 Quizzes can be taken as a class, remove this restriction. Students will
allowing everyone to see how their be unable to use this software unless
classmates are doing. they have access to technology and a
 It provides leader boards, which can strong internet connection.
be turned off if the students'  Many of the app's great features,
competitive nature does not suit such as interactive videos, editing and
them. copying featured slides, quizzes, and
 One option allows students to view presentations, require a premium
their results after taking the quiz, subscription.
which is a good way to ensure
they learn from their mistakes.


How do instructional materials and ICT tools help students learn more effectively and

As an educator, I've found that instructional materials and Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) tools greatly enhance students' learning effectiveness and efficiency. Whether
it's through traditional resources like textbooks, diagrams, or charts, or modern digital tools
such as educational videos, simulations, and interactive animations, visual representations of
concepts make abstract ideas more tangible and easier to grasp. These tools also keep students
engaged with dynamic and interactive learning experiences, personalized to their individual
needs and interests. Moreover, ICT tools break down barriers to education by providing
accessibility anytime, anywhere, and fostering collaboration and communication among
students through online platforms and discussion forums. By incorporating real-world examples
and simulations, instructional materials and ICT tools bridge the gap between theory and
practice, preparing students for success in their future endeavors.

Performance Task 2
Attending pre-observation and
post-observation conferences with
the Cooperating Teacher
and the College Supervisor
After your observation schedule
has been finalized, you are now
ready to attend the pre-
observation and post-
observation conferences with
the Cooperating Teacher and
the College
Date (s) Notes on the Pre-
Notes Post
Plans of Action /
Action Taken
Performance Task 3

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