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Lesson 3 rer eran mest cial ee. . wa Look at the sky in this picture. How might the weather change? How do you know? How can clouds help you predict the weather? \) Observe. Look carefully at the sky every day this week. ©) Record Data. Draw the kinds of clouds you see each day for a week. Write the date next to each picture. Then predict what the weather will be like tomorrow. wZingily bluesy ©) The next day, record what k of the weather is like. Draw “than IR ? Bet pupa cage —_ “ the clouds and the date. a Was your prediction from hous. . the day before correct? Tuesday, March 10. K 2) Draw Conclusions. How [predict itwillrain. —— What happened: ] ight. Lt rai can clouds help you predict ‘Twee vight weather? ) Predict. Write a weather report for the next week. Why is tomorrow’s weather the easiest day to predict? Essential Question Not all clouds look the same. How can weather There are different kinds of clouds. change? Each means a different type of Vocabulary weather may be coming cumulus Cumulus clouds are white and roils puffy. Cumulus clouds may appear in long, rippled rows. Cumulus clouds are often seen in spring and summer. Small, puffy cumulus clouds mean good weather. 238 9 Not all clouds are rain cloud Som) 4 When you see cirrus clouds, it usually means that the weather will change within the next day. Cirrus clouds are thin clouds that are very high in the sky. They are made of ice. The wind blows cirrus clouds into wispy streams. is clouds are often low in the sky. They come in sheets and cover the entire sky. Stratus clouds can be thick or thin. What cloud type Is best 4 When you see stratus clouds, for the day of a picnic? it usually means that a storm with rain or snow is coming. 239 EXPLAIN FRIER, wwes stam. ts SLOT MT. MERRIE PRIA. PNR Gres ANE cme, eT Use a paper bag to When different types of air come make a model of a together, the weather changes. thunder sound. Storm clouds can grow thick and lightning can form in them. Stay safe in dangerous weather. Pay attention to weather reports. During storms, do not go outside near tall objects where lightning may strike. Avoid open spaces. Stay out of water. Do not stand under trees. Stay indoors. L } 240 - ~ EXPLAIN oe, UEP RUZU AT AMAR, COMETS, MTEC FRE, we ata ne STOR T AIT. FERRI PARI. PNR. FRE Sometimes storms become very strong. They can turn into hurricanes and cause disasters. Strong thunderstorms can make spinning columns of air called tornadoes. Tornadoes can pick up large objects from the ground and damage property, ilceenileemnee PRN pe a 1. Main Idea and Details. How can looking at clouds help people predict the weather? 2. What kind of clouds predict a storm is coming? = #3. Essential Question. How can weather change? * x } t \ . x é = 1 ¢ : Con Social Studies Link ee Make a short skit or commercial showing fae = =, ee j how to prepare for severe weather. A / BD Review suminaties and quizzes online at wine q , p> EVALUATE FL 76 ww & ES ow Even on a sunny day, dangerous thunderstorms can happen quickly. Knowing that a storm is coming is very useful. If there is lightning, you would know to stay inside and not use electricity. If there is a flood, you would know what to do. You can go to a higher floor in your home. How do scientists predict storms? om tom ee 1892: Weather balloons are first used. Weather balloons can float high above Earth. As the balloons travel, they collect data about wind and weather conditions that might lead to storms. ¥ Doppler radar Mid-1990s: Doppler radar is widely used. Radar is a tool that sends out radio waves into the air. The waves hit things, such as raindrops, in the air. Then the waves come back. The data is recorded. Doppler radar can measure how fast a storm is moving and where the storm is going. 4 Doppler radar recorded this image of a hurricane. Talk About It Main Idea and Details. How do eanaect te scientists predict the weather? 243 at wwew.maci ) EXTEND PRIA Ac, is yoo Ne. ene LSE There is a lot of water on Earth! There is water in oceans, rivers, and ponds. When water on Earth warms, some evaporates, or turns into water vapor. Water vapor rises in the air. 2uu .. rm - ae hero a ee or ee ee : P ; When water vapor cools, it forms clouds. There are many types of clouds. Some are thick and some are thin. Some are high in the sky and some are low. 2u5 — 9 ve ss Vv When clouds get heavy, precipitation falls to Earth. Precipitation can be rain, hail, sleet, or snow. There can be storms with lightning and thunder. Look out! A storm is coming! The storm is over now. The rain has stopped falling. The ground is still wet, but the Sun is coming out. The Sun will warm Earth's water and start the cycle again. 247 FOREN, wes tae ts AUT, RR. UR. POUR, ORR IOL ALM, GOAT. TIE Cots a MC] z Use each word once for items I-6. 1, When water vapor starts to it turns into a liquid. 2. The —_____ tells how hot or cold it is. 3. Rain and snow are kinds of 4. Small, white puffy 5. You can see the clouds are called Sun through these clouds. ———— clouds. 6. Water can _____.. It becomes water vapor and goes into the air. 2UB ED -Blossary wor ane detintionsontne at wien macilsh com FRALES. MRR AMANR CFR. ORE, OER, PEER, wre tae, sets GLARE, POR PU Per eC [ter Science S$ Answer the questions below. 7. Predict. Look at the photo. What kind of weather is coming? t | ee 8. Summarize. Describe the water cycle. 9. What tools can we use to measure weather? Q 10. How can we describe weather? EDD - Review summaries end.auizes onthe ot wax. 2ug REE. wes mt CUTAN, RRA, ALS. MAR PRADA, GOAT. TIE Performance Assessment ‘DOK 2 Measure the Weather Toolbox “s How do we measure the weather? > Draw pictures showing tools you use to measure weather. Include a picture of a tool to measure temperature, a tool to measure wind, and a tool to measure rain. b Decorate a box with pictures of different types of weather. Place your picture cards of measuring tools in your weather toolbox. 249A REE. wes MAR, OPEL IOLALM, COAT. mT UENE a Ott [cei y thermometer ruler rain gauge anemometer A athermometer ¢ arain gauge B aruler D an anemometer ok! What happens to water when it evaporates? A Itchanges from a solid to a liquid. B Itchanges from a liquid to a gas. C It changes from a gas to a solid. D It changes from a liquid to a solid. Look at this picture of clouds. What can you predict about the weather? A Asnowstorm is coming. B It will be sunny today. C There will be light rain later in the day. D It will be sunny tomorrow. 0K 2 249B

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