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The learner demonstrates understanding that printed words are made up of interconnected
letters with separate sounds that are blended together to form coherent pattern of sounds; words
are composed of different parts to know that their meaning changes depending in context; and
figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings to develop word


The learner uses knowledge of phonics (analytic and synthetic) to effectively decode
grade-appropriate words, uses strategies to decode correctly the meaning of words in isolation
and in context, and uses figurative language appropriately in various contexts.


 Clarify meaning of words using dictionaries, thesaurus.

 Infer meaning of borrowed words using -context clues -affixes and roots -other
 Infer meaning of borrowed words using suffix.

In this unit, the students will be learning the proper usage of dictionary and proper
application of prefixes and suffixes. The teacher will utilize interactive PowerPoint presentations
and sample materials in explaining the topic. Based on the discussed concepts, the students will
create their own sentences. The students will appreciate the role of dictionary and the correct
usage of prefixes and suffixes. The students will developed a sense of creativity.

Week 1

Day 1:
Through an introductory PowerPoint lecture presentation on the parts of the dictionary,
the students will be able to:
a. recognize the basic parts of the dictionary;
b. describe the personal significance of knowing the parts of the dictionary by doing the task
that will be given (finding the correct pronunciation, spelling and meaning of a word);
c. determine, through enumeration the parts of the given samples of dictionary.

Day 2:
By analyzing the given samples of dictionaries, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the essential content, correct pronunciation and spelling of words, and
features of a dictionary;
b. discuss the functions of the stress (') and dash (-) symbols and italicized letters in
the words of the dictionary; and
c. conform to the rules of using dictionary.

Day 3:
Through a PowerPoint lecture presentation about the types of the dictionary, the students
will be able to:
a. identify the different types of dictionaries;
b. differentiate the functions of each type of dictionaries; and
c. review the content and features of other types of dictionaries.

Day 4:
By learning the dictionary and its different types, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the importance of knowing about the dictionary and its types;
b. explain the importance of using dictionary in our lives; and
c. use dictionary to understand the meaning of a word.

Day 5:
After collaborating with others in creating and showcasing group activities, the students
will be able to:
a. apply the comments from the teachers that are helpful in improving the
relationship of the students;
b. share relevant insights with their group members in objectively evaluating the
task of the other groups; and
c. apply concepts of using dictionary in critiquing the task of the other groups.
Week 2

Through an interactive discussion about affixes, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the affixes added to a root word;
b. identify where the affixes were placed; and
c. conform the rules of applying the affixes.

Day 7
Through interactive discussion about prefixes, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the prefixes to be added in a root word;
b. discuss the function and proper use of prefixes; and
c. conform the rules of applying prefixes.

Day 8
Through interactive discussion about suffixes, the students will be able to:
a. recognize the suffixes to be added in a root word;
b. discuss the function and proper use of suffixes; and
c. conform the rules of applying suffixes.

Day 9
Through answering the activity regarding to the prefixes and suffixes, the students will be
able to:
a. identify the difference between prefix and suffix;
b. differentiate the application of prefix and suffix; and
c. apply prefix and suffix in a word to form a sentence.

Day 10
After learning about the correct usage and correct application of a prefix and suffix, the
students will be able to:
a. identify the interrelationship between using dictionary and the application of prefix
and suffix;
b. discuss the correlations between using dictionary and application of prefix and suffix;
c. revise sentences according to the rules of using the prefixes and suffixes.

Day 1
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let the students do the “Make What You Know” activity by observing the pictures
3. Start with the introductory lecture about the dictionary.
a. Ask the students “What comes to your mind when you hear the word
b. Ask the students “What is dictionary?”.
c. Ask the students “What is the purpose of dictionary in your study?”.
d. Supplement the students’ answer with this insight: “Every time I have to look up a
word in the dictionary, I’m delighted.”-Vivienne Westwood
e. Let the students write the different parts of dictionary.
f. Present the different parts of dictionary.
g. Ask the students for insights about why we need to know the parts of the
4. Introduce the activity “Help Me Label My Parts.”
a. The students will copy and draw the picture of a dictionary presented.
b. After drawing the dictionary, the students will label each part of the dictionary.
c. Five minutes before the time, ask the students to pass their paper.

Day 2
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the game “Find Me! Describe Me!
a. Let the students be grouped into five members each.
b. Give each group a set of five different words, the words must be unfamiliar to
c. Instruct the class to find/scan in the dictionary the correct pronunciation of the
word, find its meaning, determine its inflected forms-parts of speech (n, pl, adv,
adj, vb, pron, conj, prep,interj) and describe where the stress/es was placed.
d. Ask some of the students each group to present their output in front of the class.
3. Proceed to the basic discussion about the content and features of a dictionary.
4. Let the students remain in their groups as they explore the content and features of the
a. Ask the students to open their dictionaries. Observe at the page of the dictionary
where there are the rules of using the dictionary.
b. Let the students choose twenty words in the dictionary.
c. Ask the students to study and understand the words.
d. Instruct the students to use the words in a sentence.
e. Five minutes before the time, ask the students to bring their task at home and
finished it to be passed in the next meeting.

Day 3
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the activity “Describe Me!”
a. Prepare a sample of different types of dictionaries.
b. Show the dictionary to the students. Let them hold and observe it.
c. Ask the students to compare the dictionaries by asking “What’s the difference of
each dictionary?”
d. Ask the students to describe the different dictionaries.
e. List the student’s answer in the board.
3. Proceed to the discussion about the different types of dictionaries.
a. Prepare the PowerPoint Presentation. Show the slides.
b. Ask the class to read the definitions.
c. Inform the class that there are different types of dictionaries that we are using.
Explain these through showing the sample dictionaries.
d. Why is there a lot of different dictionaries? (Let the students share their answers
in front of the class).
4. Let students answer an exercise about the different types of dictionaries.
a. Prepare a hard copy of an exercise.
b. Instruct the students to read the instructions. Remind them to write their names
and the date on the paper.
c. Ask the students to pass their paper a few minutes before the bell rings.

Day 4
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the students to the activity.
a. Give the students a hard copy of a poem.
b. Let them read it and find the meaning of a difficult words.
3. Present to the poem to the students.
a. Let them understand the poem.
b. Discuss the poem to the students.
c. Ask the class the meaning of difficult words and let them explain its meaning
in the sentence.
4. Let the students share their insights on the importance of using dictionary after reading
the poem.
5. Instruct the students to share their insight in front of the class one by one.

Day 5
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Introduce the students to the activity.
a. The class will group themselves into three.
b. Give the students a hard copy of a poem.
c. Instruct the students to summarize/paraphrase the poem using simple words.
d. They are to use their dictionaries to find meanings of difficult words.
3. Ask the students to change their paper with the other group and let them give
comments and feedback of each other’s work.
4. Ask the students to save their work to continue it and share it to the class next

Day 6
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Ask the students if they have any idea about affixes.
3. Start the introductory lecture on affixes.
a. Ask the students what affixes is.
b. Ask the students, “What is the purpose of affixes.” (List the answers of the
students on the board.)
c. Present the different affixes that were added in a word.
d. Present different words with affixes.
e. Ask the students to give more examples of words with affixes.
f. Ask the students to for insights about why we need to learn the affixes.
4. Introduce the activity “Underline Me!”
a. The students will copy the sentences that is written in the board.
b. The students will identify the words with affixes.
c. The students will underline the words with affixes and encircle the affixes
added to each word.

Day 7
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let the students spell the words with prefixes.
3. Start with the introductory lecture on prefixes, its proper usage and its application.
a. Ask the students what have they observed to the words they spelled.
b. Ask the students what prefixes is.
c. Ask the students “What is the purpose of prefixes? (List the answers of the
students on the board.)
d. Present what prefix is and the prefixes.
e. Present the proper usage of a prefixes.
f. Ask the students for insights about why we need to learn the proper usage of
4. Introduce the activity to the students.
a. The students will answer the activity given.
b. The students will pick out the words that contain the prefix indicated in each
group and copy it in the paper.
c. The students will use a dictionary for assurance of their answer.
d. Five minutes before the time, ask the students to pass their paper.

Day 8
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let the students spell the words with suffixes.
3. Start with the introductory lecture on suffixes, its proper usage and its application.
a. Ask the students what have they observed to the words they spelled.
b. Ask the students what suffixes is.
c. Ask the students “What is the purpose of suffixes? (List the answers of the
students on the board.)
d. Present what suffix is and the suffixes.
e. Present the proper usage of a suffixes.
f. Ask the students for insights about why we need to learn the proper usage of
4. Introduce the activity to the students.
a. The students will answer the activity given.
b. The students will pick out the words that contain the suffix indicated in each
group and copy it in the paper.
c. The students will use a dictionary for assurance of their answer.
d. Five minutes before the time, ask the students to pass their paper.

Day 9
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let the students review the past discussion about prefix and suffix.
3. As the students their insight on the importance of learning the proper application of
prefix and suffix.
4. Introduce the activity to the students.
a. The class will group themselves in pairs.
b. The students will complete each word in the parentheses by adding the correct
prefix and suffix and form a correct sentence.
c. Ask the students to pass their paper a few minutes before the bell rings.
Day 10
1. Start the class with a short prayer.
2. Let the students answer the activity.
3. Introduce to the students the activity.
a. The students will answer the activity.
b. The student will add the appropriate prefix and suffix to each word to form a new
c. The students will use a dictionary to find the meaning of the word.
d. The students will create a sentence out of the new word formed.
4. Five minutes before the times, ask the students to pass their paper.

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