Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric - Phase 2 - Practical Component - Educational and Pedagogical Practice

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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

General Guide for the Development of the Practical Component of the Course:
Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning - 518015

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 2 Practical Component – Educational

and Pedagogical Practice

1. General Information of the Practical Component

Learning strategy: Research-Based Learning

Course type: Methodological
Evaluation moment: Intermediate
Highest score of the component: 125 points
Number of activities of the practical component registered in this guide: 1
With the development of this component students are expected to achieve
the following learning outcomes:

Analyze the characteristics of the learner that interfere the acquisition and learning
process of a foreign language.

2. General Activity Description of the Practical Component.

Scenarios of the practical component: In situ (practice)

Activity type: Individual
Activity number: 1
Highest score of the activity: 125 points
The activity starts on: Thursday, February The activity ends on: Sunday, March 24,
22, 2024 2024
The resources required for the development of this activity are the following:

-Virtual Campus
-Pedagogical Practice Scenario
-Institutional e-mail
-Unit 1 contents
-Pedagogical Practice Traceability forms

The activity consists of:

Please take into account that this activity consists of both a theoretical and practical
component that you are required to develop. It is important to dedicate attention and
effort to both aspects in order to successfully complete the activity.


Go to the learning environment and review, study, and analyze the contents included
in Unit 1 - Understanding Foreign Language Acquisition.

Attend and actively participate in the web conference of the course by filling out the
attendance form. In case you are unable to attend the live session, you may review the
recording and provide a summary of the content covered. Make sure to include your summary
in the final document.

Theoretical Component:

Step 1:

Choose a group of at least 3 students in your pedagogical practice location and conduct
the following characterization process:

Characterization Tool: Factors Affecting Acquisition and Learning of a Foreign


Instructions: Use the following tool to analyze the characteristics of the learner that may
interfere with the acquisition and learning process of a foreign language. Rate each factor
based on its level of influence or impact on language acquisition. Use the provided scale
to assign a score for each factor.

Individual Number 1
Factor: Write here the Factor
No influence or Minimal influence or Moderate influence or Significant
impact impact impact influence or

0 1 2 3

Add the number of rows you need for analyzing each factor.

List of Factors to be analyzed:

Motivation: The learner's level of motivation to learn the foreign language.

Previous Language Learning Experience: The learner's prior experience with

learning foreign languages.

Language Aptitude: The learner's natural ability or aptitude for language learning.

Learning Style: The learner's preferred style of learning (e.g., visual, auditory,

Age: The learner's age at the time of language acquisition (e.g., children, adolescents,

Cognitive Abilities: The learner's cognitive skills, such as memory, attention, and

Cultural Background: The learner's cultural background and exposure to the target
language and culture.

Learning Environment: The quality and opportunities available in the learning

environment (e.g., access to resources, language immersion).

Emotional Factors: The learner's emotional state, including anxiety, self-confidence,

and stress.

Language Learning Strategies: The learner's use of effective strategies for language


Rate each factor on a scale of 0 to 3 based on its level of influence or impact on language
acquisition. Assign a score of 0 for no influence or impact, 1 for minimal influence or
impact, 2 for moderate influence or impact, and 3 for significant influence or impact.

Step 2:

Once you have assigned scores to each factor, analyze the overall impact of these
characteristics on the learner's acquisition and learning process of the foreign language.

This tool can help identify areas where additional support or interventions may be needed
to facilitate language learning for the learner. Please use strong arguments and
theoretical support.

Please include the following element in the analyze of the result for each learner:
Introduction Overview of the characteristics being analyzed
Mention the potential benefits of analyzing these characteristics

Analysis of Discuss each factor individually and its influence on language acquisition:
Characteristics 1. Briefly explain the theoretical support for each factor.
2. Present the assigned scores for each characteristic.
3. Analyze the results, highlighting factors with significant impact.
4. Identify potential challenges or facilitators for language learning.

Overall Impact
Assessment 1. Synthesize the findings from the individual analyses
2. Evaluate the cumulative impact of all the characteristics on language acquisition
3. Discuss areas where additional support or interventions may be needed
4. Highlight factors that positively contribute to language learning

Intervention 1. Propose interventions or strategies to address areas of need

Recommendations 2. Explain the rationale behind each recommendation

3. Suggest practical approaches to support the learner's language acquisition

4. Emphasize the importance of creating a supportive learning environment

Step 3:

Post directly on the forum the analyzes made and interchange ideas at least with 2
classmates about their analyzes. This step must be done at least five days before the

Post Cycle Theoretical Component:

Create a PDF file that includes the following components:

• Cover Page: Design a cover page for your document following the APA style
• Characterization Tool with Answers: Include the completed characterization tool
along with the answers.
• Analysis with Required Elements: Present your analysis, ensuring that all the
required elements are included.
• Evidence of Forum Participation: Provide evidence of your active participation in
the forum, such as screenshots or relevant excerpts.
• Web Conference Summary (if applicable): If you were unable to attend the web
conference, include a summary of the session in your document.
• References in APA Style: Include a list of references using the APA style format.

Name your document in the evaluation environment using the following format:

Your Full Name_Phase 2_518015

Once your document is complete, submit it to the evaluation environment for


Practical Component

Step 4:

In this phase, each student is required to complete 11 hours out of the total 32 hours
assigned to this course. The distribution of these 11 hours is as follows:
Phase Time Distribution
Phase 2: What does it take to learn a foreign 7 hours (Participant Observation
language? 7 hours (Participant Observation Practice)
2 hours (Material Development)
2 hours (ESAPEC)
Fill out the "Plan de Trabajo" form located in the learning environment. Find the form
in the section titled "Activity Guide for the Development of the Practical Component -
Phase 2: What Does It Take to Learn a Foreign Language?" and complete the required
information in the form.

Plan de Trabajo

You need to include the dates, times, and topics that you and your
supervisor at the assigned pedagogical practice location foresee for
completing the 22 hours of in-person practice required for this course.
The distribution of these 22 hours should be as follows:

Fill out the form Formato de Asistencia a Estudiantes a Practicas Pedagógicas y

Educativas located in the learning environment. Find the form in the section titled
"Activity Guide for the Development of the Practical Component - Phase 2: What Does It
Take to Learn a Foreign Language?" and complete the required information in the form.

Formato de Asistencia

You need to include the dates, times, and topics that you
and your supervisor at the assigned pedagogical practice
location had established to fulfill 11 hours.

Fill out the form Diario de Campo located in the learning environment. Find the form in
the section titled "Activity Guide for the Development of the Practical Component - Phase
2: What Does It Take to Learn a Foreign Language?" and complete the required
information in the form.

Diario de Campo

. Fill out ONE "Diario de Campo" based on one of the classes you have
been involved in during your practical practice. In your journal entry,
provide detailed and well-structured arguments to support your
analysis of the observed class.
Additionally in the learning environment you will find the templates for including photo
and material evidence in the section titled "Activity Guide for the Development of the
Practical Component - Phase 2: What Does It Take to Learn a Foreign Language?"

Photo Evidence Material Evidence

• You must include a picture of • For this phase you must take two
yourself demonstrating that you hours to design original didactic
have completed the activities material to be used in the classes
outlined in the "Formato de where you are developing your
Asistencia" and "Plan de Trabajo" for pedagogical practice. Upload all the
this phase. The picture should serve material you have designed for the
as evidence of your engagement and school on your e-portfolio using the
completion of the required tasks. template you will find the learning
• They must be located in environment phase 2.
chronological order. • This material must be designed by
• Please avoid taking pictures of the you, and it is totally forbidden to
kids. download and use information from
other authors.
• Designing guides for the school will
not be allowed as Material Evidence.

Step 5

Attend the ESAPEC Session as per the schedule established by the course director. It is
mandatory to attend this session, and you should allocate 2 hours of uninterrupted time
for active and meaningful participation. During the session, ensure that you are available
and not engaged in any other activities, as your camera must remain on throughout,
and your microphone should be activated when your teacher requests your input. Save
evidence of your participation and remember to fill out the attendance form shared by
your teacher during the session. It is not possible to make up for this session with any
other activity, so please ensure your availability and commitment to attending.

Post Cycle Practical Component:

Once you have completed the 11 hours assigned to this phase, gather the following
information, and submit it to the designated space in your e-portfolio.

The e-portfolio will serve as our logbook throughout the course. The link to access your
e-portfolio will be sent to your institutional email (e.g.,

Please note that your e-portfolio is strictly personal and non-transferable. Do not share
the link with anyone else. Each practical course will have its own e-portfolio, so ensure
you do not confuse it with other links.

Within your e-portfolio, you will find the following pre-created folders, eliminating the
need for additional folder creation. Simply upload the required documents to the
respective folders:

All the documents must be corrected name and they must be in PDF form.

•Carta de Presentación_Your Full Name_ID Number.

Upload a PDF file.
•Certificado Afiliación ARL_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.
•Diario de Campo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.
•Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica_Your Full Name_ID Number.
Upload a PDF file.
•Plan de Trabajo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.

Phase 2
•Material Evidence_Creation Date_Your Full Name_ID number. Upload a PDF file,
using the template.
•Photo Evidence_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file using the

For the development of the practical component consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

Check the course agenda and note the delivery time for each activity.

Familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the course through the course
Accept the terms and conditions of the course.

Identify the designated times for synchronous teacher interaction and support.

In the Learning Environment, you must:

Read the course syllabus thoroughly.

Read, study, and analyze the course contents in detail.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must:

Submit the activities within the specified deadlines, ensuring that you fulfill all the
requirements outlined in the activity guide.

Evidence of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

In the learning environment you must send the document for the Theoretical

Create a PDF file that includes the following components:

• Cover Page: Design a cover page for your document following the APA style
• Characterization Tool with Answers: Include the completed characterization
tool along with the answers.
• Analysis with Required Elements: Present your analysis, ensuring that all
the required elements are included.
• Evidence of Forum Participation: Provide evidence of your active
participation in the forum, such as screenshots or relevant excerpts.
• Web Conference Summary (if applicable): If you were unable to attend the
web conference, include a summary of the session in your document.
• References in APA Style: Include a list of references using the APA style

Name your document in the evaluation environment using the following format:

Your Full Name_Phase 2_518015

Once your document is complete, submit it to the evaluation environment for


In your E-portfolio you must upload in the folder corresponding to Phase 2 the

•Carta de Presentación_Your Full Name_ID Number.
Upload a PDF file.
•Certificado Afiliación ARL_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.
•Diario de Campo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.
•Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica_Your Full Name_ID Number.
Upload a PDF file.
•Plan de Trabajo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.

Phase 2
•Material Evidence_Creation Date_Your Full Name_ID number. Upload a PDF file,
using the template.
•Photo Evidence_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file using the

Evidence of collaborative work:

No collaborative evidence is required in this activity.

3. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences

Evidence of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

In the learning environment you must send the document for the Theoretical

Create a PDF file that includes the following components:

• Cover Page: Design a cover page for your document following the APA style
• Characterization Tool with Answers: Include the completed characterization tool
along with the answers.

• Analysis with Required Elements: Present your analysis, ensuring that all the
required elements are included.
• Evidence of Forum Participation: Provide evidence of your active participation in
the forum, such as screenshots or relevant excerpts.
• Web Conference Summary (if applicable): If you were unable to attend the web
conference, include a summary of the session in your document.
• References in APA Style: Include a list of references using the APA style format.

Name your document in the evaluation environment using the following format:

Your Full Name_Phase 2_518015

Once your document is complete, submit it to the evaluation environment for


In your E-portfolio you must upload in the folder corresponding to Phase 2 the

•Carta de Presentación_Your Full Name_ID Number.

Upload a PDF file.
•Certificado Afiliación ARL_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.
•Diario de Campo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.
•Formato de Asistencia al Lugar de Practica_Your Full Name_ID Number.
Upload a PDF file.
•Plan de Trabajo_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file.

Phase 2
•Material Evidence_Creation Date_Your Full Name_ID number. Upload a PDF file,
using the template.
•Photo Evidence_Your Full Name_ID Number. Upload a PDF file using the

Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.

Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found on the virtual

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference and
paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of
research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13
de diciembre de 2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

4. Evaluation Rubric Template

Activity type: Individual

Activity number: 1
Evaluation moment: Intermediate
The highest score possible is 125 points
Criteria Performance levels
First evaluation High level: The student demonstrates a comprehensive
criterion: understanding of the instructions and fulfills them accurately.

The student The theoretical part is well-developed, providing in-depth

develops the analysis and incorporating relevant theoretical concepts.
theoretical part of
this phase fulfilling The student showcases excellent research skills, utilizing a wide
the instructions range of credible sources to support their arguments.
given. The content is organized, logical, and coherent, effectively
presenting the information to the reader.

This criterion
represents 50 The student demonstrates critical thinking by offering insightful
points of the total interpretations and connections to existing theories or concepts.
of 125 points of
the activity. The theoretical part shows originality and creativity, going
beyond surface-level explanations and providing unique insights.

Proper citation and referencing are consistently followed,

ensuring academic integrity.
If your work is at this level, you can get 50 points.

Average level: The student demonstrates a basic

understanding of the instructions and fulfills most of them
The theoretical part provides a satisfactory analysis and
incorporates some relevant theoretical concepts.

The student utilizes a moderate number of credible sources to

support their arguments.

The content is somewhat organized and coherent, although

there may be occasional lapses in clarity or structure.

The student demonstrates some critical thinking by offering

reasonable interpretations and connections to existing theories
or concepts.

The theoretical part demonstrates some effort to present

information beyond the surface level.

Proper citation and referencing are generally followed, with some

minor errors or inconsistencies.
If your work is at this level, you can get 25 points.

Low level: The student demonstrates a limited understanding

of the instructions and fails to fulfill them adequately.

The theoretical part lacks depth and provides superficial or

incomplete analysis.

The student relies on a limited number of sources, potentially
including unreliable or outdated information.

The content lacks organization and coherence, making it difficult

for the reader to follow the student's arguments.

The student's critical thinking skills are underdeveloped,

resulting in weak interpretations or connections to existing
theories or concepts.

The theoretical part lacks originality and creativity, relying

heavily on surface-level explanations.

There are significant issues with citation and referencing,

showing a lack of understanding of proper academic practices.
If your work is at this level, you can get 0 points
Second evaluation High level: The student accurately fills out all the forms
criterion: included for this phase, following the instructions provided in the
The student
develops the The student correctly named all the documents and ensure they
participant were uploaded in the respective folder as instructed in the
observation part of activity guide.
this phase fulfilling
the instructions All the documents are in PDF format, aligning with the given
given. orientations.

This criterion The student provides complete information, including the

represents 50 number of hours and relevant evidence required.
points of the total
of 125 points of The student developed the material fulfilling the conditions
the activity. established and presenting the evidence based on the

Their work demonstrates meticulous attention to detail and

adherence to the instructions, resulting in a comprehensive and
well-organized participant observation.

The student attended ESAPEC session on time and had an active

and meaningful participation.

If your work is at this level, you can get 50 points.

Average level: The student accurately fills out all the forms
included for this phase, following the instructions provided in the

The student correctly named all the documents and ensure they
were uploaded in the respective folder as instructed in the
activity guide.

All the documents are in PDF format, aligning with the given

The student provides complete information, including the

number of hours and relevant evidence required.

The student developed the material fulfilling the conditions

established and presenting the evidence based on the

Their work demonstrates meticulous attention to detail and

adherence to the instructions, resulting in a comprehensive and
well-organized participant observation.

The student attended ESAPEC session on time, but the

participation was not active and meaningful.
If your work is at this level, you can get 25 points.

Low level: The student fails to follow all the instructions

provided in the activity guide.

Some forms are incorrectly filled out, with incomplete

information or missing details.

The documents may be uploaded incorrectly or not at all to the


The student does not fulfill some of the requirements described
in the activity guide's steps, indicating a lack of understanding
or compliance.

Their work demonstrates a significant deviation from the given

instructions, resulting in a lack of completion or inadequate
execution of the participant observation.
If your work is at this level, you can get 0 points
Third evaluation High level: The student actively engages in the
criterion: development of the task, completing each step of the
phase in a timely manner.
The student takes They demonstrate a strong understanding of the unit's contents
an active role in the and concentrate on following the given instructions.
development of the The student's participation in the forum and web conference is
task, completing all punctual and meaningful, contributing effectively to discussions
the steps in a timely and exchanging ideas with classmates.
They show a proactive approach, taking initiative and going
This criterion beyond the minimum requirements.
represents 25 If your work is at this level, you can get 25 points.
points of the total
of 125 points of Average level: The student makes an effort to take an active
the activity. role in the task's development but falls short of completing all
the steps of the phase.

They upload the required documents to the e-portfolio without

any mistakes or errors.

Although they do not attend the web conference, they send a

summary, albeit incomplete, demonstrating some level of

The student's participation in the forum may be limited or lack

depth, showing moderate engagement with classmates.
If your work is at this level, you can get 11 points.

Low level: The student does not actively participate in the

development of the task, failing to fulfill the recommended steps
outlined in the activity guide.

They struggle to follow the instructions provided, resulting in
incomplete or inadequate completion of the phase's
requirements. The documents in the e-portfolio are incomplete
or they were not correctly filled out or named.

The student's lack of engagement is evident in their absence

from the web conference and minimal or no contributions to the
forum discussions.

The student demonstrates a passive approach, failing to take

initiative or show a commitment to the task's completion.
If your work is at this level, you can get 0 points


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