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Lec 17: Types of discontinuities

MATH 147 Section 2, Fall Term 2022

I (We will first finish the material from Lecture 16)

I Removable discontinuities
I Jump discontinuities
I Essential discontinuities

Key references: Sec 5.9 of Thomson et al.

Removable discontinuities


1, if x = 0,
Let f : R → R be defined by f (x) =
0, otherwise.

This function is discontinuous at x = 0 and continuous everywhere else.

This kind of discontinuity is called a removable discontinuity because the discontinuous behaviour can be
removed by changing the function value at a point (in this example, define f (0) = 0).
The characteristic feature of a removable discontinuity at x0 ∈ dom(f ) is that lim f (x) exists but is not equal
to f (x0 ).
Jump discontinuities


0, if x < 0,
The Heaviside function is defined by H(x) =
1, otherwise.

This is discontinuous at x = 0 and continuous everywhere else. It is not a removable discontinuity.

No matter how you define f (0), it will be discontinuous because lim f (x) does not exist.

Notice, however, that the two one-sided limits do exist at 0 (and are unequal). This is the defining feature of a
jump discontinuity at 0.
Piecewise continuous functions

A function defined on an interval is piecewise continuous if every finite subinterval contains a finite number of
discontinuous points and the only kind of discontinuities that occur are jump discontinuities.

The ceiling function d·e is piecewise continuous.

Note: Sometimes piecewise continuity is defined to allow removable discontinuities as well, and sometimes
piecewise continuity is defined so that only a finite number of discontinuities is allowed. The latter would mean
that the ceiling function is not piecewise continuous since there are an infinite number of jumps.
Essential discontinuities


0, if x = 0,
Let f : R → R be defined by f (x) =
1/|x|, otherwise.

This function is discontinuous at x = 0 and continuous everywhere else.

This is not a removable discontinuity or a jump discontinuity.

This is an example of an essential discontinuity, which is where at least one of the one-sided limits does not
exist. (It may or may not have an infinite one-sided limit.)
Thomae’s function

Here is a very strange example. Let f : R → R be defined by

0, if x ∈
/ Q,
f (x) =
1/q, if x = p/q in lowest terms, with q > 0.

Here, “x = p/q in lowest terms” means that p and q have no common factors other than 1.
It can be shown that limx→x0 f (x) = 0 at every point x0 ∈ R, f is continuous at every irrational point and has a
removable discontinuity at every rational point.
See graph here:
It is called the Dirichlet Function in Section 5.2.6 of Thomson et al.

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