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Lec 36: Review for final exam

MATH 147 Section 2, Fall Term 2022

I Proofs
I Sequences
I Continuous functions
I Limits of functions
I Differentiation
I Optimization and curve sketching
I Other applications of derivatives

Key references: Lecture notes and text book

Important definitions/results:
I Contradiction, contrapositive, converse, implications.
I Sufficient vs necessary.
I Triangle Inequality.

You should be able to:

I Write clear proofs using full English/mathematical sentences.
I Use techniques like proving the contrapositive where helpful.
I Negate statements, including compound statements, when necessary.

Be careful about:
I Properly introducing all variables.
I Indicating whether each statement you write is a hypothesis, follows from a previous line of your proof, or
something you want to prove.
I Explicitly checking that all requirements of a proposition or theorem are met before applying it.

No need to worry about:

I Remembering terminology like inverse, converse, contrapositive.
I Invoking the Archimedean property when you need a large integer.

Important definitions/results:
I Limit of a sequence.
I Arithmetic Rules for limits and other commonly used properties.

You should be able to:

I Apply common results to show that a sequence converges and determine its limit.

Be careful about:
I Forgetting the lower bound for the Squeeze Theorem, or not having the same limit for the lower and upper
bound sequences.
No need to worry about:
I Using the formal definition of a limit to prove convergence.
I MCT, Bolzano–Weierstrass, Nested Intervals.
I Decimal expansions.
I Compactness.
Continuous functions

Important definitions/results:
I Continuity at a point in terms of ε–δ, the limit definition, or sequential characterization.
I Uniform continuity, Lipschitz continuity.
I Removable, jump, essential discontinuities.
I Extreme Value Theorem.
I Intermediate value property and Intermediate Value Theorem.

You should be able to:

I Show that a function is continuous using results and basic examples or directly from the definition.
I Use the EVT and IVT appropriately.

Be careful about:
I Checking all a, b ∈ I in the definition of IVP, not just the end points of the interval.

No need to worry about:

I Bisection Method
Limits of functions
Important definitions/results:
I (Regular) limits, one-sided limits, infinite limits, limits at infinity.
I Fundamental trigonometric limit.
I Indeterminate forms, L’Hôpital’s Rule.

You should be able to:

I Show that a limit exists or does not exist.
I Apply Arithmetic Rules for finite limits and corresponding rules for infinite limits.
I Prove L’Hôpital’s Rule.

Be careful about:
I Remembering the 0 < ... condition in the definition of a limit.
I Applying “non-rules” like
lim f (x) = 0 ⇒ lim f (1/x) = 0
x→+∞ x→0
lim f (x) = b and lim g (y ) = L ⇒ lim g (f (x)) = L.
x→a y →b x→a

I Checking the hypotheses of L’Hôpital’s Rule.

No need to worry about:

Important definitions/results:
I Definition of a derivative and higher-order derivatives.
I Differentiation rules (Power, Sum, Multiple, Product, Reciprocal, Quotient, Chain, Inverse Function).
I Implicit Differentiation and Logarithmic Differentiation.

You should be able to:

I Find derivatives of functions using a variety of rules.
I Find an expression for the derivative of an implicitly defined function.

Be careful about:
I Assuming that f 0 (a) = lim f 0 (x) or that f 0 (a) does not exist if lim f 0 (x) does not exist.
x→a x→a

I Signs of terms in the Quotient Rule.

I Logarithmic differentiation at points where f (x) = 0.

No need to worry about:

I One-sided derivatives.
I Differentials.
I Explicitly stating differentiation rules you apply, but you should show enough working to make it clear.
Optimization and curve sketching

Important definitions/results:
I Extreme Value Theorem, Local Extrema Theorem.
I Critical points, convexity.
I Derivative tests for extrema and points of inflection.

You should be able to:

I Apply a systematic approach to find local and global extrema.
I Collect and incorporate information about a function to sketch its graph.

Be careful about:
I Checking all hypotheses of derivative tests.

No need to worry about:

I Remembering and checking everything on the list for curve sketching.
Other applications of derivatives
Important definitions/results:
I Newton’s Method
I Mean Value Theorem, Bounded Derivative and related theorems.
I Taylor polynomials, series, and theorems.

You should be able to:

I Apply Newton’s Method.
I Bound approximation errors using Taylor’s (Approximation) Theorem or MVT.
I Find a Taylor series and determine whether it converges.
I Interpret and solve related rates problems.

Be careful about:
I Assuming that higher order Taylor polynomials have lower (or equal) error.
I Assuming convergence of Taylor series to intended function.

No need to worry about:

I Antiderivatives.
I Big-O notation.

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