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Reading Report

Name : Amanda priyanti poiyo

NIM : 202236102

News 1. The Bahamas : We are open For Business

Tittle : The Bahamas : We are open For Business

Author : News For You
Publishes : September 25 October 1,2019 |Vol.67,No.38

Page : 1 Pages

this news informs about the new business from the island of the bahamas in the field
of tourism which is located in southeast florida which has more than 700 islands,
they have a difficult area in hurricane dorian which is a far northern country, there
are lots of visitors in january and july there around more than 4.5 million people to
visit the two islands namely nassan and paradise island, this country needs money
from tourists where to protect them from the storm, and this must be discussed how
they recover from the hurricane.

New Vocabulary :
Field : an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals,
usually surrounded by a fence
Hurricane : tropical storm with winds that have reached a constant speed
of 74 miles per hour or more.

News 2 U.S Gas Prices Expected to jump after Saudi attack

Tittle : U.S Gas Prices Expected to jump after Saudi attack

Author : News For You
Publishes : October 2-8,2019 | Vol.67,No.39
Page : 1 Pages

This news is about the harassment of gas prices after the saudi attacks since the
early 1990s which has an impact namely the occurrence of political problems related
to this because Saudi is the second oil producer in the world, they damage and
destroy oil processing plants run by state-owned company Saudi Aramco, the result
of this also forced production of 5.7 barrels of oil to be stopped. This increase in oil
prices also had an impact on the US, which experienced price increases of up to 10 to
25 cents per gallon, which could only last a month if there were no attacks. This also
had an impact on airline transportation, cruise ships , railroads, trucking companies,
and retail stores could be affected. Iran said that America was lying if Iran carried out
the airstrikes, instead Iran said that it was the US or Saudi Arabia that attacked Iran.
Fuel prices will rise so the US says consumers will have to pay more for their flights
and cruises worried that if the prices are high they won't sell.
New Vocabulary
Destroy : put an end to the existence of (something)
y damaging or attacking it.
Railroads : a track or set of tracks made of steel rails along which passenger and
freight trains run

News 3 U.S Congress Begins Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump

Tittle : U.S Congress Begins Impeachment Proceedings Against Trump

Author : News For You
Publishes : October 9-15,2019 | Vol.67,No.40
Page : 1 Pages

This news is about President Donald Trump's dismissal of congress due to his fraud in
the election which did not accept defeat from Joe biden which caused his supporters
to riot at the parliament building as a result of workers during his term of office
resigning, the DPR has been investigating Trump for months finally the DPR voted to
dismiss him Trump and ultimately Trump impeached by the Senate on Capitol Hill.

New Vocabulary

Congress : legislative branch of the federal government that represents the

American people and makes the nation's laws.
Impeachment : a charge of misconduct made against the holder of a public office.
Proceedings : an event or a series of activities involving a formal or set procedure.
Involvement : the fact or condition of being involved with or participating in
Convict : declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of
a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.
Acquit : free (someone) from a criminal charge by a verdict of not guilty.

News 4 Washington Monument Reopens After Repairs

Tittle : Washington Monument Reopens After Repairs

Author : News For You
Publishes : October 16-22,2019 | vol.67,No.41
Page : 1 Pages

The Washington Monument has been closed since 2011 due to an earthquake
which left cracks in the building, but over time it was opened and closed again in
2016 due to frequent elevator disturbances so people are trapped. It is known that
the height of this monument is 555 feet which was completed in 1884 which can be
said to be special because it was the tallest building in the world in 1884. This
building was built to honor George Washington as a form of obelisk, a monument
that has a two-tone color where construction uses a different type of stone.
New Vocabulary

Earthquake : weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden

movement of rock materials below the earth's surface.
Cracks : a line on the surface of something along which it has split without
breaking into separate parts.
Elevator : a platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and
lowering people or things to different

News 5 U.S Workers’ Commute Time Hits Record High

Tittle : U.S Workers’ Commute Time Hits Record High

Author : News For You
Publishes : October 23-29,2019 | Vol.67,No.42
Page : 1 Pages

The average U.S Workers takes a one-way trip to work in 2018, this journey
takes 27 minutes. It should be noted that as many as 4.3 million people have a travel
time of 90 minutes or more on their daily commute. This is because many workers
who work in cities and cannot afford to live where they work and are limited by
roads, bridges and also public transportation, this can have an impact on health
because if you travel for a long time it will make you gain weight and become lazy.

New Vocabulary

Avarage : a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in

particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated
by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number.
Commutes : travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a
regular basis.

News 6 News Explainer : Syria,Turkey,and the Kurds

Tittle : News Explainer : Syria,Turkey,and the Kurds

Author : News For You
Publishes : October 30- November 5,2019 | Vol.67,No.43

Page : 1 Pages

The Allies are a group that helps other countries in the war, when the U.S left
Northern Syria which allowed Turkey to attack the Syrian Kurds, it is known that
around 30 million Kurds live throughout the region and some in parts of Turkey, the
Kurds have helped the U.S since 2015 in the fight against IS and also the Kurds
worked with the Arabs to form the SDF. There was an agreement between Syria and
the Kurds which in the agreement discussed helping the Kurds to fight Turkey and
the country that helped was Russia which made the deal.
New Vocabulary

Government : means by which organizational policies are enforced, as well as a

mechanism for determining policy.
Agreement : harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or
result of agreeing.

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