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Company Profile


Scope of study


Research Methodology

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Hypothesis Testing







To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 1

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 2

Our world today is characterized by the promotion. Every day when we Open the newspaper or see
view on T.V. channels we are bombarded with the advertisements. o aware the people for the
Company's Product., promotional activity is one of the t loosely used terms in marketing, Sales
promotion consist short term incentives encourage purchase and sales or services.

The project delves into the workings from the distribution aspect of an FMCG organization in detail.
AMUL? being an FMCG company, attaches a lot of significance to the distribution aspect of its
business. The distribution channel of AMUL holds a lot of potential in affecting the demand or sales
of AMUL products through delivery on time, delivery of variety of products, the retailer-friendliness
of the policies being set by the distributors and equitable distribution of products to all retail outlets
in a particular region, to name a few.

In addition to this AMUL carried out Saks Promotional activities through Awarding Toppers of 10*
& 12th Students.

Sales promotion consists of diverse collection of incentive tools, most short=term designed to
stimulate and/or greater purchase of a particular product by consumers or trade. Whereas Advertise
offers a reason to buy, sales promotion offers incentive buy. Sales promotion includes tools for
consumer promotion (for example samples, Hipons, prizes, cash refund, warranties, demonstrations,
contest); trade promotion [for example buying allowance., free goods, merchandise allowance^
Cooperative Advertising, advertising and display allowances, dealer sales contests). lereas Awards
like Vidya Bhushan and Vidya Shree are helps the Company to create Social image in the eyes of
Public and encourage the Students to get higher iSeores in their Examinations, It also helps to aware
the people about the Company. It ^automatically works as Advertisement for the company.


A name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods or
services of one seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

Brand Image

Brand image can be reinforced by brand communications such as packaging, advertising,

promotion, customer service, word-of-mouth and other aspects of the brand experience./ Brand
To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 3
images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first words/images that come to their mind when
a certain brand is mentioned (sometimes called "top of mind"). When responses are highly variable,
non-forthcoming^ or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it is an indicator of a weak brand

Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and arc almost always uniqueamong
competitive brands.

Brand Equity

The "added value" endowed by the brand name is brand equity. It's a differential effect that brand
knowledge has on consumer response to the marketing of that brand,

Brand image can be reinforced by brand communications such as packaging, advertising,

promotion, customer service, word-of-mouth and other aspects of the brand experience./ Brand
images are usually evoked by asking consumers the first words/images that come to their mind when
a certain brand is mentioned (sometimes called "top of mind"). When responses are highly variable,
non-forthcoming^ or refer to non-image attributes such as cost, it is an indicator of a weak brand

Good brand images are instantly evoked, are positive, and arc almost always uniqueamong
competitive brands.

Brand Equity

Asset management/leveraging Consumer franchise (facilitates loyalty) Lower communication costs

Improved prices/margins/market share


Amul ("priceless" in Sanskrit), the brand name "Amul" from the Sanskrit "Amoolya,"
(meaning "precious"}, was suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. Amul is the largest food
brand in India and world's Largest Pouched Milk Brand with an annual turnover of US $1050
million (2006 07) Especially the highly successful one known as AMUL will naturally wonder what
combination of influences and incentives is needed to multiply such a model athousand times over in
developing regions everywhere." The Amul Pattern has established itself as a uniquely appropriate

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 4
model for rural development. Amul has spurred the white revolution of India, which has made India
the largest producer of milk and milk products in the world]. It is also the world's biggest vegetarian
cheese brandy Products Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter ghee5 cheese
Masti Dahi, Yoghurt, Buttermilk chocolate, ice cream, cream, Shrikharid Paneer, Gulab Jamuns,
flavored milk, basundi, Nutramul brand and others. In January 2006, Amul plans to launch India's
first sports drink Stamina, which will be competing with Coca Cola's Powerade and PepsiCo's
Qatorader In August 2007, Amul introduced Kool Koko, a chocolate milk brand extending its
product offering in the milk products segment. Other Amul brands are Amul Kool, a low calorie
thirst quenching drink; Masti Butter Milk: Kool Cafe, ready to drink coffee and India's first sports
drink Stamina.

Amul's sugar-free Pro-Biotic Ice-cream won The International Dairy Federation Marketing Award
for 2007.


Since 1967 Amul products' mascot has been the very recognizable "Amul baby" (a chubby butter
girl usually dressed in polka dotted dress) showing up on hoardinp and product wrappers with the
equally recognizable taglinc Utterly Rutterly Delicious Amul The mascot was first used for Amul
butter. But in recent years in a second wave of ad campaign for Amul products? she has also been
used for other product like ghee and milk


Its advertising has also started using tongue-in-cheek sketches starring the Ampl baby commenting
jovially on the latest news or current events. The pun in her words has been popular, Amul outdoor
advertising uses billboards, with a humorous take on current events and is updated frequently. The
Amul ads are one of the longest running ads based on a theme, now vying for the Guinness records
for being the longest running ad campaign ever with Smokey Bear.


GCMMF (AMUL) has the largest distribution network for any FMCG company. It hasnearly 50
Sales offices spread all over the country, more than 3,000 wholesale dealersand more than 5,00,000

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 5
AMUL is also the largest exporter of dairy products in the country. AMUL is availabletoday in over
40 countries of the world. AMUL is exporting a wide variety of productswhich include Whole and
Skimmed Milk Powder, Cottage Cheese (Paneer)? UHT Milk,

Clarified Butter (Ghee) and Indigenous Sweets, The major markets are USA, WestIndies, and
countries in Africa, the Gulf Region, and [SAARC] SAARC neighborhood,Singapore, Philippines,
Thailand, Japan and China.

In September 2007, Amul emerged as the leading Indian brand according to a survey bySyncopate to
find out Asia's top 1000 Brands

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 6
To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 7


Amul embarked upon its illustrious journey as a beacon for the Indian cooperative movement in
1946. Since then, it has been undergoing a multidimensional evolution whose overarching objective
has been the same throughout: serving the farmer and catering to consumer requirements.

A structural landmark in this evolution process was the formation of the GCMMF in 1974.
Throughout these last 35 years, the company has demonstrated-again and again-that Amul both
represents and reconciles diverse expectations and aspirations.


Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is an India’s largest food product
marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat, which aims to
provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing
quality products, which are good value for money.


Members: 13 district cooperative milk producers' Unio

No. of Producer Members: 2.79 million

No. of Village Societies: 13,328

Total Milk handling capacity: 11.22 million litres per day

Milk collection (Total - 2008-09): 3.05 billion litres

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 8
Milk collection (Daily Average 2008-09): 8.4 million litres

Milk Drying Capacity: 626 Mts. per day

Cattlefeed manufacturing Capacity: 3500 Mts per day


The moppet who put Amul on India's breakfast table:

Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder,
Amul Ghee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul Ice cream,
Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India.
50 years after it was first launched, Amul's sale figures have jumped from 1000 tonnes a year in
1966 to over 25,000 tonnes a year in 1997. No other brand comes even close to it. All because a
thumb-sized girl climbed on to the hoardings and put a spell on the masses.

For 30 odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has managed to keep her fan following intact. So much so
that the ads are now ready to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being the longest
running campaign ever. The ultimate compliment to the butter came when a British company
launched a butter and called it Utterly Butterly.
To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 9

AMUL means "priceless" in Sanskrit. The brand name "Amul," from the Sanskrit "Amoolya," was
suggested by a quality control expert in Anand. Variants, all meaning "priceless", are found in
several Indian languages.

Amul products have been in use in millions of homes since 1946. Amul Butter, Amul Milk Powder,
Amul Ghee, Amulspray, Amul Cheese, Amul Chocolates, Amul Shrikhand, Amul Ice cream,
Nutramul, Amul Milk and Amulya have made Amul a leading food brand in India.

Today “Amul” is a symbol of many things: -

 Of high-quality products sold at reasonable prices.

 Of the genesis of a vast co-operative network.
 Of the triumph of indigenous technology.
 Of the marketing savvy of a farmers organization.
 Of a proven model for dairy development.


Total milk procurement by Member Unions during the year 2008-09 averaged 2.79 billion . Milk
collection (Daily Average 2008-09): 8.4 million litres, total milk handing capacity 11.22 millian per
day achieved.


Alignment of four Distribution Highways of fresh, chilled, frozen and ambient products is a major
factor for the company. The company is planning to increase our Distributor Network in smaller
towns. The fast changing market scenario resulting from rise in household incomes leading to
metamorphosis of rural and smaller markets, significant increase of middle class families and
migration from rural areas to smaller developing towns has resulted in the emergence of growing
markets in smaller towns all across the country.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 10
An addition of almost 900 distributors in small towns was undertaken on a Time Based Military
(TMT) technique. This initiative has already started yielding results in the form increasing
availability of products in smaller towns and thereby generating additional business.


During the year, Federation's sales registered a growth of 1.4 percent to reach Rs. 2,922.53 crores
(Rs.29.22 billion) including consignment sales of Rs.1.53 crores (Rs.0.02 billion). Despite intense
competition, sales value of Amul Butter grew by 4.5 percent.



Bread Spreads:

 Amul Butter
 Amul Lite Low Fat Breadspread
 Amul Cooking Butter

Cheese Range:

 Amul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese

 Amul Processed Cheese Spread
 Amul Pizza (Mozarella) Cheese
 Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese
 Amul Emmental Cheese
 Amul Gouda Cheese
 Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese)
 Utterly Delicious Pizza

Mithaee Range (Ethnic sweets):

 Amul Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom)

 Amul Amrakhand

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 11
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun Mix
 Amul Mithaee Kulfi Mix
 Avsar Ladoos

UHT Milk Range:

 Amul Shakti 3% fat Milk

 Amul Taaza 1.5% fat Milk
 Amul Gold 4.5% fat Milk
 Amul Lite Slim-n-Trim Milk 0% fat milk
 Amul Shakti Toned Milk
 Amul Fresh Cream
 Amul Snowcap Softy Mix

Pure Ghee:

 Amul Pure Ghee

 Sagar Pure Ghee
 Amul Cow Ghee

Infant Milk Range:

 Amul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months)

 Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 (6 months above)
 Amulspray Infant Milk Food

Milk Powders:

 Amul Full Cream Milk Powder

 Amulya Dairy Whitener
 Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder
 Sagar Tea and Coffee Whitener

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 12
Sweetened Condensed Milk:

 Amul Mithaimate Sweetened Condensed Milk

Fresh Milk:

 Amul Taaza Toned Milk 3% fat

 Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% fat
 Amul Shakti Standardised Milk 4.5% fat
 Amul Slim & Trim Double Toned Milk 1.5% fat
 Amul Saathi Skimmed Milk 0% fat
 Amul Cow Milk

Curd Products:

 Yogi Sweetened Flavoured Dahi (Dessert)

 Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd)
 Amul Masti Spiced Butter Milk
 Amul Lassee

Amul Ice creams:

 Royal Treat Range (Butterscotch, Rajbhog, Malai Kulfi)

 Nut-o-Mania Range (Kaju Draksh, Kesar Pista Royale, Fruit Bonanza, Roasted Almond)
 Nature's Treat (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Shahi Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Black Currant,
Santra Mantra, Fresh Pineapple)
 Sundae Range (Mango, Black Currant, Sundae Magic, Double Sundae)
 Assorted Treat (Chocobar, Dollies, Frostik, Ice Candies, Tricone, Chococrunch, Megabite,
 Utterly Delicious (Vanila, Strawberry, Chocolate, Chocochips, Cake Magic)

Amul Chocolate

 Amul Milk Chocolate

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 13
 Amul Fruit & Nut Chocolate
 Amul Fundoo
 Amul bindaas
 Amul Almondbar

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 14
To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 15

1) To study consumer preference towards Amul products.

2) To study factor which influence customers .
3) To study quality of the factor.

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To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 17

1) Customers are highly satisfied with Amul products.

2) Price is the major factor which influence customer.

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To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 19

 The scope of study is limited up to Gondia region.

 The scope of study is limited due to time and money constraints.
 The scope of study is limited due to limited sample size, i.e, 60.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 20

The methodology that was adopted for the study includes both primary source data as well as
the secondary source of data. The methodology of the study can be explained as follows :


Data collection refers to a purpose gathering of information relevant to the subject matter
under study and methods depend mainly on nature, purpose and scope of the enquiry to be
undertaken on the available resources and time.

Data collection is one of the methods of research. There are mainly two methods of
the data collection.




The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time, and thus happens
to be original in character. We can obtain primary data either through observation or through
direct communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal


Secondary data means data that are already available i.e. they refer to the data which have
been already been collected and analyzed by someone else. When the researcher utilizes
secondary data, then he has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them.

 Internet
To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 21
 Company manuals and booklets
 Books etc.

The source of information is generally classified as primary and secondary .

According to payline V. young The source of information can be classified into
documentary sources and field sources.

a) Primary data :-

The information given/ collected by individual or groups constitute primary


Methods of generating primary data

i. Survey
ii. Personal interview
iii. Observation
iv. Questionnaire

b) Secondary data :-

Books, diary, manuscript, letter, magazine, internet etc. are the secondary or documentary
source. The researcher for this dissertation has decided to use primary source as
questionnaire and secondary sources as books and internet for data collection.

Tools Of Data Collection :

a) Questionnaire and observation was used as tool for primary source of data collection.
b) Books and internet was used as tool for secondary source of data collection.

Pre-study :

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 22
After careful study of literature and expert consultation the researcher still may have only a
rather vague idea about the critical element in his problem. As pilot study sometimes may be
launched as a step preliminary to the form scale before original study are carried out in order
to gain some preliminary information of the main project.


Pretesting is the process of an advance testing of study design after the interview schedule
has been prepared. The researcher referred books and internet to get prepared literature for
this project and report.


Once the collection of data is over the main step top arranged for processing and analysis of


The preparation of the data forms for the tabulations must include on operational procedure
for accepting, modifying or resection individual questionnaire.


Tabulation is a process of summarizing raw and display it in compact forms for further
analysis. Analysis of data is made possible through tables. These tables sre made for
different variables and to show relationship with each other.

Interpretation of data:-

Analysis and interpretation are central step in research process. The goal of analysis is to
summarize collected data in such a way that they provide answer to the and triggered the
researcher. Interpretation is the research for the broader meaning of research finding.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 23

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 24

1. Age:


1 8-15 10 17%
2 15-25 25 41%
3 25-35 15 25%
4 35- ABOVE 10 17%
5 Total 60 100%

17% 17%
8 to 15
25% 15 to 25
41% 25 to 35
35 to above


From that it was found that:-

 8 to 15 year age group 10 peoples were used Amul product.

 15 to 25 year age group 25 peoples were used Amul product.
 25 to 35 year age group 15 peoples were used Amul product.
 35 to above year age group 10 peoples were used Amul product.


Thus, above table indicates that majority of people have 15 to 25 year age group.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 25

Sr no. particulars No. of respondents percentage

1 Male 15 25%
2 Female 45 75%
3 total 60 100%



75% female


 15 were peoples are male.

 45 were people are female.


Thus, above table indicates that majority of people have 75% females are used Amul

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 26

Sr no. particulars No. of respondents percentage

1 Students 30 50%
2 Job 5 8%
3 Business 15 25%
4 Others 10 17%
5 total 60 100%


50% students
25% job
8% others


 30 were peoples are students

 5 were peoples are job persons
 15 were peoples are business persons
 10 were peoples are other


Thus, above table indicates that majority of people have 50%, students mostly used Amul

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 27
4. How frequently do you buy Amul products?

Sr no. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage

2 More than once 10 17%

3 Every few month 13 22%
4 Yearly 10 16%
5 Total 60 100%

once a week
more than once
every few month


 27 peoples were frequently buy

 10 peoples were frequently buy
 13 peoples were frequently buy
 10 peoples were frequently buy


 Thus, above table indicates that majority of people have 45% peoples who buy
frequently the Amul product once a week.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 28
5.Any problem you faced while using it?

Sr no. particulars No. of respondents percentage

1 yes 22 36%
2 no 38 64%
3 total 60 100%




 22 were have problem

 38 were have problem


Thus, above table indicates that majority of 64% people have no problem were using Amul

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 29
6 Do you want any changes in product?

Sr no. particulars No. of respondents Percentage

1 Yes 10 16%
2 No 50 84%
3 total 60 100%




 10 peoples were want changes

 50 peoples don’t want changes


Thus, above table indicates that majority of 84% people don’t want changes in Amul

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 30
7. Since how many years you are using Amul products?

Sr no. particulars No. of respondents percentage

1 Last one year 10 17%
2 2 to 3 year 25 41%
3 3 to 5 year 15 25%
4 More than 5 year 10 17%
5 total 60 100%

17% 17%

last one year

25% 2 to 3 year
41% 3 to 5 year
more than 5 year


 10 peoples were used

 25 people were used
 15 people were used
 10 people were used


Thus, above table indicates that majority of 41% people have used Amul products from 2 to
3 years.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 31
8.Which factor influenced you to buy Amul products.

Sr no. particular No. of respondents Percentage

1 Price 15 25%
2 Quality 35 59%
3 Service 5 8%
4 Company image 5 8%
5 Total 60 100%

8% 25%
company image


 15 peoples were influenced by price

 35 peoples were influenced by quality
 5 peoples were influenced by service
 5 peoples were influenced by company image


Thus, above table indicates that majority of 59% people are influenced by quality of Amul
products buy this.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 32
9. Are you satisfied with Amul product?

Sr no particular No. of respondents percentage

1 Yes 47 78%
2 No 13 22%
3 total 60 100%




 47 peoples were satisfied

 13 peoples were satisfied


Thus, above table indicates that majority of 78% peoples are satisfied with Amul

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 33
10. Which of the Amul product you generally use?

Sr no. particulars No. of respondents percentage

1 Amul icecream 26 43%
2 Amul milk 14 23%
3 Amul butter 10 17%
4 Others 10 17%
5 total 60 100%

17% face wash
face pack


 26 peoples generally use Amul icecream

 14 peoples generally use Amul milk
 10 peoples generally use amul butter
 peoples generally use others


Thus, above table indicates that majority of 43% peoples generally use Amul s Amul milk.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 34

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 35

H1: Accepted,

From the data analysis and interpretation it is verified that the company
adopted various latest marketing technologies.

H2: Accepted,

From the data analysis and interpretation it is verified that consumer buying
behavior affects the sales of Amul products.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 36

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 37

 Amul is the very popular company among the customers.

 People are highly satisfied with the Amul ’s products.

 Customers prefer Amul ’s product more because of their qualities.

 Amul is the clear market leader across all age groups and income levels.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 38

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 39

 Company has aims to create a brand image in the mind of customers.

 The company adopts mass advertising media & brand ambassador to promote their
 Most of the customers generally prefer Amul skincare & amul butter s.
 Company has opened new service center in metro & other cities.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 40

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 41

 Amul should concentrate on the rural areas and make their management proper
by giving employment to the educated people.
 The company should distribute magazines, house journals to the consumers to
aware them about new schemes and offers.
 New promotional strategies should be adopted by company, like personal services
 The company should start taking feedback from consumers about their product
through the way of prescribed forms.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 42

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 43

The limitations are as follow:

 While analysis the primary data Human error may occurred.

 The time for the study is very limited.
 Whatever the data available in the books and internet are the limited source
of information for the customer satisfaction of Amul product.

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 44

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 45


 www.Amul


 Modern Marketing ( Philip Kotler )

 Services Marketing ( S. M. Jha )
 Research methodology (William Zikmud)


 Business Today
 Business World

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 46
To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 47

1 Name:-

2 Age :-

 8-15
 15-25
 25-35
 35-above

3 Gender :-

 Male
 Female

4 Occupation :-

 Student
 Job
 Business
 Others

5 How frequently do you buy Amul products?

 Once a week
 More than once
 Every few month
 Yearly

6 Any problem you faced while using it?

 Yes
 No

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 48
7 Since how many years you are using Amul product?

 Last 1 year
 2-3 year
 3-5 year
 More than 5 year

8 Which factors influenced you to buy Amul product?

 Price
 Quality
 Service
 Company image

9 Are you satisfied with Amul product?

 Yes
 No

10 Which of the Amul product you generally use?

 Amul icecream
 Amul milk
 Amul butter
 Others

11 Do you want any changes in product?

 Yes
 no

To Study The Impact Of Adevertisment Of Amul Product With Reference To Gondia City. 49

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