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Gava restaurant (website)

Submitted By

Abdulahi Hasan Omar

Mohammed Said Yassin
Abdiweli Ali Mohammed
Ayub Abdulahi Gele

A Mini Project Report

Submitted to University Of Bosaso
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Bachelor’s of Computer Science

Under the guidance of

Anas abdisalan

Faculty of Computer Science, UOB

Garowe, Somalia

Date: 20 - 05 - 2023


We hereby declare that the Project entitled “Gava restaurant (website)”

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science has been done by us and is the original

work that has never been submitted by any one.

Name of the students Signature RollNumber

Abdulahi Hasan Omar. ______________ BCS/09652/2021

Mohammed Said Yassin. ______________ BCS/10530/2021
Abdiweli Ali Mohammed. ______________ BCS/09651/2021
Ayub Abdulahi Gele. ______________ BCS/09663/2021


Certified that this project report titled “Gava restaurant (website)” is a bonafide work
of “maxamed siciid yaasiin, cabdulaahi xasan cumar, ayuub cabdulaahi geele, and
cabdiweli Cali maxamed” who carried out their work under my supervision.


-------------------------------- -------------------------

University of Bosaso Garowe Campus (UOB)

30 Avenue, Hodan District
Garowe, Punland (Somalia),
Ph: +252-90-7794329/7799735,


Gava restaurant (website)...................................................................................i
DECLARATION........................................................................................................ ii
1.CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION....................................................................1
1.1 overview of the project...................................................................................1
1.2 Objectives of the project................................................................................2
1.3 Scope of the project....................................................................................... 3
2. CHAPTER TWO: SYSTEM ANALYSIS.............................................................5
2.1 problems in existing system...........................................................................5
2.2 Advantages of proposed system....................................................................7
3. CHAPTER THREE: SOFTWARE AND................................................................9
HARDWARE SPECIFICATION..............................................................................9
3.1 Hardware Specifications:................................................................................9
3.2 Software Specifications:...............................................................................11
4. CHAPTER FOUR: MODULE DESCRIPTION...................................................19
4.1 Food Module:.................................................................................................19
4.2 Drinks Module:..............................................................................................19
4.3 Snacks Module:.............................................................................................19
4.4 Booking Table Module:..................................................................................20
4.5 Cart Module:..................................................................................................20
4.6 Contact Module:............................................................................................20
5. CHAPTER FIVE: OUTPUTS AND CODING....................................................22

5.1 screen shots of the project...........................................................................22
5.2 SCREEN SHOTS OF THE CODE.....................................................................31
6. CHAPTER FIVE FUTURE ENHANCEMENT....................................................42
7. CHAPTER SEVEN: BIBLIOGRAPHY...............................................................44


1.1 overview of the project

This project is about a restaurant website and it is called Gava restaurant. This

website makes it easy for customers to order food online from their location.

customers can find different types of food, drinks, and snacks. Foods available

at the restaurant include: rice, pasta, hamburger, fish, fried chicken,

pizza, and so on. also drinks include: watermelon juice, lemon juice,

cocktail, tea, coffee, milk and many others.

This project is web based and has a very beautiful design.

This website contains many pages such as

home page, menu page, contact page, and about page.

it also has different sections like booking table section, chefs section, why

choose us section and so on.

We have built the front-end of this project by using:

HTML (hyper text markup language).

CSS (cascading style sheet).

JavaScript (for funtionality).

VS code (for writing the code)

we have also built the back-end of this project by using:

php with mySQL database.

1.2 Objectives of the project
One of The purposes of this Restaurant website is to provide customers with

efficient service.

such as to deliver their order to their locations as quickly as possible.

The main objective of this project is to help customers in ordering food &

reduce the time consumption for going restaurant to take food.

In other hand this project has the following objectives:

satisfaction and customer service

Customers visiting the website have different needs, so we have created

different sections for them to meet their different needs. some customers want

to order snacks, some want to order drinks, some want to order food. The

reason for creating sections is that the customers can get fast service and be

satisfied with that service.

Reduce time consumption for going restaurant.

The previous system that was working for the restaurant did not have a website

where customers could order food. Therefore, one of the objectives of the

website is to solve the time spent by customers to come to the restaurant to

buy food which the website helps to save their time.

Free and fast delivery of the order.

One of the most important goals we have on this website is to make the

delivery service free and fast. When the customer orders the service he wanted

and specifies the delivery location, it takes a short time to deliver his order by

the employees using high-speed motorcycles.

getting all kinds of food and drinks.

The main purpose of this Gava restaurant website is for customers to find all

kinds of food, drinks, and snacks.

easy payment

When customers place their order, the payment method is easy they can pay

easily using a bank card such as: master card, visa card and etc.

1.3 Scope of the project

First of all, nothing in the world is 100%, but we have tried our best in this

project and it has its limitations. This website can work on all different devices

and this project may have some pros and cons.

Some of the limitations of this website are:

Our project does not have a mobile application

Our project is solely a web-based platform that is accessible through any web


We do not have a mobile application at the moment, but we are considering

developing one in the future. Our current focus is on optimizing and improving

the user experience on the web platform.

While mobile applications provide convenience, we believe that a responsive

website design can provide a comparable experience for users accessing our

project on their mobile devices.

We are constantly evaluating our options and staying up-to-date with new

technologies to ensure that our users have the best possible experience.

Our website does not have many methods of payment.

Our website currently only accepts credit card payments. We understand that

this can be inconvenient for some customers who prefer to pay with other

methods such as PayPal, bank transfer, debit card or other local payment

systems like Sahal service.

However, we are working on expanding our payment options to better

accommodate the needs of our customers.

In the meantime, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and

appreciate your patience as we work to improve our website's payment options.

Our website sometimes is low when loading and take few

Our website sometimes experiences slow loading times, taking a few seconds

longer than expected. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including high

traffic volume, outdated software or hardware.

To address this problem, our team is constantly monitoring the website's

performance and taking steps to optimize its speed and responsiveness. We

appreciate your patience as we work to improve the user experience on our



2.1 problems in existing system

Our restaurant was traditional restaurant and offline or traditional restaurants

are facing a huge challenge in the current market, with the rise of online

delivery services. In many cases, customers no longer need to leave the house

to get a meal. This has caused a decrease in foot traffic for many restaurants

and a decrease in profits for business owners. Some of the biggest problems

that faced our traditional restaurant include:

2.1.1 Increased competition from online delivery services.

These services often offer more convenience and often cheaper prices than

traditional restaurants. This makes it difficult for offline/traditional restaurants

to compete and attract customers.

2.1.2 A decrease in delivery options.

Many customers would rather have their food delivered to their door than have

to go to an offline/traditional restaurant. This means that offline/traditional

restaurants have to offer delivery options or risk losing out on potential


2.1.3 Increased cost of food.

As more restaurants switch to delivery options, the cost of food has increased.

This makes it difficult for offline restaurants to keep their prices competitive, as

they are now having to charge more for their food.

2.1.4 Increased difficulty in reaching customers.

With the rise of online delivery services, it has become much more difficult for

offline restaurants to reach potential customers. This means that they have to

invest more resources into marketing and advertising to get the attention of


2.1.5 Difficulty in adapting to new trends.

With the rise of technology and social media, customers’ tastes and

preferences change quickly. This makes it difficult for offline/traditional

restaurants to keep up with the latest trends and offer something that

customers want.

Overall, the problems that offline/traditional restaurants are facing are

numerous and challenging to overcome. However, with the right strategies and

resources, these issues can be managed and offline restaurants can compete in

the current market.

2.2 Advantages of proposed system

The advantages of the proposed system are many and are listed below

2.2.1 Easy to access:

This restaurant website is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. This

makes it easier for customers to find the information they need about their

favorite restaurant, like menu items, prices, reviews, and more.

2.2.2 Always updated:

This restaurant website is often updated with the latest news, deals, and

announcements, allowing customers to stay informed.

2.2.3 Increased visibility:

This restaurant website is providing increase of visibility, allowing potential

customers to easily find your restaurant.

2.2.4 Increased engagement:

this proposed system or website provides a platform to engage with customers,

helping to build relationships and foster customer loyalty.

2.2.5 Better customer experience:

With a restaurant website, customers can get a better feel for your restaurant.

You can showcase photos, customer reviews, and more.

2.2.6 Lower marketing costs:

Having a website means you no longer have to rely heavily on expensive

traditional marketing strategies, such as print ads or radio spots

2.2.7 Increased customer base:

This restaurant website can help us increase of customer base, as customers

can easily search for our restaurant online.

2.2.8 Improved customer service: Customers can easily access information

about your restaurant and contact you directly with customer service inquiries.

2.2.9 Increased customer loyalty:

A website helps build customer loyalty by providing customers with a way to

stay informed and engaged with your restaurant.

2.2.10 Enhanced online presence:

Having a restaurant website helps establish you as an authority in your field,

helping to build your reputation and presence online.



3.1 Hardware Specifications:

3.1.1 Processor:

Our website has specific hardware specifications that your device must meet in

order to properly use our platform.

One of the most important requirements is that your device must have a

processor that is Core i3 or higher. This is because our website requires a

significant amount of processing power to run smoothly and efficiently. If your

device does not meet this requirement, you may experience slow loading times,

freezing, or other technical issues while using our website. Therefore, it is

important to carefully review our hardware specifications before using our

website to ensure that your device is compatible.

3.1.2 Processor speed:

To access all the features of our website, it is important that your device meets

certain hardware specifications.

One of the most important specifications is the processor speed, which should

be at least 600 MHz. This ensures that the website runs smoothly and

efficiently, without any lag or delay in loading pages or accessing features.

If your device does not meet this requirement, you may experience slower

performance and may not be able to access certain features of our website.

Therefore, we recommend that you check your device's specifications before

accessing our website to ensure the best possible experience.

3.1.3 Ram memory:

Our website is designed to run smoothly and efficiently, which is why we require

that your device has a minimum of 4GB of RAM.

This hardware specification ensures that our website operates at its optimum

performance level and provides a seamless experience for our users.

If your device falls below this requirement, you may experience slow load

times, lagging, or other issues that could hinder your browsing experience.

We highly recommend checking your device's RAM before accessing our website

to ensure the best possible experience.

3.1.4 Hard Disk space:

make sure to check the hardware specifications required for our website. One

important specification to keep in mind is the minimum of 20GB of hard disk

space or higher.

Why is this requirement necessary? Our website houses a plethora of

information, including text, images, videos, and more. In order to properly

store and access all of this data, a significant amount of hard disk space is


Additionally, having enough hard disk space will improve the overall

performance of your device when accessing our website. You won't have to

worry about lagging or slow loading times due to insufficient space.

Don't underestimate the importance of hardware specifications when it comes

to using our website. Make sure to check that your device meets the minimum

requirement of 20gb of hard disk space or higher to ensure optimal

performance and seamless access to all of our content.

3.2 Software Specifications:

3.2.1 Operating system:

If you're planning on browsing our website, it's important to ensure that your

device meets our hardware specifications. Specifically, we require that your

device have an operating system of Windows 7 or beyond. This may seem like

a small detail, but it's important to ensure that your browsing experience is

smooth and error-free.

Why do we require this? Well, for one, it's because our website is designed to

work best on modern operating systems. Older operating systems may not be

able to fully support the latest web technologies and could cause issues when

trying to access certain pages or features.

In addition, having a modern operating system also helps ensure that your

device is protected from security vulnerabilities. Windows 7, for example, is no

longer receiving security updates from Microsoft, meaning that any devices

running this operating system are potentially vulnerable to security threats. By

requiring a more modern operating system, we're helping to ensure that your

browsing experience is both enjoyable and safe.

So, if you're planning on accessing our website, be sure to double-check that

your device has an operating system of Windows 7 or higher. It may seem like

a small detail, but it's one that can make a big difference in the quality of your

browsing experience.

3.2.2 Front-end:


What Does HTML Stand For?

HTML is the short form of Hyper Text Markup language, and most people

assume it as a programming language. But it is a markup language rather than

any coding or programming language. It is used for most web pages and

applications to define the text and body of the layout.

HTML is the most popular markup language that was developed and written by

Sir Tim Berners-Lee. And he created the world wide web too in 1989; however,

his HTML version officially launched in 1993. from that time to now, HTML has

seen continuous updates to add new features and functionality.

Origin of HTML

The concept of HTML came to the mind of Sir Tim Berners-Lee when he saw

researchers at CERN need to share documents many times. And then, he

proposed that he develop a markup language that would help connect

computers worldwide. According to this idea, the ordinary user can access the

file of one computer from another computing device by accessing the markup

language he proposed. Hypertext system refers to the set or the network of

documents written in text and connected using hyperlinks. And using this, the

researchers could jump to other files just by clicking on hyperlinks.

And with the same vision, he wrote the software of browsers and servers for

hypertext markup language by 1990. However, CERN did not give any funds for

this vital project of Sir Tim Berners-Lee. But still, Lee posted the initial

description for the HTML tags in 1991, and it was finally released in 1993.

Brief History of HTML

Once the initial version of HTML was out, then there were many updates. But

the most popular version of it was HTML4.01 which became the standard

markup language in 1999.

Another crucial version, XHTML. It was the XML format of HTML; the XML

language has been used in creating many markup languages.

The RSS and MathML are a few examples of markup languages that are written

using XML language. The XHTML language became a standard markup language

in 2000, and it got updated again in 2002. earlier, most of web pages and

applications used to be developed using HTML 4.01 or XHTML 1.0. However, in

recent years HTML5 has become the standard markup language for defining the

various attributes for web pages.


What Does CSS Stand For?

CSS is mainly used for web development or page design. It refers to the

cascading style sheets that can format the web page layouts using many

features. You can make text bold in CSS, style it, manage table size, and edit

other aspects of the web pages to make them attractive. By using CSS, the

user can give a uniform look to the website and its several pages. It does not

only define the table but also meets other design needs of the website.

With the help of CSS, the user can make changes in several pages just at once.

Suppose, if you need to make the text bigger of all the web pages, then by

changing the font size in CSS, you can make the text size bigger. And there are

many other things that you can do easily using cascading style sheets. And

because of these features, CSS has become a crucial language for web design

and development.

Origin of CSS

CSS came into existence in 1994, so it can provide a standard way to design

the pages on the world wide web. And Mr. Lee developed a cascading style

sheet for the same purpose. Because by this time, there was an immense

demand for such a solution as HTML 4.01 was unable to give an appealing web

page on its own. However, by seeing it, many people offered different styling

sheets, but none of them succeeded as CSS. In its initial stage, it was primarily

used for making websites accessible and appealing.

Brief History of CSS

Along with HTML, CSS is also standardized by W3C that controls the web

standards. CSS is free to use, independent and it is also an open-source

standard. And users can use HTML and CSS together with the W3C.

If we look at the history of CSS, we will find it has seen mainly three updates.

CSS level 1 was launched in 1996, and it came again in 1999 with some

improvements. However, CSS level 2 or CSS2 came in 1998 with media

support. In this version, the user can utilize the other media elements. And

finally, its latest version, CSS level 3, launched, and currently, we use this

version only. The latest version of CSS allows us to take advantage of

separation that helps in saving time.

If you need to make some critical changes on a large website with hundreds of

pages. Currently, CSS comes with over 60 modules with different features. In

recent years, most developers and designers have tried a variety of browsers to

see the effects of CSS on web pages. But most of them found Firefox as the

most helpful for the same concern.


What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, multi-paradigm programming language primarily

used for website development alongside HTML and CSS. While HTML and CSS

provide the structure and style of a website, JavaScript enables the addition of

interactive features and behaviors. This allows visitors to engage with the

website in more exciting ways. Also note that the language is not limited to a

specific type of operating system and supports event-driven, functional, and

imperative programming styles such as object-oriented and prototype-based.

JavaScript has gained immense popularity since its release in 1995. According

to Statista, 65% of developers are using JavaScript worldwide today, and it

surpassed other languages such as Java and Python. What makes JavaScript so

developer-friendly is the fact that it’s relatively easy to learn and allows

developers to rapidly build apps with massive audiences.

You can use JavaScript to create:

Web applications, servers and backend web infrastructure;

Browser-based games;

Animation and other special effects;

Security features (such as passwords);

Automatically refreshing news feeds;

Mobile applications.

3.2.3 Back-end


PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web

development but also used as a general-purpose programming

language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, the PHP

reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. While

PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page, it now stands for the

recursive backronym PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor.

PHP code may be embedded into HTML code, or it can be used in

combination with various Web template systems and web

frameworks. PHP code is usually processed by a PHP interpreter

implemented as a module in the web server or as a Common

Gateway Interface (CGI) executable. The web server combines the

results of the interpreted and executed PHP code, which may be any

type of data, including images, with the generated web page. PHP

code may also be executed with a command-line interface (CLI) and

can be used to implement standalone graphical applications.

The standard PHP interpreter, powered by the Zend Engine, is free

software released under the PHP License. PHP has been widely

ported and can be deployed on most web servers on almost every

operating system and platform, free of charge.

The PHP language evolved without a written formal specification or

standard until 2014, leaving the canonical PHP interpreter as a de

facto standard. Since 2014 work has been ongoing to create a

formal PHP specification.


what is MYSQL

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.

As with other relational databases, MySQL stores data in tables

made up of rows and columns. Users can define, manipulate,

control, and query data using Structured Query Language, more

commonly known as SQL. MySQL’s name is a combination of “My,”

the name of MySQL creator Michael Widenius’s daughter, and “SQL”.

A flexible and powerful program, MySQL is the most popular open-

source database system in the world. As part of the widely-used

LAMP technology stack (which consists of a Linux-based operating

system, the Apache web server, a MySQL database, and PHP for

processing), it’s used to store and retrieve data in a wide variety of

popular applications, websites, and services.


4.1 Food Module:

The food module is a crucial part of the restaurant website as it showcases the

wide variety of delectable dishes available at the establishment. This module

displays mouth-watering images of the food along with detailed descriptions,

ingredients, and pricing information. In addition, the module allows users to

place an order online for takeout or delivery.

4.2 Drinks Module:

The drinks module of the restaurant website is designed to entice users with an

array of non-alcoholic beverages. From refreshing cocktails to smoothies and

coffee, the module features various drinks that perfectly complement the food

served at the establishment. The module provides information about the

ingredients and pricing of the drinks and offers a quick ordering system for

takeaway drinks.

4.3 Snacks Module:

The snacks module of the restaurant website offers a range of finger food and

snacks for customers looking for something quick and light. From savory bites

to sweet treats, this module is perfect for those seeking a light meal or

something to snack on while sipping a drink. The module includes mouth-

watering images, pricing information, and the option to order for takeaway or


4.4 Booking Table Module:

The booking table module allows customers to reserve a table at the restaurant

easily. Users can input the date, time, and number of people in their party, and

the module checks availability and confirms the booking. Additionally, the

module also displays any promotions or events taking place at the restaurant,

encouraging customers to visit and dine-in.

4.5 Cart Module:

The Cart module enables users to add products to their shopping cart and

proceed to checkout. It is designed to be user-friendly and ensures that the

purchasing process is simple and quick.

4.6 Contact Module:

The contact module is a simple but important component of the restaurant

website. It provides customers with all the necessary contact information for

the restaurant, including address, phone number, and email address. This

module ensures that customers can easily reach the restaurant by sending

message and resolve any queries they might have.

In conclusion, these six modules of the restaurant website serve different

purposes but are equally essential in providing an optimal customer experience.

The food module showcases the delicious food options, the drinks module

provides a wide variety of beverages, the snacks module offers light bites, the

booking table module enables customers to make a reservation, cart module

enables users to add products to their shopping cart and proceed to checkout,

and the contact module ensures customers can reach out to the restaurant.

Together, they provide customers with a comprehensive online experience that

drives both online orders and restaurant footfall.


5.1 screen shots of the project






















CSS code

We can not take all the screen shots of the project because there are too many,
so we have taken part of it.


As we continue to grow and expand, it is essential that our website reflects the

changes in our brand. Our website is the first point of contact for our

customers, and it is necessary to provide an enjoyable and user-friendly

experience to ensure we are delivering the best possible service.

The following is a list of future enhancements for our website that we aim to

implement over the next 12 months.

6.1 Launch our own application:

we are planning to launch our own mobile application that allows users to view

and interact with our restaurant in real-time, receive notifications on upcoming

events and promotions, and even order food directly from the app.

6.2 Improved Speed:

Speed optimization and load time reduction of the website.

6.3 User Account System:

The addition of user account system allowing customers to save favorite dishes,

past orders, and reward programs.

6.4 Localization Options:

Translation of the website into various languages for customers who are not

English speakers.

6.5 Email and Newsletter Subscription:

Introduction of email subscription services for promotions, events, and regular


6.6 Improved Navigation:

Better navigation for website visitors, making it easier for them to find relevant


6.7 Implement a new booking system:

to enhance the user experience. This will allow customers to easily reserve

tables, pre-order food, and pay their bills without having to leave the website.

6.8 Mobile-Friendly Design

Redesign the website to create a more modern and inviting look. Our new

design should reflect our brand values, mission and the experiences we want to

provide our customers

6.9 Integrate an online review and feedback system:
that would enable customers to share their opinions about their experience at

our restaurant. This would be an essential tool for tracking customer

satisfaction, understanding our strengths, and finding opportunities for


In conclusion, we are committed to enhancing our customers’ experience and

improving our brand value. We will implement the above future enhancements

on our restaurant website over the next 12 months, and we hope they will

contribute significantly to our growth and customer satisfaction.










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