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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic

Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 7

Name: Borlasa, Justin Kean Hakeem L.. Class number:

Section: BSN2 – B14 Schedule: W/S

Lesson title: Categorical Proposition: Quantity, Quality, Symbols, 1. Materials:

Schematic Form, & Venn Diagram {List materials that students will need
to complete this lesson.}
Lesson Objectives:
1.Identify the elements of categorical proposition and its quantity, {List of references used for the lesson}
quality, categorical symbol, schematic form and Venn diagram.

2. Make examples of propositions using the categorical proposition

Productivity Tip:
Good day! In the today’s session we will acquaint ourselves about categorical proposition as the
basic unit of proposition. In a simplest form, it consists of subject-term, copula and predicate-
term. It is a verbal expression of something which is perceived as true. Today also, you will
eventually learn and apply categorical symbols and the Venn diagram. Take time and let’s do it!


1) Introduction (2 mins)


Symbol Structure Quality Quantity of Quantity of Example

Subject Predicate

A “All S is P.” affirmative Universal. particular All men are thinkers

E “No S is P.” Negative. Universal. Universal. No one is perfect

I “Some S is P affirmative Particular. Particular. Ten students are outstanding.

O “Some S is not P.” negative particular universal Some criminals are not rapists.

2. Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Direction: Identify the Subject, Copula/verb and Predicate to each of the following statements. Write your answer

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 7

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule:

in the space provided.

Statement Subject Copula/verb Predicate

Woman is fickle. Woman is Fickle
Some saints are martyrs saints is martyrs
All men are mortal. Men are mortal
No teacher is perfect Teacher is perfect
Some politicians are liars politicians are not liars


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Basic Elements of Categorical Proposition

1. Subject Term - is the term designating the concept about which the pronouncement is made.
2. Predicate Term - is the term designating the concept which is affirmed or denied of the subject.
3. Copula (linking verb) - is the word expressing the mental act which pronounces the agreement or disagreement
between the subject and the predicate terms.
Ex. is, are, was, were (affirmative) is not, are not, was not, were not (affirmative)

Quality of Propositions
- The copula plays an important role in determining the quality of proposition. If the copula is “is” or
“are” then the proposition is affirmative, but if the copula is “in not” or “are not”, the proposition is
Quantity of Propositions

- The article “no” before the subject signifies the universality of the proposition. The article “no” is the
indicator of the quality and quantity of the proposition as negative and universal respectively.

Features of Four Categorical Symbol

A Proposition
-The logical structure is “All S is P.”
-The quality of the proposition is affirmative.
-The quantity of the subject term and proposition is universal.
-The quantity of the predicate term is particular.
o Ex. All men and woman are thinkers.
E Propositions

- The logical structure is “No S is P.”

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 7

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule:

- The quality of the proposition is negative.

- The quantity of the subject term and the proposition is universal.
- The quantity of the predicate term is universal.
o Ex. No one is perfect.
I Propositions.

- The logical structure is “Some S is P.”

- The quality of the proposition is affirmative.
- The quantity of the subject term and the proposition is particular.
- The quantity of the predicate term is particular.
o Ex. Ten students are outstanding.
O Propositions

- The logical structure is “Some S is not P.”

- The quality of the proposition is negative.
- The quantity of the subject term and the proposition is Particular.
- The quantity of the predicate term is universal.
Ex. Some criminals are not rapists.

The Four Venn Diagram Categorical Propositions

2) Activity 3.1: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Direction: Determine whether the following propositions are affirmative or negative propositions.
Write + (plus sign) if the proposition is affirmative while – (negative sign) if the proposition is negative.

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 7

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule:

+ 1. All men are created in the image and likeness of God.

+ 2. Every human is open to all possibilities.

+ 3. Architecture is the art of building.

- 4. None of us can comprehend everything.

- 5. That sin is not forgivable is wrong.

- 6. Some cellular phones are not Nokia units.

- 7. Inequality is never just.

- 8. Not everything is measurable by numbers.

+ 9. Traveling without food is tiring.

+ 10. All illegal acts are punishable by law.

Activity 3.2: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Direction: Underline the subject and encircle the predicate terms of the following propositions, and classify
the propositions as A, E, I, O.

1. All Muslims are believers of Allah. A

2. No member of cultural community is lazy. E

3. No discourteous person is a true Filipinos. E

4. All cars are gasoline fueled. A

5. Some miners are spendthrifts. I

6. A few politicians were not convicted of election fraud. O

7. He who cannot learn to obey cannot hope to command. O

8. Not all basketball player are good students. I

9. The guards saw nothing. O

10. All animals cannot fly. E

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 7

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule:

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Direction: Identify the Subject, Copula/verb, Predicate, and Categorical Symbol to each of the following
statements. Write your answer in the space provided.

Statement Subject Copula/verb Predicate Categorical Symbol

Woman is fickle. Woman is Fickle A
Some saints are martyrs saints is martyrs I
All men are mortal. Men are mortal A
No teacher is perfect Teacher is perfect E
Some politicians are liars politicians are not liars O

Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Directions: Give the quantity of the subject and predicate terms of the given propositions.

Given Propositions:
1. All eagles are animals.
2. Not all judges are bar topnotchers.
3. Some schools are non-accredited institutions.
4. No drivers are blind people.
5. All squares are four-sided polygons.
6. Some priests are not sexually promiscuous.
7. Some Filipino street foods are exotic foods.
8. All OFW’s are Filipino citizens.
9. No man is immortal.
10. A dog is irrational animal.

Quantity Quality Categorical Schematic Form

1. Ex. Universal Affirmative A All S is P
2 Universal Affirmative A All S is P

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 7

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule:

3 Particular Negative O Some S is not P

4 Universal Affirmative A All S is P
5 Universal Affirmative A All S is P
6 Particular Negative O Some S is not P
7 Particular Affirmative I Some S is P
8. Universal Affirmative A All S is P
9 Universal Negative E No S is P
10 Particular Affirmative I Some S is P

You are done with the session! Let's track your progress

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 P1 Exam 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P2 Exam 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Exam

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