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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic

Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 9
Name: Borlasa, Justin Kean Hakeem L.
BSN 2- B14

Lesson title: Square of Oppositions: Contradictory and Contrary 1. Materials:

{List materials that students will need
Lesson Objectives: 2. to complete this lesson.}

1. Understand the relationship among A, E, I, and O propositions. References:

2. Determine the truth-value of opposite propositions by applying the rules of {List of references used for the lesson}

Productivity Tip:
Hey there! Today! You are about to learn Logical opposition. Often, we find ourselves making
conclusions about what can no longer be true because of what we already know about certain
things. Besides, at times, we find ourselves confronted with two statements which seem to either
prove or disprove the truth of each other. This judgement is called oppositional inference. Let’s
get to know more! Have a Good day!


1) Introduction (2 mins)

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 9
Name: Borlasa, Justin Kean Hakeem L.
BSN 2- B14

2) Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1 (3 mins)

Direction: Using the diagram of the Square of Oppositions above, identify what type of opposition the following
pair/relation of propositions. Write your answers on the “What I Know” column.
What I Know Questions: What I Learned
(Activity 4)
Contradictories What is the relation between A and O propositions? Contradictories

Contraries What is the relation between A and E propositions? Contraries

Contradictories What is the relation between E and I propositions? Contradictories


1) Activity 2: Content Notes (13 mins)

Logical Opposition/ Aristotelian Square–it refers to the relationship existing between two proposition having the
same subject and the same predicate but differ in quantity or in quality or both quantity or quality. Simply, it
refers to the relationship among A, E, I propositions, and O.

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 9
Name: Borlasa, Justin Kean Hakeem L.
BSN 2- B14

Kinds of Opposition

1. Contradiction –Propositions having the same subject term and same predicate term but are different in both about
their quality and quantity.
Rules of Contradictories:
▪ If one is true, the other is false.
▪ If one is false, the other is true.

▪ Ex. Given Proposition: Resulting Proposition:

(A): All lawyers are dishonest (O): Some lawyers are not dishonest.

2. Contrary – when proposition have the same subject term, the same predicate term, and are all of universal
qualities yet are different in quality.
Rules of Contrary:
▪ If one is true, the other is false.
▪ If one is false, the other is doubtful.
▪ Both can be false at the same time, but never true at the same time.

Ex. Given Proposition: Resulting Proposition:

(A): All lawyers are dishonest. (E): All Lawyers are not dishonest

2) Activity 3.1: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

Direction: Give the contradictory and contrary proposition of the following by changing the given statements

Proposition Contradictory Contrary

Ex. All monkeys are primate. Some monkeys are not primate. No monkeys are primate.

No whales are reptiles. Some whales are reptiles. All whales are reptiles

No Christians are Muslims. Some Christians are Muslims. All Christians are Muslims.

All police are arrogant. Some police are not arrogant. No police are arrogant.

No Cocians are Ateneans. Some Cocians are Ateneans. All Cocians are Ateneans.

Activity 3.2: Skill-building Activities (with answer key) (18 mins + 2 mins checking)

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 9
Name: Borlasa, Justin Kean Hakeem L.
BSN 2- B14


A. Change the given proposition into their opposites as either A, E, I or O.

B. Write their oppositional relations( contrary or contradictory)
C. Identify their corresponding truth-value in relation to the given.

1. All candidates are professionals.(False)


E All candidates are unprofessional Contrary TRUE

O Some candidates are professionals Contradictory TRUE

2. No animal rights are human rights. (True)


A No animal rights are human rights contrary TRUE

I Some animal rights are human rights contrary TRUE

3) Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2 (2 mins)

Direction: Provide two examples of Oppositions and apply the rules of contradictory.

Type Example of Contradictory opposition and its rules application.

Rule # 1 A-O Ex. If every Filipino is Asian (TRUE), then some Filipino are not Asian (False).

1 If most Filipinos love rice(true), then all Filipinos hate bread (False)

2 If every monkeys are primate (True), then some monkeys are not(false)

Rule # 2 I-E Ex. If some cows are writers (FALSE), then no cows is a writer (True).

1 If some fish could walk(False), then no fish is a land animal(true)

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PHI 002: Introduction to Philosophy & Logic
Teachers’ Guide
Lesson 9
Name: Borlasa, Justin Kean Hakeem L.
BSN 2- B14

2 All policemen are criminals(false), Then some policemen are


Activity 5: Check for Understanding (5 mins)

Directions: Give the contradictory and contrary opposites to each of the following propositions; and if
the original proposition is true, state whether its opposition is true, false, or doubtful.

1. All dogs are mammals. Dogs are not mamals false

2. No man is an island. Someone is an island false

Is everyone does work the everyone would get paid
3. No one who does no work will get any pay.
4. Some workers are not honest. Some workers are honest true

5. Filipinos are hard-working. Filipinos are Lazy False


You are done with the session! Let's track your progress

Period 1 Period 2 Period 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 P1 Exam 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 P2 Exam 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 P3

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