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Examination: IVth Semester B.

Tech (ECE)
Session: 2022 -2023 Semester: Mid-Term
Subject: Electromagnetic Theory Code: ECC207
Maximum Marks: 60 Time: 2 Hour

Answer all questions

-1. (a) Consider a vector OP- 2a, 3â, +7â.. The unit vector of the vector directed from P to Q is

(2,-3,V3)/4.The magnitude of PQ is 9. Find the point Ì and its distance from the origin.
(b) Assume the position vector of P is OP =5â, +4â., -9â,. Find the cOordinate of P in circular
cylindrical and spherical coordinate.
(c) Given two vectors A =3å, - 5â, +4â, and B=7â, + 2â, -6â,. Find the vector components of

A parallel and perpendicular to B, respectively.

(d) Assume that a vector A =(3x +5y +z)â, +(5x +7y +9z) , +(x+9y-22")å, can be expressed
as the gradient of a scalar. Determine the scalar field. 5+5+5+5 = 20
2. (a) Find electric field intensity due to uniform line charge p C/m on a circular ring of radius 'a.
Also find the location at which the electric field intensity is maximnum. What is the maximum
electric field intensity?
(b) Let us consider that a volume charge density p, =4/r C/m³ exists in a spherical shell of
inner radius 'a' and outer radius b' (all in m). Findthe electric field intensity everywhere.
(c) Let us assume a field intensity E=(z²/2rp[) a, V/m exists in a dielectric region of permittivity
e, bounded by a cylinder of radius 1 m and height 3<z<6 m. Find the net
charge enclosed by
the cylinder. 10+5+5-20
3. (a) Starting from the Biot-Savart law, show that the magnetic monopole does not exist.
(b) The xy-plane serves as the interface between two different media. Medium 1 (zzO) is flled
with a material whose u, =6, and medium 2 (z>0) is filled with a material whose u., = 4. If the

interface carries a current (1/4,), mA/m, and B =5â, +8ã, mWb/m², find Hand B.
(c) A rectangular loop of dimension a xb carrying a current l, is placed close to a z-directed
infinitely long filamentary wire carrying acurrent I;. The b' dimension of the loop is parallel to
the filamentary wire and the center of the loop is at a distance from the loop along the
unit vector å,. Find the force experienced by the loop. 3+7+10=20

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