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School Year 2017 – 2018
Grade 11 - Gryffindor

I. Answer the following questions by encircling the letter of your answer.

1. What does “Sanatana Dharma,” the formal name of Hinduism, mean?
a. Divine light b. Eternal Religion
c. Way of truth d. Holy religion
2. What is the term used to describe the belief in the incarnations of a deity in different manifestations
and personalities?
a. Bhakti b. Yogi
c. Avatara d. Reincarnation
3. What scripture is also known as“that which is heard”.
a. Darshan b. Smrity
c. Shru d. Yoga
4. Who is the highest god in the Hindu Pantheon and one of the Trimurthi?
a. Brahma b. Lakshmi
c. Siva d. Brahman
5. The Shudras caste was renamed by Mahatma Gandhi in protest of the injustice of the caste system.
What is the term given by Mahatma Gandhi?
a. Prasad b. harijans
c. Puja d. Jati
6. Who are the first receivers of vedic knowdge who supposedly heard them from the gods?
a. Sadhus b. Prophets
c. Brahmins d. Rishis
7. What do you call the three most powerful gods in Hinduism?
a. Vedas b. Moksha
c. Kali d. Trimurthi
8. What type of yoga which encourages a worshiper to offer love and devotion to a god/ goddess?
a. Atherva yoga b. Bhakti yoga
c. Karma Yoga d. Jnana Yoga
9. What is the highest and purest of all castes?
a. Shudra b. Kshatriya
c. Brahmin d. Vaishya
10. What do you call the Hindu Festival of Light?
a. Holi b. Lohari
c. Kumbha Mela d. Divali
11. It is called the liberation from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
a. Moksha b. Yoga
c. Puranas d. Karma
12. Which of the following is worshipped as the “Mother Goddess” by most Hindus?
a. Kali b. Lakshmi]
c. Sarasvati d. Parvati
13. Which text is called the “Fifth Vedas” because of its comprehensiveness?
a. Mahabharata b.Bahagavad Gita
c. Puranas d. Atharva Veda
14. Which school in Hindu that is most concerned with logic and establishment of proof?
a. Nyaya b. Vedanta
c. samkhya d. Yoga
15. What do you call the offering given by a devotee to a god/goddess?
a. Love b. Samsara
c. Bhakti d. Puja
16. Why do the Smriti scriptures are considered secondary to Sruti scriptures?
a. They are of human origin
b. They were written later that the Sruti scriptures
c. They are longer
d. Both a and b
17. What does “Bhagavad Gita” mean?
a. Song of the Enlightened One b. Song of Joy
c. Song of Thanksgiving d. Song of the Lord
18. What is the last book written before the closing of the Vedic and Brahamanical Period?
a. Upanishads b. Yajur Veda
c. Rig Veda d. Atharva Veda
19. Which Hindu concept does mahatma Gandhi’s embracing of nonviolence founded?
a. Sanyasa b. Ahimsa
c. Vedanta d. Puja
20. What school established the foundations of interpreting Vedics text that has been employed by
other schools of thought?
a. Vedanta b. Vaisheshika
c. Mimamsa d. Samkhya
21. Which of the following is also called the festival of spring and colors?
a. Holi b. Dussehra
c. Lohari d. Makara Sankranti
21. Which of the following is also called the festival of the harvest?
a. Holi b. Dussehra
c. Lohari d. Makara Sankranti
23. Which of the following is the celebration of the birth of Ganesha?
a. Holi b. Ganesh Chaturthi
c. Lohari d. Makara Sankranti
24. Which of the following is the celebration of the birth of Krishna?
a. Holi b. Krishna Shanmaashtami
c. Lohari d. Krishna Janmaashtami
25. What is the largest Hindu festival in the world?
a. Holi b.Kumbha Mela
c. Lohari d. Makara Sankranti
26. Which idea is included in a Animistic beliefs?
a. No clear boundaries exsist between the natural and the supernatural
b. Nature is superior to the supernatural
c. Animals once existed as human beings
d. There is one creator who intervenes in both the natural and supernatural
27. Taoism today currently has about 20 million followers and is centered in
a. Tibet b. Korea
c. Taiwan d. Chinas Hunan province
28. The vedas are believed to have come to ancient members of the priestly class directly from
a. Brahman b. Indra
c. Agni d. Vishnu
29. In many primal religions a common symbol signifying the center of the universe is what?
a. Egg b. Mandala
c. Tree of life d. Heart
30. Which of the three orientations of religion seeks union with a reality that is greater than oneself?
a. Apocalyptic b. Prophetic
c. Mystical d. Communal
31. What is the savior figure in the hindu religion?
a. Vishnu b. Brahma
c. Shiva d. Krishna
32. Which of the following beliefs is shared by Sikhs and Hindus?
a. The castle system b. Polytheism
c. Reincarnation d. Living gurus whose ancestry dates back to founders
33. Who is the cornerstone of confucian ethics which is a supreme virtue representing human qualities
at their best?
a. Xin b. Hsiao
c. Jen d. Li
34. Among followers of the bahai fait, what does the nine doors and central dome of a house of worship
a. Multiple pathways to god b. Diversity and unity of human kind
c. Sacraments d. Ten great manifestations of god
35. Which of the following is not one of hinduisms darshana scriptures?
a. Brahma sutra b. Yoga sutra
c. Nyaya sutra d. Kama sutra
36. Where did the most historically significant outside influence on hinduism come from?
a. China b. Britain
c. Germany d. Mongolia
36. Which of the following is a branch of japenese zen buddhism that has the enlightenment as a
gradual process?
a. Jodo shinsu b. Soto
c. Nishi hongwanji d. Rinzai
37. Which of the following is alternative religion which emphasizes and celebrates the feminine aspect
of the divine?
a. Wicca b. Rastrafarianism
c. Baha'I d. Druidism
38.What is the starting point for the buddhist analysis of the human condition?
a. Sunyata b. Dukkha
c. Bhodicitta d. Jhana
39. What is the main difference between buddhism and many of the other major religions in its beliefs?
a. Salvation through ones own efforts b. Life after death
c. Renunciation of the material world d. One supreme god
40. The vedic religion I. emphasized the eternal cycle of life death and rebirth II. called for order in
nature and society III. worshipped multiple gods and goddesses IV. emphasized sacrifice
a. I only b. I and III
c. II, III, and IV d. I, II, III, and IV
41. What school represents the oldest form of tibetian Buddhism?
a. Gelug-pa b. Nyingma-pa
c. Sakya-pa d. Kagyu-pa
42. What is the earliest known buddhist scripture which is also known as pali canon?
a. Vinaya pitakas b. Tipitaka
c. Sutras d. Trikaya
43. The following virtues are endorsed by Confucious except.
a. Loyalty b. Pride
c. Thrift d. Ritualization
44. Which of the following is not typically associated with shinto?
a. Family values b. Shame
c. Animal spirits d. Fertility
45. In hinduism a sannyasin is a person who has…
a. Perfected the ayurvedic techniques of preventing illness, healing the sick and perserving life
b. Renounced worldly goods to live a life of asceticism and seek moksha
c. Achieved a tantric balance between the desire for wordly pleasures and spirtual aspirations
d. Achieved a yogic oneness of breath, mind, and senses and the abandonment of all states of
46. Today approxiamatley ___ percent of japans population follow both buddhism and shinto
a. 15 b. 35
c. 65 d.. 85
47. What is the important similarity between jainism and Sikhism?
a. View of the human being as a composite of spirit and matter
b. Practice of vegetarianism
c. Monotheistic diety worship
d. Promotion of ahimsa
48. Who is the main proponent of ritualism in early Confucianism?
a. K'ang yu-wei b. Hsun-tzu
c. Tung chung- shu d. Mencius
49. What is the sacred text for both confucianism and Taoism?
a. I ching b. Mandate of heaven
c. Analects d. Tao-te ching
50. What school of Buddhism is considered as founded by Bodhidharma, an indian monk who traveled
to China in the sixth century c.e.?
a. Pure land b. Mahayana
c. Zen d. Tibetan

********************GOOD LUCK********************

Prepared by:

Richard Juanito V.Estaris

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