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Laboratory Manual

Subject Name: CMP06110 Circuit Analysis

Student Name

Reg. No.


CLO 4: Use digital multimeter, function generator, and PLO 5: Modern Tool Usage
oscilloscope to measure voltages and currents Psychomotor: P3
Rubric for Modern Tool Usage
Criteria Attainment Score
Excellent (100- Very good (84- Good (70- Fair (60-50%) Poor (49-
85%) 71%) 61%) 0%)
Understanding Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
of Engineering skillful ability very good good ability to some ability to minimal or no
Tools like to describe and ability to describe and/or describe and/or ability to
Power supply, explain the describe and explain the explain the describe and/or
Digital principles explain the principles principles explain the
Multimeter, behind and principles behind and behind and principles
Breadboard, applicability of behind and applicability of applicability of behind and
Resistance, and engineering applicability of engineering engineering applicability of
connecting tools. engineering tools. tools. engineering
wires tools. tools.
Ability to Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
perform skillful ability very good good ability to some ability to minimal or no
experiment to identify and ability to identify and use identify or use ability to
using Power use the most identify and use tools for an tools for an identify or use
supply, Digital relevant tools relevant tools engineering engineering tools for an
Multimeter, for a range of for an activity, activity. engineering
Breadboard, engineering activity.
engineering but may
Resistance, and activities. activity. not
wires the most

1 Engr. Muhammad Arslan Rafique

Generation and Demonstrates Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Interpretation skillful ability very good good ability to some ability to minimal or no
of results using to generate ability to generate results generate results ability to
Power supply, results using generate results using Power using Power generate results
Digital Power supply, using Power supply, Digital supply, Digital using Power
Multimeter, Digital supply, Digital Multimeter, Multimeter, supply, Digital
Breadboard, Multimeter, Multimeter, Breadboard, Breadboard, Multimeter,
Resistance, and Breadboard, Breadboard, Resistance, and Resistance, and Breadboard,
connecting Resistance, and Resistance, and connecting connecting Resistance, and
wires connecting connecting wires wires connecting
wires wires wires
Lab No. 01: Familiarization with lab instruments and measurement of Resistance,
Voltage, and Current

1. Get familiar with the lab and its basics equipment.
2. Measure the resistance, voltage and current using lab instruments

Equipment Required:
1. Resistances
2. Power supply
3. Multimeter
4. Connecting wires.
5. Bread Board

1. Preparation for the experiment:

Before conducting the experiment, the student is required to have read the experiment background
and studied the related theory. The lab instructor may, during the experiment, ask students

4. Multimeter:
questions pertaining to the procedure and theory. The lab instructor may give negative points to
and even prevent an unprepared student from conducting the experiment.

2. Laboratory teams:
The class will be divided into teams of two students each. The composition of the teams is left to the
preference of the students, but the lab instructor makes the ultimate decision as to each team's

3. Observations:
Each lab experiment requires observations and readings to be carefully noted in the manual. The
lab reports are due at the next lab meeting. Each experiment consists of Pre lab quiz, observations,
reading, and Post lab quiz, or any other combination of above-mentioned items. You are required
to read and answer the questions in details

2 Engr. Muhammad Arslan Rafique

A multimeter or a multimeter, also known as a VOM (Volt-Ohm meter), is electronic measuring
instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. A typical multimeter would
include basic features such as the ability to measuring voltage, current, and resistance. Analog
multimeter uses pointer moves over a scale calibrated for all the different measurements that can
be made. Digital multimeter (DMM, DVOM) display the measured value in numerals, and may
also display a bar of a length proportional to the quantity being measured. Digital multimeter are
now far more common than analog ones, but analog multimeter is still preferable in some cases,
for example when monitoring a rapidly varying value. The Figure 1 shows different features that
are commonly available in a Digital multimeter.

5. Soldering Iron:
A soldering iron is a hand tool used in soldering. It supplies heat to melt the solder so that it can
flow into the joint between two work pieces. A soldering iron is composed of a heated metal tip
and an insulated handle. Heating is often achieved electrically, by passing an electric current
(supplied through an electrical cord or battery cables) through a resistive heating element

Figure 1: DMM components

Task No. 1: Calculating Resistance.

Most resistors have four colored bands. The first three bands indicate the nominal value of the
resistor and the fourth band indicates the tolerance in value. The tolerance band is typically either
gold or silver. A gold tolerance band indicates that the measured value will be within 5% of the
nominal value. A silver band indicates 10% tolerance. The resistors that do not have any color band
for resistance has 20 % default tolerance.
1. Provide the Resistor Color Code Chart in space below.
2. You are provided with different resistors. Calculate their values using both color chart
method and multimeter.
3. Record the reading in table 1.

3 Engr. Muhammad Arslan Rafique

Figure 2: Carbon color code resistance chart

Table 1: Measurement of Resistance of different values.

Value Value
Specimen Band Color Calculated by Calculated by
Color Code Multimeter
Specimen Band 1 Band 2 Band 3 Band 4
Specimen 1
Brown Violet Red Gold 1.7KΩ 1.784KΩ
Specimen 2
Red Orange Red Gold 2.3KΩ 2.245KΩ
Specimen 3
Brown Green Red Gold 1.5 KΩ 1.4 KΩ
Specimen 4
Orange Yellow Red Gold 3.4 KΩ 3.367 KΩ

4 Engr. Muhammad Arslan Rafique

Calculating the Resistance of different resistors using the color code

Calculating the Resistance of different resistors using digital multimeter

TASK 2: Calculating Voltage and Current
1. Connect the resistance and Power supply in series.
2. Turn on the DC Power supply.
3. Measure the voltage value, while you rotate the Variable supply.
4. Connect the voltmeter in parallel with the variable DC power supply.
5. Also measure the current value, while you rotate the variable supply.
6. Connect the ammeter in series with the variable DC power supply.

Figure 3: Precaution to use Ammeter

Table 2: Observation and Measurement.

Sr. No. Resistance Measured Measured

voltage (V) Current (I)

1 1.3K 5V 3.6 mA
10V 7.5mA
2 2.4K 5V 1.9mA
10V 4.0mA
3 2.7K 5V 1.69mA
10V 3.6mA

Measuring current at 5V Measuring current at 10V

Question: 1. From the reading of Table 1 argue on the difference of reading of resistance measured
by DMM and Calculated by color code.
The color code gives a value with an error percentage ranging from 0.05% to 10%. These errors
percentage are given by different color bands. These color band gives us an idea of the inefficiency
of the materials used and other factors which contribute to the change in the value of a resistor from
color code.

Question: 2. Draw the graph using reading of table 2. Can you tell value of current for a voltage
of 7V?
Lab Assessment

Understanding of Ability to perform Generation and

Engineering Tools like experiment using Interpretation of
Power supply, Power supply, Digital results using Power
Digital Multimeter, Multimeter, supply, Digital
Breadboard, Breadboard, Multimeter,
Resistance, and Resistance, and Breadboard,
connecting wires connecting wires Resistance, and
(Criteria 1) (Criteria 2) connecting wires Total
(3) (7) (Criteria 3) 15 Marks
Task 1

Task 2

Question 1

Question 2


Lab Engineer Name: Engr. M. Arslan Rafique Signature: ___________________

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