OMSC-Form-COL-24 Internship Analysis Report - Rev.02

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Reference No.: OMSC-Form-COL-13 Effectivity Date: August 08, 2023 Revision No.


Republic of the Philippines

Murtha, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Website: Email address:
Tele/Fax: (043) 457-0231

College of Agriculture


Name: Date:
Internship Site:

1. Setting
The setting was good because…

The setting was limited by…

My initial analysis of the agency or organization was…

2. Site Supervisor
The greatest contribution made by the site supervisor…

The general level of supervision was…

I needed more from the supervisor in the way of…

3. Environmental conditions or events…

The one event/characteristic that really influenced my internship was…

A tend/issue which really impacted this organization was…

Diversity of co-workers or target audiences provided an opportunity to…

4. Self-Assessment
The most important thing I learned is…

I contributed to the organization by…

I still need more experience in the area of…

If I were to repeat this experience I would…

5. General
The internship experience can be strengthened by…

Future interns should…

Note: This analysis need not to be shared with the site supervisor.

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