Chapter Two (Curved Beams)

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Instructor Mr. Edosa Kefyalew

Academic BSc In Mechanical Engineering And From Jimma Institute
Background MSc In Design of Mechanical Systems of Technology
Designation Lecturer

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.1: Introduction
o The flexure formula applies to a straight member, since it was
shown that the normal strain within it varies linearly from the
neutral axis.
o If the member is curved, this assumption becomes inaccurate,
and so we must develop another method to describe the stress
o Typical examples include hooks and chain links.
Fig. 1
o In all cases, the members are not slender, but rather have a
sharp curve, and their cross-sectional dimensions are large
compared with their radius of curvature.

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.1: Introduction
o The distribution of stress in curved flexural member is determined by using the following assumptions

1. The material of the beam is perfectly homogeneous [i.e., same material throughout] and
isotropic [i.e., equal elastic properties in all directions].
2. The cross section has an axis of symmetry in a plane along the length of the beam.
3. The material of the beam obeys Hooke's law.
4. The transverse sections which are plane before bending remain plane after bending also.
5. Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract, independent of the layer above or
below it.
6. The Young's modulus is same both in tension and compression.

End of 1.1
Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams
1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams

Fig. 2 Fig. 3
o If we isolate a differential segment of the beam, Fig. b, the stress tends to deform the material such that
each cross section will rotate through an angle 𝛿𝜃/2.
o The normal strain 𝜀 in the strip (or line) of material located at r will now be determined.
o This strip has an original length r𝑑𝜃.
o However, due to the rotations 𝛿𝜃/2 the strip’s total change in length is 𝛿𝜃 𝑅 − 𝑟 .

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams

o Consequently, the strain will be

𝛿𝜃 𝑅 − 𝑟
o If we let k = 𝛿𝜃/𝑑𝜃, which is the same for any particular strip, we have

o If the material remains linearly elastic then the stress should be

𝜎 = 𝐸𝑘 ------------------ Eq. 1
o Normal strain and stress is a nonlinear function of r, in fact it varies in a hyperbolic fashion.
o This occurs even though the cross section of the beam remains plane after deformation.

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o To obtain the location R of the neutral axis, we o Solving for R yields
require the resultant internal force caused by the
stress distribution acting over the cross section
------------------ Eq. 2
to be equal to zero; i.e.,

➢ Where,
• 𝑅 − 𝑖𝑠 the location of the neutral axis, specified
from the center of curvature of the member
o Since Ek and R are constants, we have
• 𝐴 − is the cross-sectional area of the member
• 𝑟 − is the arbitrary position of the area element dA
on the cross section, specified from the center of
curvature of the member

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams

Rectangular Cross Section

Triangular Cross Section

Circular Cross Section

Elliptical Cross Section

Table 1

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o To relate the stress distribution to the resultant bending moment, we require the resultant internal moment
to be equal to the moment of the stress distribution calculated about the neutral axis.
o From Fig. 2, the stress acting on the area element dA and located a distance y from the neutral axis, creates
a moment about the neutral axis of,

𝑑𝑀 = 𝑦 𝜎𝑑𝐴

o For the entire cross section,

𝑀 = න 𝑦𝜎𝑑𝐴

Fig. 2 cont.…

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o Since, o Where,

and • 𝜎 = the normal stress in the member.

• 𝑀 = the internal moment.
o The moment will be
This moment is positive if it tends to increase the
member’s radius of curvature, i.e., it tends to

o Expanding straighten out the member.

• 𝐴 = the cross-sectional area of the member.
• 𝑅 = the distance measured from the center of curvature
to the neutral axis.
o Finally solving foe Ek in equation , and
• 𝑟ҧ = the distance measured from the center of curvature to
substituting in the above equation, solving for 𝜎,
we can have the centroid of the cross section.
• r = the distance measured from the center of curvature to
----------------- Eq. 3
the point where the stress is to be determined.

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o From Fig. 2 o This distribution is, as previously stated, hyperbolic; an

𝑟 = 𝑅−𝑦 , example is shown in Fig. 4a and 4b.

o Also, the constant and usually very small o Since the stress acts along the circumference of the beam, it is
distance between the neutral axis and the sometimes called circumferential stress.
centroid is
o Due to the curvature of the beam, the circumferential stress
𝑒 = 𝑟ҧ − 𝑅
o When these results are substituted into Eq. 3, we will create a corresponding component of radial stress, acts
can also write in the radial direction.

--------------------- Eq. 4

o These two equations represent two forms of the

so-called curved beam formula, which like the
flexure formula can be used to determine the
normal-stress distribution in a curved member.
Fig. 4a Fig. 4b
Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams
1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o To show how it is developed, consider the free-body diagram of the segment
shown in Fig. 4c.
o Here the radial stress 𝜎𝑟 is necessary since it creates the force 𝑑𝐹𝑟 that is required
to balance the two components of circumferential forces 𝑑𝐹 which act along the
line 𝑂′ 𝐵
o Sometimes the radial stresses within curved members may become significant,
especially if the member is constructed from thin plates and has, for example,
the shape of an I-section.
Fig. 4c
o In this case the radial stress can become as large as the circumferential stress, and consequently the member must be
designed to resist both stresses.
o For most cases, however, these stresses can be neglected, especially if the member has a solid section.
o Here the curved-beam formula gives results that are in very close agreement with those determined either by experiment
or by a mathematical analysis based on the theory of elasticity.

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o The curved-beam formula is normally used when the curvature of the member is very pronounced, as in
the case of hooks or rings.
o However, if the radius of curvature is greater than five times the depth of the member, the flexure
formula can normally be used to determine the stress.
o For example, for rectangular sections for which this ratio equals 5, the maximum normal stress, when
determined by the flexure formula, will be about 7% less than its value when determined by the curved
beam formula.
o This error is further reduced when the radius of curvature-to-depth ratio is more than 5.
o The curved-beam formula should be used to determine the circumferential stress in a beam when the
radius of curvature is less than five times the depth of the beam.

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.2: Derivation of Basic Equations for Curved Beams
o Due to the curvature of the beam, the normal strain in the beam does not vary linearly with depth as in
the case of a straight beam.
o As a result, the neutral axis does not pass through the centroid of the cross section.
o The radial stress component caused by bending can generally be neglected, especially if the cross
section is a solid section and not made from thin plates.

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.3: Procedure for Curved Beam Analysis
➢ Section Properties. ➢ Normal Stress.
❖ Step 1: Determine the cross-sectional area A and the ❖ Step 3: Determine the normal stress located at a point r
location of the centroid, 𝑟ҧ , measured from the center of away from the center of curvature using Eq. 3.
❖ Step 2: Find the location of the neutral axis, R, using Eq.
2 or Table 1.
• If the cross-sectional area consists of n “composite” • If the distance y to the point is measured from the
parts, determine ‫𝐴𝑑 ׬‬Τ𝑟 for each part. neutral axis, then find 𝒆 = 𝒓ത − 𝑹 and use Eq. 4.

• Then, from Eq. 2 , for the entire section,

R= In all cases, 𝑹 < 𝒓ത

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

1.3: Procedure for Curved Beam Analysis
• Since, 𝒓ത − 𝑹 generally produces a very small ➢ Example 2: The curved bar has a cross-sectional area
number, it is best to calculate (ത𝒓) and (R) with shown in Fig. 4.5a. If it is subjected to bending moments of

sufficient accuracy so that the subtraction leads to a determine the maximum normal stress developed in the bar.

number (e) having at least four significant figures.

• If the stress is positive it will be tensile, whereas if
it is negative it will be compressive.
• The stress distribution over the entire cross section
can be graphed, or a volume element of the
material can be isolated and used to represent the Solution: Fig. 4.5
Internal Moment
stress acting at the point on the cross section where • Each section of the bar is subjected to the same internal
it has been calculated. moment of
Note: this moment tends to decrease
𝑀 = −4 𝑘𝑁 ∗ 𝑚
the bar’s radius of curvature.
Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams
➢ Section Properties. ❖ Step 2: Find the location of the neutral axis, R.

❖ Step 1: Determine the cross-sectional area A and ➢ If the cross-sectional area consists of n “composite” parts,
determine ‫𝐴𝑑 ׬‬Τ𝑟 for each part.
centroid, 𝒓ത .
• For rectangle
➢ Here we will consider the cross section to be
composed of a rectangle and triangle.

• For triangle

➢ The centroid is determined by

• Then, R will be

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

• Note that (𝑅 < 𝑟)ҧ as expected. • At point A, 𝑟𝐵 = 0.002 𝑚 and the normal stress is
• Also, the calculations were performed with sufficient
accuracy so that is now accurate to three significant ----Ans
𝒓ത − 𝑹 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟑𝟑𝟎𝟖 𝒎 − 𝟎. 𝟐𝟑𝟏𝟒𝟐 𝒎 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟔𝟔 𝒎
➢ Normal Stress.
• By comparison, the maximum normal stress is at A.
• Step 3: The maximum normal stress
• The maximum normal stress occurs either at A or B. • A two-dimensional representation
of the stress distribution is shown
• Applying the curved-beam formula to calculate the in Fig. 6–41b.
normal stress at B, 𝑟𝐵 = 0.002 𝑚 we have

Fig. 4.5b

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

End of Chapter Two!

Ready for the Next Adventure:

Thin and Thick Cylinders

Strength of Materials II: MEng3111 Chapter Two: Curved Beams

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