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Date: 31/01/2024
Name: Ashadujjaman Sinha
Email ID:
Contact Number: 01626-289426


Dear Ashadujjaman Sinha,

Appointment as Junior Bookeepper.

We refer to your recent interview for the position and are please to advise that we are offering you the position
with Ahiya Technology effective from 1st February, 2024 under the following terms and conditions:
The conditions of your employment will be as follows:
Please find below the detail breakdown of the salary:
• Fixed Salary: 10,500

1. You will be entitled for one basic as Festival Bonus in each festival. You will be provided Group life
insurance by FDB. You shall not be entitled for any other allowances / benefits which are applicable to the
regular employees of the company. All applicable income taxes at source shall be deducted.
2. You shall be entitled for 10 days casual leave and 14 days Sick leave in a calendar year as per Bangladeshi
labour law 2006 section 115/116.However; you may be allowed leave to meet an emergency during your
employment, endorsed by your supervisor.
3. You will be employed as Junior Bookeepper for the project. Your duties will include for efficient,
satisfactory and economical operation in the area of responsibility that may be assigned to you from time to
time. As a temporary employee of the company, you will maintain a high standard of loyalty, efficiency,
integrity and will liaise with assignees of this establishment in a friendly manner.
4. The company will be within its rights to transfer you for work or loan your services to any other
unit/division/department wherever required for work either at present or may have at any time in future.
5. During the period of your employment, this agreement may be terminated by either party without
assigning any reason with one month’s notice or one month’s remuneration in lieu of the notice. The last
month’s remuneration or payment of in lieu of notice will be paid on satisfactory handing over of the charge.
6. This employment will not confer any right or entitlement for claiming employment against any regular
7. Your engagement is being made on the basis of your particulars such as qualification etc. as given by you in
your application for employment and in case any information as given by you is found false or incorrect, your
engagement will liable for termination without any notice or compensation in lieu thereof.

8. You will be responsible for safe custody of and return in good condition and order of all company’s
property that may be in your custody, charge or care. The company shall have the right to deduct the money
value of all such things from your dues and take such other actions, as the company deems necessary and
proper in the event of your failure to account for such property to the company’s satisfaction.
9. You agree that you will not retain or use, for your account or any other account, at any time, any trade
names, trademarks, service mark, or other proprietary business designation used or owned in connection
with the business of the company, or any of the related corporations of the company, or any of the related
corporations of the company. For clarity, it is hereby declared that ownership and title to all of the aforesaid
properties shall at all-times be vested in the company, or its related corporations, as the case may be.
10. Should you commit any misconduct you may be dismissed from employment without any notice? The acts
and omissions that constitute ‘misconduct’ and the process of adjudication shall be detailed out in the HR
Policy of the Company.
11. In order to ensure smooth administration of the Company’s business all the policies, procedures,
guidelines, instructions and decisions not conflicting with the existing terms of this letter of employment shall
apply and be binding on you.
12. You undertake that you will not anytime, either during employment or thereafter, divulge or use any
information, which you may acquire during your course of your employment in any manner and it may be
directly or indirectly detrimental to the interest of the company. You will not Communicate or allow to be
communicated directly or indirectly to any person any information related to the confidential operation
processes, dealings, any trade secrets or any directly or Indirectly be detrimental to the interest of the
company, any breach of confidentiality may lead to prosecution before the competent court of law. Kindly
acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and condition of employment by signing the duplicate copy of
these documents and returning them to us for our record.
13. Other terms and condition of employment shall be as specified in the company’s Human Resource policy.
Company reserves the right to revise these terms and condition of employment from time to time.

We wish you a successful and rewarding career with us.

Yours sincerely,
Md. Rafikul Islam
Executive Business Development
Ahiya Technology
I fully understand and accept the above terms and condition of employment. I will commence work On

---------------------------- 31/01/2024
Signature Date
Name: Ashadujjaman Sinha


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