Crime Lua

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function findItem(id)

for _, itm in pairs(getInventory()) do

if == id then
return itm.amount
return 0

function crime(var)
if var[0] == "OnDialogRequest" then
if var[1]:find("Ms%. Terry") and var[1]:find("Ban Hammer") then
ban = "yes"
return true
if var[1]:find("|Battle%!|") then
x = var[1]:match("tilex|(%d+)")
y = var[1]:match("tiley|(%d+)")
logToConsole("`9Villian : `3" .. var[1]:match("add_textbox|(.*)`` is"))
if var[1]:find("Crime in Progress") then
c1 = 2298
c2 = 2308
c3 = 2320
c4 = 2324
c5 = 2332
if var[1]:find("Jimmy Snow") then
use1 = c5
use2 = c4
use3 = c3
elseif var[1]:find("Big Bertha") then
use1 = c1
use2 = c4
use3 = c3
elseif var[1]:find("Shockinator") then
use1 = c4
use2 = c3
use3 = c1
elseif var[1]:find("The Firebug") then
use1 = c2
use2 = c1
use3 = c5
elseif var[1]:find("Generic Thug") or var[1]:find("Kat 5") then
use1 = c4
use2 = c3
use3 = c2
elseif var[1]:find("Professor Pummel") then
c1 = 2296
c2 = 2298
c3 = 2300
c4 = 2320
c5 = 2324
use1 = c3
use2 = c2
use3 = c1
elseif var[1]:find("Z%. Everett Koop") then
c1 = 2296
c2 = 2298
c3 = 2300
c4 = 2320
c5 = 2324
use1 = c3
use2 = c1
use3 = c2
elseif var[1]:find("Dr%. Destructo") then
c1 = 2298
c2 = 2308
c3 = 2310
c4 = 2314
c5 = 2316
step = "0"
use1 = c1
use2 = c3
use3 = c5
elseif var[1]:find("Dragon Hand") or var[1]:find("Almighty Seth") then
c1 = 2308
c2 = 2312
c3 = 2314
c4 = 2326
c5 = 2328
use1 = c5
use2 = c4
use3 = 6969
elseif var[1]:find("Devil Ham") then
c1 = 2310
c2 = 2316
c3 = 2322
c4 = 2334
c5 = 2338
use1 = c1
use2 = c2
use3 = c3
use4 = c5
step = "0"
elseif var[1]:find("Ms%. Terry") then
c1 = 2294
c2 = 2316
c3 = 2322
c4 = 2328
c5 = 2338
use1 = c1
use2 = c2
use3 = c3
use4 = c4
use5 = c5
ban = "no"
if findItem(c1) == 0 or findItem(c2) == 0 or findItem(c3) == 0 or
findItem(c4) == 0 or findItem(c5) == 0 then
logToConsole("Superpower Cards are not enough!")
sendPacket(2, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|crime_edit\ntilex|" ..
x .."|\ntiley|" .. y .. "|\nstate|0||\nbuttonClicked|button_cancel")
sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|crime_edit\ntilex|" ..
x .."|\ntiley|" .. y .."|\nstate|0||\nbuttonClicked|button_ok\n\nc" .. c1 .. "|1\
nc" .. c2 .. "|1\nc" .. c3 .. "|1\nc" .. c4 .. "|1\nc" .. c5 .. "|1\n")
return true
elseif var[1]:find("Fighting Crime") and var[1]:find("Devil Ham") then
if var[1]:find("is going to play `%d") then
if var[1]:match("is going to play `(%d)") == "1" then
use = use4
elseif var[1]:match("is going to play `(%d)") ~= "1" then
use = use2
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use3) and step == "0" then
step = "1"
use = use3
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use2) then
use = use2
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use1) then
use = use1
use = "passturn"
logToConsole("Fighting... Please Wait")
sendPacket(2,"action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|crime_edit\ntilex|" ..
x .. "|\ntiley|" .. y .. "|\nstate|1||\nbuttonClicked|c" .. use)
return true
elseif var[1]:find("Fighting Crime") and var[1]:find("Ms%. Terry") then
if var[1]:find("is going to play `%d") then
if var[1]:match("is going to play `(%d)") == "2" then
use = use1
elseif var[1]:match("is going to play `(%d)") == "4" then
use = use2
elseif var[1]:match("is going to play `(%d)") == "9" then
use = use4
elseif var[1]:match("is going to play `(%d)") == "1" then
use = use5
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use3) then
use = use3
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use5) and ban=="yes" then
use = use5
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use1) then
use = use1
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use4) then
use = use4
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use5) then
use = use5
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use2) then
use = use2
use = "passturn"
logToConsole("Fighting... Please Wait")
sendPacket(2, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|crime_edit\ntilex|" ..
x .. "|\ntiley|" .. y .. "|\nstate|1||\nbuttonClicked|c" .. use)
return true
elseif var[1]:find("Fighting Crime") and var[1]:find("Dr%. Destructo") then
if var[1]:find("c" .. use1) and step == "0" then
use = use1
step = "1"
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use2) then
use = use2
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use3) then
use = use3
use = "passturn"
logToConsole("Fighting... Please Wait")
sendPacket(2, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|crime_edit\ntilex|" ..
x .. "|\ntiley|" .. y .. "|\nstate|1||\nbuttonClicked|c" .. use)
return true
elseif var[1]:find("Fighting Crime") then
if var[1]:find("c" .. use1) then
use = use1
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use2) then
use = use2
elseif var[1]:find("c" .. use3) then
use = use3
use = "passturn"
logToConsole("Fighting... Please Wait")
sendPacket(2, "action|dialog_return\ndialog_name|crime_edit\ntilex|" ..
x .. "|\ntiley|" .. y .. "|\nstate|1||\nbuttonClicked|c" .. use)
return true
elseif var[1]:find("embed_data|state|2|") or var[1]:find("embed_data|state|
3|") then
return true

AddHook("OnVarlist", "acrme", crime)

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