D&D 3.5 Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide

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aw) fet Eas CRITTERS! Chupacabra, Hex Dragon, EIT ue hl DSR A ey hi FORGOTTEN |, Pa /)\ a Wars) YF hw) TN od petit eo NSH eta NG e Reed Pr ES) relay Veet) ah AU sis 1 ECOLO aC , DFaSoni contents from above, below, and beyo CREATURE COLLECTION V favorites, inch wall, hellehain weaver, norker, RIVALS by Richard Lee Byers A pair of unlikely hunters set out to pursue Foncorren REALMs bravery and betrayal, ECOLOGY OF THE ETTERCAP aul Leach and Russell Brown ON THE COVER William O'Conner shows us why the FROM THE EDITOR game is called Duxczons & Daacons. Erik talks about Dnacoy's joth anniversary SCALE MAIL, Classic compliments and the retum of the val ley elf Like, oh my gosh! FIRST WATCH Previews, news, and gear for gamers. WORMFOOD Six planar allies to oppose the Age of Worms. SPELLCRAFT Flesh-cravling spells of the worm! SAGE ADVICE The Sage answers your rules questions GAMER GUIDE CLASS ACTS. Dptions and insights for your favorite clases, comics eT WORTH THE WAIT 11 1990, Tleft the frigid sanctuary of Minnesota for Seattle and Wiaards of the Coast, where I took the editorial reins lof Porrtepsow newszine, the official magazine of the PGA Network. My frst issue was 4136, and it didn't take long before Tstarted thinking about 44s0, Magazine editors pull off something really special. Back in my PoLviteDRON days, Pd planned a huge overview of the organized play gamer network packed with interviews and photographs of key volunteers from throughout the organization's his- tory. Shortly affer 1 was hired, however, company-wide budget cuts resulted in me being transferred to the peri- odicals department and PoLviznsow shifting its focus away from strict RPGA coverage and toward the brand new dao System and the hordes of support products coming, ut froma variety of publishers, The glorious PoLrieprox #150 tured out to be 60 pages tacked onto the back of Duncrow #92, and although it served as the world’s frst good look at d2o Mapzrx, the issue didn't contain much that resembled my original plans. About this time, Tegan siting in on the weekly Daacon and DunGrox editorial meetings. Draco editor Jesse Decker had big things in store for the blockbuster #300, and I remember thinking how sweet it would be to get crack at a special igsue of the industry's flagship tile. 1 worked with Duncron Editor-in-Chief Chris Thomasson to produce about a quarter of the milestone icoth issue of Duwc#ox, contributing a githyanki Mini-Game that tied into the Deacox/Dunc#ow *Incursion” crossover. Working. with author James Wyatt and a bunch of real ists was a real career highlight, but 25% is not 100%, and 1 never really elt like DuNcxox fico was my baby. When ‘Thomasson left to join the editing department at Wizards, | inherited the magazine—about six months too late to drive the milestone issue. | ascended to the Throne of the Gods—which is to say the editor-in-chief chair here at Dsacon—with issue 327 litle less than two years away fiom Dzacox: #350, which I sup- pose is: milestone issue. It didnt take long, however, before I realized what Id been given. "The true milestone didn't come with 4350, but with #44, Deacon's goth anniversary issuc love “milestone” issues, because they give us the chai talented art= Controlling what ‘makes it into such an ‘important issue was a huge responsibility, but 1 Jinew it would also be a whole lot of fun—Ive been enjoying every minute of it So what's in store? For starters, welll be wrapping the over- sized issue in one of the most beautiful covers in Dracoy’s 5, truly stunning portrait of Tiamat by painter Steve it. In celebration of Daacon's first issue back in June ‘of 1076, just about every subsequent June issue has had a | te a ai) feribing. im seriouly considering | BRO Rb lenge aise Gal Et ete the Dascon Compendium as well.Pat_ || damigey umes Immune andi Yourtehes on the back You're doing || hart ranges hiss plnk shy mine 2 tand-np job ie isan Intersting adlon tens T do hive an ultetior moti, how- | of wf El, Coming in ata affordable ever Nest time you visit the Ress, | 39 pantthe quate aressonabl buyut ‘ould you mind printing some mon- | fers fesreone, capable of clearing out + Stertnipltes You'd becuzpicd ow |G lee eet rey areas er tony nmplnen people poston the EY) orscon sas roy 2005 wieror, And my God, don't get me started Piren eaneniekson Ls SHIRTS | PN aa TS 0 ea UTS ELVA aN 1-§00=900=9056, SCALE MAIL Now fora quick questions or two. 1 loved the chromatic dragons sections with the orange, yellow, end purple dragons, and 1 was wondering if there were any half-dragon templates for these or if they were going to be printed elsewhere. I was also wondering if other Dracon Compendiums were to come out, if perhaps there would be one devoted to dragons, I have a whole collection of Daacon since day one and there are so many articles for dragons that a compilation would be anawesome book by itself [mean the Draconomicon was nice, but ¥ felt it could have had so much more. Also, do you guys plan on printing some more planar dragons? Just won- dering because the others in DRacon’ 4300 and 421) are awesome and I think a few planes were missing, such as the Abyss, the Nine Hells and two ‘more I think I believe I counted four all together) Finally, nd my apologies on all the dragon talk but this is Duncrows & Deacons and it's nice to see infor- mation on the iconic beast, but da you have any idea if the rest of the linnorms are planned to be printed byeither you or Wizards of the Coast? Tknow they were in the Monster Man- ual TI (the gray, dread, and corpse tearer), but it would be nice to see the rest of them. ‘Thank you all very much and keep up the good work, the magazine is excellent and I couldn't ask for more. "Thanks again Rob Via Email Rob, we are certainly glad that you like the Drxcox Compendium, Vol. 1, and if we put together a Volume 2, you can rest assured that « number of clas- sic dragons will find their way into its ages. As for new dragons, you might want to check out the “Creature Catalog in this issue fora pair of new wyrms. Planar dragons make a reappearance in #344, our upcoming 30th anniversary issue, including the Abyssal dragon, Astral dragon, the Elysian dragon, and the Hades dragon. There are even more to.come. JMB UKE TOTALLY RAD About, oh, twenty years ago, Deacon published 2 poem called “Valley EIC” 1 was wonderingifyou might know how Tean get a copy of this poem. Unfor- tunately, I don't zemember the author Valley El, Hes a Vale Ef Valley el Hes a Valle Ef. So coo, so fi, With chartreuse hair, So young, secure— terse rele, lke, oma, vas realy down od. ee Fates Runked ache today, Iwas bitaed totaly was trong Like, | wore my even dos into he dungeon yinow andi go all sod wth, wow he ‘pier webs and gee line all overt ike yea ike ‘enw tnhen we got ou Sought ch, ‘gegmewth vend irs gro to the mays soni ie, td fad ocean toh, ross me man, Totaly sone ae goin dngeons, they ates eke and some ofthe ones ee ‘Fok eo, man ike wor, Tere are monster ike mal dose up nce anew aly ike oh austin, bry man, was ges that though, Hey, keep aay om rant Ue ro wom gonna ever cen ue my svord ‘nya |justened now ie ares oe EE onacon 34s 142y 2008 Youer fir Vale Healey El, Valey El, He's Valley El. North of Geoff, South of Ket, By the River Javan wet, Living with the stubby gnomes, ‘The Valley Elves do make thei homes “Sure, totally, ykrow, hada dog, man, 4 cooshee like he was spell, ‘8 Gucei caoshee pooch, hhe had designer genes, ike, eally are, he was just awesome, but not too house: broken. [had to clean up afer him, and that was Hike arody, {ust gress to the ma, bu, wow, Tike, no biggie, cuz he was my deg, know, but he's gone now, totally, see, met the mage the other ay and, wow, man, the mage has got ike no, totaly no sense of hurr. Like, | made joke, ‘know, | thought twas super, He,t saw the moge and sai ike, hey, ‘wet in the Valley of the Jolly, Tike, Ho Ho Ho, Green Valley Mage Just ke the freakin’ commercials, but he just loked at me, ike wou, be must have realy been ou off, man, like he wae 0 out ofthe threw fone of thos, lke, meteor swarms at me, it was ust ‘avesome | mean it was just, oh wow man, oe astral and it missed me and hit my dog, ry designer dog, ike, isp eter city, | wa really bummed out, really ba ke” Walley El, Hes Valley Ef Valley El, Hes aalley Ef He asuper Valley El, So chaotic sure of sel, “ll and thin and fr of face, Hi brain is asin outer space. Oh, super like | nein the good pat ofthe Valley, ‘Yknow, where were a Fealetereol things ike I gota st of designer rng mail for my birthday, | was totally ‘Sfeaked out ike, my old set was geting full of wrinkles and ithad bload on it from where cut myself with my short sword, yeah realy, ike ‘agony, man, | wasn total agony fran hour Realy ‘but now tm together, ike, fer sure, no problem. That was close, man, like | was 50 surel was gonna ass out Fer sure, lucked ou otal. ‘Good thing” int, lke, or the issue it was in, The only thing I remember are a couple of lines: *S0 young and fis, with chartreuse hair So sweet and pure, fer sure, fer sure lease let me know if you can help. Diane Therrien Via Email The year was 2983, the month was Ap to a skeptical crowd, Ben Kingsley won an Oscar for his rl ndhi, and the Pioneeer 10 sp crossed Plu- while, Daacox ‘man, who don't want their names used reprinted the song in its entirety, Apolo gies to Frank Zappa. -JMB MORE CLASSIC T really enjoyed issue #339 of your fine maguzine. finally of my fivorite mor being able to tons at my party isa very cool option against those cocky cleric Thave also been thinking in the last few weeks that, in each of their times, ave 35 stats for one ers, the ow non-undead sel KNOWLEDGE CHECK ANSWER Answer: The dark naga and (yes) the giant killer whale both appeared in Deacow 9885 "Creature Catalog,” while thelllend appeared Jn Deacon thous “Creature Catalog U2 The phase fist appeared inthe third edition Monster Manuel all of these worlds had engaging story- thought would be would be if you ran a regular feature that highlighted various storyline ele- ‘ments of the “classic campaigns” Now, lines. So, wh article in each issue would be cool, all you realy need is a launch you ges with a small box {updated some part ofits storyline. This would also be coo! because you could use it to incorpo- rate various Dunceow adventures into other worlds. Thank you fora fine magazine, Karl Uebergang Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, austide for each world and the could have tw for each world t pet campaign settings Jason was Tong a e behind the RPGA' Garvnawx bout Mystaza mpaign, Mike knows more tr should, Tl have arguments a anon” related to PLANESCA®® a1 Ravew Fr, and Erik quite literally we, All our thinly veiled fandom is what makes wrote the hook on Gary While a plans to sup paign ssue—those who date of Mrstana's cous, and Fantastcal” in #331 brought hack the classic chariot of Sustarze, and the recent Spelleaft “The Tes that Bin 1 saw the resurrection ofthe god of foe Kas. Several of pst like the "De and “Core Beli, every month, keep a heeds up an Dungeon Crawl Classics eee ted CaCO MTL) a Delete oem cre err] (levels 4-6) 7) a Ley 26 adventures to ‘choose from! All levels, all parties, all campaigns. ‘Ask your retailer about our 20% off sale in Aprill goodman-games.com PREVIEWS. NOTES AND NEWS FOR GAMERS PLAYERS HANOBOOK IT sith the Pl nd David Noon: professionals inven ‘mind-bendi I new feats, roleplay and much more. The book also offers a completely new way of handling and alfiliation organizations provid being a member of a specific group. Pethap: most innovative new option pr h players mig! -cuild their characters mid camp Discover Handbook Il SB. Pee by frequently featured Dx olor modern maps de West, ready for smpaign hhether investigating th joard a luxury yacht, or city hall, GMs can now wreak havoc at dozens of detailed locations all over the city (some of which irstappeared in Potritepz0%}. To help even further, designers Eric Cagle and Owen K.C. Stephens have added adventure seed ideas, guides for use, and special rules—like how much damage a frozen turkey can lly do. -8B. EEC Nd See arty coer} an the Rogue returns in this tale of Ieee ical Prod oat Set sal again with Prince Haldemar Peete ead this new installment of the pears? Pe ieee ere ae ny ers ae JINX, already known for the and hacker-themed designs, has acquired the license to produce official Jothing for D&D and all ofits affii= ated campaign settings. In addition to INK the clothes currently available p i designs every month. Also, do you have 1 D&D joke or character catch phrase hat you think is worth wearing? Am one who submits a D&D JINX's monthly fin design win $150 for text oi thetr ide rt. So includes print chuck hat shirt with the gener dragon and sn the a ee ea is reat er em Seen Cee) a eee Pee ch Beene Pecan ans reported by Shelly Baur, Allan Grohe, Mike Fehlauer, Mike Z. Figo, ond James Sutter DRAGON FIST Before there were monks D&D third edition, there was Dragon Fis, kung-fis action, wuxia- inspired conversion of AD&D by Green Ronin Chris ‘This month, Green Ronin founder camas, (greenronin.com) returns to that world of hopping vampires, magic, and daredevil martial arts with Dragon Fists new= est ten by Chris Pramas and ‘Tony Lee. With new rules for character generation, magic, and tons of mar- tial arts action, the book also features new cover art by Hong Kong's “King of | Comics," Tony Wong. =1.C. incarnation, writ APEEKAT PTOLUS | alltypes. MALE DEPTHS INTHE DEPTH Wherever your subterra- nean river runs, you'll be able to reconstruct it with Dwarven Fonge's new Cav- emous River and Walls Ses, releasing this month. Ste- | ffm Pokorny, founder and aster sculptor of Dwarven | Forge (dwarvenforge.com), | coffersthis ally hand-painted {| three-dimensional dungeon | set, featuring twenty-eight | felt-bottomed pieces inelud- | ing lagstone tiles, a wooden ‘bridge, skull totems, and riverbeds filled with clear resin to provide the illusion of flowing water. Every pud- dled-drenched title is also | segmented into reinch grids | for use with miniatures of | CLASSIC RAWL Need a killer dungeon? Vook no further than Dungeon Crawl Classics #30: Vault of the Dragon Kings from Goodman Games (goodmangames.com), Fea- tured at the Second Annual | Dungeon Crawl Classics Open Tournament at Gen | Gon 2005, this nostalgic aoth-level module by Jason | Little is 8396-PC-death- rate-approved, Including a scoring system, pregener- ated characters, illustrated playerhandouts,and a clas- sic cover by fancfivorite DAD artist Erol Otus, Vault of the Dragon Kings threat- fens to challenge both sea- soned PCs and bold new comers alike. =}. (CHART YOUR CAMPAIG Morose about maps? Cring- ing over cartography? Ifyour homebrew world on hes paper lacks something next to the Foxcornes Reins lavish poster panels give Pro- Fantasy's Campaign Cartogra- pher a ty. Produce detailed depictions in multiple scales, from campaign-span- ning world maps to detailed regional maps, from elabo- rate dungeon-wide mazes to siiniatures-sized tactical bat: tlefelds. With CC3, you can also import artwork from nearly anywhere on the web, take advantage of more than 9c0 new included symbols, and share templates with other map-makers. Check it cout at profantasy.com. ~].C Cant wait for August's massive Pols: Monte Ooo’ City by the Spire campaign setting? Then get a taste for the urban epic with the 32- age Players Guide to Ptolus Its availableasa free download at ptolus ‘com or in print for $2.99 at game stores. ‘You can also experience the flavor of Ptolus, Monte Cook's forthcoming campaign world, through the comic book adven- tures of treasure hunter Sheva Callister. Monte himself pens Prolus: City by the Spire a six-comnic series published by Dabel Brothers Production (dabelbrothers.com) and available from your local comic shop, Leara about characters, locales, and plots all fom the living world of Ptolus. In addition, this month Paizo releases the Cy iy the Spire minia- tures boxed set, featuring several ofthe city’s best-known residents, including Sheva the Iron Mage, and Lilith, from the Pialus: Cy hy the Spire comic. Three other individually packaged miniature Pto- lus personalities aso release this month, Find out about everything Ptolus a both montecook.com snd paizo.com. -S., voy 2008 onacon 54s EA FIRS WATCH ° Look no further 10 helpful webs ial Wizards of the te (wizards.com atures a database of feats anizable by name, source ond is the bu book of Feats (d nbofeats). The offers 5 with OGL content from Wi publishers. If you've got an 1 book, Netbook 9 Sigfried Trent and his team Id love to se it. SB. Pe ec? here's a hundred jokes | Stop eating minis for lunch! i 4 go here, none away the lunch pails | Due ou ich end well for gamers, | and baggies, and show your | Con *p com/soapsbywillow a look at seankreynolds, niniatures some respect b securing them in a custom: ageofeonan.com) rin and gore to the world o What dedicated player can | With a Box. These are more temle sist the allure of a shiny | thanmerecardboardboxes— | players target—and noneor w dao? If you want one theyre unique sto ly amputate—specifi contained echarm- | devices with room for plastic | body parts, while an gly scented Natural 20 | trays,cardsheets,rule books, | tive grouping sjstem soaps, though, you'll b or whatever else you need to | bonuses to your team ify o scrub first, roll second, : play. Each ease has foldable + manageto,for example, main: Created by Willow 'Toner— | handles and employs igure- tain or break ong-time keeper of gam: bbing foam sheets that | opp designer Sean K Reyn- | holduptoSoofyourfivrite | twist to the genre, low-leve js—each is homemade | miniatures securely in place. | gameplay is an exclusively and totally unique, ready | With each case's blank white | single-player experience prove a critical sue- | exterior, geekwithaboxcom | designed to introduce Robe ss in your shower and, | has tons of suggestions on | E, Howard’ rich eventually, at your gaming | how to customize your own | warld.Look foran le. iC unique box. MF test coming soo Pad et ee et scr tear ee ey are thelr only hope. Unfortu ee rt) Sear ere Ce red nei) Se Roo rene Seo ees bards plunges an entre city into the on eee ee ech mer ad es ee er eer ee Ree Cee tt et ee eee ena te eerie D&D COMICS CONTINUED Having already impressed D&D fans with their graphic novel adaptation of Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dev i's Due Publishing (devilsdue.net) is now at work on Dragons of Winter Night, the second book in Marga- ret Weis and Tracey Hickman’ dla sic Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy. - The novel presents a darker chapter in the lives of nine heroic compan. ions, which sees them divided and scattered across the world of Krynn. With war looming in the north and dragons returned to the world of | mortals, a terrible prophecy is about to come true. Whereas the adaptation of Dra ons of Autumn Twilight was published RPGA REPORT Don't look now, but this year's Gen CCon Indy is almost upon us. By now, registration isin fullswing forAugusts events, and downtown Indianapolis hotel cooms are fling up. If you're planning on immersing yourself in fn entire weekend of Dunceons x [Dracons goodness, you've gatto start planning now. But after taking care of 4 room and badge, your very net stop should be the RPGA. For those with competitive steak, take @ look at the ever-popular D&D Open Championship. Always. exciting aiid busting with D&D monsters, traps, | Dabb and artist Steve Kurth doi in eight parts (with a trade paper= back collection due out this month and a hardcover compilation in Jaly), Dragons of Winter Night will be published in four double-sized bie monthly installments, better suited | totelling the wintry tale. Fans need not fear, however, for little else will be changing, with adaptor Andrew Dragons af Winter Night just as they adapted Dragons of Autumn Tollight ‘One thing we're striving for with all of our D&D material is to be con. sistent,” said Mark Pawers, Editor of Devil's Due Publishing, "We want the trades to be the best packages pos- sible, and we want each trade to be and puzales, and being the Yearof Diag- fons you can guess the nature of this year’s challenges, nat to mention prizes, IF youve never played the D&D Open Championship, bring some trusted ‘ming companions Its the only off al DAD competitive team tournament, and youll be pited against top groups for placing into later rourds; and then compete fortop prizes But don’ expect an easy time of i This year's adventure is penned by infamous designer Mike ‘Mearls, which means is going to be hard Sb study your books and start dling for dragon encounters now! compatible with its ‘sister titles'— iters and artists are concerned, the creative teams will remain th Consistency is also the name of the game with the forthcoming For: GOTTEN REAINS Icewind Dale ‘ile ogy. Beginning in August with R.A. Salvatore’s The Cyslal Shard, these the series that frst introduced Drizat Do'Urden to the world, Telling the tale of the exiled drow and his companions, Wulfgar, Brucnor, and Cailie-Brie, the frst novel will be adapted in th Dle-sized issues, just Hke the Dark Elfteilogy of Homeland, Exile, n@ the ALE ce dow. forthcoming Sojourn. irr GorA Running out of time already? Don't worry, this year we're throwing open the doors to the RPGA event area al night long, We call it Midnight Madness: and not only are we offering a special selec: tion of our daytime games, we'e also amending the rules ofthe Livine Grev- aw campaign fortis slot, meaning that you can play any regional, as long, 235 you have a DM from that region to run il Start catching up on your sleep ‘now—youll need the reserves for later Register now at gencon.com, and find out more about the full RPGA ‘Gen Con offerings at rpga.com. e200 oxacon 5s ET 24 DRAGON Surviving D & V's Masters of Movement Jerror comes from helpless- ness. Claws reach out of the floor to snatch at your feet. A shadow momentarily blocks the sun Just before an attack, Sinister rip. ples appear in the deep, dark water A face leers as you dangle from the cliffedge. Monsters with superior movement abilities, those able to. run, climb, fly, and swim circles around you, represent the greatest of all threats, Attacking when you least expect it, fire to retreat and try agsin should ‘things turn against them, these foes inspire frustration and dread It is possible to regain the upper hhand, however, or at least to even the odds. This article takes a look at these most terrible of foes and offers tips and strategies to help improve your chances of victory mnemies with superior ‘movement abilities BENEAAE® Inaworld where burrowingmonsters hunt for prey, every step could be the first on a path leading directly into a creature's gullet. The earth itself, usually so solid, so dependable, might at any moment give w: when facin topping you into suffocating darkness. Erupting from the depths below, burrowing monsters usually by Hal Maclean ‘ustrated by Ben Wooten achieve total surprise, and should ‘the battle go against them they remain five to retreat behind the best cover imaginable: miles and miles of earth and stone. When endowed with tremorsense, as most are, these monsters become even more ofa threat. Facing foes able to trace the slightest movement back to its source, running away could prove a fatal mistake, ‘To survive, begin by anticipating the attack. A few successful Listen cheeks (perhaps augmented by a thieving hat from Arms. and Equipment Guide) aight hint at rumbling in the carth below and give you valuable ‘moments to prepare. If you suspect a burrowing creature lurks beneath your feet, use a speak with plants spell to ask trees and other flora about anything moving through their root systems, Similarly, employ tunneling scouts whenever possible, Recruit Dburrowing creatures by use of charm ‘monster of the gnome racial ability to speak with such animals, or make fone of your own allies have him check for tunnels beneath your feet, Burrowing monsters own the earth, bat generally find ac problematic, Spells like fly and air nal allow you to leave the ground hereal and behind, putting burrowers back on the defensive. Use magic items, such as a carpe! of flying, oF cast levitate on a platform, log, or similar object 1o bring your non-spelleasting fiends aloft. If you lack even that level of magic, climb a treea wall, or to the roof of a nearby building. Do what you must to force the creature to fully emerge from the ground and rmake it vulnerable to attack, Remember to try to always stay within the “gray zone" of a monster's reach: close enough to give it the illusion that it can harm you without actually putting yourself in real danger. You need ta keep it sapping.at you instead of retreating back underground. Ifyou can't fly or climb, escape into the water, Most burrowing creatures are not aquatic and struggle in water as much as other terrestrial beings. ‘deally,youshould use magicto move cout into or over the water, as boats and ships tend to be ponderously slow—which can spell doom for a fleeing character. Spells such as water breathing and water walk can quickly get you away from shore and beyond. your opponent's reach, GIN RRS GEES Cong tach ct i cadet ar ancy beg ed to crawl about and leaving their backs exposed to a hostile world May2006 DRAGON43 25 ee Se Renee) Core ee a Pee ee et es eee ee ae ec crtatcrs pelea eed ae i Base Pers Saar! re Se oe rr es sue. The following creatures i Sea Pee ee eee eon: eon eons eat Monsters comfartable with climbing pput such characters at a significant disadvantage. Whether staying out of reach of ground-based opponents or harassing those trying to scale a wall ot cif fice, foes with a climb speed pose. terrible threat ‘The only thing worse than a climbing fee who stays just beyond the tip of your sword is one with reach or a ranged attack. In these cases you must adopt a two-fold strategy: First, find ways to frustrate the monster's atlacks, Retreat cout of range, duck behind cover, use abseuring mist to give yourself concealment—whatever you must do to escape its threatened area, Second, find ways to harm your foe even as it climbs. Use ranged attacks, reach weapons, harassment magic like stinking loud and similar tactics 26 DRAGON'343 May 2005 to pul it at risk. Gack Briwrate stsabilty to harm yon nd prove tat youremaina thre toitadimbing iceerest citer atc te cteaige on alba Vt void assed cone te licbing whence: pon be Maem ell of lig mew ciao Esty caough wreeiciion eee Eka gia ta cheats Bie aan dees saat oa Pesta paces on seeetaa fdas If youk de (tea. oun ntling ax wile cimbing, adopt ee eee at se eens ont ea peal encibecage ye Ent eee Hasire your ey wth fpele ike der seb and lite A iat ir ig a jut aco Be ae cdot ete Slimbing but it alo takes nmuch of Tettg oot cline Sly RCA arte, yu rec Wy ecrelophigifight: ching fort let peace the ee alte Baka a alg ap, ply roksan aa oo ilies gag, annltegh cai lta leona la hecsior le your all shoal ym ipso fe sober uladrae ibaa ae lies offeror opps ante foirClantingroute poi eed Sots (eslicaa vee) it lg is crore a ree ecient to eat Even if he also fighten aesboteurovayit iouldat eat girs poietigh weg to al ot Seog ce tls op yes Sliced You Could gece ral cae ipsa fegioeed Seay Wading Rez (tented climbing spites with spells Whe saikaia mc iak teeta aves Tou open to he ak of tiggetiog a Tock fide or ralmche Ear lari tole inks igh Savet presen gerne ae ‘When forced to climb, divide the menage oar psa Gap ea ‘Rope the members of each climbing team together. This gives them a chance to halt fll should someone slip and the incentive to check and ‘then double-check one another's equipment. A climbing team makes up the first line of defense in combat as it ensures that a person under attack has at least one ally close at hand to offer immediate assistance. Splitting the ascent into stages gives your climbing teams feequent chances to rest. It also allows those resting to provide cover fire for other advancing teams should something attack while making the climb. If your climbing area does not seem easily divided into stages, create your own, Use spells like stone shape or fabricate to create ledges where needed. Magic items like Noleur’s ‘marvelous pigments or a portable hole (if put up against the wall) create convenient shallow caves. If worse comes to worst, suspend a sturdy tent or sleeping bag from ropes and dangle. EQOK UP IN THE ‘Own the skies, own the battlefield Flying opponents possess the edge of perspective, allowing them to take in the entire battlefield with a single glance. They enjoy the benefit ‘of operating in three dimensions, effortlessly scaling obstacles, rising to safety if threatened and dropping ‘objects—or opponents—on enemies below. Most importantly, they gain the luxury of mobility, free to choose when, where, and even if to take the Dattle to their land-bound foes. Always make your own safety your first and highest priority. Start with cover and concealment. Spells like obscuring mist or items Hike a hor of fog make it much more difficult {oz an opponent to locate you. You get similar resulls with mundane solutions like ducking behind brush, smokesticks, or by setting a tree on fire and hiding beneath the wall of rising smoke, Spells like eae In these situations, you should probably focus on reducing. the He as ee ‘onster’ potential to do you harm, ee ee EMO REM Use spells Like poictin fom armows SE et nent to counter aquatic archers and part of your group's repertoire and make gaining acces ois higher priority ea ee ea spelleastersStneskinand fir shieldgo ee eM slong way tovard fling waterbome PEER monsters vith rach ikean aboteths SECM tentacles Make the monster wasteits ip the perl costs only abouts third of a ig of feedom of a occa ent and also grants water breathing anda swim speed. any opportunities to deal damage to Next, begin to chip away at the ‘indness/defoess and invsbiy let creature comfortable inthe ar, can monster itself Keep a steady stream you hide indifferent ways. prove quite handy feicumstances of spells like ay of eneclement or Whether trees, sand dunes, or doforceyou to chase your opponent sow, which tend to take the fight lacial moraines, almost all errain into the sky. Since safety remains out of even the most formidable has something suitable for cover. your highest priority use spells like opponent. Tease if, taunt i, harass Spells like fabricate, plant growth, summon swarm (bts) or inset plague it. Give it reasons to surrender the and stone shape allow youto further to enlist fying creatures to take the advantage water offers and advance adapt your surroundings to your fight to theairon your behalf’ to within reach of your spells and needs. If you experience trouble Remember,mostiyingopponents weapons, I necd be, use spells like finding cover, use spells like must still make contact with you in suggestion or command (approach) to Leomund’s secure shelter ot meld into order to do harm. This gives you make it draw nearer sHone and items Hike Dacrs instant plenty of opportunities to hurt Sometimes, an attack against foress to create it yoursel hem, both as they approach and at the water itself can prove effective The safest and most prudent tac- the point of contact. For instance, use cold attacks like tie when facing flying monsters is i Ottuies freezing sphere to solidify to tryto knock them out of the sky. SIUST WHEN YOU the water. In addition to trapping Even if gravity fails and they survive 7 Ou HT IT ‘your opponent in ice, you also gain the Al they should prove much WAS SAI Day ane ceisler to deal with once sprawled A litle water goes a long way. The which to launch your stacks. Control on the ground. Hold monster proves sun only reaches the bare surfice, wale can lower the level of smaller incredibly valuable, 8 long as the leaving the rest shrouded in chill water bodies and create whirlpools flying foe you fice uses wings to darkness. It pushes against you inlarger ones. fly and isn't borne by magic (as a when you try to move, making you When all else fils, send beholder) Otherwise, you need to slow, awkward, and helpless against something into the water to attack relyon damaging or stunningspells creatures born to the depths. Worst your opponent, Spells like animate with ranges of medium or long As ofall, the threat of drowning makes dead and animate objets create in most situations, magic mise is water quite lethal. fearless servants free of the need to fone of the best spells when fcinga Aquatic monstersenjoymumerous draw breath, They not only enable flying opponent. advantages when atlacking land- you to harm your fe but also put Tk also helps to join your based foes from beneath the screen it on the defensive, forcing it to ‘opponents in the ai. Spells like air of water,They a ess gain improved slop allacking you and fend off ‘walk, and gaseousform permit you cover, and that ¥8 to AC and +4 on your minions. If you lack such to face your foc on his home tri Refler saves can prove decisive. 1f magic, never forget thatthe various Remain wary of your opponent's completely submerged, they gain summon monsterand summon natures maneuverability cass,however,and total cover, making them almost ally spells may be used to conjure avoid getting drawn into dogfights invulnerable to attacks Additionally, aquatic creatures you might Loe. rmostranged weaponsfirediniowater Things get even more difficult Also, always try to make your take tremendous penalties, thrown when youre forced to face an aquatic opponent come to you. Spells like weapons are rendered completely monster in its own element. Make animal shapes and polymorph, which useless, and other attacks take a2 not drowning your frst priority. A allow you to take on the farm of a penalty forevery5 fet they travel. number of spells and magic items en ee ee 2B ORAGON 345 May 2006 fo suppress your natural TEE ae aney a) © WARNER BOOKS Time Warner Book Group ay The most important thing to remember about ethereal monsters is that they still exist, even when on a different plane. Spells like see invisibility and true seeing detect ethereal foes, and by using the right magic you may breach the borders of reality to harm them before they have the opportunity to strike at you. Force effects, like 30. DRAGON 543 ay 2006 a ‘magic missile and spititual weapon, affect ethereal creatures normally, s0 make heavy use of these kin of spells. Gaze attacks also cross the narrow planar boundary, giving you a chance to use items like eyes of doon Never forget, once you develop the ability to detect and harm an ethereal opponent the advantage tilts toward you. Tt must make the shift from one plane to another if it hopes to harm you. This usually requires a move or even a standard action, delaying it slightly and giving you moze opportunities to defeat it. Dimensional anchor, which among other things bars spells like ethereal Jaunt, can sender an ethereal foe helpless and unable to make the transfer to attack you. AMATTER OF SUBSTANCE For incorporeal foes, the material world only exists when they want it to, Free to lurk inside solid objects, they can emerge when you least expect it, laughing at your futile sword thrusts even as their own attacks effortlessly pass through even the thickest armor. Gifted with this near invulnerability, their capacity to cause harm see matched only by their malice ‘Avfirst glance, mining away from a creature able to move through solid objects and float in any direction seems nearly impossible. Spells like teleport and plane shift remain your most reliable means of escape, Keep in mind, however, that most of these creatures are undead and feequently bound to particular place or are vulnerable to sunlight. Often, the chase ends up asa sprint not a marathon. Use magic like dimension door or expeditious retreat to give yourself the momentary edge you need to scramble to 2 place beyond your enemy's reach. Most physical attacks pass harmlessly through incorpo: foes, making them exceedingly frustrating opponents. Even magic ‘weapons and spells have only a 50% chance of affecting them. Their only real vulnerabilities are ghost touch weapons and force effects like spiritual weapon and the ever use magic missle, If you lack such quality, aim for quantity. Find ways to increase the number of attacks you make each round to overwhelm that cr Buea na “The most important thing to remember about incorporeal foes Se eee meen ete them too. While inside a wall or hiding in the floor they are blind. Their Perce et eet ak he but to avoid that 50% miss chance they must fist poke their head out ofthe wall nd pinpoint your location. This gives you vital seconds to react and Se ae ee et with a ring of ray vision or something similar. This permits you to observe Cn te ee eee 50% chance of an attack fing. THERE AND BACK Use spells like haste on your melee *AGYATN fighters and. sprinkle. the fity Cresturerable to teleport are never Bees! of amminticateabanced by more thena single sip away fiom Siar igh-anabom Felisioasip, singe thcies or oe Abe pour cohorisand alleges pape. erin. ad cota Since incpeal Se femtteanty Cec epee io male ou spon touch atk oféa bolsiered ie miserable, they can lave you Uy leveland energy drainiieficts, guashing your teeth in helpless use tanged stacks whenever pox’ firy-Even he leat intelligent ones, ible: In mele start by giding your thote who simply use their power lies with spells ke dh ward, Ato gata edge in maneuverability, sete spel sed in eojpnetion lesye you, cantly at sk of Sithatmlgflcrrekraiostllons, “hecstiing dink: tio wulject ou {oleic to move aboot the atleild_ lethal ambush, tn relive sty restoring ability Start by looking for ways to damage ashe goee Once again vam trap them in out pce, Miainate moning spels prove invaluable by their ability to teleport and the ot only binging in ext combat odds iasbany shift back io you ants to overwhelm that so% chance fivor. Recognize the potential of af en mich fg fered Chott opel Like feel acy aed rly half of your attacks hit iF you dimensional lock, and keep a few of increase the number of attacks you these andy on srols, just incase increase the mumber of his) but Usingadilferentstrategy ontimagic ao entra targets to spread out the field suppresses sell-lie abilities, effects of am incorporel opponents including teleport. Keep in mind special ata, though, while the spell cancels Tccromeal fesiais beudhcpel] (potemesicr weaavar ef dae oat siiefecchdekaee!thirtaws alwiyh megue danage; redaction Scag: throw ace. anl|Tavenng rebar. ibe ahead ‘Atel eth tnackaraine cad: ghia wadeie opt force eliccts wart them. Mage ability for you loving the benefit prperabcxld’Ge-péot faiS line o€ ob jourdly weapon defense agninst incorporeal foes, yu ack-the meme to tap tle and you should use it even on those port if creatures at your location, Took for ways to narrow down their poreal foes ignore most physical options when coming back. Both defenses, you can still use spells like teleport and dimension door require protetion fom evil to create defensive an open space to work. A weh or wall barriers and eats grace to beef upan of ee fills up lot of open space, and ally’ agility rakes it easier to keep an eye (and \wearingphysicalarmor Whileinco BIGBADTOYSTORE. To, Sn, calles, Pops & More Tootnds ft io Soe Paes of the Coibbes CBADTOYSTORE.C Eee Dace Cee eee Coe ec ee a ear Ry ees ee a een cee ee oe ea et Sena Pes a weapon) trained on the areas in which your foe can still reappear Use spells like summon swarm oF Eoard’s black tentacles on those open spots to make the return even more ‘unpleasant for your enemies, Simi- larly, area of effect spells which deal continuous damage, such as wall of fre or blade barrier, not only occupy space but also make things dicey for returning opponents Regardless of the creatures you fice, magic remains the best way of dealing with mytiad special abili- ties, Although expensive, it is the most efficient way of staying alive. If you lack magical strength, though, numerous mundane solutions exist to many problems, Of course, the easiest way to prepare for a monster ‘with unusual abilities is to know what you face and when you fice it. Fore- Sight can let you prepare the correct spellsand purchase the most relevant ‘magic items. A ring offreiom of move- ‘meni, for example, does you no good when ficingaa flying creature. NEW FEATS “The new feats presented here offer addiinal ways of avoiding or com- Vatig cicabing, Lying, aad’ w- ting foes While womewhat lian foalhandy, the techniques offered by these flats cam giveyoualeupagaingt eras with cies, 32. DRAGON 343 May 2006, superiorand unnsial ibvement abil. ities, and supematural existences. DEFENSIVE CLIMBER CGENERALY You can climb without dropping your guard, Prerequisites: Dex s, Athletic. Benefit: You can move freely enough to avoid some blows while climbing. By accepting a 20 pen- alty on your Climb check, you can retain your Dexterity bonus to AC while climbing. In addition, you do not need to make a Climb check when you take damage while climbing. ‘Normal: When climbing you lose your Dexterity bonus to AC unless you take a~20 penalty on the check. (see page 97 of Complete Adventurer, and you must make a Climb cheek every time you take damage. MASTER SWIMMER [GENERALT You can swim while heavily laden ‘with a reduced risk of drowning, Prerequisites: Stras, Athletic. Benefit: When using the Swim skill while wearing armor, you only take the normal armor check pen- ally and encumbrance penalty on your Swim check sce pages 123 and 362 ofthe Players Handbool), Normal: Swim checks are subject to double the normal armor check penalty and encumbrance penalty. QUIET FEET [GENERAL] You can move in such a'way as to avoid making vibrations. Prerequisites: Dex 15, Stealthy. Benefit: You can avoid detection by creatures with tremorsense. ‘As long as you move at no more than one-half of your normal move- ment speed, you cannot be detected by tremorsense. You move so dell cerately that for the purposes of that ability you are not considered to be in contact with the ground. This feat does not benefit you when attempting to avoid tremorsense underwater, Ifyou make an attack while using this feat, you can be detected as normal, A creature with other means of perceiving you can still use them to detect you as normal Normal: Creatures with tremor- sense can detect any creature in con- tact with the ground, SUPPRESS PRESENCE TGENERAL] You can lessen the outward signs of your existence Prerequisites: Dex 15, Stealthy, Benefit: You can avoid detection by creatures with blindsense. By using the Hide skill, you can avoid the notice of creatures with Dlindsense. Creatures with this abil- ity must make a Spot or Listen check (as proves appropriate to the creature) to deteet you while you are hiding within range oftheir blindsense, just as they would if they were sighted cr didnt have this ability. You still require cover to disguise your pres- cence and hide ftom such creatures. ‘A creature with other means of perceiving you can still use them to detect you as normal. ‘Normal: Creatures with blindsense do not need to make Spot or Listen checks to detect creatures TOUCHED BY ETHER IGENERALI You are connected to the intangible threads of existence that lie beyond the Material Plane. Prerequisite: Cha 13, Benefit: Something about you makes it difficult for incorporeal creatures to see you clearly. When fon the Material Plane, you have concealment from incoxpareal ere tures (20% miss chance), ‘See invisibility daes not counteract this effet, but true seeing does. ‘An incorporeal creature that can- not see the subject ignores this effect {although fighting an unseen oppo- nent carries penalties ofits own; see page 151 of the Players Handbook). "This feat has no effect on corporeal or ethereal creatures. | CREATURE | | CHTHLOG v | cS nine Contents a Chupacabra 37 Living Wall Dragon, Hex 39 Malfera Dragon, Tome 42 Norker Golem, Rune Gray Shiver ‘Hellchain Weaver CHUPACABRA ‘Small Monstrous Humanoid Gag ‘Space/Reach: 5 fs Special Attacks: Blood drain, improves Special Qualities: Ca daskvision 60 fy low-light Saves: Fort +4 Refs, Will 5, Abilities Six u4,Dex 20, Con x7 Iato, Wis 15, Cha 8 Skis Hide 49, Jump 11, Move Sent +7, Spok eats: improved Grapple, Weapon Finesse Environment: Warm plains g laws, and ‘Organization: Solitary pair pack 9-6} ordi) Challenge Rating: ‘Treasure: None Alignment: Usually neutral evil ‘Advancement: 4-6 HD (Smal) 9 HD (Mi Level Adjustment: 45 Nay2005 DRAGON343. 37 Afler sneaking into civilized land, a pack of chupaca byas can drain entire herds of cows, goats, or sheep dry in a matter of days. In addition, some chupacabras have developed a taste for humanoids, pouncing on children, the elderly, and any other victim generally incapable of putting up a fight. Halling communities frequently fall vietim to these creatures, a halfings ar typically weaker and slower than many other humanoids, Despite their intelligence, chupacabras postess no culture, merely a primative cunning and skill at hunting. Rumor has it that a breed of chupacabra has grown thin membranous wings and is capable of flight. Such creatures are identical to normal chupacabras, but have lost the racial bonus to Jump checks and instead havea fly speed of 4o feet (poor manueverability) Chupacabras stand about 3 feet tall and veigl pounds. They do not speak, but some show eviden understanding Common. ‘compar Chupacabras prefer to atta thels prey aid ualinnee (ocular atol gorged on blood, they retteat to digest their me. numbered, they readily fle, returning later pack to dal with the foes ‘Blood Drain (Ex: A chupacabra drains blogd points of Constitution damage each round it pin, A chupacabra can feed on 12 points of Const before it ean feed no more, growing bloated and ish. Treat a gorged chupacabra a fatigued until chance to ves. “Improved Grab Ex} Tn order to.use this ability, ehu- pacabra must hit a Medium or smaller opponent with a claw attack, It ean then make a grapple check asa free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. the chupacaba pins its opponent, it ean drain blood. Camouflage (Ex: Chupacabras can change their col- ‘oration to blend in with their surroundings, gaining 2 ‘so bonus on all Hide checks. In adtion, they éan hide ‘without cover or concealment. Uncanny Dodge (Ex) A chupacabra retains its Dexter- ‘ty bonus to Armor Class when fst-footed. of dragons and the development Bf sp. point to the obvious ease with which dra the most abseure magic, and the close link between dra- conic blood and sorcerous ability. ‘The dragons, for their Bae, Tete part, remain notoriously cryptic and tight-lipped with the shorter-tived races. Why spoil a perfectly good legend bout your own magical power? Some have found it strange, however, that the supposed ‘reators of areane magic, the first teachers of mystical lore, are only initiates at its use. Only the most powerful metallic dragons, the golds and the silvers can, in thou- sands of yeats of life, approach the spells some human- ‘ids learn in less than a century. Compared to the power fof the dragons’ fangs, claws, and terrible breath weapons, Hexagon adem so a ee ero eel i > Grrr mares oe ft yh el 20 eve at impel uh png on cater ee euch 6, fateoted 42 ys on splat. They cna espe fo he rele ie May2006 DRAGON 343. AT Crome DRascon, Dragon (Ait) Environment: Any mountain Onganiration: Wyemling, very young, young, juvenile, and young adults solitary or latch (2-3) adult, matures, ald very old ancient, yem, or great wyrm: solitary, pai, library 5} or family (1-2 and 2-5 offspring) Challenge Ratings: Wyrmling x: very young 5 young 7 jnveile 20; young adult 1; adult; mature adult old very old 23; ancient 2: wyrm 25 great wyrm 26 ‘Treasure: Tipe standard Alignment: Usually lawful netral ‘Advancement: Wyrmling ¢-5 HD; very young 7-8 HD; young 10-11 HD; juvenile 3-14 HD: young adult 6-4p HD; adult 19-20 HD; mature adult 22-23 HD; od 25-36 HD; very old 28-ag HD;anclent 1-32 HD; wyem 3 HD; great wyrm 37+ HD. Level Adjustment: Wmling 45; ver young juvenile 47; others — ieee Wiha mane of fine whe aie amin ts wis fei vany hued seas reflect ight shinmering pers. Ja nds ina wide fn, not nlite some ret fish “Teme dragons are guardians and gatherers oflore ofthe dragons ia terms of sheer spelleasting pov calise in conjuration nd divination magic, Many s centuries researching such arcane mysteries as pl junctions, outsider ecology, ite destiny, and the flow of itself Individually orn sll cabal they search for thes ofall magic end develop powers of speller and foes sina those of the deities. xtmplantr excursions are Seguent specially for older tome dragons, and the most ancient are Iino to move about using asl projections mone oF ‘vith their physical bodies ver sagacious, ome dragons prone to gest arrogance and hubri—postessing ntellec rival the prestesthuman ages‘fom intiey, most find i inconceivable that they could be lacking in nome edge orudgment "Tome dragons have dspropor ional long tals ending in pointed “fins that flick through the air as they ‘corkscrew in fight. Tar sales aes ver and piscine, wth an iridescent sheen like 4 rainbow salmon’. Their shoot ln end in slender digits well to fine manipulation (even the of tome dragons can turn the if 8 small book without dificult) Tore dragons have expresive ces wreath fn peat manes of silly hae an ‘42_ DRAGON 343 May 2008 among dragonkind) and fils of thin spines jut from their ‘checks, Thee eyes reflect the colors ofthe sky pale blue at Dirt, tuning to azure by early adulthood, then deep purple and finally a dark midnight blue flecked with silver star- light. Tie voices vary, but ae always fill of character: thick accents raspy coughs smoky whispers and booming laughs areall eommon, ‘Tome dragons are more socal than other dragon spe- cles, and many have been known to lar with others oftheir kind. These cabals almost invariably gather in enormous libraries they butld on secluded mountainsides, Such libraries are frequently mistaken for monasteries because fof their locations and the minimalist adornments tome ragons prefer ‘Tome dragons need very litle food to survive, and most eat as litte as posslble—food is just a distraction, in theit yes from more worldly pursuits What they do “be very plain. Tame dragons do, compar = “Tome dragons naturallyaeh on hires With spontneoss snd fice acess to powerful metarmagic, tome dragons usally Empower Spell, and Quicken Ee CHenTune cATALoS gery TOME DRAGONS BY AGE sreath Fei RaseAtac/ For Ref Wil Weapon Presence Age Su HiD\cefp) Str Dex Con Int Wis Cho Grapple atch Soe Save sme (0) DC ming = «TSG 7 BBG) veyyoong § f2G) «9 Do SB OMe Swe 5 SB 288) Yowg Mo sdizsen «9 «0 OS 38S) joenle -Monéia2@) <0 Bow Bo san se 8 a a) — Youngadit 1 154230(27) 1 m7 janis tks 3 508) 20 pdt «URSLDSA(I) 15-17 2 2 9 vee lB GK LG BQ) DB awe adh 2idmee@an) 17 ad Mm A wai wee AD TH) ou H 2deQs2) 19 wd 19 om 1 Bee as HB cle acl 8m) Wey MH ardlznas@i) 21 10 2 a 26 25 O30 DS 3 Qs) 30 Ancent 1 =30dLs150(45) 28 10 21-30 DHT yay Mako? 26 10s) 8 Wyn —«G sedizanaiz) 2 10 2D 30 9 mh ase BB aR 35 Grentwrm 6 S6aas2 (4s) 25 1025 4 GREY pases 9 ay 20a GS) as TOME DRAGON ABILY BY AGE ae a ‘Spel abies Cavers sm Wrming 208908 goed) «Pal ra eindghy——Arcanesght pecogron dL 4 ee ‘spay 1008 Young ABA gms) "0 en ig DRSjmagie ™ as touch fa ted 18 : Jele 398, 1208 god) 02110 olf UME touch 12, flat fated 22 © deiayance Youngadult 40%, fy 1208. (good) 0 24(-Lsize,«15 natural, 2insight, Free metamagic: 1th touch 11, flat footed 24 lev Adult 40 Ry fy 120 (good) 0-27 (Asize,+16natural+2 insight —-DR10/magic Bt touch 1, flat-footed 27 oe Mature adult SOR, 250A. (good) 0-—*30(-2se, +19 natural +3 insight) Plan hit Bho touch 1, atdooted 30, ow SRM IS0R (good) 0 Rae zeman igh Feememagc TET touch fat ooed 32 “Ales -" Very old ‘50. fly 150 ft. (good) 0 36 (-2 size, +25 natural, +3 insight), ‘DR 1S/mmagic sth os ie 3 touch 11, ft footed 36 Aion 508, 8y1508. (good) 0 AE 2ne2Enatur sAinsight) ——Taesteng

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