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' Richard Baker,’ Ed Bonny, Travis Stout : Richard Baker, Ed Bonny, Travis Stout “Apprrionat Desicw: James Wyatt Deverovers: Richard Baker with Eric L. Boyd and George Krashos Eprror: Penny Williams ‘Miaacny Eprrox: Kim Mohan Drsigs Manacer: Christopher Perkins Sexton Anr Dinvctor RPG R&D: Stacy Longstreet Dinecrox of RPG R&D: Bill Slavicsek Propucrion Maxacrrs: Josh Fischer, Randall Crews Foncorren Rratws Ant Director: Robert Raper ‘Assistant Ant Dieecror: Mari Kolkowsky Cover Artist: Mare Sasso IyTeaion Axrisrs: Thomes M. Baxa, Matt Cavotta, Brian Despain, Marko Djordjevic, Jason Engle, Earl Frank, Randy Gallegos, Rafa Garres, Chris Hawkes, Ralph Horsley, Jeremy Jarvis, Dana Knutson, Vince Locke, Raven Mimura, William O'Connor, ‘Jim Pavelec, Steve Prescott, Wayne Reynolds, Richard Sardinha, Francis Tsai Gxarsic Desionr: Dee Barnett CartocraPHer: Dennis Kauth Grarnic Paopuction Srréiaist: Angelika Lokotz Imace Tecustcian: Bob Jordan $$$ $$ Sources ine Fonnori Rts Campaign Tine Loyd and rik Mon Mow ‘Doane Masvell al Angst Leigh McCoy, Plager Gude t Faorn be Rishatd Bek, Teas Stata Foveck, James aes, and Sen K Rey Spor Rigdon: by Ed Gresinod, Ere 1 Bay aad Daren D Matt Forts ati San K Rows ig by EA Gremio SK Reyok Skip Wiliam and Rob Masi of Fueriny San Gnepreachat deri Bruce Coil, snag FM. este an Jef Qk, Lt and 2d alin Fontes Rea yes REAtAe noe too nuteros tat and he Sl comments Ere Le Bop a wl a "Tina of the North sept by George Ke + sed on the ovina Du ons & Dancons® ns cemea by Gary “This Wizard the Coast game proc consi 0 Open Game Const. por "Tolezn sore abou te Open Gaming Licese al US, CANADA, ASIA, EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS PACIFIC, & LATIN AMBRIGA Wezads of the Cast Bei ‘Wizar of the Con oe ‘THe 6! 20. ton 707 1700 Groot thgandce Renton, WA 980570707 o (Questions) 1-900-324-6496 987654321 Fut Pintng:Febrry 2008 20-17738-00-EN, trot ees The RuivBased Campaign... + Whats Insite 5 What You Newt fo Play sos Capt 1: Alen Senet ...6 “Ascket Feats. 6 “Areane Manipalation. +6 ‘vane Transigoration. 6 Chane! Charge ” Commanthiren Moca Mage cccse0-7 Gift Seeter Eo Fumillar Concentration 8 Gost Pie Geembour! Sammoning 8 tem Reprive 8 Jeg Bice 8 Melalingl nk ‘Nethrese Battle Curse soe 8 Servant ofthe Fallen. 00.3 Sell Repriere 5 Teaymater 9 Wouning Spell sos. cccec9 Protge Clases 40 ‘Gl of the Shared Peak .......10 Geriou Servioe. 3 Magslond e On Gis 1 Snmaster Ansent Spell 29 Bases Spe 02029 BardSpelle nc 9 here Spells » Dru Spall, ca Pala Spell | 23 Sonsr/Waaed Spells "1 29 Spell Descriptions... -.0. 30 & Dretms af the Fest. 36 The Runs of the Past oo 35 (Gis nto Dungsons 36 Interesting Ses 2 Myst an and Tie Mage aos AB Tipe Spells oc ccee oe Epic Spell Sd. Mythic Whac is Meh Rang Mythal Sample Mythal The tray, hapter 3: The Con Wars... n Bist ees cc 2 Tiilisevssssss ss 2 ‘Tape oF CONTENTS ——— Songs and Stories Important Stes “Anyvanda eta Tipe Myertar Legace of the Grown Wars 19 ‘dventate Sees cv ooeoo000 33 Buried Sere Chapter God Kings of the Base... 60 History Timeliness Keepers of the Fat Songs and Stones Imporeane Sites Taher MMulsorend is Nariel! enrer Requim WENTS. ‘ace: Aasimar, hum Base Attack Bonus: +7 ‘Skills: Diplomacy 6 ranks, Knowledge (Mulhorand local) Grants, Knowledge (rigion) 6 ranks. Feats: Gdsight se page 8), Improved Turn Spells: Ability to cast 2nd level divine spells. Patron Deity: Any from the Mulhorandi pantheon. Special: You must have the approval of your patron deity’s church ‘or ticfing (home region Mulhorand). Cass Fratuaes Asa glorious srvitor you dedicate you life tthe service of a Single ety. To that en, you gaina variety of abilities that allow you to advance your deity: agenda in Fazrin, Al the following are clas features of the plosious sevitor prestige clas. ‘Weapon and Armor Proficiency! You are proficint with the short snord, logon and Khopesh as ell sith al eypes of armor and al pss of shields except tower shilis. Bestel Form (Su): You can assume the bestia form of your patron deity Canina, vermin, o magical best, 2s givin on Table {1-4 below) asa standard action and remain in dat fora for up t0 1 hour. This silty fuvetions like a polymorph spell (caster ‘Tanie I-42 Bestiat fonms of Mutuonanpt Derries Deity Bestal Form ‘Anhur Lion Bast Leopard Geb. Brown bear Hathor Bison HorusRe Gianc eagle Iss Giant eagle Nephthys “Huge viper snake Osiris Trown bear Selick Giant crocodile Set ‘Large monstrous scorpion ‘Thoth Giant owl —— ——_ ANCIENT SECRETS oS ‘Bestia Form, fearkessness, spell resistance Divine wo, re scing Divine aield +4 increased Strongth #2 Greater command, imunity to poison Divine shet +6, increased Srength 13 Divine transformation, mas cure fight wounds (las Skis (2s Ine modifier per lve) Bu, Craft ny), Diplomacy, Handle Animal, [imitate Knowledge Chisor) Knonkige (local), Knowledge (religion), Liston, Profession (any, Sense Motive, Spor, Survival. ‘Tamie 1-3: Tue Gronious Senvrron Bese Attack Fort, Ref Will Level ‘Bonus Save Save Save Special tie “0 1 O48 ‘tnd a oD 0 sk 3rd 2 aE fh td poe ath eas se a Serer OI? 6s + ee ees teh o as shield +2, increased Strength + level uals your glorious servitor level) except that you can use it only on yours, you do not regain hit points for changing form, and you can assume only the designated shape. This ability inustble once per day per glorious sxvitor level. Your satura attacks in your bestial form are teated as magic ‘weapons forthe purpose of overcoming damage reduction. earleseness (Su): Because the power of your deity suf- fuses both your body and your mind, you are immune to fear fects Spell Resistance (Su): Your deity’s glory makes you more resistant to magie than other mortals. You gain spell resistance equal 1012 + your glorious servitor level Divine Shield (Su): At 2nd level, you gain « +2 deflection bonus to AC when you are in animal fem. This bonus increases toed at 4th level and t0 +6 at 6th level. Increased Strength (Es): Your conncetion to the divine grants you great physical strength, At 2nd, 4th, and 6th level, you gain 4+ inherent bonus to Strength in both your normal and your bestia form. Divine Voice (Ba): Beginning at 3rd level, you can speak say anguages you know with your normal human voice while in bestia form. Ths ability allows you to cast splls with verbal coniponcnts normally while in bestia! Form, alehough you cansiot case splls that require somatic components unless you use the Sill Spell or Natural Spel eat: “True Seeing (Sp): Upon attaining 3rd level, you gain the bility to use tre seeing Once per day (easter level equals your character level) Greater Command (8p): At Fh level and highes, you can use greater command once per day (caster level equals your charaeter vel. Divine Transformation (a): When you attain 7th evel, your Asity rewards you for your faithful service by changing You fype to curser (ative) Immunity to Poison (Es): Your devotion to your deity has rendered you immune 9 poison. ‘Mass Gure Serious Wounds (Sp): At 7th level you can use mass cure serans wounds (or mass inlet serious wounds if your patron is Set of Sebek) once per day (caster level equal your ‘character level) u ——— << ~~. ANcIRNT Secaets Usrairirur Sravitors When you teach the pinnacle of your power yo maybe ced of your va church oc ayarded high potion within deperatralae lle abi the prsigedasandeanoot the government or military IF you wilfully violate the orders of your deity, you lose all Poe Geliadbris plea an orc eapene er era papers Se eager etre (areal soca Tnmuch the aime ga PR ss fr his minors, wie See emer deception and trickery Your spell resistance $B, cm wad off sone al. atvacks, ess un, Fee ye a ee eecant eee BE cites Varin ec eu as ‘switch allegiance to one of your cs MM allowing you to con: big’ rivals in the Malhorandi . Be scares jeepney anthcon—a tactic tha ears you fee) on mote foriidable Pea peg camey & re Biber ennsiae ete Goth feat our a en especially from low-level spoleasters, PLAYING A Grorious SrRvIToR Because you maintain such 4 deep connection with the divine, each action you allow you t0 pierce false illusions, identify Your enemiss and se the world asi erly i. Your ability. to change shape is one of your gos greatest gifts you. In psfocm is in fact an act of your deity. Those out side Mulhorand may perceive you as just a ‘gets pawn, but chey are rong, In Mulhorand, you ax more thin « SG hs guardian of the peopl. You are a champion of all thar Mul hhorand was, is, and wil From the moment youbecosne a glor-. ply variey hestial form, you can travel unnoticed especially through wilderiess lands, and fight using the natural at tacks of your hestial form If your forim allows you 0 fly or swim, you gain stll-more strategie options in combat. When you reach 2nd level, you gain greater protec: ‘tion against attacks while in your bestial form, an that defense grows stronger as you attain higher levels. “At rd level, your ability. to speak in your bestial Form allows you t0 Reiders Ke commumicatestrategie <¢ loroes ervitr of Sebea information (0 your of roles on behalf of your go! and your church—mes. senger, emi guardian of the sacred tombs, aid more ‘As you cam greater trust and accumulate xcr_more glorious accomplishments, your duties expand to include re ‘cruitment, crusading spying, asssination, and any other tusks that advance your deity’ agendt in’ Muthorand and the rest of Faorn, a AxctENT Stoners — allies and even cast spells without changing back to humanoid form, At Sth level, you can use your greater command ability 0 stop eneriss in their tracks before they can attack you. Final Jour transformation to ouser at 7th level renders you immune tomany effect that work only against humanoid though yoo are still vulnerable to oly word ae other spells and effects that carget outsiders “Advdncement: Before naming a glorious servitor the church carefully sree a testis for their loyalty, combt bili, and faithfulness Thus, by the tiie you enter the class, you are fully avrare of your place in your deiy’s grand scheme ‘Your vole upon entering the prestige class is to serve 4 = special emisary, agent, and roueshooter for your church ‘Your routine duties are likely to involve delivering messages to outposts, other earls, andthe far-flung armies of Mulhorand. Tn addition, you may be tasked with hunting down the enemics of your diy secking out lost artifcts and treasures that might bing glory t your faith, and spying on your church’ enemies to discover eei secret ‘Keeping your ranks maximized in Diplomacy and one or more Knowledge skills ix an exellent strategy, since knowledgeable and politically savvy glorious servitors make the mos effective emissris of the gods. You may alo wish to buy canks in BieT and Tntimidate if you plan to work in foreign lands where your Akity may nor have sul fearsome reputation. Resoureti The best resouree you have to offer your com patrog the fall support of your ehureh, In adlition to ger, ‘money, ard shelter in fies of nee, the church ean offer wealth of information. Knowing that you would never willingly caus hharm to your church, the fitful rarely question your ations ind prove whatever suppoct they can without resrvation You are ako an ast ¢o any group that must navigate the great. Inueancracy of Mulhotand. Because of your high statu, your requests are handled with greater urgeney than those of lesser citizens. Final, you may be able to se your bestia form to, Spy on others asl access forbidden areas inconspcuousy, thus reducing the risk o yourself and your covirads. GLorious ServiToRs IN FaERUN Glorious servitors are found primarily in the larger cities of ‘Mulhorand, and co a lesser extent in Murghom, Semphar, and ‘the eonquered lands of Unther The glorious servitos of Horus: [Re and Anhur may also be encountered in border outposts defending Mulhorand from outse threats. Many of those who have attained high levels in the prestige class also hold positions of importance in Mulhorand society and act on matters of state on behalf of their patron deities. Sc's glorious vervitors, hamever, tend to assume less prominent pestions in Mulhorand so that they can carry out their deity’ poisonocs plans from the shadows. Glorious servitors who travel to other regions of FFacrin sometimes serve as ambassadors and spies For Mulhorand, scctmulating information while carrying out their deities’ plans ‘Many of those who have atained high levels in the prestige cass hold pestions of importance in Mulhorand society and act on imarters of state on behalf of their patron deities. Glorious servitors have no common organization, since each is frst and foremost & member of her particular church. NPC Reactions A glorious servitor isa champion of her faith just asa paladin or a hightevel cleric is, and she is treated in much the same way by the alles and enemies of her church. Anyone favorably. disposed toward a cleric of Anbur, for instance, should also be favorably disposed conard 2 glorious servitor of Anhus. Almost all Muthorandi begin with helpful attitude toward glorious secvitrs of any deities except Set and Sebek. (Geri, paladins, and servants of nou-Mulborand deities are ‘generally suspicious of a glorious servitor’s motives and begin vith an indifferent or unfriendly aevitade toward her. Gronious Servrror Lore Characters with Knowledge (Feligion) can research the var: ‘ous Mulhorandi deities to learn more about their glorious servitors, When a character makes a shill check, read or ‘paraphrase che following material, including the information from lower DOs DC 10: “Mulhorendi gods are served by special champions known as glorious servitors?” DCF: “Glorious srvitors often begin their earcers as clerics cr paladins but Iter become elite emissuries and agents of their ged, Many high ranking Mulhorandi bureaucrat, generals, and officials are glorious sevitors of one god or another” DC 20: “Glorious srvitors have a number of special powers, including the ability o take on the form of creatures sacred to their gods" DC 30: Characters who achieve this level of success can learn important details about specific glorious servitors in your campaign. Grorious SERVITORS IN TH. GAME. “Most glorious servitors undertake missions on behalf of their churches in the lands of the Old Empires. In addition, they sometimes investigate matters of interest to the Mulhorandi in foreign lands, They often explore newly discovered dungeons, vvork against Thayan agents, and spy out the strength of various rulers and wizards - ‘As a character attains higher levels in the prestige clas, she gains incpeasing fame among the faithful. This added recognition means that she receives an increasing number of ‘requests for assistance and advice from rankandsfile members ff her church, Likewise, she becomes a target for enemies of the feith—particularly the glorious servitors of rival gods. But fame ist all bad—the character can expect a warm welcome ‘and a good dose of hospitality whenever she visits a place where her patron is venerated, Members of the faithful may also be able to provide useful information or timely warnings of impending trouble, Requests for aid aren't always troublesome, cither—the character can accept or reject tasks at her own, discretion (though she cant expect to go far if she makes «abit, of flatly refusing orders from supérios), and some missions can lead to satisfying and profitable adventures as well a5 increased rank and status in the faith, A senior glorious servitor seldom gets ondered around, and she may even get a chasis to give & fw orders of her own, : ee a Abapration Jn campaigns set ouside Mulhorand and its-nvitens, most lovious sritors have conneetions with a Mulhorasd enclave ‘of some kind. Some such enclaves are mercantile (8 group of Mulhorani families conducting business ina foreign land, for ‘xample); others havea diplomatic Function (sel asthe nigh Vexhood around a Mulhorandi emnbussyin a foreign capial- A rons srvitar operating in foreign lands might be asked to S15 1 scout oF spy, oF to carry out some other clandestine mission. She can also serve asa missionary for her ai out fr ov country. Excounrens When the PCs investigate reports of savers operating in the cous] marsies along the’ Sea of Fallen Shor, they find & hs servitr of etek abiing laves sed Uk 0 lr tastes in Ghent TEL 32 Nether Ket fas fought hard to gun her exalted oation within te cult of Ssbek. Now that she has acres 19 Fer day’ gle crocodile form, she ust Fequenty to ase lly in er followers She woe this ara in er beta fora plead te slave gathering operation then move er lloners tt poston. When acco by che PC, Neterisatenpts tall. Fer way out ofthe sation singe Diplomacy sil Shoal the actif se begins combat ith plating then cos foe melee in br bestia form. ‘Netheris Ket: Female human ceric 5 of Sebek/fghter Aplorises scrvitr 3 of Sek, CR 12; Medion humawcds HD 848-8 plus 4410.4; hp 74; Int -1; Spd 20 fe, AC 22, touch 10, fat foorsd 22; Base Atk «9; Grp +135 atk 12 ek (L410+3/19~20, 7 Ape) or +9 ranged G82), Imstrvork compote longbow); Full Atk #12/-7 moe QiND3/19-20, + Hopes) or 8/04 ranged (1802)x3, maservork composite longhow), SA rebate undead ay (3, 2G, th, spelt abilities, spell; SOL bestal form (amt rca), divine shi 2, vine voi fearless increased Strength, pall eistance 15, re seeing: AL NE SV Fort NO, Het 4, Will 12; Ste 15, Dex 9, Con 33, nt 10, Wis 18, Cha 13. ‘Stil nd Feat Wa +4, Concetraton +, Diplomacy 12, Handle Animal, Jump ~3, Knowledge (Mallorand local) +6, Kaowiedge Gligon) 2, Listen +6, Rie 13, Soe Motie +8, Spot +6, Alernes, Blind Figh?, Exotic Weapon Proficemy hepsi, Godin Inproed Turing, Lightning Refs atta Spel Noga, Porer Attack + New ex deserbed on page 8 Langoages: Common, Mulhorand Spelt Able: day—dewes od, dees mage dees rim detect wadeod reed magi. Caster el 2th, Beware (Si) Thc anes pr day Nether un ase the formyof a giant crocodile asa standard action and remain in tha form for upto 1 hou, Thi ality functions ike a pod mor ‘spell (caster level 3rd), except that she can use it only on herself, the does no sain hi points for ehanging form, 2 she can ssh iy the git coed form, itt seca etl ANCIENT StcRETS a | Divine Stied (Sa): Netheris gains 2 +2 deflection bonus to AC when she isin giant crocodile form. Divine Voice Es): Nethors can spoek any languages she knows with her normal human yoice while in giant crocodile form. This ability allows her to cast sels with verbal components normally while in bestia form. Feavlessness (Si: Netheris i immune to fear efTecs Increased Strength (Ex): Nethers basa +1 inherent bonus to Strength in both her humanoid and ber giant crocodile for “Tene Secig (Sp Nether can wie true seing once pet day (Caster level 12th), Cleric Spells Prepared (caster vel Sth): —deteet magic (2), guidance, resistence, virtue: It—command (DC 18), care light ovnds divine faversendave elements, magic fag; 2od—angary, Lig ld, ence C16) siriual weapons Shear serie wounds, kre Voadiinc, ater breatis D: Domain spell. Domains: Scalykini™ (rebuke/eommand snakes and reptilian crear $day an Water (ur ie eeatares or rebuke water ercatures 4/iay) + New spell deseribed on page 32. Prsesions: +2 baif plate, +1 heavy stel shield, amuiet of natural army +, rig of provection +1, «1 Rbepesh, masterwork composite longbow (°2 Str bonus) with 20 arrows, periapt of Wisdom +2 lesser tran of prayer beads lesser metamegie red f Silent Spell, wend of endere elements (37 charged), + gp, 3 sp, 8¢p magelord “So they ra me out of Secomber. They said I wasn't goed enongh They said my spells were tn weak. Nob they will see what kind of evizard Poe become. The cee, WAL be sorry then” —Rimmen the Magslord (Quick co anger, haughty, and proud of his Art, the magelond is an arcane spelleaster who studies an ancient magieal tradition ‘knowin for extremely fast and versatile spellcasting, Sometimes a spelislinger for hire, sometimes 2 professional arcane duclist, te typical magelord believes he has the right to wring respect, vwealth, and power from the world around him through the use (of arcane force In reality, he is little more than a cruel bandit Jord who uses his magical gifts to dominate and intimidate les talented individals, Like a school of fencing or @ martial arts style, the magelord tradition has boon passed down over the centuries from one practitioner to another. Few magelowds give away such knowl ‘edge—indeod, anyone who would seudy this aspect of the Art must either bribe 2 mageléed with princely gifts and service or undertake years of research to unearth ancient texts describing the techniques The way of the magelord rewards ambition nd eedesnes and it tends to encourage a certain contempt for the risks of power. Thus, most magcloeds regard theit power as a tool with ‘which to fulfill their own desites as opposed to a gift they can use to serve others. A fe, however, study nagelord lre in hopes of using their magic against tyranny and injustice,» er ANCIENT SECRETS oe Magetords are relatively rare, but societies and fellowships of| them haye arisen in many lands over the eenturiss. The most famous of these was based in the old realm of Athalantar, the Kingdom of the Stag. Bards sil sing of ehe erucey-and evil of the mageloeds who rule over the nation, evoking terrible images fof century when tyranny and deadly ambition reigned. The wizards of the Stag Kinglom were eruel, avaricious, driven men ‘with ax exeeptional talent for magic. Ostensibly, they served as high officials of the realm who brutally enforced their prince's wll ue in truth they ruled the Stay Kingdom from behind the throne. BrcomiNe a MaceLoRp You must find a practicing magelord and persuade her to teach you the secret techniquss of using mage in the magelord This process asually requires yeu to spend at last ton days in that wizards company and ether pay hor atleast 10,000 gp or offer servi of equivalent value. If you canoe finda magelord willing o tutor you, you can rescarch the secret tracitions of the tnagelords on your ov. To do so, ou mast locate and obtain rare tomes and treatises costing atleast 10,000 gp and spend 41 month practicing the techniques described therein, You can fulfil this requirement at any point in your arcane carer prior to adding a level of mageord so you need not wai until you ace realy t9 advanes todo ‘Winans, wizanl/eogues, and winanl/assasins make exellent smagelords, and wizard blachguards are also good candidates for this class Wirardfghts are more rare, though their Sighting shiliey ln isc well to this prestige cas Treligence ithe mose important ability For a mage since tars directly on spellestng. Constitution is also important, since magelord en olive in uncivilized lands and often engage n combat, micking Coicentraton checks a frequent necssicy Enrny Regunemenrs Skills: Intmidate 3 ranks, Knowledge (history 6 ranks, Knowl: age Greana) 6 ranks. Feats: Improved Initiative, Spell Mastery, Signatue Spell, Weapon Focus (2). Spells: Ability to cat Sehlevel arcane spells Special: You swust have the evasion special quality as cither a lass feature or a racial trait Special: You may not be lawful in alignment Special: You must be tutored by a magelord or obtain rare tomes. to study the tradition. Either option cost no lis than 10,000 ap ora service of equivalent value Ciass FEATURES “The magelord tration emphasizes mastery ofa variety of spells and teaches practitioners to If Rimmen is exposed to any effect that orally allows him co atom a Reflex saving throw for half damage he takes no damage with a successful svi Famitias: Rimes familiac isa weasel named Shensa. The fail uses the better of her own and Rimes base save bo ruses, The reature' abilities and charaereristics are summarized Indo. Familiar Bonofts: Rimnmen gins special beni fom having 4 familiae This ernture grants Rimmen a +2 honus 00 Refer Alertoess (Ex): *Shenéa grants het master Alertnes as long hein within 5 feet Eanpathic Link (Si): Rimmoen can communicate telepathic cally with his Familiar ata distance of up to 2 mile The master Ia the sme connection to an itm ora plsce thatthe famiar ds. Shere Spells (Se): Rimmen cau have any spell e casts on himself also affect his familie if he later is within F fect at the time, He ean also cast a spell with a target of “You” on his faniian Sigeature Supremacy (Bs): Rimmnen can convert any 4th level or loner prepared spell intoany 4th-level or lower mastered spall just a good cleric ean spontaneously cast prepared spells 38 ne spell Trpinding (Ex: Rimmen can fin, disarm, oF bypass traps sith a DC of 20 or higher He can use the Search sil to find, sd he Disable Device sil ta disarm, magi traps (DC 25 + the level of the spell used to erate i) If his Disable Device check rest exceeds the traps DC by 20 or more, he discovers how to bypass the trap without erigaering or disarming i Wierd Spells Prepared (caster level 12h}: O—detect magic (©), ghost sound (DC 15), mage band: Lt—burning hands (DC 1), expeditions retreat, feather fall, mage arma ray of enfchle mont (10 rang couch), shied: 2ut—yanazzer's coreber (DG. 17) ims, Mol?’ acid arrot (A ranged tou), from arres, sorching ray (10 ranged touch): Sed—Atint, dippet imegie, flame arrom, js, lightuing bolt (DC 18); 4th—ebon ray of doom’ (AD ranged touch; DC 19), fear (DC 19), polymorph, steweskin; Sth—ente of enld (DC 20), fecblemind (DG 20), iclkinesis, wall of fore; 6ch—ebain lightning (DC 21), true seeing ‘Spells: a owe plus O—acid splash arcane mark dancing lights, daze, detect pison, disrapt undead, fare, light, mending, amessge, spon/elese, prestidigitation, ray of fos, read matic, resistance, tcl of fatigue; 1st—cbill tench, endure elements expeditiens retreat, shield: nd—Wlindnessideafues, detect cus, resis energy, see ineisbility:3rd—fireball, hast, sees Mth—rcene oye; fire shield, ice storm; 5th—bold moniter; 6th —disinrgrate greater dispel moi: ++ New spell dscribed on page 31 Postion: amnlet of natural armor +, bracers of armor +3, ing of pesecion +2, short sor, dst rose own stone, bed Iba of intellect «2, gloves of Desterity +2, ring of counterspells peerdof porcr Cstlevel spell), pearl of poorer (2aevel spel), Scroll of miner creation, scroll of clairaudiencelabrocyance, scroll of fae life poten of eure maderate sound, 2 potions of cure light wands, 8 pp, 10 Ep Shensa: Weasel familia; CR 3 Tiny magical beast ID 1485 ip 32 Init +25 Spd 20 fe, climb 20 fe, AC, toh 24, fas footed 17; Base Atk +6; Gep —6; Atk or Full Atk +20 melee (143-4, bites Space/Reach 21/2 ft/0 Fe; SA attach; SQdeiver touch sels proved evasion low-light vision, cen, speak with mast, speak with weasels, AL. CE3 SV Fort 4, Ref #1, Will +83 St 3, Dex 1, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 5 il and Feat: Balance +20, Bluff +2, limb 0, Concentra tion #17, Escape Artis 7, Hide 126, Intimate 7, Jump 10, Listen «6, Move Silently +1, Search +5, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6, Weapon Fines. each (Es IF Shonsa hits with a bite attack, she usss her powcfil ws toate onto the epponcnt’s body and atomically deals bite €amage each round. She loses her Dexterity bonus 19 ‘Armor Class and as an. AG of 12. While attached, Shensa can te struck with a weapon oe grapple herself (by achieving a pin auaiust he) Deliver Tne Spee Si: Shona can deliver touch spl for Rinmen (ce Familiar, page 32 of the Player's Handdoat).” Improved Evasion (Ex If Sbesa is exposed to any effect. tat normaly allows her to sttampe a Reflex saving theow for bul damage, she takes no damage with a successful saving throw snd half damage if the saving throw fails. Speuk sith Mister Gx): Shensa can communicate verbally vets Rimmen, Other eratures do no understand the commune tion without magical el. ‘Spoak mith Weasels (Ex)y Shona can speak with weasels, rinks, polecats, ermincs, skunks, wolveines, badgers dire vneasel, and other creatures of the family Musteldae. Such communication is limited by the intelligence ofthe conversing creators. Sk: Shensa has a+4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks anda +8 racial horus on Balance and Fide checks. She uss her Dexteriy modifi instead of her Strength mote for Chim checks. She can alvays choose to rake 20 ona Climb check even iF rushed or threatened olin Gisic Fahl Kaew that 0x walkin the ins of the temple of Astaro, sa demon lord of the Abyss. Tes sai thatthe demon sleps bere tll, secking poison the words of thase wha wander in. Luckily, 1 ovo just the spells to ensure that be remains asleep.” -Meracra of the Olin Gisae As all Faeriinians know; elves have very long memories. Events that took place thousands of years ago and have been largely forgotten by the shorter ited races are still fresh in the mids ‘of the elves since they occured only a geieration oF s0 ago from their perspective. Along with such clear memories comes ‘considerable knowledge, some of which is best kept seerct. ‘The Olin Gisiae (Which means “Secret keepers” in Elven; singular Olin Gisit) ar elite elf mages who have taken it upon tthemscles to guard these dark scrct from the rest ofthe world, ‘ensuring that ancient demons remain bound away in protective circles, unholy artifiets remain forgotten, and places of dark power remain unvisited by mortals. e ED ANCIENT SicRETS ——— 1-6: Tue Oui Gisin Hr Diet vt < Bue ate Feet Ref Will Level Bont Save Sere Sere_—_‘Specil splleeting Te nO 20.10) #2 Angee Knowle oh erst + eel of exiting arcane spelling class tnd 4090 od Sign and prt ‘eve of ertng arcane spelen class SPU OT TIE $level of esting arene epllesting last fh ee AnchntBromfdge 12, seret__ +L level of exiting arcane spellesting cas Sho ard hie ‘lewd of erbtngareane spelling class ee eee sae ‘Level ofextingareae spellesing clase Sh 22 Ane noe 05st Self exiting arene speleting eas Ph Ae a mig evel of exiting eeu spelling class Se EC os TSUNA OEE ‘Level of exiting aeane spelling class 1th Fk Arwiom knowles v4 secret + lyf exiting arcane spellesting das (Cass Skills (2 + Int modifier per level): Concentration, Craft (any), Decipher Seript, Heal, Knowledge (al skills ken individealy), Profession (eny), Spelleraf Becoming ay OLIs Gist Tneligence is hey aii singe at Oli Gn ris heavily “he Olin Ge have an informal organization. As inveterate upon spellesig and ancient knowlege Charisma i also a key collectors of usfl information, theyte quick t0 notice elves silty for sorcerers who chose to fllow ths path fn halfelves who might qualify forthe cass and jut as quick to weleome newcomers into ther ranks ‘Olin Gs are reerised exchaively from the rank of wir adeand other arcane casters The ideal candidate Race: EM or half poweses keen mind and an irresistible Skill: Concentrtin 8 ranks, Knowledge Corioty that ends her hunting fora Crea) 30 ranks, Knowledge (history) ent mpsrison her ovn. Una, 20 ranks feed ecreckenper watches Peat: Iron Will and any ¢wo Prospective recite for some aoemagi fae tine to determine ther mo Spee Ability rcase eve tives and desis. Those who atcine spl sexm to be sesking poner 0° Speci: Abjuracion must not be personal glory are ignore, or 2 prohibited school for you qerneizes eve Mlle if thie searches threaten to reveal dkngerns secrets to the word “Thos wo respect he eres they discover are contacted and offered training “he guia anceps to Olin Gris via the wizard class A izard yas ass 10 new spel levels fer tha bard or sore db, ad er Bom fetal fer to pick up a second metmage ft at an eri ee tha other spill. Soren tae up this path on oes, chow they mnt. purchase some cresrclas ls to meet the repre While bards eve cary asthe rel sl, ther ver ape pogenion ream tt they cannot tae this clas foe 1th ee Enray Reouinemenrs Cass FEATURES lin Gisiae focus on knowledge, both arcane and mundane ‘Though they are not froseline combatants, their ability to read signs and banish single threats erable them to progect the se: ‘ret ofthe anciznts with great efficiency. Al the following are class features of the Olin Gist prestige clas. ‘Weapon and Armor Prof céeney: You gain no ne proficeney with weapons, armor, or shields. Speleasting: At cach Olin level, you gain new spells per day, and am increase in easter level (and splls known, if applicable) 2s if you had also gained level in an arcane spelleasting clas that granted you acces to 3rdlevel spells before you Merasrs of he Olin Cisiae n py Se ANCIENT SPCRETS, aed ee prestige elas level. You donot, however gain any other tenet a character of that class would have gained. IF you have acess to 3ievel spells from more than one arcane spelleasting class when you gain a level as an Olin Gist, you muse decide to whch class to al cach level for the purpose of determining spells sr day, caster level, and spells known. ‘Ancient Knowledge (Ex): You have studied ancient lore i conslerable depth, You gain +1 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (history, and Use Magic Device cheeks. You aso gin the same bonus on bardic knowledge checks if you possess that clas Feature. The bonus increases t0 +2 at 44h Kvel, 0-3 at 7th level and to +4 at 10th level. Secret (Ba): You have picked up countless bits of forgotten laze from ancient tomes you have uncovered, the whispers of Inprisoned fiends you have becn set ro guard, and other even Ipors dangerous sources. Ad! your Intelligence modifir to your Olin Gisir lve. You can choose any one sceret for which that result equals or exceeds the number in the left column of Table 147. You can choose another secret in the Same manner at 4th, “th, and 10th level, though you may not select the sume secret ‘pers than one. Signs and Portents (8p): At nd level, you learn o ferret out ancien, hbden evils by reading mystic omens in the word aroused you: Thrse times por day, you can use angry, asthe spell (aster les! equals your character leet. ‘Word of Dispel (Sp): At Sth level, you guin additional power against the old perils you seek to destroy or subdue. You can ad disped chee, dispel sil, or dispel fan (your choice) to the Stirlevel arcane splls that you can east. If you cast spells as ‘wizard, you simply add the spell to your spellbook. If you cast spells a a sorcerer, you acquire it as a bonus spell known a that level. The sell you have chosen is now an arcane spell far you. Tawie I-72 O1iw Gistn Secn Level + iat Mod Secret Effect 1 Lor of tongues Learn 3 ne languages ay exeepe secret languages) 2 Seaetof heath +3 hit pants 3. Secret of inner strength 2 bonus on Will eves 4 Lone of tc stamina +? bons on Fortitude sves 5° Dungeon navigation Tap sense «2 (asthe rogue ability, page 1 ofthe ‘Player's Handbook) 6 Sight of the hidden 7 Ancient artifice “+4 bonus on Search checks Any item creation Feat as bonus feat ‘Any metamagie feat as 4 bonus feat “V2 saered bonus 9 AC and on saves against attacks made by «vil outsiders ‘Spell resistance 20 against ‘enchantment spells 8 Forgotten spelt lore 2 Pend warding Wor Focused mind higher Word of Might (Sp): At Sth level, you can use words of power against your enemies. You can add dictuoe, boty word, oF word af chacs (yous choice) wo the Tehlevel arcane spells that you can cast. If you cas spells asa wizard, you simply add the spell to your spellbook. IF you cast spells ab a sorerer, you acquire it as 4 bomis spell known at that level. The spell you have chosen is ow an arcane spell for you. PLAYING AN OLIN Gisik Yow are sient and somber most of the time-—afcr all che tasks one charged with arent trivia. You tend to Keep silent about what you kon, a much forthe sake of your companions? Stnity as forthe preservation of seer. If your Knomfedge can Jp your companions, though, you trey offer ab much they ree, provfed that ding so does not compromise a sort. You tep a detailed junoal of od porteat dd canes that you me while ravelng 50 that you can str ltr and investigate, Your initiation nto the ranks of the Olin Gia was alm seamless transition. After you had spent years seeking knowledge foritsom stk, you mee approeched hy an Olin Gis, who offered ya nicer in an ancciation dite toweling colle 2nd wing to poset ant serve the elf rae, Though you have 10 particular obligation toother members you ae abays wing toshare information with chm, ase them vith msions and offer the hospitality as needed Combat You are atebolar and vate, oc fighter co you prefer to rely on allies or mystically summoned creatures to deal ith intruders who are atempting co ele into the secrets yu ‘guard. Many of your Fellow Olin Gisiae who do not travel lem the att of creating goles shield guardian, and other loyal ‘constructs that can serve a warrior hile their masters stand aan cis deen fal destruction a te fos. Your knowlege of history and magic allows you to identify ‘ming, red inscriptions on ancient tombs, and acivite even the mos outlandish magical arifcta Remain avace of your surroundings-—-you may be ale 10 avoid peril, clude fs, or summon ak! by mtking good use of the secrets you find in ancien places. Divination spells lp you say alec al prepare for any dangsr that might beheading your wa, Spells sah a se iss ily detec thnghtaretne ight nd ree weg hp emltoe ys Cnn re Suing ec 7 raetbeae ee erst crcane pe, ering, a prying ope help yo lok farther afd. You can-ncret hare too many allies, wo dont ‘oredook the acon bor eiler soll said oa aj yeu ahaa that can boo your alle’ abilities, Heste give a big boost to your allies in Combats do beret snd rag’ Okerd les advantageous fr making hvixble ors visible to thon who fight on your de : ‘Advancement: As an apprentice scretheepr, you Iarn the Jove of iongorgorten places of power and bow to harden your ‘mind against ensorcelment by powerful demons and undead lords. Inadkition, you lero the abjuration spells nese to Asp sich igs bund und keeping. ’As jon jain etl in the Olin Gir cabs, you shoes ‘as many abjuration spells as possible. Spells such as magic circle and diomina are invaluable fr Keping creatures of darkness ANCIENT SECRETS T_T_ at bay, and other abjurations can help heep you alive if you are forced into combat. Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Pocus, and Greater Spell Focus are excellont fet choices, since the ereatures sou are likely to guard tend e0 have spell resistance and high Saving throw bonuses, Metamagic and item ereation feats are also usefl, since they can give your spells some extra punts in emerges. , Resources: As an Olin Gisir, you are part of a respected fel lovship of magical guardians and vagchers scattered throughout cf towns and citics. You cam expect a warm welcome in any ef ‘realm, and if you discover that you need immesiate and sgnifica Inelp toavert a major catastrophe (such asthe escape of a demon ‘or the rising ofa lich lord), your fellow elves will do everything i their power to asst you. Such assistance might come in the {form of skilled warriors to guard you, potions or scrolls to provide ‘you with magical ai, or even the loan of powerful magic items for your confrontation with the forces of evil Outside elf settlements the O However, a small number of human sages and scholars are aware of your order and inclined to id you if so requested n Gisic are not widely known. OLIN Gistar IN FaERON Clin Gisige can fll many roles in your eampaign. They make ‘excellent NPC advisors, sinee they ean provide information about dungeons the ECs might explore or artifacts they might retrieve ‘They ean alo fnetionas reinforcements for a group on a difficult mission or even as adversaries, should the party be unfortunate enough to wander into. protected arca. Few secret keepers sub- seribe to a philosophy’ of “Strike first and ask questions later” but even reasonable Olin Gisise can be drawn into conflict with PCs intene on medllng in the secrets they guard. Olin Gisize are loosely organized, usually coming together only if a traly terrible seret they have been protecting seems about to emerge. The typical secret keeper éhooses to guar 2 single ste ora group of nearby sites, such asa demons prison oF ‘tomb complex that serves asa lair fr several powerful undead creatures. A few, however, prefer to travel with adventuring groups seeking out places that even their fellows have forgotten. ‘These roving seerethecpers usually arrange some means either ‘magical or mundane, 0 regularly report their findings back to a fellow Olin Gisir, who can quickly send a team to investigate shuld the missives suddenly cease ‘Now and then, an old and very powerful Olin Gisir chooses tosacrific her mortal life and undergo the transformation into a baclnorn™!*—e powerful, good-aligned elf lich who eternally guards ste important to her peopl. Such fearsome guardians tually choose to stand vigil over the most dangerous of sites, suc as che ruins of Myth Drannor. NPC Reactions ‘Most elves understand the mission of the Olin Gisie and sup- port it wholehsartedly. Thus, an Olin Gisir can expecta friendly fF helpfil welcome in almost any elven community. Among, nom

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