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1. Understanding Of Prayer (Shalat)

Shalat (prayer) according to language means prayer (do’a), while
according to the term is a form of worship consisting of seeds and
speech which begins with takbiratul ihram and ends with salam. Indeed,
in every prayer movement there must be a prayer (do’a).

The commandments of prayer:

‫َو اَّلِذ ْيَن ُهْم َع َلى َص َلَو اِتِهْم ُيَح اِفُظْو َن‬

means: “believer are the people who keep their prayer” (Q.S. al-
mu’minun: 9)

‫َو َأِقْيُم وا الَّص اَل َة َو آُتوا الَّز َك اَة َو اْر َك ُعْو ا َم َع الَّر ِكِع ْيَن‬

Means: “and establish prayer and pay zakat, and ruku’ with those who
bow (ruku’) “(Q.S. Albaqarah: 43)

2. Procedure for praying five times:

1. Reading intention
2. Takbirratul ihram
3. Reading iftitah
4. Reading Al-Fatihah, and reading short surah
5. Ruku’
6. I’tidal
7. Sujud
8. Sitting between two prostrations
9. The second prostration (sujud)
10. Tasyahud (the last tahyat)
11. Reading the final tasyahud and doa
12. salam

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