Bahasa Inggris S1

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NIM : 19103254



SAGITA : "Hi Leo"

LEO : "Hi, Ta"

SAGITA : "How are you lately, how healthy is your family?"

LEO : "Fine, the family is in good health, if you are how are you, a healthy family

SAGITA : "Very well, the family is in good health, how come you have been busy lately?"

LEO : "There is nothing to be busy with, lately my only work is sleeping, watching TV,
playing games, and helping parents at home"

SAGITA : "During this Covid 19 Pendemi what things have changed or what activities
have you planned but delayed because of this pendemi?"

LEO : "During this Pendemi, which is usually after we go home from college, we can
get together with friends, go out every week, do assignments together there is still much more
that we can do with friends. But since this Corona appeared, the planning that we have planned
has been canceled all, meeting even friends is rarely even never met even though, because you
have to stay at home during the epidemic and activities while at home were just lying down,
doing tasks that are increasingly piling up , playing games and helping parents like that every
day. "

SAGITA : "Yes, maybe that's all we can do during a pandemic, staying at home, doing any
activities at home, so that we don't know what kind of symptoms we don't know. Stay patient and
stay grateful we are still being given health during this pandemic."

LEO : "Yes, Ta, thank you. You also have to do health too! , Keep the spirit alive !

SAGITA : "Of course"

LEO : "Great"

SAGITA : "What are your hopes for the future?"

LEO : "My hope is that this pandemic will end soon. and we can do activities outside
the home again "

SAGITA : "Yes, we just pray that this pandemic will end soon"

LEO : "Amen!"

SAGITA : "Amen, we must keep our spirits up and stay healthy, ok! "

LEO : "Of course"

SAGITA : "Thank you, accompany me to chat, Good bye"

LEO : "You're welcome, Bye".


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