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WEEK : 2 Day: Thursday Date: 21/3/2024Class: 1 Barathiyar

Year : Time : 8.30-9.30 Duration : 1 hour

Theme : World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic : Phonic i, m, n, d
Focus skill (L / S / R / : Listening
W / LA )
Content standard Main
: 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
3.1 Recognise words in a linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge of sounds
of letters
Learning standard Main : 1.1.1
Complementary : 3.1.1

Learning objective (s) : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
1. listen, read and write at least 6 words correctly.
2. blend at least 3 phonemes correctly with support.

Language / Grammar :
Cross curricular : Language
Thinking Process : Describing
21st Century Learning Strategies
Teaching Aids Classroom-Based 21st CL Activities
textbook Assessment Think-Pair-Share
songs/audio clips Written work 21st CL Method
Thinking Skills Pupil-centred
a)Pre Lesson

Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures. Recap on sound groups (s,a,t,p) and
Teaching and Learning (i,m,n,d).
b)Lesson Delivery

1.Pupils listen to the sounds g,o,c,k and watch the gestures shown by the teacher.

2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using a suitable blending technique.
3. Pupils listen to the teacher’s sounds and gestures.
4. Flashcards are pasted around the class. Pupils walk around the class and write the words based
on pictures .

c) Post Lesson

Pupils are introduced to boardgames. They play the g,o,c,k boardgame in their groups.

Teacher’s reflection :

_____ / _____ pupils able to achieve learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s).

_____ / _____ pupils able to achieve learning objectives with guidance and given reinforcement exercise (s).

_____ / _____ pupils not able to achieve learning objectives and given remedial exercise(s).

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