Mid Term 2022 V1

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Hanoi University of Science and Technology MID-TERM EXAM


Department of Applied Linguistics and British-
Time allowance: 45 minutes
American Studies

Module code: Exam date: Question approval:

FL3221 14/12/2022


I. Choose the correct answer. (2 pts)

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Prescriptive Grammar (PG)?
A. PG came from Latin Grammars in the 18th and 19th centuries.
B. English learners cannot find PG rules in English grammar textbooks.
C. PG describes the rules that govern what people do or say.
D. PG makes use of transformations to relate structures.
2. Which of the following are the immediate constituents of M?

A. D, E, F, H, I, J
B. N, D, E, F
C. O, H, I, J
D. N, O
3. Which of the following is TRUE about the subject in a sentence?
A. It contains and is centered on a verb.
B. It can be any kinds of phrases.
C. It cannot be replaced by a pronoun.
D. It can contain and is centered on a single noun/pronoun.
4. Which of the following groups of adjectives ONLY contain non-gradable adjectives?
A. exciting, surprised, third
B. unique, perfect, potential
C. supreme, fatal, dead
D. right, final, bright
5. Which of the following is NOT a feature of a constituent?
A. It can be arranged in a certain way.
B. It has a specifiable function.
C. It belongs to a specific category.
D. It is a unit of English words.
6. What is the sub-category of the following verbs: deteriorate, emerge, vibrate, immigrate?
A. intransitive verbs
B. complex transitive verbs
C. ditransitive verbs
D. intensive verbs
7. What is the function of the phrase very reluctantly in the sentence “He opened his mail very reluctantly that
A. adjunct adverbial
B. sentence adverbial
C. object predicative
D. subject predicative
8. Complete the following sentence: “In a sequence of verbs, ...”
A. the form of a verb is always determined by the noun that precedes it.
B. it is always the very first verb that displays the tense.
C. lexical verbs always precede the auxiliary verbs.
D. any verbs in the sequence can carry tense.
9. Complete the following sentence: “The by-phrase in a passive sentence modifies…”
A. the lexical verb phrase
B. the passive be
C. the first verb in the sequence
D. the whole sentence
10. Which of these following depicts the structure of a noun phrase that contains a Pre-determiner?
A. NP => Pre-Det + N
B. NP => Pre-Det + NP
C. NP => Pre-Det + Det
D. NP => Pre-Det + Det + NP

II. Identify the sub-category of verbs and functions of major elements in the following sentences. (2 pts)
1. That spot makes a perfect picnic place in the summer.
2. In my opinion, the old man grew increasingly intolerant.
3. It rained for three hours on the Continent last night.
4. My father never believed in ghosts.

III. Draw phrase markers for the following sentences. (3 pts)

1. That valuable painting vanished in the thin air yesterday.
2. Of course, I am pleased with your academic progress.
3. Does this church bring back anything about your glorious childhood?

IV. The following sentence is structurally ambiguous, leading to two possible semantic interpretations.
What are they? Draw phrase markers that correspond to the meanings. Indicate functions of the
constituents and use triangles for noun phrases and preposition phrases. (2 pts)
She entered the room with two bodyguards.

V. This sentence is ungrammatical. Explain why. (1 pts)

She promised to see Jo at 2 pm but she stood up him.

--- End of test ---

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