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Quarter 4 – Module 1:

Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea development:
Activity 1: Guess What
Directions: Complete the sentences below with the best transition signals. Circle the letter of the correct
1. I lost my keys. __________, I later found them under the table.
A. In fact B. For example C.However D. In short

2. I didn’t have time to eat breakfast. __________, I’m really hungry now.
A. Additionally B.To illustrate C. As a result D. Meanwhile

3. Tamaraw is one of the endangered species in the Philippines. The ____to this problem is to
educate the natives about the conservation of the animal.
A. that is B. no doubt addition D. proposed solution

4. The storm was severe. __________, many homes were destroyed.

A. In contrast B. Indeed C. Next D. Likewise

5. Our teacher is present __________, she’s sick.

A. even though B.likewise C. Finally D. as a result

Activity 2: Match me
This activity will give you an opportunity to review your past lesson in using grammatical signals.
Directions: Study the paragraph below. Underline the general and specific expressions.

Activity 3: Fill in the gap

Directions: Read each item carefully and fill in the blanks by choosing the appropriate grammatical
signal provided inside the box.

for this reason however because as a result otherwise so that

1. Summer in the Philippines can be very hot . ___________, many people experience heat stroke.
2. Mrs. Cruz can be grumpy sometimes; _____________, we should help her whenever we can.
3. The student submitted his essay late. ___________, he failed.
4. Juan wakes up early _____________ his class starts at seven o’clock in the morning.
5. Essays must be handed in by due date ____________ they will not be accepted.

Activity 5: Complete me
Directions: Complete the sentences about you using the given grammatical signals.

1. I usually study hard for quarterly exam. As a result,...

2. I always try to be kind. Nevertheless, ...
3. I like to study Filipino. However, ...
4. Sometimes I skip breakfast. Therefore, ...
5. I can speak English. In fact,..
Directions: Read the following questions and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1.Which of the following is NOT a grammatical signal on emphasis?
Certainly Indeed So that In fact

2.Why do we use transition signals or expressions?

A.To improve the flow of information B.To confuse the learners in reading
C.To limit connections between texts D.To present data or information

3.What is the importance of grammatical signals on cause-effect?

A.It is used when the idea of the sentence or the paragraph signifies argument.
B.It is used to describe how an action or event is caused by another event or action.
C.It is used to present and explain a problem.
D.It is used to show that something is important and therefore, should be noted.

4.Which word/s in the sentence below is/are an example of grammatical signal?

Because of the rain I stayed at home.
1 2 3 4
A.1 B.2 C.3 D. 4

5.Which of the following uses transition signal on cause and effect correctly?
A. Better varieties of rice and corn are produced. As a result, many scientific studies and experiments
are being carried out.
B. Farmers are producing more food with modern equipment, meanwhile scientists have also exploited
new sources of food production.
C.Techniques and skills need to be supported by market demand to take root, otherwise the concern is
that they may fall by the wayside.
D.Next, she had the students and other teachers collect banana leaves and stalks on their way to classes.

6.The underlined word is a grammatical signal on __________.

“You can come with us if you are ready; otherwise you will have to ride the bus.”
A.Cause-effect B.Claim-counterclaim C.Problem-solution D.Emphasis

7.Why do we use grammatical signals on problem-solution?

A.We use these words when the idea of the sentence or the paragraph signifies argument.
B.We use these words to describe how an action or event is caused by another event or action.
C.We use these words to present and explain a problem.
D.We use these words to show that something is important and therefore, should be noted.
8.Which sentence is correct about grammatical signal on emphasis?
A.These are words used when the idea of the sentence or the paragraph signifies argument.
B.These are words used to describe how an action or event is caused by another event or action.
C.These are words used to present and explain a problem.
D.These are words used to show that something is important and therefore, should be noted.

9. Read the sentences below and answer the question that follows.
“Many students have difficulty in answering their modules. To address this, parents are asked to assist
their children in accomplishing the activities.”
What does the underlined transition signal express?
A.Cause-effect B.Claim-counterclaim C.Problem-solution D.Emphasis

10.What expression should be used to complete the sentence below?

“Next, she decided that papermaking can help them. __________ , she realized the children can be self-
reliant individuals.”
A.Due to B.One answer is C.To address this D.Moreover

Additional Activities
A. Discussion Questions
Directions: Reflect and answer each of the following questions.

1. What are grammatical signals or transition signals?

2. Give the importance of using transition signals in writing your composition.
3. How do we use grammatical signals on?

a. claim and counterclaim

b. cause and effect
c. problem-solution
d. emphasis

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