2023BMDCT25 - R H - SC - 06.04.2022 - Set B

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Abhang Prabhu 2022 2020-21-22


Topic – Reproductive Health (Set B)
Name of Student: ___________________ Roll No. ________ Marks _____ / 10 Batch _____

1. Contraceptive pills are to be taken 7. Oral contraceptives are usually

usually for combination of
1) 7 days starting from first five days 1) FSH, LH
of menstruation 2) Oestrogen – progesterone
2) 21 days starting from first five days 3) FSH, progesterone
of follicular phase 4) FSH, oestrogen, progesterone
3) 7 days starting from ovulation
4) 21 days starting from first five days 8. What is false about Lactational amenorrhoea ?
of menstruation 1) Menstruation does not occur
2. Contraceptive pills do not 2) Highly effective and successful
1) inhibit ovulation method to prevent pregnancy
without medicine
2) inhibit implantation
3) No ovulation
3) inhibit menstruation
4) Effective only upto six months after
4) alter quality of cervical mucus
3. Ectopic pregnancies, PID are probable
complications of 9. Which of the following is not a part of
1) Contraceptive pills 2) IUDS barrier method of contraception
3) STIs 4) MTP i) Cu – T ii) Vault
iii) Condom iv) Cervical cap
4. Which of the following is not STI ?
v) Foams vi) Progestasert
(i) Chlamydiasis (ii) Trichomoniasis
(iii) Hepatitis A 1) i, v, vi 2) v, vi
1) (i), (ii) 2) (ii), (iii) 3) iii, iv, vi 4) i, ii, v, vi
3) (iii) 4) (i), (ii), (iii)
5. In GIFT as assisted reproductive technology 10. Match the columns:
1) fertilization is in vitro i) LNG 20 a) Barrier method
2) sperms are injected into cytoplasm ii) Multiload 375 b) Hormone releasing
of ovum IUD
3) zygote is introduced into fallopian tube iii) Lippes loop c) Non medicated IUD
4) fertilization is in-vivo iv) Vaults d) Copper releasing IUD
6. __________ was developed by scientists
at Central Drug Research Institute 1) b, d, c, a 2) d, b, c, a
(CDRI) in Lucknow. 3) b, d, a, c 4) a, c, b, d
1) Nirodh 2) LNG 20
3) Saheli 4) Progestasert

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