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Seamless Simulations of Earthquake Disasters and Economy at

1:1 scale Utilizing Big-data

Amit Gill∗ Maddegedara Lalith Hideyuki O-tani Tsuyoshi Ichimura RIKEN Center for Computational
Dept. of Civil Engineering Kohei Fujita Science
The University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan The University of Tokyo
Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan

Muneo Hori Yoshiki Ogawa Filippo Gatti

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Center for Spatial information Science Université Paris Saclay
Science and Technology The University of Tokyo CNRS, CentraleSupélec
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Meguro, Tokyo, Japan France

ABSTRACT ACM Reference Format:

We present a novel approach for utilizing big data to estimate eco- Amit Gill, Maddegedara Lalith, Tsuyoshi Ichimura, Kohei Fujita, Hideyuki
O-tani, Muneo Hori, Yoshiki Ogawa, and Filippo Gatti. 2021. Seamless
nomic impacts of disasters by performing end-to-end simulations
Simulations of Earthquake Disasters and Economy at 1:1 scale Utilizing
of disasters and economy at 1:1 scale. In order to realize such fine- Big-data. In IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence
grained economic simulations, we developed a high-performance (WI-IAT ’21 Companion), December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia.
computing extension for Agent Based Economic Models (ABEMs) ACM, New York, NY, USA, 8 pages.
and seamlessly integrated it with a physics-based earthquake dis-
aster simulator. Due to the lack of availability of the data of each
individual economic entity, we generated data for 127 million agents 1 INTRODUCTION
by disaggregating the macroeconomic data available from several Big-data analytics has revolutionized decision making in various
Japanese government agencies. Using the generated large data set, fields, ranging from health care, marketing, corporate, governance,
the ABEM is validated for the Japanese economy by reproducing etc., by utilizing the fine scale data. Data backed high-resolution
past observations. As a demonstrative application of the developed simulations of complex systems provide powerful insights into their
system, we estimate the economic impacts of a disaster in Hanshin functioning. One such complex system which can benefit from high-
industrial region caused by a potential Nankai-trough mega-thrust resolution simulations is the national economy, especially after a
earthquake, and the disaster hit economy is compared with normal disaster, in order to analyze the economic impacts and conceive
state of the economy up to a period of 3 years. optimal recovery plans.
In recent past, an increase in the frequency of severe disasters has
CCS CONCEPTS been observed worldwide. Consequently, the losses due to disasters
· Applied computing → Law, social and behavioral sciences; have grown manifold. Although significant progress has been made
· Law, social and behavioral sciences → Economics. towards saving human lives from a disaster, a substantial progress
is yet to be made to safeguard the economy. Most of the economic
KEYWORDS impacts of a disaster are indirect and they often receive less atten-
tion because of the lack of understanding of the complex interplay
agent-based economic simulations, microeconomic data, earth- among the individual economic entities, dependence on infrastruc-
quake impacts, post-disaster economy tures, etc. Standard post-disaster economic analysis methods are
too coarse-grained to examine these complex interactions. In order
to understand this complex system, we need to simulate it as a
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed collection of interacting individual economic entities considering
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation their dependence on each other and infrastructural components.
on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM Realizing the need for a fine-grained simulator of economy and
must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish,
to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a infrastructure, we developed a High-Performance Computing (HPC)
fee. Request permissions from enhanced Agent-Based Economic Model (ABEM)[2] to simulate na-
WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia tional economies at 1:1 scale and integrated it with relevant physics-
© 2021 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-9187-0/21/12. . . $15.00 based simulators to include the damage states of infrastructure components. While the developed HPC-enhanced framework can

WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia Gill and Lalith, et al.

accommodate any common ABEM, we use the ABEM developed

by Poledna et al. [5] as base ABEM. The ABEM consists of almost
all the major economic entities (e.g., millions of firms divided into
several industries, foreign firms, government, central bank, each
individual investor, worker, inactive household, bank, etc.) and all
the model parameters including the initial agent settings can be set
from real-world economic data.
We present verification and validation of the developed system,
as well as a demonstrative application targeting the simulation of
the Japanese economy in the aftermath of a disaster in Hanshin
industrial region, due to a potential Nankai-trough earthquake.
First, we calibrate the system to the Japanese economy. Ideally, the
parameters of the agents must be set according to the data of their Figure 1: Schematic diagram of a typical ABEM
real-world counterpart. Because of the lack of data at this scale, we
generate the model parameters and economic data for the economic
entities from the macro-economic data of Japan. Specifically, we use
Input-Output table (IO-table), System of National Accounts (SNA), and inactive households, banks, central government, and central
sector-wise employment data, business census data, demographic bank. These heterogeneous agents interact mimicking various real-
data, family income and expenditure survey data, gross domestic world economic activities such as buying and selling (i.e., goods
product data, etc., which are available at various official websites market). Every interaction between two agents results in relevant
of the Japanese government. Data disaggregation procedures for decision-making and economic transactions. The firms buy capital
the industrial and government agents are presented in detail. goods and intermediate input goods from firms of other industries.
The generated model of the Japanese economy consists of 127 The workers supply labor to firms and receive wages in return.
million agents comprising 1.8 million firms divided into 104 sectors, Using the purchased goods and hired labor, a firm produces capital
and 122 million households. Using the generated large data set, we goods and/or consumption goods. Foreign sellers import goods from
validate our system for a normal state of the Japanese economy. other economies, while the foreign buyers export products to other
In order to simulate an earthquake disaster, the ABEM has been economies. Investors represent firm owners and receive dividends
integrated with Geographic Information System (GIS) to obtain ge- as their income. The inactive households represent non-working
ometrical information of infrastructure, an Integrated Earthquake population who receive social benefits from the government. Firms
Simulator (IES)[3] for performing strong ground motion and seis- and households keep their deposits with the banks and request
mic performance evaluation of infrastructure, and performance for loans when required. The government buys various goods and
assessment calculation tool (PACT)[1] to evaluate repair cost due services, provides social benefits, and collects taxes to cover its ex-
to the seismic damages. Some of these tools have been modified penses. The government takes loan from the central bank to cover
and improved to speed-up the analysis. The seismic performance any financial gaps. Central bank controls the monetary policy and
of 1.8 million buildings of the Osaka bay area due to a potential determines the policy rate. The markets evolve over time depending
Nankai-trough mega-thrust earthquake - as proposed by the Cabi- on the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the participating agents.
net office of Japan - has been analyzed and the resulting economic
impacts have been estimated. Under a simple recover plan, the 2.2 Scalable HPC-implementation
model outputs show that the firms and households need one year While the execution of 1:1 scale models of large economies, consist-
to recover their damaged capital. It is observed that the increased ing of hundreds of millions of agents, is computationally demanding,
economic activities will continue in the long-run after the disaster. the dozens of variables associated to each agent demands a large
The rest of article has been organized as follows. Section 2 pro- memory. As an example, the input data for the Japanese economy
vides an overview of the ABEM and its HPC-implementation. The with 127 million agents is about 18 GB, classifying it a big data
model parameter generation process has been explained in section problem.
3. Section 4 presents the model verification and validation. Section In order to address the high computational and memory demand,
5 demonstrates an application of the integrated system for seam- we implemented a distributed memory parallel HPC-enhanced
less simulations of an earthquake disaster and economy. Section 6 code [2] using C++ and MPI (Message Passing Interface). The ma-
concludes. jor challenge in developing a scalable HPC-enhanced code is the
complicated interactions of the agents on centralized graphs like
2 HPC-ENHANCED AGENT-BASED the credit network, and scale free randomly growing graphs like
ECONOMIC MODEL labor market and goods market. By partitioning the agents based
on a representative graph of the labor market and adopting various
2.1 Overview of the ABEM strategies to minimize the number of MPI communications, we im-
In a 1:1 scale ABEM, each real-world economic entity is modeled plemented a scalable HPC-enhanced code. Further, we eliminated
as an autonomous agent whose actions are defined based on behav- performance bottlenecks caused by memory intensive operations,
ioral economics. Figure 1 presents a schematic diagram of a typical which access large volume of data, by implementing cache friendly
ABEM consisting of various types of agents: firms, investors, active data structures and algorithms. Our scalability test simulations with

Seamless Simulations of Earthquake Disasters and Economy at 1:1 scale Utilizing Big-data WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia

331 million agents produced 70% strong scalability on 128 CPUs of organizations (governmental and policy think-tanks) are the main
Oakbridge-CX1 . Further, the execution of a single period required data sources for this study.
only 110 seconds. These results show that our code is not only
• the Cabinet Office
scalable, but also requires relatively low computational resources,
making it possible to conduct Monte-Carlo simulations of large
• portal site of official statistics of Japan (e-Stat)
economies using 1:1 scale models; Monte-Carlo simulations are
required to address the uncertainties involved.
• the Bank of Japan.
JAPANESE ECONOMY All these data sources2 were extensively searched to obtain a
consistent set of data from which all the required input parame-
In our HPC-enhanced code, we adopted the ABEM developed by
ters for the model can be extracted. With careful analysis of the
Poledna et al. [5] as the base ABEM. This base ABEM is applicable to
data from the above sources, we could find quite consistent sets of
economies of all sizes ranging from prefecture economy to national
data, from which the required input parameters could be estimated.
economy to large economic zones. However, the potential of the
Out of the above, the main source of data is e-Stat. The following
model cannot be realized to make reasonably accurate forecasts for
sections describe the input parameters identification process for
a given economy unless the model parameters and agents’ data are
industries, individual firms, individual households, banks, central
derived from the real data. The model requires two types of data:
government, and the central bank.
parameters which are shared by all the agents of a particular class,
and agent specific data which is unique for each agent. This section
briefly describes how to identify the necessary model parameters by 3.3 Industrial Parameters
analyzing various sources like government statistics, central bank The required parameters for industries consists of two main sets:
reports, etc. Since the main objective of this research is to simulate sector parameters which are common for all the firms of an industry,
the Japanese economy in the aftermath of earthquake disasters, and the parameters of each individual firm. Sector parameters define
this section mainly focuses on identifying model parameters for the inter-dependencies between the industries in terms of input
the Japanese economy. However, most of data extraction methods goods and capital goods consumed. In addition, the consumption
discussed here may be applicable to other economies with a little behavior of households, government, exporters, and importers is
or no modifications depending on the nature of the available data. also captured by sector parameters. The Input-Output table from
e-Stat is the main data source for the sector parameters.
3.1 Required Parameters
3.3.1 Sector Parameters. For deriving sector parameters, 2015 Input-
Before diving into the data generation process, it is important to Output Table (IO-table) [4] at producers’ price for Japan3 is used.
identify the required parameters. A detailed list of required input The IO-table for Japan is complied every 5 years. Usually, there
parameters is available in [5]. Because of the limited space, the list are two main compilations: IO-table at producer’s price and IO-
is not reproduced here. table at purchaser’s price. The main difference between the two
is the accounting of commercial margins and domestic freights.
3.2 Data Sources For the IO-table at purchasers’ price, a transaction recorded in a
The implemented base ABEM [5] is a micro-founded model. There- sector includes the price of goods or services and the associated
fore, ideally, the parameters of each agent should be set according commercial margins and domestic freights, while for the IO-table
to the balance sheet of its real-world counterpart. However, data at at producers’ price, commercial margins and domestic freights are
such a fine scale is hardly available or too expensive to buy even if recorded in the commerce sector and transport sector respectively;
available. Although all the public companies publish their balance only the value of goods or services is recorded in their respective
sheets quarterly, from which their financial data can be obtained, sectors. Since the amount of commercial margins and domestic
no information is available regarding their production decisions. freights varies for different goods and in many cases, even for same
Some companies, like Teikoku Data Bank and Bureau van Dijk, goods and services depending on transaction patterns, input co-
provide the complete data of individual firm including production efficients obtained from the IO-table at purchasers’ price are not
quantities and supply-chain networks. Such data can be valuable stable. On the contrary, input coefficients obtained from IO-table at
in mimicking each company’s production and price decision. How- producers’ price are stable. Therefore, IO-table at producers’ price
ever, often, such data is too expensive for academic researchers is often recommended for the analysis of IO-table. Hence, IO-table
to afford. The same problem exists with the households’ data and at producers’ price is used in this study. Table 1 shows a represen-
banks’ data. tative IO-table at producers’ price for Japan. The model parameters
In the absence of the data of individual economic entity, the generated from the IO-table are also shown in the table.
macroeconomic data published by the Japanese government was
found to be a reliable source from which a consistent set of the
required parameters could be generated. The following Japanese 2 The web addresses given in the list were accessed on 15t h September, 2021.
3 https://
1 000031839447&tclass1val=0, accessed on 31t h May 2021

WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia Gill and Lalith, et al.

Table 1: Overview of IO-table at producers’ price

(Less) Imports

Domestic Production
Supply sector (seller) Intermediate demand Final demand

Consumption expenditure

Consumption expenditure

Consumption expenditure
of general government

of general government

fixed capital formation

fixed capital formation

Private consumption

(Social Fixed capital)

outside households

Increase in stocks
Gross domestic

Gross domestic

(private sector)
(public sector)






Demand sector (buyer)

Sector-1 𝑚 11 𝑚 21 ··· 𝑚𝑛1 𝐴1 ℎ 11 ℎ 12 𝑔1 𝑐 11 𝑐 12 𝑐 13 𝑠1 𝑒1 𝑑1 𝑖1 𝑦1


··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ··· ···

Sector-n 𝑚 1𝑛 𝑚 2𝑛 ··· 𝑚𝑛𝑛 𝐴𝑛 1

ℎ𝑛 2
ℎ𝑛 𝑔𝑛 1
𝑐𝑛 2
𝑐𝑛 3
𝑐𝑛 𝑠𝑛 𝑒𝑛 𝑑𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝑦𝑛

Total 𝑀1 𝑀2 ··· 𝑀𝑛 𝐴 𝐻1 𝐻2 𝐺 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝐶3 𝑆 𝐸 𝐷 𝐼 𝑌
Consumption expenditure
outside households
𝑤11 𝑤21 ··· 𝑤𝑛1 𝑊1

Consumption of employees 𝑤12 𝑤22 ··· 𝑤𝑛2 𝑊2

Gross value added

Operating surplus 𝜋1 𝜋2 ··· 𝜋𝑛 Π

Consumption of fixed capital 𝑘 11 𝑘 21 ··· 𝑘𝑛1 𝐾1

Consumption of fixed capital
(Social fixed capital)
𝑘 12 𝑘 22 ··· 𝑘𝑛2 𝐾2
Indirect taxes (except custom
duties and commodity taxes 𝑡 1𝑌 𝑡 2𝑌 ··· 𝑡𝑛𝑌 𝑇𝑌
on imported goods)
(less) Current subsidies 𝑡 1𝑃 𝑡 2𝑃 ··· 𝑡𝑛𝑃 𝑇𝑃

Total of Gross value added 𝐺𝑉 𝐴1 𝐺𝑉 𝐴2 ··· 𝐺𝑉 𝐴𝑛 𝐺𝑉 𝐴

Total Domestic Production 𝑦1 𝑦2 ··· 𝑦𝑛 Y

In addition to the IO-table, two other data sets: System of Na- much within one year, we assumed the firm size distribution in
tional Accounts (SNA)4 and Sector-wise Employment data5 , are 2015 to be the same as that in 2016. The industrial classification
also used. Total capital, bank deposits, and bank loans of the firms used in the enterprise census data for 2016 is different from that in
of each industry are obtained from SNA. The number of workers the 2015 IO-table. According to the definition of each sector in both
in each industry are obtained from Sector-wise Employment Data the data sets, the firms and workers distribution for the sectors of
which is available at e-Stat. 2015 IO-table [4] at producers’ price 2015 IO-table were derived by merging or splitting relevant sectors
for Japan is our base data, and all other data sets are normalized to of the 2016 enterprise census data. The sectors were split based on
the IO-table data. the ratio of workers in the constituent sectors.
3.3.2 Parameters of Individual Firms. Ideally, the parameters of
firm agents must be set according to the characteristics of the 3.4 Government’s Data
corresponding real world counterpart. Due to the unavailability of The parameters required by the government agent are consumption
each individual firm’s data, we generated firm agents’ parameters budget, various taxes and subsidies rates, subsides and unemploy-
by disaggregating the data obtained from above mentioned sources. ment benefits paid to households, and tax rate set by the central
Since the quantity produced by a firm is directly proportional to the bank. The data generation process can be summarized as follows.
number of workers employed by it, the size distribution of firms (1) The government allocates its budget to spend in various
can be obtained from the workers distribution among firms. e-Stat sectors through its agencies. The number of agencies is not
provides the firm size distribution for Japan for 20166 . explicitly available from the data. Therefore, this number
The latest available IO-table for Japan is for the year 2015. There- is assumed to be 25% of the number of total firms in the
fore, the base year of the data set for the current study is set to 2015. economy.
However, firm size distribution for 2015 is not available, and the (2) The government’s consumption budget is considered to be
closest available is that for 2016. Since the firm sizes do not change an exogenous parameter and set according to the SNA data.
and https://www.esri.cao.go. (3) Indirect-taxes and subsidies for industries are obtained from
jp/en/sna/sddsplus/sddsplus_top.html, accessed on 31s t May 2021 the IO-table. Consumption tax rate and social benefits re-
ceived by the households are obtained from the household
accessed on 31s t May 2021 income, expenditure and saving data7 and the IO-table data.
7, accessed on 15t h
accessed on 31s t May, 2021 September 2021

Seamless Simulations of Earthquake Disasters and Economy at 1:1 scale Utilizing Big-data WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia

The missing rates for taxes like export tax, corporate tax, etc.

Nominal HHs Consumption(in billion Euro)

are assumed to be zero. 38.5
(4) The government debt (LG ) is obtained from the SNA data8 .
The interest rate on loan (r G ) is assumed 0 because of the 38.0

lack of data.
The required parameters for the remaining agents: households,
foreign firms, and central bank, are also obtained from the afore- 37.0
mentioned sources. The data generation process for these agents is Original ABEM
not presented here due to limited space. 36.5 HPC-enhanced ABEM


8 10 12

(a) Nominal Consumption by Households
Verification and validation are essential steps in scientific methods 72.0
to ensure that a numerical implementation is devoid of errors, and
the underlying mathematical model is capable of reproducing the

Nominal GVA (in billion Euro)

phenomena being modeled, respectively.

4.1 Verification 69.0

For the verification of our HPC-enhanced implementation, we com-
pared the results obtained from our implementation with the results 68.0

provided by Dr. Poledna from his MATLAB implementation of the Original ABEM
67.0 HPC-enhanced ABEM
same ABEM [5]. Followings are the problem settings used for the
verification test. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
(1) The model parameters and initial data of agents are taken Period

from Poledna et al. [5]. There are 9.92 million agents compris- (b) Nominal Gross Value Added
ing 0.61 million firms divided into 62 industries, 4.11 million
workers, and 4.13 million inactive households. Figure 2: Comparison of outputs of the HPC-enhanced
(2) Simulation is conducted for 13 periods and each simulation ABEM with that of original ABEM [5]
period represents one financial quarter.
(3) Only one simulation is conducted without randomness in-
troducing variables like the error part in AR(1) process. (2) One simulation period represents one financial quarter.
Figure 2 presents a comparison of two macroeconomic variables. (3) Simulation is conducted for 22 periods starting from Q1 2015
As seen, the results from our HPC implementation are in a close to Q2 2020, and the results are compared with the observed
agreement with those from Dr. Poledna’s, verifying that our imple- data from the SNA data.
mentation is error free. (4) Neither external inputs or instructions are given to the model
during the simulations.
4.2 Validation (5) AR(1) process is used for making economy-wide forecasts
Though Dr. Poledna has already validated his ABEM for Austrian of growth and inflation rates which are used by the firm
economy [5], it is essential to re-validate it for the Japanese economy agents and others to make their production and consumption
to ensure that the ABEM with any modification we introduced and decisions. In order to estimate the AR(1) models, economy-
with the input parameters for the Japanese economy we prepared wide production and GDP-deflator data from Q1 2011 to Q4
can reproduce the Japanese economy to a sufficient accuracy. We 2014, obtained from the SNA, are used.
validate our HPC-enhanced ABEM for the Japanese economy by (6) As mentioned in section 3.3.2, the sizes of all the firms in a
comparing the model outputs with the observed economic data as sector are not available in any of our data sources, and we
described below. randomly generated the firms’ sizes. In order to take this
uncertainty of firm size distributions and other uncertanities
4.2.1 Problem Settings. The problem for the validation is set as such as the decision of agents, Monte Carlo simulations are
follows. conducted with 1000 random samples of firm size distribu-
(1) The model parameters and initial parameters of the agents tions. Further, the error term in the AR(1) processes used
are generated according to the process mentioned in the for forecasting growth and inflation rates also introduces
last section and using Japanese economy data of Q1 2015. randomness in the simulations making the firms of same
Table 2 shows the number of different types of agents in the size in different simulations to take different decision.
generated model. (7) The simulations are conducted using 64 MPI ranks with 1
OpenMP thread each in the Oakbridge-CX super computer
8, accessed on 2nd June of the University of Tokyo.

WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia Gill and Lalith, et al.

Table 2: Number of various agents in the ABEM for the 90.0 Observed

Real HHs Consumption(in trillion Yen)

Japanese economy. 87.5 Simulated

Agent Type Number of Agents 82.5
Industrial Sectors 104 80.0
Domestic Firms 1.84 million
Foreign Buyers Firms 920,000
Foreign Sellers Firms 104
Investors 1.84 million 72.5

Workers 60 Million 70.0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Inactive Households 62 million Period
Bank 1
(a) Real Consumption by Households
Government Agencies 460,000 170.0
Central Bank 1 Observed
Total 127 million Simulated

Nominal GDP(in trillion Yen)


4.2.2 Comparison of Model Outputs and Observed Data. Out of sev-
eral economic indicators available from the model, a comparison of
two macro-economic indicators is presented: real households’ con-
sumption and nominal GDP (see Figure 3). The dark and light gray
regions represent ±1σ and ±2σ uncertainty margins, respectively.
As displayed in Figure 3, the simulation results are in a good
agreement with the observed data, except for the last two periods, 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
correspond to the COVID-19 pandemic, which the model agents
are not aware of it. Observed time series lie within the ±1σ margin, (b) Nominal Gross Domestic Product
validating that the model can reproduce Japanese economy with a
reasonable accuracy. Figure 3: Comparison of model outputs and observed data
for real consumption by households and nominal GDP
In this section, we estimate the economic impacts of an earthquake Kobe city
disaster, under a simple hypothetical recovery scenario, as a demon-
strative application of the integrated system. We integrated the
developed HPC-enhanced ABEM with an Integrated Earthquake
Simulator (IES)[3] and Performance Assessment Calculation Tool
(PACT)[1] to perform end-to-end simulations of earthquake disas-
ters and economy.
Osaka city

5.1 Disaster and Impacted Region


According to The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and


Tourism of Japan, there is 70%-80% probability of occurrence of a Repair cost (JPY/m2 )


Nankai-trough earthquake of magnitude M8-M9 within 30 years. 10000 40000 60000 80000 100000
For this study, we choose the Nankai-trough earthquake scenario,
as proposed by the Cabinet Office of Japan, since it is anticipated
to impact economically important regions of western Japan. We
assumed that the earthquake will occur in the economically impor-
tant Hanshin industrial region. In order to estimate the economic Figure 4: 1.8 million buildings of the simulated region and
impacts, 1,786,845 buildings of Osaka city, Kobe city, Awaji island, their repair cost per unit floor area estimated by PACT.
and surrounding areas, as shown in Figure 4, are considered in this
study. These include buildings of all major occupancy types like,
commercial offices, schools, hospitals, retail stores, houses, hotels, 5.2 Infrastructure Data from GIS
production facilities, etc. The first step is to obtain the buildings properties viz., number of
The integrated system follows a four-step process to perform floors, floor area and floor height, occupancy type, construction
end-to-end simulations of earthquake disasters and economy. The material, and load-resisting system. First three items are obtained
following four sub-sections briefly describe these steps. from the GIS data. Information about construction material and

Seamless Simulations of Earthquake Disasters and Economy at 1:1 scale Utilizing Big-data WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia

load-resisting system is not available, so, these values were assumed (3) Based on the values of unit floor area required for a worker,
depending on the buildings’ dimensions, number of floors and floor the number of affected workers and loss per worker are
area. calculated for each occupancy type. Similarly, total number
of affected households is also determined.
5.3 Seismic Performance Evaluation using IES (4) To assign the losses to firms of sector k, n f firms of that
Ín f
In the second step, strong ground motion under each building and sector are randomly selected such that j=0 N j ≥ Naf f (k),
the corresponding seismic response of each building are simulated where N j is the number of workers of firm j and Naf f (k) is
using the IES[3]. The IES provides floor wise seismic displacement, total number of workers affected in sector k. N j × Uw is the
velocity, acceleration, story drift, etc. for all the buildings. loss assigned to a randomly selected firm j, where, Uw is the
unit loss per worker.
5.4 Loss Estimation using PACT To assign the losses to individual investors, ni number of
After obtaining the seismic response of the buildings, their associ- investors are randomly chosen and assumed to be affected
ated repair costs are estimated using PACT. In addition to the seis- by disaster, where ni is the number of affected investors as
mic demand parameters, PACT requires quantities of structural and determined in previous step. Average value of loss is assigned
non-structural components of the buildings. Because of the lack of to each affected investor. Similarly, losses are assigned to
data, we use a nominal quantity estimation tool, which comes with affected workers and inactive households.
PACT, to estimate normative quantities of various non-structural To simulate post-disaster economy using the ABEM, in addition
components typically present in a building. PACT provides a list to the settings given in section 4.2.1, the following settings are also
of standard load-resisting systems and their components. Accord- adopted.
ing to the definition of various load-resisting systems provided by (1) The disaster is assumed to occur at the end of first simulation
PACT, we assigned load-resisting systems to buildings depending period i.e., Q1 2015, or in other words, in the beginning of
on their construction material and height. second simulation period i.e., Q2 2015.
Using dimensions, occupancy type, quantities of structural and (2) The agents’ behavioral rules are modified to make them re-
non-structural components, and seismic response data of individual cover their damaged capital. All the agents allocate recovery
building, each and every building was analyzed using PACT to budget equal to their unrecovered capital. The households
obtain repair cost, repair time, and probability of being assigned an agents receive government aid to recover their damaged
unsafe placard. The PACT provides repair costs in USD which we homes whereas firms use their own financing for the recov-
convert to JPY based on the average exchange rate for 2015 since we ery.
assume the disaster to occur in Q1 2015. The cost of constructing (3) A worker affected by the disaster is able to work half-time
a new building is assumed as 323,000 JPY per unit m2 floor area. only. Unaffected workers can work overtime also but with a
Figure 4 presents the distribution of estimated values of repair cost maximum limit of 1.5 times their normal time.
per unit floor area. We can see that the repair cost is in the range of
Figure 5 compares the mean values of various macro-economic
40,000 to 60,000 JPY/m2 with an overall average of 25,510 JPY/m2 .
indicators under disaster scenario and normal scenario. As we can
The average repair cost is less than 10% of the cost of a new building.
see in Figure 5a, the firms lose capital of worth 1.29 trillion JPY
in the disaster period. In order to recover their lost capital, all the
5.5 Post-disaster Economic Simulations using affected firms allocate investment budget towards recovery. Fig-
ABEM ure 5a also shows that the firms are able to recover their lost capital
In the last step, repair cost estimated by PACT are assigned to the by the end of 3r d period. Similarly, the households also allocate
economic agents occupying the damaged buildings. Because of the higher investment budget to recover their lost capital as shown in
lack of real data, a reasonable estimate of the building occupants is Figure 5b. However, households can not spend their planned invest-
obtained by making the assumptions given below. ment budget completely in the disaster period and a few periods
(1) Depending on the occupancy type, the buildings are assumed after the disaster because of the limited supply of investment goods
to belong to firms of an industry or households. in the economy. Households need 4 quarters i.e., 1 year, to recover
(2) The repair costs for buildings are assigned as capital losses their damaged capital.
to individual firms and households in proportion to the floor Because of higher demand of investment goods in the economy,
area occupied by them. We assume that the floor area per the firms producing investment goods plan to produce more. Since
employee of "Education", "Medical Service", and "Health and the firms of different industries are interdependent on each other
Hygiene" sectors is 83.6 m2 (900 ft2 ),9 and for all other sectors for their input goods and capital goods, the demand for all the goods
is 13.9 m2 (150 ft2 ) 10 . Living space required for a worker or increases. In order to scale up their production to satisfy higher
inactive household is assumed as 22.3 m2 (240 ft2 ), and 33.45 demands, the firms buy more input goods as shown in Figure 5c.
m2 (360 ft2 ) for an investor.11 Figure 5d shows that total production drops by 0.62 trillion JPY
compared to the normal scenario in the disaster period because of
9 The assumption is based on size of a basic classroom or hospital room the shortage of capital (Figure 5a). However, the decrease in total
10 The approximate floor area per employee is in the range 9.3-16.7 m2 https://www. production is significantly small compared to total production. It
11 22.3 m2 is average living space per person in Japan. is because of the fact that the firms try to maintain their capital
jp/living/how-much-living-space-does-the-average-household-have-in-japan/ utilization rate at 0.85. For most of the firms, the capital loss didn’t

WI-IAT ’21 Companion, December 14–17, 2021, ESSENDON, VIC, Australia Gill and Lalith, et al.

impact their production since the loss is smaller than the extra
capital stock. In case of higher capital losses, a significant decrease
Firms Real Capital (in trillion Yen)

in production is expected and consequently, the economy will take
a different recovery path. The firms keep producing at full capacity
1334.0 to satisfy higher demands in the economy surpassing the normal
scenario production level in the second period. The figure also
shows increased economic activities in the long run because of
Normal Scenario
sustained higher demand and consequently higher employment in
1331.0 Disaster Scenario the economy.
A very simple recovery scenario, assuming that there are un-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 limited repair crews, no disruptions to transportation, lifelines,
supply-chain networks, etc., was considered in this numerical ex-
(a) Firms’ Real Capital periment. More complex settings, considering the availability of
16.0 repair crews, availability of transportation networks, repair time,
Nominal HH Capital Budget (in trillion Yen)

Normal Scenario
Disaster Scenario
etc., are necessary for realistic estimations of the economic impacts
and to evaluate the effectiveness of different recovery plans.
10.0 We presented a demonstrative simulation of Japanese economy at
1:1 scale in the aftermath of a potential Nankai-trough earthquake
using an ABEM. The economic data for each of the 127 million
6.0 agents of the Japanese economy were generated by disaggregating
the macroeconomic data of Japan published by various agencies
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 of the Japanese government, and the model was validated by re-
Period producing the observations for the period of 2015 to 2019. Seismic
(b) Households’ Capital Budget damages to the buildings were estimated by analyzing each and
every building under the earthquake scenario. By initializing the
Firms Real Input Goods Bought (in trillion Yen)

ABEM with the generated economic data and estimated repair costs,
122.0 post-disaster economy was simulated under a simple recovery plan.
The developed system can be utilized to quantitatively evaulate
the long term economic performance of a given detailed recovery
plan (i.e., when each building will be repaired and access to life-
lines will be restored, etc.). Further, avaialbility of real data, such as
116.0 historical balance sheets of individual economic entity, structural
Normal Scenario details of each building, information on the post-disaster behavior
114.0 Disaster Scenario of economic entities, etc. will contribute to realize more accurate
evaluation of post-disaster economy.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
(c) Real Input Goods Bought by Firms
This work was supported by JSPS Kakenhi grant 18H01675. Parts
of the results were obtained using the Oakbridge-CX supercom-
puter at the Univ. of Tokyo., and the supercomputer Fugaku at the
Real Production (in trillion Yen)

RIKEN Center for Computational Science through the HPCI System
265.0 Research Projects (Project IDs: hp200256 and JPMXP1020200203).
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