BIO CH21 Chapter Test

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Chapter Test

21 Viruses, Prokaryotes, Protists and Fungi

For multiple choice questions, write the letter that best answers the question or completes the
statement on the line provided. For other question types, follow the directions provided.

_______ 1. In the late 19th century, scientists began to classify bacteria based on phenotypic
markers, such as the presence or absence of cilia. The distinction of prokaryotes
and eukaryotes was introduced in the 1960s, but it wasn’t until 1977 that the
Archaea were classified as a group separate from Bacteria. Today's scientists
use phenotypes, genotypes, and phylogenic trees to determine relationships
between organisms in Bacteria and Archaea.
Which of the following best explains why Bacteria and Archaea were not
recognized as separate groups until 1977?
a. Scientists were able to access the extreme environments in which Archaea
thrive were able to obtain better samples to study.
b. More powerful microscopes were developed, which were needed to identify
c. Scientists became able to analyze DNA and derive better understandings of
evolutionary relationships.
d. New species of prokaryotes evolved during these years.

_______ 2. Which of the following is true of all protists?

a. They are all unicellular.
b. They are all capable of photosynthesis.
c. They are all eukaryotes.
d. They are all primitive plants or animals.

_______ 3. Raj is using a microscope to examine protists in a drop of water. The organisms
appear to move through the water using a single long structure that waves back
and forth. What is this structure?
a. cilium
b. pilus
c. pseudopod
d. flagellum

Chapter 21 Test
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_______ 4. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between fungi and organisms of which
a. protists
b. algae
c. plants
d. archaea

_______ 5. Photosynthetic protists include phytoplankton, red algae, and brown algae. What
is the key role of these protists in aquatic environments?
a. They form the base of the aquatic food chain.
b. They help larger organisms digest food.
c. They remove excess sodium from water.
d. They consume cyanobacteria.

_______ 6. Health care professionals are seeing increased instances of bacterial infections
that do not respond to standard treatments. The infections are caused by
bacterial “superbugs” that cannot be killed by standard means. Which of the
following actions has led to this development?
a. overuse of antibiotics
b. underuse of vaccines
c. ineffective use of disinfectants
d. inadequate hygiene practices

_______ 7. A person tests positive for a retrovirus. Does this prove that they are exhibiting
the symptoms of an illness?
a. Yes, because when a virus lyses a cell, it disrupts homeostasis, leading to
b. No, because viral genes can replicate with the host’s genome for many
generations without harming the cell and causing illness.
c. Yes, because retroviruses can replicate very quickly once in the active phase.
d. No, because retroviruses rarely cause illnesses.

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_______ 8. The table compares the characteristics of a virus and a cell.

Characteristic Virus Cell

Structure DNA or RNA in capsid, Cell membrane,
some with envelope cytoplasm; eukaryotes
also contain nucleus and
many organelles
Reproduction Only within a host cell Independent cell division,
either asexually or
Genetic Code DNA or RNA DNA
Growth and No Yes; in multicellular
Development organisms, cells increase
in number and
Obtain and Use Energy No Yes
Response to No Yes
Change Over Time Yes Yes
Which of the following characteristics support the classification of a virus as

a. Viruses neither grow nor develop.

b. Viruses change over time.
c. Viruses are able to reproduce.
d. Viruses contain genetic material.

_______ 9. Which is NOT a source of emerging diseases?

a. rapidly evolving viruses
b. pathogens developing antibiotic resistance
c. viruses “jumping” from animals to humans
d. vaccines against polio, diphtheria, and tetanus

_______ 10. Which of the following is NOT a sign of a bacterial disease in a person?
a. a high fever
b. body chills
c. bacteria in the intestine
d. coughing up blood

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_______ 11. Fungi have chitin in their cell walls. This is an indication that fungi are most
closely related to which group of organisms?
a. plants
b. animals
c. prokaryotes
d. green algae

_______ 12. Fungi affect humans in several ways, but NOT in which of the following ways?
a. Mushrooms are tasty foods.
b. Yeasts provide the nutrients in bread.
c. Corn smut and wheat rust damage important crops.
d. Fungi cause human diseases and irritations, such as athlete's foot.

_______ 13. While examining a sample of water under the microscope, Laura noticed two
bacteria that appeared to be attached by a narrow tube. What is Laura
a. The bacteria are undergoing binary fission.
b. One bacterium is about to engulf and consume the other.
c. The bacteria are in the process of conjugation.
d. One bacterium is forming an endospore, and then the other will do so.

_______ 14. A bacterial cell is infected by a virus, which injects its DNA into the host cell. The
cell then produces messenger RNA (mRNA) from the viral genes. The mRNA
produces proteins that destroy the host cell’s DNA and turns the cell’s molecular
machinery to the job of making viral DNA and capsids. What is the name of this
a. a bacteriophage
b. a lysogenic infection
c. a prophage
d. a lytic infection

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_______ 15. Enrique notices a sign saying that flu shots are available in the pharmacy.
Enrique says, “I got a flu shot last year. I don’t need another one. That shot made
me immune to the flu forever.”
Which statement is most useful for evaluating Enrique's statement?
a. Viruses constantly change and evolve, and the new shot will be effective
against this year’s viruses.
b. Viruses remain essentially the same from year to year, but a vaccine wears
off over time.
c. Viruses are nonliving, so vaccinations against them have little value.
d. Viruses are nonliving, so vaccinations against them are especially powerful
and long-lasting.

16. For each missing word or phrase, circle the choice that correctly completes the

Most prokaryotes reproduce by means of the process of (conjugation /

binary fission / mutation), which is a form of (asexual reproduction /
sexual reproduction). Prokaryotes can increase genetic diversity through
(conjugation / binary fission / vaccines). Increased genetic diversity gives an
advantage to populations, making them (less / better) able to (survive / move /
mutate) and reproduce.

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Refer to the diagram to answer questions 17 and 18.

17. For each missing word or phrase, circle the choice that correctly completes the

Some protist life cycles switch between diploid and haploid phases. This is
known as (alternation of generations / genetic recombination). The water
mold reproduces asexually by producing (gametes / spores), which are (diploid
/ haploid). The water mold reproduces sexually by producing (gametes /
spores), which are (diploid / haploid).

18. Explain the importance of meiosis in the life cycle and evolution of the water






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19. The figure shows the reproductive cycle of a bread mold, which includes both
asexual and sexual reproductive stages.

For each missing word or phrase, circle the choice that correctly completes the

The figure shows both asexual and sexual reproductive cycles. The bread mold
produces spores, which are (haploid / diploid). The diploid form of the mold is
called the (gamete / zygospore), which is where (meiosis / fertilization)

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Refer to the diagram of a lichen to answer questions 20 and 21.

20. For each missing word or phrase, circle the choice that correctly completes the
A lichen is a symbiotic association between a (archaea / protist / fungus) and a
(photosynthetic / heterotrophic / chemosynthetic) organism. The diagram
shows that the upper and bottom layers of the lichen are made up of densely
packed (roots / stems / hyphae), which are part of the (fungus / protist /
photosynthetic organism). Between the outer layers is a layer of algae or
cyanobacteria, the (fungus / protist / photosynthetic organism).

21. How does the symbiotic relationship that forms a lichen provide an advantage to
the component organisms?






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Refer to the following paragraph to answer questions 22 to 24.

A scientist is studying a single-celled organism found in a hot spring. The organism lacks a
nucleus and has no peptidoglycan in its cell wall. The organism uses hydrogen sulfide as an
energy source, and can survive even when oxygen is not available.

22. What type of organism is this scientist studying? Explain your reasoning.






_______ 23. This organism’s mode of nutrition is best described as

a. heterotrophic.
b. photoheterotrophic.
c. photoautotrophic.
d. chemoautotrophic.

24. For each missing word or phrase, circle the choice that correctly completes the
The metabolism of this organism can be described as (obligate aerobe /
facultative anaerobe / obligate anaerobe), which means that it can survive
without (light / sulfur / oxygen) when necessary.

25. Describe two different ways that humans make use of prokaryotes.






Chapter 21 Test

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