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Certainly! Here's a simpler summary of the Cold War arms race's impact:

1. Tensions Rise: The U.S. and Soviet Union competed to build more
powerful nuclear weapons, making the world a tense place.

2. Preventing War: Both countries had so many weapons that they hoped
the fear of total destruction would prevent either from starting a nuclear

3. Peace Talks: They sometimes talked and made deals to control the
number of weapons and reduce the chance of accidental war.

4. New Tech: The competition led to new military technologies that also
helped other industries and research.

5. Worldwide Effects: The arms race influenced global politics and

security, leading to international efforts to control nuclear weapons.

6. Costly Competition: Both countries spent a lot of money on weapons,

which could have been used for other important things at home.

In short, the arms race during the Cold War created a lot of tension but also
led to important discussions and advancements that affected the whole world.

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