Near Field Communication

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Near Field Communication (NFC) in

Computer Networks

Nikhil N Kumar
[USN: 1BI21IS064]
Under the guidance of:
Dr. Jayasheela C S
Dept of ISE, Bangalore Institute of Technology

Near Field Communication (NFC) has emerged as a powerful technology within computer
networks, enabling short-range wireless data exchange between devices. This paper explores
NFC's technical foundation, its diverse applications across various sectors, and the security and
privacy considerations associated with its use.
The paper delves into the operating frequency, data rates, and underlying principles of inductive
coupling that facilitate communication between NFC devices. It explains the roles of active
and passive devices, communication protocols, and the importance of Secure Elements in
safeguarding sensitive information.
Furthermore, the paper explores the extensive range of NFC applications, including mobile
payments, identity and access control, data exchange, smart object interaction, marketing and
advertising, entertainment, and even medical applications. Each application highlights the
potential of NFC to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds.
Security and privacy concerns surrounding NFC are also addressed, discussing potential
vulnerabilities like eavesdropping and data skimming. The paper emphasizes the security
measures in place, such as encryption and mutual authentication, to mitigate these risks.
Additionally, it explores the importance of user awareness and responsible data practices.
Looking towards the future, the paper examines emerging trends like the Internet of Things
(IoT) and smart cities, where NFC is poised to play a crucial role. Advancements in NFC-v
technology and higher data rates promise to further enhance capabilities and drive wider
adoption. However, challenges related to device compatibility, security concerns, and evolving
privacy regulations need to be addressed.

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Introduction: Near Field Communication in Computer Networks
Defining NFC:
Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless technology enabling data exchange
between devices held in close proximity (typically 4 cm or less). It operates within the Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID) spectrum, but with additional features for two-way
communication and security. In the context of computer networks, NFC acts as a bridge
between physical objects and the digital world, facilitating interactions and data transfers
without requiring traditional network connections.
History and Development:
NFC technology arose from the convergence of existing standards in the late 1990s, driven by
industry giants like Sony and Philips. The NFC Forum, established in 2003, standardized the
technology, leading to its widespread adoption in smartphones and various NFC tags. Since
then, NFC has continuously evolved, with enhancements like increased data rates and
expanded security protocols opening doors for new applications.
Key Applications:
➢ NFC boasts a diverse range of applications across various domains:
➢ Mobile Payments: Contactless payments using smartphones for everyday purchases at
retail outlets and public transportation.
➢ Identity and Access Control: Secure access to buildings, events, and other restricted
areas via NFC-enabled cards or devices.
➢ Data Exchange: Sharing contact information, URLs, and pairing devices with a simple
➢ Smart Objects: Triggering actions and retrieving information from NFC-tagged objects
(e.g., smart home appliances, product details).
➢ Marketing and Entertainment: Interactive marketing campaigns, product information
embedded in packaging, and augmented reality experiences triggered by NFC tags.
Benefits and Limitations compared to other technologies:
➢ Convenience: Simple tap-and-go interaction eliminates pairing needs and simplifies
data transfers.
➢ Security: Built-in encryption and secure element chips offer robust security for sensitive
➢ Versatility: Applicable across various industries and scenarios.
➢ Low Power Consumption: Ideal for battery-powered devices.
➢ Short Range: Requires very close proximity for communication.
➢ Data Rate: Slower than technologies like Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
➢ Device Compatibility: Not all devices have NFC readers.

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Technical Details of Near Field Communication (NFC)

Operating Frequency and Data Rates:

NFC operates within the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) spectrum, specifically at a
frequency of 13.56 MHz. This relatively low frequency allows for efficient power transfer at
short distances and minimizes interference with other wireless technologies. While not
designed for high-speed data transfers, NFC offers various data rates depending on the
communication mode:
➢ 106 kbit/s: Standard mode for most applications.
➢ 212 kbit/s: Optional higher data rate mode.
➢ 424 kbit/s: Used in peer-to-peer communication mode.
Inductive Coupling and Electromagnetic Fields:
NFC devices communicate through inductive coupling, where an initiating device (reader)
generates an electromagnetic field that couples with a target device (tag) within close
proximity. This field induces a current in the tag, powering it and enabling data exchange. The
electromagnetic field strength is low, ensuring safety for users and nearby electronic devices.
NFC devices fall into two primary categories:
➢ Active devices: Generate their own electromagnetic field (readers) and require power
(e.g., smartphones, NFC readers).

➢ Passive devices: Do not generate their own field (tags) and are powered by the field
from an active device (e.g., embedded tags, stickers).
Passive tags can further be categorized based on their read/write capabilities:
➢ Read-only tags: Contain pre-encoded data that can only be read.

➢ Read/write tags: Allow data to be written or updated with additional information.

Communication Protocols:
Multiple communication protocols define how devices interact within the NFC ecosystem.
Three main types exist:
➢ NFC-A: Most widely used, offering 106 kbit/s data rate and various modes for card
emulation, peer-to-peer communication, and tag reading.

➢ NFC-B: Higher data rate (212 kbit/s) compared to NFC-A, primarily used for smart
card applications and public transportation fare systems.

➢ NFC-F: Newer protocol focused on higher data rates (424 kbit/s) and faster
communication, intended for future applications like mobile wallets and data exchange.

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Secure Element Chip:
A crucial component in NFC security is the Secure Element (SE) chip. This tamper-resistant
chip stores sensitive data like payment credentials and digital keys, ensuring their protection
even if the main device is compromised. SE chips have dedicated hardware and software
security features, adhering to strict security standards.
Standards and Regulatory Bodies:
Standardization and regulation are crucial for interoperability and security in NFC technology.
Key bodies involved include:
➢ NFC Forum: Industry consortium responsible for developing and promoting NFC
standards, ensuring global compatibility.

➢ ISO/IEC: International Organization for Standardization and International

Electrotechnical Commission, responsible for international standards on various
aspects of NFC technology.

➢ EMVCo: Global standards body for secure payment transactions, defines

specifications for using NFC in contactless payments.
Additional Points:
• NFC devices can operate in three modes: reader/writer, peer-to-peer, and card
• Newer standards like NFC-v and NFC-uF are being developed to further enhance data
rates and capabilities.
• Security considerations include data encryption, mutual authentication, and secure
channel establishment.

Architectural Overview of Near Field Communication (NFC)

NFC utilizes a simple yet robust architecture to facilitate data exchange between devices in
close proximity. Here's a breakdown of its key components:
1. Devices:
Active devices: These devices generate their own electromagnetic field and require power to
operate. Examples include smartphones with NFC readers and dedicated NFC readers.
Passive devices: These devices do not generate their own field and are powered by the field
from an active device. Examples include NFC tags embedded in stickers, cards, or objects.

2. Communication Protocol:
The communication between devices follows specific protocols, with the most common being:
NFC-A: Widely used for card emulation, peer-to-peer communication, and tag reading.

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NFC-B: Primarily used for smart card applications and public transportation fare systems.
NFC-F: Newer protocol offering higher data rates for potential future applications like mobile
wallets and data exchange.

3. Communication Process:
• Initiation: The active device (reader) generates an electromagnetic field.
• Power and Activation: The field induces a current in the passive device (tag) if it's
within range, powering it up.
• Data Exchange: The active device sends data encoded as modulations of the
electromagnetic field.
• Data Reception: The passive device receives the data and might respond with its own
data if it's a read/write tag.
• Security: Encryption and authentication protocols ensure secure data transfer.

4. Secure Element (SE):

This tamper-resistant chip embedded in some active devices stores sensitive information like
payment credentials and encryption keys. It provides additional security by isolating these
critical elements from the main device operating system.

5. Standards and Regulatory Bodies:

NFC Forum: Develops and promotes NFC standards for global interoperability.
ISO/IEC: Defines international standards for various aspects of NFC technology.
EMVCo: Sets specifications for secure payment transactions using NFC for contactless

Applications of Near Field Communication (NFC)

NFC's versatility shines through its diverse range of applications across various sectors:
1. Mobile Payments:
Contactless payments using smartphones for everyday purchases:
• Google Pay
• Apple Pay
• Samsung Pay
Transit fare integration:
Seamless boarding on public transportation systems & reduces waiting times and improves
passenger experience.

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2. Identity and Access Control:
Secure access to buildings, events, and restricted areas:
NFC-enabled cards or smartphones grant access when tapped on readers.
Eliminates the need for physical keys and enhances security.
Access control management systems:
• Efficient tracking and management of employee and visitor access.
• Improved security and convenience for organizations.

3. Data Exchange:
✓ Sharing contact information, URLs, and pairing devices:
✓ Simple tap-and-go exchange eliminates manual input and typing errors.
✓ Ideal for networking events and business card exchange.
✓ Social media integration:
✓ Instant social media profile sharing by tapping an NFC tag.
✓ Enhances marketing and outreach capabilities.

4. Smart Objects:
✓ Triggering actions with NFC tags embedded in everyday objects:
✓ Smart home automation: Lights, thermostats, appliances controlled via NFC tags.
✓ Enhanced convenience and personalized experiences.
✓ Product information: Tap an NFC tag on a product for detailed information, reviews, or
✓ Connects the physical world to the digital sphere.

5. Marketing and Advertising:

✓ Interactive marketing campaigns:
✓ NFC tags on posters, packaging, or products trigger specific content or experiences on
users' devices.
✓ Personalized marketing messages and increased engagement.
✓ Product information on packaging:
✓ Access detailed product information, ingredients, or sustainability efforts with a tap.

6. Gaming and Entertainment:

In-game experiences:
✓ Unlock content, purchase virtual items, or interact with characters by tapping NFC tags.
✓ Immersive gaming experiences and deeper engagement.
✓ Augmented reality interactions:

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✓ Trigger AR experiences by tapping NFC tags, overlaying digital information onto
physical objects.
✓ Interactive learning, entertainment, and product exploration.

7. Medical Applications:
Patient identification:
✓ NFC-enabled wristbands or cards store medical information for instant access during
✓ Improves patient care and reduces errors.
✓ Medication management:
✓ Medication adherence tracking and dosage reminders through NFC-enabled pill bottles
or patches.
✓ Enhances medication safety and effectiveness.

Security and Privacy Considerations

Vulnerabilities and Risks:
While NFC boasts robust security features, it's not immune to potential threats:
• Eavesdropping: Malicious actors within close proximity (typically a few centimetres)
could attempt to intercept data exchange using specialized equipment.
• Data skimming: Similar to eavesdropping, attackers could capture data transmitted
between devices, especially if unencrypted.
• Man-in-the-middle attacks: Hackers could impersonate legitimate readers, intercepting
and manipulating data transfers.
• Physical tag cloning: Advanced techniques might allow copying sensitive data from
passive tags for unauthorized access.
Security Measures:
Several measures mitigate these risks:
• Encryption: Communication between devices uses strong encryption algorithms like
AES-128 or AES-256, protecting sensitive data.
• Secure Element (SE): This tamper-resistant chip stores critical information like
payment credentials and keys, providing an extra layer of security.
• Mutual authentication: Both reader and tag verify each other's identity before data
exchange, preventing impersonation.
• Limited range: The short communication range minimizes the chance of interception
by unintended parties.

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Privacy Concerns:
Despite security measures, privacy concerns arise from data collection and usage:
• Tracking and profiling: NFC-enabled devices might be tracked via reader logs, raising
concerns about user privacy and targeted advertising.
• Data sharing and third-party access: Sharing data through NFC might involve third-
party platforms, requiring careful evaluation of their privacy practices.
• Unauthorized data reads: Users should be aware of potentially reading data from nearby
tags without their consent, respecting others' privacy.

Future of NFC:
Emerging Trends and Applications:
➢ Internet of Things (IoT): Seamless interaction and data exchange between various
connected devices in smart homes, cities, and industries.
➢ Smart cities: NFC-enabled infrastructure for ticketing, access control, and information
access in urban environments.
➢ Wearable technology: Integrating NFC into smartwatches, rings, and other wearables
for payments, access control, and data sharing.
➢ Digital identity management: Secure storage and use of personal identification data on
NFC-enabled devices.
Impact of Advancements:
➢ NFC-v and higher data rates: Increased communication speeds will enable richer
applications and faster data transfers.
➢ Improved security protocols: Ongoing advancements in encryption and authentication
methods will further enhance security and privacy.
➢ Standardization and interoperability: Continuous improvement in standards will ensure
seamless device compatibility and wider adoption.
Challenges and Limitations:
➢ Device compatibility: Not all devices have NFC readers, potentially limiting adoption
in certain scenarios.
➢ Security concerns: User awareness and education are crucial to address potential
vulnerabilities and misuse.
➢ Privacy regulations: Balancing innovation with data privacy requires adherence to
evolving regulations and user consent.

Near Field Communication (NFC) has solidified its position as a versatile and powerful
technology in computer networks. Its diverse applications, from mobile payments to smart
objects and identity management, demonstrate its vast potential to bridge the physical and
digital worlds. While security and privacy considerations remain crucial, ongoing
advancements in technology, standards, and user awareness will shape the future of NFC.

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Undoubtedly, NFC will continue to play a significant role in shaping our interactions with
technology and creating a more interconnected future.

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication 800-63-3:
European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA):

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