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Operations and Maritime Management (OMM)

Specification of the (individual) Assignment

Sep 2023 cohort

Operations part lecturer : Nilesh Anand

Maritime part lecturers : Pieter Romer and Leon Veld

Version: 05-02-2024

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort)
Who you want to be?

Low/No attendance, Plagiarism, No Good/Full attendance, No plagiarism,

attention in class, Not using coaching Active in class, Fully using coaching
session, not submitting 2-pagers, Bad session, Submitting 2-pagers, Good time
time management management

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 2
Assignment overview
Outline of the MOM assignment – 2 Parts:
Select a car brand / give company profile / design (make) a schematic of global supply chain of selected
brand / choose focus of your research within the global SC (specific model, specific production (assembly)
PART 1 location to specific specific dealer.
(submission end lecture wk 6)
Be aware: production (assembly) facility should be on continent 1, the selected distribution centre and dealer
should be on continent 2, connected with deep-sea transport between continent 1 & 2
Design your Supply Chain Describe the Operations management of the company (based on topics from lectures - E.g., competitive
& describe some priorities, process strategy, supplier relation strategy, customer relation strategy/LEAN)
characteristics Describe the Maritime management of the company (based on topics from lectures - E.g., Deep-sea maritime
connection, Hinterland transport (imp + exp part on different continents), port selection / sustainability
(WORD doc)
Supply Chain Resilience: give mitigation options in 2 described disruptive situations, describe for each situation
also 2 perspectives: strategic (long term, preparations) and operational (+/- “ad hoc”, no preparations)
PART 2 (subm. end lecture wk 8) Carry out a quantitative analysis in your SC on different topics (Using Excel) based on the 2 lecture series:
- Operations: forecast sales cont 2 (based on cy data part 1), MPS & MRP calculations, inventory calculation
- Quantification of your SC
- Maritime: sales forecast dealer, Hinterland transport freq. & cap., buffer points, leadtime, pipeline inventory
(EXCEL doc, pre-formatted)
- KPI specification (3 Oper. and 3 Mar.): name, description of principle (Key PI !), formula, example calc.)
- Self Reflection (Part 1 & 2) - write a SR on your professional learning (on Operations and Maritime content) and personal learning
(WORD doc, ½ -1 page) (followed process making this Assignment). Describe 2 examples of each.
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 3
Overall overview of Report structure
• Use the word template for proposal and final assignment. You
Items Limit can find a link page 1 of the final assignment template about
Cover page 1 page how to use the word template.
Executive summary 1 page (300 - 400 words)
Document Naming (VERY IMPORTANT)
Table of content 1 page • Submit original MS Word- and Excel version (No Pdf) with
Table of figures & Table of tables 1 page “Studentnumber_StudentName_OMM_PART x _class x”.
Example: 0987652_JohnSmith_OMM_PART 1_class1
Main assignment (more detail in Min 2000- Max 3100 words
next slide on report structure and (Max. 13 pages for main
• With RESIT: add RESIT
grading) assignment) Example: 0987652_JohnSmith_RESIT_OMM_PART 1_class1
Bibliography At least 5 peer – reviewed
journal articles • If document does not follow the name structure, then it will not
be checked
Self reflection 200 - 400 words, max. 1 page
Appendices Keep to minimum Plagiarism
• Use your own words and correct references, the document will
be checked on plagiarism (check before you submit)

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 4
Specific structure of Main Assigment & Grading
Section no. Words
PART (Use section numbers, Content Grade points
Min Max (approx.)
also in TOC)
overall Report structure *), Language, Overall impression, .. - - - 10
PART 1 1 Company profile 300 400 1-2 5
2 Global Supply Chain (figure only, incl. legend) 0 0 1-2 10
design & 3 Operations management 600 1000 2-3 10
characteristics 4 Maritime management 600 1000 2-3 10
- Word doc 5 Supply Chain Resilience 500 700 1-2 10

PART 2 6 (Excel doc.) Supply chain quantitative analysis (Excel) - - Excel tab’s 40
- Excel doc
- Word doc
7 (Word doc.) Self-reflection 0,5-1 5

(Excluding Excel doc with calculations &

Total 2000 3100 8-13 100 %
*) Structure → Cover page, Executive summary, Table of Content (TOC), Table of figure and table, Main report structure, Bibliography, # Words, Appendix

Note: In order to successfully pass the assignment a student must score at least 55% in each section
Word limit per section is indicative for a balanced report; Total word limit 2000-3100 is strict
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 5
Automobile company selection
Remember: This is an individual assignment

Select a company
• Select an (intercontinental active including sea transport) automotive producing company (e.g., Renault, Nissan, Volvo,
Toyota, Tesla) which has production/service and port operations
• Select carefully - is there enough information available? E.g., main production (assembly-) locations, production
volume, sales per continent, stock levels, shipment size (# cars), sourcing locations etc.
• Make sure you choose one upcoming passenger car model or existing car (e.g., BMW X5) model to have specific focus
• While selecting a company you may use following links:

1. World Production

2. Production Plants EU (locations)

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 6
Company profile & global SC
1. Company profile
a) Company overview & corporate strategy
b) Its market (geographically, financial figures, revenue, # car sold per market) and products / services, market share
2. Overview of company’s global supply chain (schematic figure – see also next page for example)
a) Make a schematic figure of global supply chain of the chosen automobile company. Please do not copy+paste SC
figure from the company website. Be innovative. (See examples next page and at the end of this PPT).
The schematic figure must include:
(i) up-stream supply chain from raw material (Tier 3 ), component (Tier 2) and sub-assembly (Tier 1) along
with locations of these suppliers), assembly/production plants & locations. (Remember: all on continent 1!)
(ii) down-stream hinterland transport (mode?), export port, maritime deep sea transport, import port, hinterland
transport (mode ?!), selected distribution centre (location?) and selected dealer (location?).
(downstream import part on continent 2!).
Make reasoned assumptions in case specific info (locations, transport mode, etc) is not available.
a) Add focus area indication in schematic figure (text + scope with dotted line). The focus area starting from a
selected component/sub-assembly (Tier 1) until the selected dealer downstream. Also mention the selected car
model within this focus area.
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 7
SC Schematic, selected model and research Focus
Ghana Car brand XXXX
Model XY Country


Country Country Country City


Country Country Port


Your research focus within the global SC should be on one specific (component) supplier location (tier 1), production/
final assembly location, exporting hinterland connection, port & maritime connection, importing hinterland connection,
distribution centre/warehouse, final customer market (city). Show the focus with dotted line.
Note: This figure is an example. Be innovative !
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 8
Operations management
3. Describe Operations management

Out of the optional topics you must choose one [M = Mandatory, O = Optional]

Chapter Topic Description

Business strategy & Explain business strategy and associated competitive priorities (out of 10 discussed in
1 M
competitive priorities chapter 1) of the company car model you chose
Take the selected Tier 1 part from focus area and explain process strategy used by the
2 M Process strategy company using four aspects (structure, customer involvement, resource flexibility, capital
intensity) discussed in chapter 2
Take one LEAN concept and explain how company is implementing and/or how it can be
6 O Lean process management
implemented in the organization
Describe supplier relationship strategy of the chosen automobile company by giving three
14 M Supplier relationship strategy
strategical points. Give suggestion for improvement if any.
Describe customer relationship strategy of the chosen automobile company by giving three
14 O Customer relationship process
strategical points. Give suggestion for improvement if any.

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 9
Port and maritime management (1/2)
4. Describe Port & maritime management
4 - A : Transport perspective (Mandatory):
a) Describe transport steps (refer SC figure) from assembly/ factory (continent 1) -> hinterland transport -> deep
seaport (export) -> shipping connection -> deep seaport (import) on continent 2 -> hinterland transport -> selected
distribution point (servicing part of continent 2) -> selected dealer.
- there will probably be limited info available e.g., on Maritime & Ports.
→ Then add substantiated/reasoned suggestions how to organize the transport steps, given existing options in general
on sea-connections (schedules !), ports , hinterland transport options
- use map (e.g., Google maps) to show also the geographical locations of all steps in previous part (a):
- assembly (production) location → export Port (hinterland transport on continent 1)
- export Port → to import Port (deep sea transport)
- import Port → selected DC → selected dealer (hinterland transport + distribution on continent 2)
b) Mention types of ships involved for transport and describe why this type, add info on shipping companies and
characteristics (capacity, frequency on selected route)
c) Mention transport modality choices in hinterland connections and why this modality is choosen.
→ (exporting hinterland connection (cont. 1: factory - to- exporting seaport)
→ and importing hinterland connection (cont. 2: importing seaport – to selected distribution center)
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 10
Port and maritime management (2/2)
4 – B: Choose 1 option of the following 2:
Option 1: selection of importing deep sea port
a) Mention 3 relevant options for importing deep seaports on the applicable destination continent
b) What are top 5 criteria for selecting the preferred deep seaport
c) What deep seaport would you select and why (this can be the deep sea port used currently, but can also be an alternative)

Option 2: Maritime sustainability, from the perspective of the selected car manufacturing company
a) Describe & explain the sustainability issues related to hinterland, port and shipping elements in the focus part of the SC
b) Describe & explain how maritime sustainability can be further improved based on logical choices and known policies for
hinterland, port and shipping (e.g., on ship propulsion, options in harbour, hinterland transport modality options)
• Make use of data/ info found or, in case data is limited or not available, reasoned assumptions incl. explanation why/how
• It is about applying learned insights and reasoning.
• Use also insights lectured in other Modules, e.g., the SC Simulation (MSCMSCS119) and earlier modules (!)

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 11
Supply chain resilience
5. Recommendation on possible supply chain disruptions and mitigation measures

The earlier selected research focus is also applicable for this part. You have studied a specific Supply Chain in the
automotive sector, selected a car-brand and focussed on a specific area in the SC including a specific model. In this study 3
perspectives were asked: the Operational, Maritime and quantitative perspective. Given your insights acquired, the following
Give strategical (long-term, prepare plan “in case”) and operational (short-term, “ad-hoc”) options to make the SC
more resilient to medium sized disruptions of 2 weeks in the following situations:
a) supplier could not supply the demanded number of goods
b) strike in the selected import port
Professional learning: How will you use topics/analysis (e.g., lead time calculation, inventory management, shipment,
forecasting) from the assignment in your future career/job? Write about at least two topics.
Describe personal learning during assignment process (e.g., time management, analytical skills, data analysis or anything
else you want to mention) and take away for future. Write about at least two topics.

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 12
Supply chain quantitative analysis (1/3) – Assignment Part 2
6. Supply chain quantitative analysis. Use of Excel template (provided) is mandatory for these calculation. Put all calculation
and explanation in the Excel sheet. Use new tab in the same Excel doc for each step. Mention source of data you use.

Step 1) Forecasting: Use quantitative method to calculate sales of the continent 2 (where the selected dealer is located) for
the forecast of car model for year 2024. Use sales data of the same/similar model from the past years/quarters. Refer # car
sold per market in section 1, company profile. Use chart to show your forecasting result, mention the used quantitative method,
reason for choosing this and explain the calculation steps
Step 2) MPS and MRP: Use forecast from pervious step to make Master Production Schedule (MPS) of selected car model.
Use production schedule from MPS to make material requirement planning of a component (based on the focus area).
Step 3) Tyre inventory : Each car model (you have chosen) requires 5 tyres (including extra tyre). Calculate daily demand of
tyres based on the forecasting of cars (based on step 1). Assuming std. deviation in demand is 10% of daily demand of tyres.
Ordering cost is 600 Euro and the yearly inventory holding cost is 30%. The lead time from the supplier is 5 days, with a
standard deviation of 1 day.
• Calculate economic order quantity for the tyres.
• Calculate safety stock and reorder point for the tyres if management wants to have a 99 percent cycle-service level
• Calculate total annual inventory cost for the tyres, assuming a Q system will be used
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 13
Supply chain quantitative analysis (2/3) – Assignment Part 2
Step 4) Shipment and batch size:
a) Sales forecast
Estimate sales forecast of the selected car model for 1 dealer, supplied by the selected distribution centre per year, for instance (example):
- Based on the forecast data from step 1
- estimate forecast of # cars on selected distribution centre (% of continent sales / related to population in catchment area) on ex
- and on dealer level (for instance: estimate based on # dealers for selected DC and serviced market/ population per dealer).
These # cars need to be transported through the different steps in the selected focus area.

b) Transport frequencies, capacities and transport batches:

- what are the capacities of selected “transport means”(truck, train, barge or sea vessel)
- what frequencies and batch size of # finished product (cars) are needed per month to supply the importing continent 2,
- the selected distribution centre and the specific dealer starting at the production/ assembly factory (continent 1).
note: - all is given the earlier specified transport steps (CH 3 – part A; from assembly factory continent 1 → u/i selected dealer continent 2)

c) Buffer points
- were would you expect (and why) the main buffers (operational or commercial stock points) points for finished product
- between transport steps, mention 2 and what is your estimate on # cars to be buffered there and the needed capacity (M2)

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 14
Supply chain quantitative analysis (3/3) – Assignment Part 2
Step 5) Lead time calculation: Make a logical assumption about the lead-time between ordering a car by a consumer and the
delivery at a dealer (the “order-to-delivery” (OTD) lead time). Describe and explain the needed lead-time (estimate) for each
step in the selected research focus from production up-until the selected dealer (step 4).
- make a table (in previously mentioned Excel) of all OTD lead-time elements with 3 columns per step: activity (e.g.,. order
processing, production time, … and so on), needed lead time (estimate) and logic of this step & needed lead time (reference
to relevant sources adds to value/ grade). Derive total needed lead time (estimate), with estimated min/max bandwidth
- will this lead-time be acceptable for consumers? (check internet sources, use common sense, ..). Compare the needed lead-
time and the desired lead-time by customers. Finally, explain which production strategy (MTO, ATO, MTS, etc) could fit the
desired lead time of customers and why.
Step 6) Pipeline inventory: Calculate the expected average pipeline inventory for the selected dealer. (Ch 09 of OMM and
you may refer or
system/pipeline-inventory). Finally, estimate the value (Euro) of this pipeline inventory.
Step 7) KPIs for Operations and Maritime: Describe 3 KPIs for automobile production or service process and provide
formula for calculating KPIs with an example. Similarly, describe 3 KPIs for port and maritime operation and provide formula for
calculating KPIs with an example.
OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 15
Self - Reflection
7. Write Self Reflextion in separate Word doc (0,5 – 1 page, Part 2 of assignment)
Following topics:
Professional learning: How will you use topics/analysis (e.g., lead time calculation, inventory management, shipment,
forecasting) from the assignment in your future career/job? Write about at least two topics.
Describe personal learning during assignment process (e.g., time management, analytical skills, data analysis or anything
else you want to mention) and take away for future. Write about at least two topics.

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 16
Helpful material (available on Brightspace)
• An Excel file with useful links
• Word template for 2-page proposal
• Word template for Part 1
• Excel template for supply chain quantitative analysis

Tips for assignment

a) For assessment rubric refer to OMM module description
b) Not all answers to your questions are available on-line (e.g., Google). In fact, for most part, you need to research
them making logical assumptions. Mention these assumptions (transparency).
c) Take it seriously
d) Do proper time management, submit 2-pager & use consulting time

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 17
Proposal (2-pager)
Use the template 2-pager for making proposal (Find it in Brightspace)
(scope of proposal are the first basic sections in Part 1 of the assignment in order to get students really started)

Section no. Content Detail

1 Company profile What company you selected and which model you will focus
2 Global supply chain Show global supply chain figure & focus of the research
Write about business strategy and competitive priorities, process strategy for
3 Operation management
chosen part. Write about LEAN or other topics which are part of OMM course
4 Maritime management Which port and maritime connection & hinterland network will you consider

Try to fill this 2-pager as much as you can. This will determine your progress on the path of successful assignment

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 18
Submission process
Assignment proposal (2 pager) Final assignment (Part 1 & Part 2)
• Submit on Brightspace in OMM Course (specific folder) • Submit on Brightspace in OMM course
• Feedback will be given (verbally during appointment or • Students whose final assignment is not sufficient will
in the document). get one more chance (RESIT) to repair it.
• If no 2 pager is timely submitted – no consulting will be • Please note: If you don’t hand in the assignment, then
provided this exam opportunity is counted
• After failing (or not submitting) in RESIT the student will
have to wait until next academic year to submit again
• Students whose final assignment is submitted beyond
deadline will automatically be allocated to a RESIT.

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 19
Submission deadlines

Assignment Deadline (submit in Brightspace, OMM course, select subm. folder)

25th Feb 2024 23:59 Hrs. (Sunday) – “end of Spring Break”

Proposal (2 pages)
Written feedback will be given (LMS)

Assignment Part 1 24th Mar 2024 23:59 Hrs. (Sunday)

(Word doc) (part 1 will be reviewed – no feedback)

Assignment Part 2 7th Apr 2024 23:59 Hrs. (Sunday)

(Word doc + Excel doc) Grading (Osiris) and written feedback on part 1 + 2 (Brightspace) will be given

Resit 12th May 2024 23:59 Hrs. (Sunday)

PLEASE do not request to extend deadline. You can always submit earlier

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 20
Consulting sessions
• Two consulting sessions are organized for integrated assignment.
• Consulting time will be allocated to each group. SC Simulation group is considered as group. Please make use of the
consulting time.

Class 1 and 2 Class 3 and 4

Date & Lecturer Time Date Time
Consulting 1 Mar 4th 2024 Lecture Consulting 1 Mar 4th 2024 Lecture
(2 pager & Part 1) Leon de Veld hours (2 pager & Part 1) Pieter Romer hours
Consulting 2 – Apr 3rd 2024 Lecture Consulting 2 Apr 3rd 2024 Lecture
(Part 2) Nilesh Anand hours (Part 2) Nilesh Anand hours

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 21
Supply chain of Moyee coffee


OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 22
Assessment form

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort)
Who you want to be?

Low/No attendance, Plagiarism, No Good/Full attendance, No plagiarism,

attention in class, Not using coaching Active in class, Fully using coaching
session, not submitting 2-pagers, Bad session, Submitting 2-pagers, Good time
time management management

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 24
Some inspiring SC figures (from past students)

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 25

Atisītaṁ ati-uṇhaṁ, atisāyam-idaṁ ahu,

Iti vissaṭṭhakammante, atthā accenti, māṇave.

It is too cold, it is too hot,

It is too late, is what they say,
Speaking like this, they leave off work,
Until the chance has passed them by.

May you all be happy…

OMM assignment description dd. Feb 2024 (MSC FT Sep 2023 cohort, MSC PT feb 2023 cohort) 26

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