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1. Unit Testing
Meaning - 1. Check if each component renders without crashing.
2. Test component interactions (e.g., button clicks, form submissions).
3. Test state changes within components.
4. Test any utility functions used by components.

2. Integration Testing
Meaning - 1. Test page rendering and layout.
2. Simulate user interactions and test resulting behavior.
3. Test data fetching and rendering.

3. End-to-End Testing
Meaning - 1. Simulate user journeys through the application.
2. Test complete workflows, such as logging in, navigating pages, and
logging out.
3. Validate the state of the application after user interactions.


Meaning - 1. Test API endpoints for correct responses.
2. Mock API calls and test how components handle different responses.

5. Snapshot Testing
Meaning - 1. Capture snapshots of rendered components or pages.
2. Detect unintended changes in the UI.

6. Accessibility Testing
Meaning - 1. Use tools like Axe to check for accessibility issues

For testing we are using libraries Jest, React Testing Library And Cypress

Security Testing
We are also going to test for data leakage, user data security, database

Bundling the dashboard

step - 1: next build
step - 2: tar -czvf nextjs-admin-dashboard.tar.gz build/

For monitoring bundling and after deployment errors we are going to use - Next.js +
Webpack Bundle Analyzer

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