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Today is the first day of our OJT (on the job training). When we say On-
the-job training (OJT) it is a hands-on approach to learning new abilities and
skills for a job in a real, or nearly real, working setting. It is frequently used to
learn how to operate tools or equipment in a simulated, live-work practice, or
training environment. Ma’am Hannah checked our requirements first like medical
Certificate in which it is very important for our safety, like to those people who
has asthma they will not be assigned in the field where there are a lot of dust or
some things that could trigger their asthma. After that she assigned us to different
supervisors. I was assigned in PMEAO and our supervisor is Engr. Millan. Then
Ma’am Hannah said that tomorrow we will meet our supervisor Engr. Millan to
give us orientation. I am looking forward in this OJT. Hopefully, I will learn a lot
from this training.

Second day of our OJT (on the job training). We already met Engr. Millan.
He oriented us about what to do in the site. He suggested also that we should
wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when we are going to site inspection.
Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a clothing that protects the eyes, head,
ears, hands, respiratory system, body, and feet. It is used to protect people from
damage and infection while also limiting their exposure to chemical, biological,
and physical threats. When administrative and engineering precautions are
insufficient to reduce or eliminate risks, personal protective equipment (PPE)
serves as the last line of defense. When we are wearing personal protective
equipment, we prevent unnecessary injury in the site and protect ourselves from
excessive chemical exposure. Engr. Millan also discussed to us the do’s and
don’ts during site inspection. First is when we enter a construction site, make
sure we have the PPE we need. PPE is important. Second, “Do not put yourself
or others at risk”. “One wrong move on a construction site could put you in
danger”. Create and maintain proper health and safety behaviors. We are
responsible for our behavior. Construction sites are dangerous places to work
make sure you remain safety aware throughout your shift. That is all the
reminders Engr. discussed to us. And for us to be safe and to make sure that we
will not cause any trouble during our site inspection we should follow all the
safety precautions Engr. Millan discussed.
On our day three since we still don’t have our personal protective
equipment (PPE’s), Ma’am Hannah just gave us a task. Our task is to use
STAAD. She gave us a module, every after the module there is an activity for us
to work on. The module contain introduction to STAAD. STAAD is a program for
structural analysis and design that Research Engineers International first created
in 1997. Bentley Systems acquired Research Engineers International before the
end of 2005. It is among the most popular structural analysis and design software
programs in the world. It supports more than 90 international design regulations
for steel, concrete, wood, and aluminum. It may use traditional static analysis as
well as more contemporary analytical techniques like p-delta analysis, geometric
non-linear analysis, Pushover analysis (Static-Non Linear Analysis), or a buckling
analysis. It can also leverage a variety of dynamic analytic techniques, including
response spectrum analysis and time history analysis. Both user-defined spectra
and a number of international codes-specified spectra are supported by the
response spectrum analysis capability.
We will first learn the different command of STAAD and familiarized it.
Then tomorrow we will start to work on the activity Ma’am Hannah gave us.

This day our group is going to do the module 1 which is the
STRUCTURAL GEOMETRY 1. The structural components in STAAD.Pro may be
modeled using plate elements and frame elements. Identification and description
of joints or nodes are the two processes that typically make up modeling the
geometry of a structure. the specification of connectedness (incidences) between
joints to model parts or elements. When creating schematic drawings, we use
geometry to partition the space. To produce intricate patterns or abstract visuals,
artists use repetitive sequences like fractals or cubes. Professional designers
also use symmetrical layouts, symbols, and shapes to balance and visually
enliven pages.
While we are working on STAAD, I have realized that it’s kind of hard
because it has many commands but when we master it. Then it will be easier for
us to work on it.
I think this day will be one of my unforgettable experiences in my OJT period. I

woke up late and rushed the things needed to prepare before going to school for OJT,

which is not new to me. Our instructor arrived and discussed some important matters

on what we should do today and what to take note if deployed in field. I thought

everything will be great but after the discussion, our instructor announced who will

be the members to do inspection for today and surprisingly, we were one of the

groups assigned for today. I did not expect that we are one of the groups to do

inspection since we are not in the schedule sent last night by our dear instructor.

We were on sweat because of rushing along with our protective gears. We

immediately go to the assigned project, and we thought the other group already

started the field inspection. Fortunately, we were able to catch up the inspection

starting. As we arrived, I felt the excitement and curiosity. We met the foreman and

the one in charge in the monitoring of the project. He was able to answer all the

questions we had thrown to him. He told us that he is more than 30 years on his line

of work so yeah, he knows all. He oriented us what is the project all about and

accompanied us to the project and introduced what are those things we are seeing.

The thing that catches our attention that makes this day unforgettable was we able to

observe how he handle his men around site. He was also able to explain how and

why to handle workers around site because according to him, the key to success of a

firm is the management of people which we strongly agree.

DAY 20
In the morning, 01
In the afternoon,
10 Today Maam Elline toured us to the different sites where we are going to
do a site visit during our OJT period. During the tour, I gathered valuable
information regarding the construction site that we were going to visit. Then
Maam Elline gave us our first task. Our group’s first task is to estimate the
Science Building. Maam Elline explained that the science building is not safe
anymore because some of the slabs need to be repaired, particularly on the third
floor. This information will be crucial because it is aligned with us civil engineering
students. The task given to us is very helpful to us because the theoretical
knowledge we learned will be applied in real-life situations. By that, we will not be
just imagining but we will apply what we have learned during our lecture.
This task may be hard, but I think it will help me to apply the
different lessons I have learned. Particularly in RCD (Reinforced Concrete
Design) and Quantity Surveying. Because in Reinforced Concrete Design
involves figuring out the loads that the structure will be subjected to and using
those loads to figure out the needed strength of the reinforcement steel and
concrete. While in quantity surveying helps me pay special attention to the
project's budget and contractual arrangements and it will help me make sure that
the financial position of construction projects is accurately reported and
controlled effectively. I may not perform it perfectly, but I know Engr. Millan will
help us to do our task and guide us to do it correctly. This task will help me
develop my way of calculating how much supplies, resources, and particularly
project expenses are needed to build a construction project.


12 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

13 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 10
14 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 16
24 In the morning
In the afternoon,

DAY 17
25 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 18
26 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 19
27 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 20
28 In the morning,
In the afternoon,
DAY 21
31 In the morning
In the afternoon,

DAY 22
01 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 23
02 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 24
03 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 25
04 In the morning,
In the afternoon,
DAY 26
07 In the morning
In the afternoon,

DAY 27
08 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 28
09 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 29
10 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

DAY 30
11 In the morning,
In the afternoon,

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